Contributions to North American ethnology, by J. W. Powell, Geologist in Charge, Geographical and Geological Survey
of the Rocky Mountain Region, U. S. Department of the Interior. 4
Contributions to North American ethnology, by J. W. Powell, Director, Bureau of Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution.
On succession in the shell-heaps of the Aleutian Islands.
On the origin of the Innuit.
Appendix to part I. Linguistics.
Terms of relationship used by the Innuit: a series obtained from natives of Cumberland inlet, by W. H.
Vocabularies [by George Gibbs and W. H. Dall].
Note on the use of numerals among the T'sim si-an', by George Gibbs, M. D.
Dictionary of the Niskwalli [Niskwalli-English and English-Niskwalli], by George Gibbs.
On prehistoric trephining and cranial amulets, by Robert Fletcher, M. R. C. S. Eng., act. asst. surgeon, U.S.
Army. 32 pp., 9 pls., 2 figs. 1882.
A study of the manuscript Troano, by Cyrus Thomas, Ph.D., with an introduction by D. G. Brinton, M. D.
[The graphic system and ancient method of the Mayas.] XXXVII+237 pp., 9 pls., 101 figs., 25 small unnumbered cuts.
Volume 9, 1893 [1894]:
Volume 1, 1877:
[p. 49]Part I. Tribes of the extreme Northwest, by W. H. Dall. Pp. 1-156, illus.
Volume 2, 1890 [1891]:
On the distribution and nomenclature of the native tribes of Alaska and the adjacent territory.
Part II. Tribes of western Washington and northwestern Oregon, by George Gibbs, M. D. Pp. 157-361,
pocket map.Notes on the natives of Alaska (communicated to the late George Gibbs, M. D., in 1862), by His
Excellency J. Furuhelm, late Governor of the Russian-American colonies.
Appendix to part II. Linguistics.
Vocabularies [by George Gibbs, Wm. F. Tolmie, and G. Mengarini].
The Klamath Indians of southwestern Oregon, by Albert Samuel Gatschet. 2 vols.
Volume 3, 1877:
Tribes of California, by Stephen Powers. 635 pp., frontispiece, 44 figs. (incl. 42 pls.), 3 pp. music,
pocket map.
Appendix. Linguistics, edited by J. W. Powell. Pp. 439-613.
Volume 4, 1881:
Houses and house-life of the American aborigines, by Lewis H. Morgan. XIV+281 pp., frontispiece, 56
figs. (incl. 28 pls.).
Volume 5, 1882:
Observations on cup-shaped and other lapidarian sculptures in the Old World and in America, by Charles
Rau. 112 pp., 61 figs. (forming 35 pls.). 1881.
Volume 6, 1890 [1892]:
Volume 7, 1890 [1892]:
A Dakota-English dictionary, by Stephen Return Riggs, edited by James Owen Dorsey. X+665
Volume 8, Not published.Dakota grammar, texts, and ethnography, by Stephen Return Riggs, edited by James Owen
Dorsey. XXXII+239 pp.
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