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[p. 92]


A = Annual Report. B = Bulletin. C = Contributions to North American Ethnology. I =Introductions. M = Miscellaneous Publications. P = Publications of the Institute of Social Anthropology.

LaBarre, Weston. The Uru-Chipaya B 143, vol. 2, pp, 575-585.
Labrets, masks, and certain aboriginal customs (Dall) A 3, 67.
La Candelaria, The culture of (Willey) B 143, vol. 2, pp. 661-672.
Ladd, John. Archeological investigations in the Parita and Santa Maria zones of Panama B 193.
La Flesche, Francis:

    A dictionary of the Osage language

B 109.

    The Osage tribe: Rite of the chiefs; sayings of the ancient men

A 36, 37.
[p. 93]

    The Osage tribe: Rite of the Wa-xo'-be

A 45, 523.

    The Osage tribe: The rite of vigil

A 39, 31.

    The Osage tribe: Two versions of the child-naming rite.

A 43, 23.

    War cermony and peace ceremony of the Osage Indians.

B 101.

    and Fletcher, Alice C. The Omaha Tribe

A 27,17.
Lagoa Santa Man (Mattos) B 143,vol. 1, pp.399-400.
Laguna, Frederica de:
    The story of a Tlingit community: A problem in the relationship between archeological, ethnological, and historical methods.
B 172.
    and Riddle, Francis A., McGeein, Donald F., Lane, Kenneth S., and Freed, J. Arthur. Archeology of the Yakutat Bay area, Alaska.
B 192.
Land cessions, Indian, in the United States (Royce and Thomas). A 18 (pt. 2), 521.
Landy, David. First comment on Charles H. Holzinger's "Some Observations on the Persistence of Aboriginal Cherokee Personality Traits." B 180, pp. 239-246.
Lane, Kenneth S. Laguna, Frederica de, et al. Archeology of the Yakutat Bay area, Alaska. B 192.

    Evolution of (Powell)

A 1,1.

    Of Santa Ana Pueblo, The (Davis).

B 191, Anthrop. Pap. No. 69.

    Philology, or the science of (Powell)


    The Cegiha, (Dorsey)

C 6.
    Handbook of Indian (Boas, editor)
B 40.
    Indian, of Mexico and Central America (Thomas and Swanton).
B 44.
    Introduction to the study of Indian (Powell)
I 1 and 2.
    Method of recording Indian (Dorsey, Gatschet, and Riggs).
A 1, 579.
    Of South American Indians, The (Mason)
B 143, vo1.8, pp. 157-317.
    Of southwestern Colombia, The native tribes and (Ortíz).
B 143, vol. 2, pp. 911-914.
    of the North American Indians, Proof-sheets of a bibliography of the (Pilling).
M 2.
    Structural and lexical comparison of the Tunica, Chitimacha, and Atakapa (Swanton).
B 68.
    See also Bibliography; Dictionary; Grammar; Texts; Vocabulary.
La Plata Littoral, Indians of the Paraná Delta and (Lothrop). B 143, vol. 1, pp. 177-190.
Larco Hoyle, Rafael. A culture sequence for the North Coast of Perú. B 143, vo1.2, pp. 149-175.
La Venta, Tabasco: A study of Olmec ceramics and art (Drucker). With a chapter on structural investigations in 1943 (Wedel), and appendix on technological analyses (Shepard). B 153.
[p. 94]
Legends, and myths, Seneca fiction (Hewitt) A 32, 37.
Lehmann, Henri:

    The archeology of the Popayán region, Colombia

B 143, vol. 2, pp. 861-864.

    The Moguex-Coconuco

B 143, vol. 2, pp. 969-974.
Lehmer, Donald J. Archeological investigations in the Oahe Dam area, South Dakota, 1950-51. B 158, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 7.
Lemhi Shoshoni physical therapy (Steward) B 119, Anthrop. Pap.No. 5.
Lenape, or Delawares, Physical anthropology of the (Hrdlicka). B 62.
Lenca, The. The Northern Highland tribes: (Stone) B 143, vo1.4, pp. 205-217.
Leopold, A. Starker. The range of the jaguar in Mexico (appendix 5). B 170.
Letters, Omaha and Ponka (Dorsey) B 11.
Letters to Jack Wilson, the Paiute Prophet, written between 1908 and 1911, edited and with an introduction by Grace M. Dangberg. B 164, Anthrop. Pap. No. 55.
Lévi-Strauss, Claude:

    The Nambicuara

B 143, vol. 3, pp. 361-369.

    The Tupí-Cawahíb

B 143, vol. 3, pp. 299-305.

    The use of wild plants in tropical South America

B 143, vol. 6, pp. 465-486.

    Tribes of the right bank of the Guaporé River

B 143, vol. 3, pp. 371-379.

    Tribes of the upper Xingú River

B 143, vol. 3, pp.321-348.
Lexicology, Comparative [of the Serian and Yuman languages] (Hewitt). A 17, pt. 1, 299*.
Limitations to the use of some anthropologic data (Powell)A1, 71.
Linguistic classification of Algonquian tribes, Preliminary report on the (Michelson). A 28, 221.
Linguistic classification of Cree and Montagnais-Naskapi dialects (Michelson). B 123, Anthrop. Pap. No. 8.
Linguistic families:

    of America north of Mexico, Indian (Powell)

A 7, 1.

    of the Indian tribes north of Mexico (Mooney)

M 3.
    See also Bulletin 44.
Linguistic manuscripts in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology, Catalogue of (Filling). A 1, 553.
Linguistic material from the tribes of southern Texas and northeastern Mexico (Swanton). B 127.
Linguistic stocks north of Mexico, Map of (Powell) M 4, 7.
Lipkind, William. The Carajá B 143, vol. 3, pp. 179-191.
[p. 95]
List of publications of the Bureau of American Ethnology, with index to authors and titles.(See also Bulletin 178.)3 B
24, 31, 36, 49, 58, 200;
17, 20, 28, 30;
Literature of Hawaii, Unwritten (Emerson) B 38.
Local diversity in Iroquois music and dance (Kurath) B 149, 109-137.
Locality as a basic factor in the development of Iroquois social structure (Fenton). B 149, 35-54.
Lothrop, Samuel K.:
    Indians of the Paraná Delta and La Plata Littoral
B 143, vol. 1, pp.177-190.
    The archeology of Panamá
B 143, vol. 4, pp. 143-167.
    The Diaguita of Chile
B 143, vol. 2, pp. 633-636.
    The tribes west and south of the Panamá Canal
B 143, vol. 4, pp. 253-256.
Louisiana :

    Choctaw of Bayou Lacomb (Bushnell).

B 48.

    Search for songs among the Chitimacha Indians in, (Densmore).

B 133, Anthrop. Pap. No. 19.

    The Troyville mounds, Catahoula Parish (Walker)

B 113.
Lounsbury, Floyd G. Iroquois-Cherokee linguistic relations. B 180, pp. 9-17.
Lowie, Robert H.:

    Eastern Brazil: An introduction

B 143, vol. 1, pp. 381-397.
    Property among the Tropical Forest and Marginal tribes (Lowie).
B 143, vol. 5, pp. 351-367.
    Social and political organization of the Tropical Forest and Marginal tribes.
B 143, vol. 5, pp. 313-350.

    The Bororo

B 143, vol. 1, pp. 419- 434.

    The Cariri

B 143, vol. 1, pp. 557-559.

    T'he Guck

B 143, vol. 1, p. 569.

    The Jeico

B 143, vol. 1, p. 567.

    The Northwestern and Central Ge

B 143, vol. 1, pp. 477-517.
    The Pancararú
B 143,vol. 1, p. 561.
    The Southern Cayapó
B 143, vol. 1, pp. 519-520.
    The Tarairiu
B 143, vol. 1, pp. 563-566.
    The Tropical Forests: An introduction
B 143, vol. 3, pp. 1-56.

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