Kenseth. The age of the marvelous. Hanover, N.H.: Hood Museum
of Art; Chicago: distributed by the University of Chicago Press,
book served as the catalog of an exhibition of the same name;
it is copiously illustrated and includes knowledgeable essays
on the many aspects of collecting fever that swept through Europe
during the Renaissance.
Impey & Arthur MacGregor. The origins of museums: The cabinet
of curiosities in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Europe.
Oxford, Eng.: Clarendon Press, 1985.
published papers of a conference, this volume presents a wide
array of specific studies, with a particular focus on natural-history
Bedini. "The evolution of science museums," in Technology
and culture, vol.6 (1965), p.1-29.
survey of known collections from the 1500s through the nineteenth
century, with a useful chart summarizing key dates and subjects.
C. Ritterbush. "Art and science as influences on the early
development of natural history collections," in Proceedings
of the Biological Society of Washington, vol.82 (1969), p.561-578.
Society's symposium on "Natural History Collections, Past
- Present - Future" (see entry below) included this paper
about early cabinets of curiosities and about one actual cabinet
from the 17th century at the Smithsonian Institution.
History Collections, Past - Present - Future." Proceedings
of the Biological Society of Washington, vol.82 (1969), p.559-762.
papers presented at a symposium sponsored by the Biological Society
of Washington (D.C.) cover a range of natural-history collections
and issues, especially their use in scientific research (for example,
Richard L. Zusi's "The role of museum collections in ornithological
