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[p. 79]


A = Annual Report. B = Bulletin. C = Contributions to North American Ethnology. I =Introductions. M = Miscellaneous Publications. P = Publications of the Institute of Social Anthropology.

Galvão, Eduardo. See Wagley, Charles, and Galvão, Eduardo.
Gambling, Games and (Cooper) B 143, vol. 5, pp. 503-524.
Games of North American Indians (Culin) A 24, 3.
Gann, Mary. See Gann, Thomas, and Gann, Mary.
Gann, Thomas:
    Maya Indians of southern Yucatan and northern British Honduras.
B 64.
    Mounds in northern Honduras
A 19, 655.
    and Gann, Mary. Archeological investigations in the Corozal District of British Honduras. See also Cave, A. J. E.
B 123, Anthrop. Pap. No. 7.
García Valdes, Pedro. The ethnology of the Ciboney B 143, vol. 4, pp. 503-505.
Gatschet, Albert S.: Method of recording Indian languages A 1, 579.
    The Klamath Indians of southwestern Oregon
C 2.
    and Swanton, John R. A dictionary of the Atakapa language.
B 108.
[p. 80]
Ge, The Northwestern and Central (Lowie) B 143, vol. 1, pp. 477-517.
Gearing, Fred O. The rise of the Cherokee State as an instance in a class: The "Mesopotamian" career to statehood. B 180, pp. 125-134.
Gems and ornamental stones, The mining of, by American Indians (Ball). B 128, Anthrop. Pap. No. 13.
General index, annual reports of the Bureau of American Ethnology (Bonnerjea). A 48, 25.
Gentry, Howard Scott. The Warihio Indians of Sonora-Chihuahua: An ethnographic survey. B 186, Anthrop. Pap. No. 65.
Geographical pathology of Chile, The (Herzog) B 143, vol. 6, pp. 137-144.
Geography of South America, The (Sauer) B 143, vol. 6, pp. 319-344.
Geology of the Hodges site, Quay County, New Mexico (Judson). B 154, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 5, Pt. 2.
Geology of the Pickwick Basin in adjacent parts of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama (Jones). B 129, 327.
Georgia, Macon, Archeological explorations at (Kelly) B 119, Anthrop. Pap. No. 1.
Gesture signs and signals of the North American Indians (Mallery). M 1.
Gesture speech, Introduction to the study of sign language as illustrating (Mallery). I 3.
Ghost-dance religion (Mooney) A 14, 641.
Gibbs, George:
    Dictionary of the Niskwalli
C 1 (pt. 2), 285.
    Tribes of western Washington and northwestern Oregon.
C 1, 157.
    Use of numerals among the T'sim si-an'
C 1, 155.
    and Dall, W. H. Vocabularies [of tribes of the extreme Northwest].
C 1, 121.
Gifford, E. W. The Kamia of Imperial Valley B 97.
Gift of Changing Woman, The (Basso) B 196, Anthrop. Pap. No. 76.
Gila and Salt River Valleys, upper, Antiquities of (Hough). B 35.
Gilbert, William Harlen Jr. The Eastern Cherokees B 133, Anthrop. Pap. No. 23.
Gillen, John:

    Moche: A Peruvian coastal community

P 3.
    Quichua-speaking Indians of the Province of Imbabura (Ecuador) and their anthropometric relations with the living populations of the Andean area.
B 128, Anthrop. Pap. No. 16.
    Tribes of Guianas
B 143, vol. 3, pp. 799-860.
Gilmore, Melvin R. Uses of plants by Indians of the Missouri River region. A 33, 43.
Gilmore, Raymond M. Fauna and ethnozoology of South America. B 143, vol. 6, pp. 345-464.
Goajiro, The (Armstrong and Métraux) B 143, vol. 4, pp. 369-383.
[p. 81]
Goddard, P. E. See Bulletin 40 (pt. 1).
Goggin, John M. Comment on John Witthoft's "Eastern Woodlands Community Typology and Acculturation." B 180, pp. 77-81.
Gold and other metals, Use of, among the ancient inhabitants of Chiriqui (Holmes). B 3.
Golden, Bernard, and Caldwell, Warren W., and Madison, Lee G. Archeological investigations at the Hickey Brothers site (39LM4), Big Bend Reservoir, Lyman County, South Dakota. B 189, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 36.
Goldfrank, Esther S. (editor). Isleta paintings, with introduction and commentary by Elsie Clews Parsons. B 181.
Goldman, Irving. Tribes of the Uaupés Caquetá region. B 143, vol. 3, pp. 763-798.
Good Soldier site (39LM238), Big Bend Reservoir, Lyman County, South Dakota (Neuman). B 189, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 37.
Grammar, texts, and ethnography, Dakota (Riggs) C 9.
Guaymí, and dictionary with some ethnological notes. B 162.
Gran Chaco, The present-day Indians of the (Belaieff) B 143, vol. 1, pp. 371-380.
Grange, Roger T., Jr., and Smith, Carlyle S. The Spain site (39LM301), a winter village in Fort Randall Reservoir, South Dakota. B 169, Riv. Bas. Surv. No. 11.
Graphic system and ancient methods of the Mayas (Brinton). C 5 (pt. 3), XVII.
Greater Pampa, The archeology of the (Willey) B 143, vol. 1, pp. 25-46.
Great Salt Lake region, Ancient caves of the (Steward) B 116.
Green Bear who was blessed with a sacred pack (Michelson). B 119, Anthrop. Pap. No. 4.
Griffin, James B. An analysis and interpretation of the ceramic remains from two sites near Beaufort, South Carolina. B 133, Anthrop. Pap. No. 22.
Guaitacá, The (Métraux) B 143, vol. 1, pp. 521-522.
Guajá, The (Nimuendajú) B 143, vol. 3, pp. 135-136.
Guaporé River, Tribes of the right bank of the (Lévi-Strauss). B 143, vol. 3, pp. 371-379.
Guaraní, The (Métraux) B 143, vol. 3, pp. 69-94.
Guató, The (Métraux) B 143, vol. 1, pp. 409-418.
Guayakí, The (Métraux and Baldus) B 143, vol. 1, pp. 435-444.
Guaymí grammar and dictionary, with some ethnological notes (Alphonse). B 162.
Guayupé and Sae, The (Kirchoff) B 143, vol. 4, pp. 385-391.
Guck, The (Lowie) B 143, vol. 1, p. 569.
[p. 82]
Guernsey, Samuel J. See Kidder, A. V.
Guiana Indians:
    Additional studies of the arts, crafts, and customs of the, with special reference to those of southern British Guiana (Roth).
B 91.
    Animism and folk-lore of the, An inquiry into the (Roth).
A 30, 103.
    Arts, crafts, and customs of the, An introductory study of the (Roth).
A 38, 25.
Guianas, Tribes of the (Gillin) B 143, vol. 3, pp. 799-860.
Gulick, John.

    Second comment on Charles H. Holzinger's "Some Observations on the Persistence of Aboriginal Cherokee Personality Traits."

B 180, pp. 247-252.
    and Fenton, William N. (editors). Symposium on Cherokee and Iroquois culture.
B 180.
    See also Fenton, William N., and Gulick, John, editors.
Gullberg, Jonas E. Technical notes on concave mirrors (appendix 3). B 170, 280-283.
Gunnerson, James H. An introduction to Plains Apache archeology-the Dismal River Aspect. B 173, Anthrop. Pap. No. 58.

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