Appendix: Verzeichniss meiner Insecten-Sammlung by Jacob Sturm
Alphabetical index to species described in the text and illustrated in the plates. "Number" indicates the number assigned by Sturm in the listing of illustrated/described species in this work. "Genus/Species" are the Linnean name as listed by Sturm. "Illustration" refers to the plate number and illustration number on that plate. "Text" indicates the textual page number where that species is described by Sturm.Start
NumberGenus/Species Illustration Text
22Bruchus granarius Tab.II, fig. 10 52
23Bruchus villofus Tab.II, fig. 11 53
17Buprestis linearis Tab.II, fig. 5 48
16Buprestis pygmaea Tab.II, fig. 4 47
39Ceria clavicornis Tab.IV, fig. 7 63
34Cimex maurus Tab.IV, fig. 2 60
35Cimex perlatus Tab.IV, fig. 3 60
36Coreus scapha Tab.IV, fig. 4 61
31Crabro labiatus Tab.III, fig. 7 58
32Crabro mucronatus Tab.III, fig. 8 58
8Cryptocephalus flavipes Tab.I, fig. 8 41
11Cryptocephalus gracilis Tab.I, fig 12 43
9Cryptocephalus Hübneri Tab.I, fig. 9 42
7Cryptocephalus labiatus Tab.I, fig. 7 40
10Cryptocephalus minutus Tab.I, fig. 10 43
6Cryptocephalus nitens Tab.I, fig. 6 39
13Cucuius flavipes Tab.II, fig. 1 45
14Cucuius pallens Tab.II, fig. 2 46
24Curculio suturalis Tab.II, fig. 12 54
2Eeaphrus striatus Tab.I, fig. 2 37
19Elater ruficollis Tab.II, fig. 7 49
18Elater vittatus Tab.II, fig. 6 49
5Galleruca ruficollis Tab.I, fig. 5 39
1Helops ater Tab.I, fig. 1 36
12Hispa atra Tab.I, fig 12 44
21Leptura ruficornis Tab.II, fig. 9 51
37Lygaeus scriptus Tab.IV, fig. 5 62
3Malachius angulatus Tab.I, fig. 3 37
4Malachius flavipes Tab.I, fig. 4 38
28Mellinus sabulosus Tab.III, fig. 4 56
33Oniscus maculatus Tab.IV, fig. 1 59
30Philantus laetus Tab.III, fig. 6 57
29Philantus quinquecinctus Tab.III, fig. 5 56
15Pyrochroa rubens Tab.II, fig. 3 46
20Saperda nigripes Tab.II, fig. 8 50
27Scolia quinquepunctata Tab.III, fig. 3 55
26Sphex maculata Tab.III, fig. 2 55
38Stratiomys furcata Tab.IV, fig. 6 62
41Syrphus clongatus Tab.IV, fig. 9 64
40Syrphus spinipes Tab.IV, fig. 8 63
42Syrphus tristis Tab.IV, fig. 10 64
25Tenthredo germanica Tab.III, fig. 1 54