Systema Historicum
Ioachimum Ioannem Nep. Antonium Spalowsky,
Artium Liberalium Nec non Philosophiae Ac Medicinae
Doctorem Regiminisque Civitatis Caes. Regiae Medicum,
Societatis Regiae Scientiarum per Bohemiam Membri.
Vollständigen Systematischen
Der Schalthiergehäuse
Joachim Johann Nepomuk Anton Spalowsky,
Der Freyen Künste Und Weltweisheit, Wie Auch Der Arzeneykunde
Doctor, Und Erstem Stabsmedicus Des Löbl. Bürgerlichen
Regiments Der K. K. Residentzstadt Wien, Der K. B�hm.
Gesellschaft Der Wissenschaften Mitgliede.
gedruckt bey Ignaz Alberti's Wittwe.

Bibliographic Description by Leslie Overstreet

Taxa List

Smithsonian Institution Libraries
Digital Edition, 1999

Author:Spalowsky, Joachim Johann Nepomuk, 1752-1797.
Title:Prodromus in systema historicum testaceorum per Ioachimum Ioannem Nep. Antonium Spalowsky ... = Vorschmack einer vollständigen systematischen Geschichte der Schalthiergehäuse / von Joachim Johann Nepomuk Anton Spalowsky ...
Published:Wien : Gedruckt bey Ignaz Alberti's Wittwe, 1795.
Description:[14], IV, 88 p., [1], XIII leaves of plates : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 42 cm. (fol.)
Subject:Mollusks --Early works to 1800.
Mollusks --Pictorial works.
Other Titles:Vorschmack einer vollständigen systematischen Geschichte der Schalthiergehäuse.

Notes:Parallel Latin and German texts, in double columns.
Signatures: *2 (*1+[chi]2) **2 ***1 )(2 A-Y2 ; 1 l. pl., 13 lvs.tissue, 13 lvs.pls..
[See "Bibliographic Description" for full collation]
Hand-colored ill.
Each plate accompanied by tissue guardsheet with letterpress description, not counted in pagination statement.
Dedicatory letter to Prince Carl Ludwig from Anna von Spalowsky dated "Wien den 26. August 1801" on p. [6] (1st group).
Armorial bookplate: Bibliotheque des Herrn Grafen von Schönborn Buchheim.
Old, spattered grey paperboard binding; gilt-tooled spine with binder's title, which reads: Vorschmack e. Geschichte d. Schalthier Gehaeuse v. Spalowsky.
Gilt-stamped shelfmark at foot of spine: I. 11. 294.
Armorial paper label pasted on upper left of front cover, with shelfmark: 10.132.
Bookplate: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Purchased with support from the Collections Acquisition Fund, the Special Collections Endowment, and the Division of Mollusks, National Museum of Natural History.
Location:Special Collections (Dibner)
Call Number:f QL404 .S734 1795