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[p. 95]


A = Annual Report. B = Bulletin. C = Contributions to North American Ethnology. I =Introductions. M = Miscellaneous Publications. P = Publications of the Institute of Social Anthropology.

MacCauley, Clay. The Seminole Indians of Florida A 5, 469.
[p. 96]
Madeira headwaters, Tribes of eastern Bolivia and the (Métraux). B 143, vol. 3, pp. 381-454.
Madison, Lee G., Caldwell, Warren W., and Golden, Bernard. Archeological investigation at the Hickey Brothers site (39LM4), Big Bend Reservoir, Lyman County, South Dakota. B 189, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 36.
Maidu language. See Bulletin 40 (pt. 1).
Maine, Wawenock myth texts from (Speck) A 43, 165.
Maize from the Phillips Ranch sites (Nickerson and Hou). B 158, 180.
Malalí linguistic families. See Mashacali, Patashó, and Malalí linguistic families (Métraux and Nimuendajú).
Mallery, Garrick:

    A collection of gesture-signs and signals of the North American Indians, with some comparisons.

M 1.
Introduction to the study of sign language among North American Indians as illustrating gesture speech of mankind. I 3.
Pictographs of the North American Indians; a preliminary paper. A 4, 3.
    Picture-writing of the American Indians
A 10, 3.
    Sign language among North American Indians compared with that among other peoples and deaf mutes.
A 1, 263.
Malouf, Carling. Crow-Flies-High (32MZ1), a historic Kidatsa village in the Garrison Reservoir Area, North Dakota. B 185, Riv. Pas. Surv. Pap. No. 29.
Man, early:
    in North America, Skeletal remains of (Hrdlicka)
B 33, 66.
    in South America, (Hrdlicka and others)
B 52.
Man, Primitive, in Argentina. The present status of the theories concerning (Frenguelli). B 143, vol. 6, pp. 11-17.
Mandan and Hidatsa music (Densmore) B 80.
Mandan culture history, An interpretation of (Wood) B 198, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 39.
    Linguistic, in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology, Catalogue of (Pilling).
A 1, 553.
    Notes on certain Maya and Mexican (Thomas)
A 3, 3.
Manuscript Troano, A study of the (Thomas) C 5.
Map of linguistic stocks north of Mexico (Powell)M 4 and 7.
Marginal tribes, Tropical Forest and, Property among the (Lowie). B 143, vol. 5, pp. 351-367.
Marginal tribes, Tropical Forest and, Social and political organization of the (Lowie). B 143, vol. 5, pp. 313-350.
Markets and fairs in Perú, Indian (Valcárcel) B 143, vol. 2, pp. 477-482.
Márquez Miranda, Fernando:
    The Chaco-Santiagueño culture
B 143, vol. 2, pp. 655-660.
    The Diaguita of Argentina
B 143, vol. 2, pp. 637-654.
[p. 97]
Mashacalí, Patashó, and Malalí linguistic families, The (Métraux and Nimuendajú). B 143, vol. 1, pp. 541-545.
Masks, labrets, and certain aboriginal customs (Dall) A 3, 67.
Mason, J. Alden. The languages of South American Indians. B 143, vol. 6, pp. 157-317.
Massachusetts. See Natick.
Massey, William C., and Heizer, Robert F. Aboriginal navigation of the coasts of Upper and Baja Califomia. B 151, Anthrop. Pap. No. 39.
Mattes, Merrill J. Historic sites archeology on the Upper Missouri. B 176, Riv. Pas. Surv. Pap. No. 15.
Matthews, Washington:
    Navajo silversmiths
A 2, 167.
    Navajo weavers
A 3, 371.
    The mountain chant: A Navajo ceremony
A 5, 379.
Matto Grosso, western, native tribes of (Métraux) B 134.
Mattos, Anibal. Lagoa Santa Man B 143, vol. 1, pp. 399-400.
Maué and Arapium, The (Nimuendajú) B 143, vol. 3, pp. 245-254.
Maya and Mexican manuscripts, Notes on certain (Thomas) . A 3, 3.
Maya codices, Aids to the study of the (Thomas). A 6, 253.
Maya hieroglyphs, An introduction to the study of (Morley). B 57
Maya Indians, The, of southern Yucatan and northern British Honduras (Gann). B 64.
Mayan antiquities, calendar systems, and history. See Bulletin 28.
Mayan calendar systems (Thomas) A 19, 693, and 22 (pt. 1), 197.
Mayas, Graphic system and ancient methods of the (Brinton). C 5 (pt. 3), XVII.
See also Maya Indians.
Maya year, Day symbols of the (Thomas) A 16, 199.
Maya year, The (Thomas) B 18.
McBryde, Felix Webster. Cultural and historical geography of southwest Guatemala. P 4.
McCorkle, Thomas; Beals, Ralph L.;and Carrasco, Pedro. Houses and house use of the Sierra Tarascans. P 1.
McCown, Theodore D. The antiquity of man in South America. B 143, vol. 6, pp. 1-9.
McDermott, John Francis, editor. Journal of an expedition to the Mauvaises Terres and the Upper Missouri in 1850 (Culbertson). B 147.
McGee, W. J.
    Preface to The Pamunkey Indians of Virginia (Pollard).
B 17.
    Prefatory note to the Maya year (Thomas)
B 18.
    Primitive numbers
A 19, 821.
    The Seri Indians
A 17, 1.
    The Siouan Indians
A 15, 153.
    and Muñiz, Manuel Antonio. Primitive trephining in Peru.
A 16, 3.
[p. 98]
McGeein, Donald F., Laguna, Frederica de, et al. Archeology of the Yakutat Bay area, Alaska. B 192.
McLeod, B. H. Examination of copper artifacts from the McNary site, Oregon (appendix 4). B 166.
McNary Reservoir, The: A study in Plateau archeology (Shiner). B 179, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 23.
Measures, weights, and calendars, Numbers (Bennett) B 143, vol. 5, pp. 601-610.
Medical observations among southwestern Indians (Hrdlicka). B 34.
Medical practices (Ackerknecht) B 143, vol. 5, pp.621-643.
Medical practices of the Creek Indians, Religious beliefs and (Swanton). A 42, 473.
Medicinal prescriptions, The Swimmer manuscript: Cherokee sacred formulas and (Mooney and Olbrechts). B 99.
Medicine bundles of the Florida Seminole and the Green Corn Dance, The (Capron). B 151, Anthrop.Pap.No. 35.
Medicine-men of the Apache, The (Bourke) A 9, 443.
Meggers, Betty J. The archeology of the Amazon Basin. B 143, vol. 3, pp. 149-166.
    and Evans, Clifford.
      Archeological investigations at the mouth of the Amazon.
B 167.
      Archeological investigations in British Guiana, South America.
B 177.
Menominee music (Densmore) B 102.
Menomini Indians, The (Hoffman) A 14, 3.
Mesa Verde National Park, Antiquities of:
    Cliff Palace (Fewkes)
B 51.
    Spruce-tree House (Fewkes)
B 41.
Meso-American Division, The (Johnson) B 143, vol. 4, pp. 199-204.
Mestizos of South America (Steggerda) B 143, vol. 6, pp. 105-109.
Mestizo types, Brazilian (Pourchet) B 143, vol. 6, pp. 111-120.
Metallurgy (Root) B 143,vol. 5, pp. 205-225.
Metals, use of gold and other, among the ancient inhabitants of Chiriqui (Holmes). B 3.
Metcalf, George:
    Small sites on and about Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, Garrison Reservoir, North Dakota.
B 185, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 26.
    Star Village: A fortified historic Arikara site in Mercer County, North Dakota.
B 185, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 27.
Métraux, AIfred:
    Bark cloth
B 143, vol. 5, pp. 67-68.
    Boys' initiation rites
B 143, vol. 5, pp. 375-382.
[p. 99]
    Ethnography of the Chaco
B 143, vol. 1, pp. 197-370.
    Jesuit missions in South America
B 143, vol. 5, pp. 645-653.
    Religion and shamanism
B 143, vol. 5, pp. 559-599.
B 143, vol. 5, pp. 227-228.
    The Botocudo
B 143, vol. 1, pp. 531-540.
    The Caingang
B 143, vol. 1, pp. 445-475.
    The couvade
B 143, vol. 5, pp. 369-374.
    The Fulnio
B 143,vol. 1, p. 571.
    The Guaitacá
B 143, vol. 1, pp. 521-522.
    The Guaraní
B 143, vol. 3, pp. 69-94.
    The Guató
B 143, vol. 1, pp. 409-418.
    The hunting and gathering tribes of the Rio Negro Basin.
B 143, vol. 3, pp. 861-867.
    The native tribes of eastern Bolivia and western Matto Grosso.
B 134.
    The Paressí
B 143, vol. 3, pp. 349-360.
    The Purí-Coroado linguistic family
B 143, vol. 1, pp. 523-530.
    The Teremembé
B 143, vol. 1, pp. 573-574.
    The Tupinamba
B 143, vol. 3, pp. 95-133.
    Tribes of eastern Bolivia and the Madeira headwaters.
B 143, vol. 3, pp. 381-454.

    Tribes of the eastern slopes of the Bolivian Andes

B 143, vol. 3, pp. 465-506.
    Tribes of the Juruá-Purús Basins
B 143, vol. 3, pp. 657-686.
    Tribes of the middle and upper Amazon River
B 143, vol. 3, pp. 687-712.
    Warfare, cannibalism, and human trophies
B 143, vol. 5, pp. 383-409.
B 143,vol. 5, pp. 229-263.
    and Baldus, Herbert. The Guayakí
B 143, vol. 1, pp. 435-444.
    and Kirchoff, Paul. The northeastern extension of Andean culture.
B 143, vol. 4, pp. 349-369.
    and Nimuendajú:, Curt:
      The Camacan linguistic family
B 143, vol. 1, pp. 547-552.
      The Mashacilí, Patashó, and Malalí linguistic families.
B 143, vol. 1, pp. 541-545.
[p. 100]

    See also Armstrong, John M., and Métraux Alfred; Nimuendajú, Curt, and Métraux Alfred; and Steward, Julian H., and Métraux, Alfred.

Mexican and Central American antiquities and calendar systems (Seler and others). B 28.
Mexican and Maya manuscripts, Notes on certain (Thomas) A 3, 3.
Mexico :
    and Central America, Indian languages of (Thomas amd Swanton).
B 44.
    eastern, Certain antiquities of (Fewkes)
A 25, 221.
    northeastern, Linguistic material from the tribes of southern Texas and (Swanton)
B 121.
    northern, Physiological and medical observations among the Indians of (Hrdlicka).
B 34.
    Numeral systems of (Thomas)
A 19, 853.
    Southern, Stone monuments of (Stirling)
B 138.
    Veracruz, Cerro de las Mesas, ceramic stratigraphy (Drucker)
B 141.
    Veracruz, Tres Zapotes, ceramic sequences (Drucker)
B 140.
    Veracruz, Tree Zapotes, Ceramics of (Weiant)
B 139.
    Yucatan, A description of thirty towns in (Steggerda)
B 136, Anthrop. Pap. No. 30.
Mexico D. F., Excavation of a site at Santiago Ahuitzotla (Tozzer). B 74.
Michelson, Truman:
    Autobiography of a Fox Indian woman
A 40, 291.
    Contributions to Fox ethnology
A 85.
    Contributions to Fox ethnology--II
B 95.
    Fox miscellany
B 114.
    Linguistic classification of Cree and Montagnais-Naskapi Dialects.
B 123, Anthrop. Pap. No. 8.
    Mythical origins of the White Buffalo dance of the Fox Indians
A 40, 23.
    Notes on Fox mortuary customs and beliefs
A 40, 351.
    Notes on the Buffalo-head dance of the Thunder gens of the Fox Indians.
B 87.
    Notes on the Fox society known as "Those who Worship the Little Spotted Buffalo."
A 40, 497.
    Notes on the Fox Wapanowiweni
B 105.
    Observations on the Thunder dance of the Bear gens of the Fox Indians.
B 89.
    Owl sacred pack of the Fox Indians, The
B 72.
    Preliminary report on the linguistic classification of Algonquian tribes.
A 28, 221.
    Traditional origin of the Fox society known as "The Singing Around Rite."
A 40, 541.
    What happened to Green Bear who was blessed with a sacred pack.
A 119, Anthrop. Pap. No. 4.
    See also Bulletin 40 (pt. 1).
Mide'wiwin or "Grand Medicine Society" of the Ojibwa, The (Hoffman) A 7, 143.
[p. 101]
Migration traditions, Tusayan (Fewkes) A 19, 573.
Miller, Carl F.:
    Archeological investigations at the Hosterman site (39P07), Oahe Reservoir area, Potter County, South Dakota, 1956.
B 189, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 35.
    Archeological manifestations in the Toole County section of the Tiber Reservoir Basin, Montana.
B 185, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 32.
    Archeology of the John H. Kerr Reservoir Basin, Roanoke River, Virginia-North Carolina. With appendix by Lucile E. Hoyme and William M. Bass.
B 182, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 25.
    Revaluation of the Eastern Siouan problem, with particular emphasis on the Virginia branches--the Occaneechi, the Saponi, and the Tutelo.
B 164, Anthrop. Pap. No. 52.
    The excavation and investigation of Fort Lookout Trading Post II (39LM57) in the Fort Randall Reservoir, South Dakota.
B 176, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 17.
Mills, John E. Historic sites archeology in the Fort Randall Reservoir, South Dakota. B 176, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 16.
Mindeleff, Cosmos:
    Aboriginal remains in Verde Valley, Arizona
A 13, 179.
    Case Grande ruin
A 13, 289.
    Cliff ruins of Canyon de Chelly, Arizona
A 16, 73.
    Localization of Tusayan clans
A 19, 635.
    Navaho houses
A 17, 469.
    Repair of Case Grande ruin in 1891
A 15, 315.
Mindeleff, Victor. A study of pueblo architecture: Tusayan and Cibola. A 8, 3.
Mining of gems and ornamental stones by American Indians (Ball). B 128, Anthrop. Pap. No. 13.
Mishkin, Bernard. The contemporary Quechua B 143, vol. 2, pp. 411- 470.
Miskito and Sumu Indians of Honduras and Nicaragua, Ethnographical survey of the (Conzemius). B 106.
Missions, Indian, north of Mexico (Mooney) M 9.
Missions, Jesuit, in South America (Métraux) B 143, vol. 5, pp. 645-653.
Mississippi, archeological survey of Pickwick Basin in (Webb and DeJarnette). B 129, pp. 1-325.
Mississippi, Pickwick Basin, geology of (Jones) B 129, 327.
Mississippi Valley:
    Ancient pottery of the (Holmes)
A 4, 361.
    Animal carvings from mounds of the (Henshaw)
A 2, 117.
    Lower, Indian tribes of (Swanton)
B 43.
Missouri, central:
    Cave explorations in the Ozark region of (Fowke)
B 76.
    and southeastern, Antiquities of (Fowke)
B 37.
Missouri, the Upper, Indian tribes of (Denig) A 46, 375.
Missouri River, Explorations along the (Fowke) B 76.
Missouri River region, Uses of plants by Indians of (Gilmore). A 33, 43.
Mnemonic and recording devices (Bennett) B 143, vol. 5, pp. 611-619.
[p. 102]
Moche: a Peruvian coastal community (Gillin) P 3.
Modal personality structure of the Tuscarora Indians as revealed by the Rorschach test, The (Wallace). B 150.
Moguex-Coconuco, The (Lehmann) B 143, vol. 2, pp. 969- 974.
Mohave ethnopsychiatry and suicide: The psychiatric knowledge and the psychic disturbances of an Indian tribe (Devereux). B 175.
Mohegan-Pequot diary, Native tribes and dialects of Connecticut: A (Speck). A 43, 199.
Mollusks found in the shell mounds of the Pickwick Landing Basin in the Tennessee River valley (Morrison). B 129, 337.
Montagnais-Naskapi dialects, linguistic classification of (Michelson). B 123.
Montanã Tribes of the: An introduction (Steward) B 143, vol. 3, pp. 507-533.
Montaña, Tribes of the Peruvian and Ecuadorian (Steward). B 143, vol. 3, pp. 535-656.
Monuments of southern Mexico, Stone (Stirling) B 138.
Mooney, James:
    Calendar history of the Kiowa Indians
A 17, 129.
    Indian missions north of Mexico
M 9.
    Linguistic families of Indian tribes north of Mexico
M 3.
    Myths of the Cherokee
A 19, 3.
    Sacred formulas of the Cherokees
A 7, 301.
    Siouan tribes of the East
B 22.
    The Ghost-dance religion, and the Sioux out-break of 1890.
A 14, 641.
    and Olbrechts, Frans M. The Swimmer manuscript: Cherokee sacred formulas and medicinal prescriptions, by James Mooney; revised, completed and edited by Frans M. Olbrechts.
B 99.
Morgen, Lewis H. Houses and house-life of the American aborigines. C 4.
Morgan, Lewis Henry, Tonawanda longhouse ceremonies ninety years after (Fenton). B 128, Anthrop. Pap. No. 15.
Morley, Sylvanus G. An introduction to the study of the Maya hieroglyphs. B 57.
Morris, Earl H. Preliminary account of the antiquities of the region between the Mancos and La Plata Rivers in southwestern Colorado. A 33, 155.
Morrison, J. P. E. Preliminary report on mollusks found in the shell mounds of the Pickwick Basin in the Tennessee River valley. B 129, pp. 337-392.
Mortuary Customs:
    and beliefs, Notes on Fox (Michelson)
A 40, 351.
    Introduction to the study of (Yarrow)
I 4.
    of the North American Indians (Yarrow)
A 1, 87.
    See also Burials.
Mosquito, Sumo, Pays, and Jicaque, The
The Caribbean Lowland tribes: (Kirchhoff).
B 143, vol. 4, pp. 219-229.
[p. 103]
Mound explorations of the Bureau of Ethnology (Thomas). A 12, 3; B 4.
    Aboriginal house (Fowke)
B 76.
    Burial, of the northern sections of the United States (Thomas).
A 5, 3.
    Exploration of an Adena Mound at Natrium, West Virginia (Solecki).
B 151, Anthrop. Pap. No. 40.
    in northern Honduras (Gann)
A 19, 655.
    of the Mississippi Valley, Animal carvings from (Henshaw) .
A 2, 117.
    Ohio, The problem of the (Thomas)
B 8.
    prehistoric, east of the Rocky Mountains, Catalogue of (Thomas).
B 12.
    Ormond Beach Mound, East Central Florida (Jennings, Willey, and Newman).
B 164, Anthrop. Pap. No. 49.
    Rembert mounds, Elbert County, Georgia (Caldwell).
B 154, 303-320.
    The Troyville, Catahoula Parish, La. (Walker)
B 113.
Mountain chant: A Navajo ceremony (Matthews) A 5, 379.
Mundurucú, The (Horton) B 143, vol. 3, pp. 271- 282.
Muñiz, Manuel Antonio, and McGee, W J. Primitive trephining in Peru. A 16, 3.
Mura and Pirahá, The (Nimuendajú) B 143, vol. 3, pp. 255-269.
Murdoch, John:
    Ethnological results of the Point Barrow expedition
A 9, 3.
    editor. Ethnology of the Ungava district, Hudson Bay Territory (Turner).
A 11, 159.
Murie, R. James. See Annual Report 22, pt. 2, p. 5.
Murra, John:
    The Cayapa and Colorado
B 143, vol. 4, pp. 277-291.
    The historic tribes of Ecuador
B 143, vol. 2, pp. 785-821.
    Chippewa (Densmore)
B 45, 53.
    Choctaw (Densmore)
B 136, Anthrop. Pap. No. 28.
    Eskimo. See Boas, 6th Annual Report, pp. 648-658.
    Hawaiian (Emerson)
B 38.
    Indians of British Columbia (Densmore)
B 136, Anthrop. Pap. No. 27.
    Mandan and Hidatsa (Densmore)
B 80.
    Menominee (Densmore)
B 102.
    Nootka and Quileute (Densmore)
B 124.
    Northern Ute (Densmore)
B 75.
    of Acoma, Isleta, Cochiti, and Zuñi Pueblos (Densmore).
B 165.
    Papago (Densmore)
B 90.
    Pawnee (Densmore)
B 93.
[p. 104]
    Seminole (Densmore)
B 161.
    Technique in the music of the American Indian (Densmore).
B 151, Anthrop. Pap. No. 36.
    Teton Sioux (Densmore)
B 61.
    Yuman and Yaqui (Densmore)
B 110.
    See also Songs.
Muskhogean languages, Bibliography of the (Pilling) B 9.
Mutilation in South American Indian skeletal remains, Deformity, trephining, and (Stewart). B 143, vol. 6, pp. 43-48.
Myer, William Edward:
    Indian trails of the Southeast
A 42, 727.
    Two prehistoric villages in Middle Tennessee
A 41, 485.
Mythical origin of the White Buffalo dance of the Fox Indians (Michelson). A 40, 23.
Mythology :
    of the North American Indians (Powell)
A 1, 17.
    Tsimshian (Boas)
A 31, 29.
Myths :
    Acoma origin (Stirling)
B 135.
    Alsea texts and (Frachtenberg)
B 67.
    and tales of the Southeastern Indians (Swanton)
B 88.
    Dîné, The: Origin myths of the Navaho Indians (O'Bryan).
B 163.
    Karuk Indian (Harrington)
B 107.
    Kutenai tales (Boas and Chamberlain)
B 59.
    of the Cherokee (Mooney)
A 19, 3.
    of the Haida (Swanton)
B 29.
    of the Iroquois (Smith)
A 2,47.
    of the Tlingit (Swanton)
B 39.
    Seneca fiction, legends, and (Curtin and Hewitt)
A 32, 37.
    Shoshoni, Some western (Steward)
B 136, Anthrop. Pap. No. 31.
    Zuñii creation, Outlines of (Cushing)
A 13, 321.
    Zuñi origin (Bunzel)
A 47, 545.

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