red dots represent expeditions of 1761 and 1769.
Expedition leader, Nationality
= Cape of Good Hope : Mason & Dixon, British (1761)
2 = St. Helena : Maskelyne, French (1761)
3 = Rodrigues Island : Pingré, French (1761)
4 = Tobolsk, Russia : Chappe, French (1761)
5 = St. Johns, Newfoundland : Winthrop, British (1761)
6 = Tahiti : Cook, British (1769)
7 = Pondicherry, India : Le Gentil, French (1769)
8 = Cabo San Lucas, Mexico : Chappe, French (1769)
9 = North Cape, Norway : Bayley, British (1769)
10 = Haiti : Pingré, French (1769)
11 = Hudson Bay, Canada : Dymond, British (1769)
The blue dots represent expeditions of 1874
and 1882.
Sponsoring nations
= Vladivostok, Russia : United States, Russia (1874)
2 = Nagasaki, Japan : United States (1874)
3 = Beijing, China : United States, Germany, Russia, France (1874)
4 = Kerguelen Island : United States, Britain, Germany (1874)
5 = Tasmania : United States (1874)
6 = New Zealand : United States (1874, 1882), Britain (1874)
7 = Chatham Island : United States (1874)
8 = Auckland Islands : Germany (1874)
9 = Mauritius : Britain, Germany (1874)
10 = Isfahan, Iran : Germany, Russia (1874)
11 = Cairo, Egypt : Britain, Russia (1874)
12 = Hawaii : Britain (1874)
13 = Rodrigues Island : Britain (1874)
14 = St. Pauls Island : France (1874)
15 = Campbell Island : France (1874)
16 = Yokohama, Japan : France, Mexico (1874)
17 = Calcutta, India : Italy (1874)
18 = Tashkent, Uzbekistan : Russia (1874)
19 = Reunion Island : Netherlands (1874)
20 = South Africa : United States, Britain (1882)
21 = Santa Cruz, Argentina : United States (1882)
22 = Santiago, Chile : United States (1882)
23 = Algeria : France (1882)
24 = South Georgia : Germany (1882)