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[p. 58]


A = Annual Report. B = Bulletin. C = Contributions to North American Ethnology. I =Introductions. M = Miscellaneous Publications. P = Publications of the Institute of Social Anthropology.

Baldus, Herbert. See Métraux, Alfred, and Baldus, Herbert.
Ball, Sydney H. The mining of gems and ornamental stones by American Indians B 128, Anthrop. Pap. No. 13.
Bark cloth (Métraux) B 143, vol. 5, pp. 67-68.
Basal metabolic rates of South American Indians, The (Wilson) B 143, vol. 6, pp. 97-104.
Basin-plateau aboriginal sociopolitical groups (Steward). B 120.
Basket Maker site in the Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, Shabik'eshchee village, a late (Roberts) B 92.
Basketry (O'Neale) B 143, vol. 5, pp. 69-96.
Basketry, Coiled, in British Columbia and surrounding region (Haeberlin, Teit, and Roberts). A 41, 119.
Bass, William M., and Hoyme, Lucile E. Human skeletal material from site 44Mc14, Meklenburg County, and site 44Ha6, Halifax County, Virginia (appendix) B 182, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 25.
Basso, Keith H. The gift of Changing Woman B 196, Anthrop. Pap. No. 76.
Bastos, d'Avila, José. The anthropometry of the Indians of Brazil. B 143, vol. 6, pp. 71-84.
Beals, Ralph L.:
    Cherán: a Sierra Tarascan village
P 2.
    Contemporary culture of the Cáhita Indians, The.
B 142.
    and Carrasco, Pedro, and McCorkle, Thomas.

    Houses and house use of the Sierra Tarascans.

P 1.
Beckwith, Martha Warren. The Hawaiian romance of Laieikawai. A 33, 285.
[p. 59]
Belaieff, Juan. The present-day Indians of the Gran Chaco. B 143, vol. 1, pp. 371-380.
Belief of the Indian in a connection between song and the supernatural, The (Densmore) B 151, Anthrop. Pap. No. 37.
Benedict, Ruth. Tales of the Cochiti Indians B 98.
Bennett, Wendell C.:
B 143, vol. 5, pp. 53-65.
B 143, vol. 5, pp. 1-20.
    Household furniture
B 143, vol. 5, pp. 21-27.
    Mnemonic and recording devices
B 143, vol. 5, pp. 611-619.
    Numbers, measures, weights, and calendars
B 143, vol. 5, pp. 601-610.
    Religious structures
B 143, vol. 5, pp. 29-51.
    The Andean Highlands: An introduction
B 143, vol. 2, pp. 1-60.
    The archeology of Colombia
B143, vol. 2, pp. 823-850.
    The archeology of the Central Andes
B 143, vol. 2, pp. 61-147.
    The Atacameño
B 143, vol. 2, pp. 599-618.
Bering Strait, The Eskimo about (Nelson) A 18, 3.
Betoi and their neighbors, The (Hernández de Alba) B 143, vol. 4, pp. 393-398.
    of the Algonquian languages (Pilling)
B 13.
    of the Athapascan languages (Pilling)
B 14.
    of the Chinookan lnaguages (Including the Chinook jargon) (Pilling).
B 15.
    of the Eskimo language (Pilling)
B 1.
    of the Iroquoian languages (Pilling)
B 6.
    of the languages of the North American Indians, Proof sheets of (Pilling)
M 2.
    of the Muskhogean languages (Pilling)
B 9.
    of the Salishan languages (Pilling)
B 16.
    of the Siouan langauges (Pilling)
B 5.
    of the tribes of Tierra del Fuego (Cooper)
B 63.
    of the Wakashan languages (Pilling)
B 19.
Biese, Leo P. The prehistory of Panamá Viejo B 191, Anthrop. Pap. No. 68.
Biloxi-Ofo dictionary (Dorsey and Swanton) B 47.
Birchbark, Art processes in, of the River Desert Algonquin (Speck). B 128, Anthrop. Pap. No. 17.
Bird, Junius B.:
    The Alacaluf
B 143, vol. 1, pp. 55-79.
    The archeology of Patagonia
B 143, vol. 1, pp. 17-24.
[p. 60]
    The cultural sequence of the North Chilean Coast.
B 143, vol. 2, pp. 587-594.
    The historic inhabitants of the North Chilean Coast
B 143, vol. 2, pp. 595-597.
Blackfoot Indian pipes and pipemaking (Ewers) B 186, Anthrop. Pap. No. 64.
Blood groups of South American Indians (Boyd) B 143, vol. 6, pp. 91-95.
Blood revenge, war, and victory feasts among the Jibaro Indians of eastern Ecuador (Karsten). B 79.
Boas, Franz:
    Chinook texts
B 20.
    Ethnology of the Kwakiutl Indians (based on notes by George Hunt)
A 35, 42.
    Kathlamet texts
B 26.
    The Central Eskimo
B 6, 399.
    Tsimshian mythology
A 31, 29.
    Tsimshian texts
B 27.
    and Chamberlain, Alexander, Francis. Kutenai tales.
B 59.
    editor. Handbook of American Indian languages.
B 40.
See also Haeberlin, H. K.; Teit, James A.; and Roberts, Helen H.
Bogoras, Waldemar. See Bulletin 40 (pt. 2)
Bolivia, eastern, Native tribes of (Métraux) B 134.
Bolivia and the Madeira headwaters, Tribes of eastern (Métraux) B 143, vol. 3, pp. 381-454.
Bolivian Andes, Tribes of the eastern slopes of the (Métraux) B 143, vol. 3, pp. 465-506.
Bonnerjea, Biren:
    General index, annual reports of the Bureau of American Ethnology, vol. 1 to 48.
A 48, 25.
    Index to Bulletins 1-100 of the Bureau of American Ethnology.
B 178.
Bororo, The (Lowie) B 143, vol.1, pp. 419-434.
Botocudo, The (Métraux) B 143, vol. 1, pp. 531-540.
Bourke, John G. The medicine-men of the Apache A 9, 443.
Bowditch, Charles P. {Papers translated under the supervision of}. B 28.
Bowers, Alfred W. Hidatsa social and ceremonial organization. B 194.
Boyd, Mark F. Historic sites in and around the Jim Woodruff Reservoir area, Florida-Georgia.B169, 195-314.
Boyd, William C. Blood groups of South American Indians. B 143, vol. 6, pp. 91-95.
Brand, Donald D. Quiroga: A Mexican municipio P 11.
Brazil, Eastern: An introduction (Lowie) B 143, vol. 1, pp. 381-397.
Brazil, The anthropometry of the Indians of (Bastos d'Avila) B 143, vol. 6, pp. 71-84.
Brinton, Daniel G. The graphic system and ancient methods of the Mayas C 5 (pt 3), XVII.
[p. 61
British Columbia, Music of Indians of (Densmore) B 136, Anthrop. Pap. No. 27.
British Columbia and surrounding region, Coiled basketry in (Haeberlin, Teit, and Roberts). See also Thompson Indians. A 41, 119.
British Columbia coast, Early vertebrate fauna of (Fisher). B 133, Anthrop. Pap. No. 20, 133.
British Guiana. See Roth, Walter E.
British Honduras, Archeological investigations in the Corozal District of (T. and M. Gann) B 123, Anthrop. Pap. No. 7.
British Honduras, northern, Maya Indians of (Gann) B 64.
British Honduras, Report on two skulls from (A. J. E. Cave). B 123, Anthrop. Pap. No. 7, pp. 59-60.
Bryan, Alan; Osborne, Douglas; and Crabtree, Robert H. The Sheep Island site and the mid-Columbia Valley. B 179, Riv. Bas. Surv. Pap. No. 24.
Buena Vista Lake, California, Archeological investigations at (Wedel). B 130.
Buena Vista sites, California, Skeletal remains from (Stewart) B 130, 172.
Bulkley River, The Carrier Indians of the (Jenness) B 133, Anthrop. Pap. No. 25.
Bullen, Ripley P. Six sites near the Chattahoochee River in the Jim Woodruff Reservoir area, Florida B 169, 315-357.
Bunzel, Ruth L.:
    Introduction to Zuñi ceremonialism
A 47, 467.
    Zuñi katcinas: An analytical study
A 47, 837.
    Zuñi origin myths
A 47, 545.
    Zuñi ritual poetry
A 47, 611.
Burial, Native cemeteries and forms of, east of the Mississippi (Bushnell) B 71.
Burials, Artifacts and, Whitewater District, eastern Arizona (Roberts) B 126.
Burials of the Algonquian, Siouan, and Caddoan tribes west of the Mississippi (Bushnell) B 83.
Burton Mound at Santa Barbara, California, Exploration of the (Harrington) A 44, 23.
Bushnell, David I., Jr.:
    Burials of the Algonquian, Siouan, and Caddoan tribes west of the Mississippi.
B 83.
    Choctaw of Bayou Lacomb, Louisiana
B 48.
    Native cemeteries and forms of burial east of the Mississippi.
B 71.
    Native villages and village sites east of the Mississippi.
B 69.
    Villages of the Algonquian, Siouan, and Caddoan tribes west of the Mississippi.
B 77.
Butchering techniques at the Dodd and Phillips Ranch sites (White) B 158, 165.
Byers, Douglas S. Second comment on William A. Ritchie's "Iroquois Archeology and Settlement Patterns." B 180, pp. 45-50.
Byington, Cyrus. A dictionary of the Choctaw language (Swanton and Halbert, editors). B 46.

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