Images and Captions
The preparation of a new edition offered the opportunity to include reproductions of original paintings and photographs. The author supported the Smithsonian Institution Libraries' early decision to attempt to find and reproduce original negatives and paintings wherever possible. The captions are transcribed directly from the 1957 edition of the work.
The images themselves are from a variety of sources. The majority were digitized from images in the National Anthropological Archives, with negatives held in the Smithsonian Office of Printing and Photographic Services. Each carries a Smithsonian Institution copyright notice. Two images were scanned from material in Dr. Ewers's research files. Plate 18d was scanned from the image published in William H. Truettner, The Natural Man Observed: A Study of Catlin's Indian Gallery (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1979). Several images are from negatives or slides provided by the Smithsonian's National Museum of American Art where the original paintings are held. These images carry a Smithsonian Institution copyright notice and "Courtesy NMAA." We wish to thank The New-York Historical Society for providing a color slide of the original work shown in Plate 18a; and the Glenbow Museum of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, for a slide of the original painting shown in Plate 36b. In both instances, permissions were granted to the Smithsonian Institution Libraries for a one-time reproduction only.
Where no negative, print, or painting was located, Libraries' staff scanned directly from plates published in the 1957 edition. In these cases, the author's identifying notations (a, b, etc.) are visible on the digital image. In the illustrations where an original negative was used for the electronic version, Ewers's notations are supplied in the caption. For example, in the 1957 edition, Plate 13 shows four hairpipes, marked a, b, c, and d respectively. The images of a and b used in the electronic edition are from one single negative in the collections of the National Anthropological Archives (NAA), while c is reproduced from a second negative in NAA collections. We were not able to locate the original negative or print for d, so d was scanned directly from the 1957 book.
In Plate 24, the image of the painting by Stieffel, the figures are so small that the hairpipes worn by the individuals depicted by the artist are not immediately apparent. In this case, we have identified three figures wearing hairpipe breastplates (within boxes).
We wish to thank all the individuals and institutions who cooperated in providing the Smithsonian Institution Libraries with slides, negatives, or digitizations of these images.
Changes to Electronic Edition
May 30, 1996: Copyright statement added to John Ewers's photograph.
May 30, 1996: Color image of hairpipe breastplate substituted for black and white on Title Page and Plate 25a.
June 10, 1996: Copyright statement added to Title Page, Introduction, Ewer's Biography and this page.