Sewing Machines:  Historical Trade Literature in Smithsonian Institution Collections
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Company Name on Item:
Title: [Business card of B.F. Demarree, agent]
Imprint: [18--], Newport, Pa., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: B.F. Demarree, Newport, Perry Co., Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Business card of B.F. Demarree, agent, featuring a branch of holly and winter landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Trade card featuring a facade]
Imprint: [18--], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a facade.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Trade card for an agent who sells a variety of sewing machines]
Imprint: [19--?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: Household.
Agent information: Geo. T. Albro
Descriptive Notes: Very small trade card, distributed by an agent who sells a variety of sewing machines in Boston.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Stereoscopic photos featuring a woman sitting next to a sewing machine and repairing a boy's trousers]
Imprint: [19--], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Stereoscopic photos featuring a woman sitting next to a sewing machine and repairing a boy's trousers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Stereoscopic photos featuring man kneeling next to a sewing machine]
Imprint: [19--], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Stereoscopic photos featuring man kneeling next to a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Postcard featuring the Singer Building, New York]
Imprint: [1906?], New York, NY, Allied Printing
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Postcard with a handwritten note on front regarding magazine editors who have locked out their printers for requesting the eight hour work day. Postally unused.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: How to operate your magic zig-zag sewing machine.
Imprint: [1956], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 31
Notes: Model represented: Zig-zag.
Descriptive Notes: Photographs of zig-zag machine; instructions with detailed diagrams.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: Directions. / The different parts of these machines are made by machinery, in the most perfect manner.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1880], [S.l.], Curtis and Simonds, printers
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Directions for threading and oiling the machine; possibly called New England or Common Sense machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 720

Company Name on Item: J.H. Williams
Title: [Business card of J.H. Williams, agent]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: J.H. Williams
Descriptive Notes: Business card featuring two girls looking in a mirror.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
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Company Name on Item:
Title: [Sheet music: Billy Morris' songs]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], Boston, A.D. Russell and Company
Pages: 5
Descriptive Notes: Sheet music for songs titled "Sewing Machine" and music that includes words about sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. DeVincent Sheet Music Collection. Box: 241 : Sewing Machines
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Trade card featuring pink flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Models represented: Family Singer No. 4; New York high arm, and Helpmate high arm.
Agent information: E.L. Parker; South Onondaga
Descriptive Notes: Front is stamped "the Singer only $20 cash; $30 time"; verso advertises Williams Family Singer No. 4, New York "High Arm", and Helpmate "High Arm".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Instruction book in Greek]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 46
Notes: Model represented: 128.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, and images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
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Company Name on Item:
Title: Directions on the care and use of rotary sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1920 and 1949], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 26
Descriptive Notes: Directions on the care and use of rotary sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
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Company Name on Item:
Title: Instructions for using this hemstitching and picoting attachment.
Imprint: [Between 1920 and 1959], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Descriptive Notes: Hemstitching; picoting.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 1
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Company Name on Item:
Title: Instruction book for sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1920 and 1959], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 22
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
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Company Name on Item:
Title: [Business card for Wm. H. Buckley, sewing machine salesman]
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 151 Washington St. Boston [Mass.]
Model represented: Wheeler & Wilson.
Agent information: Wm. H. Buckley
Descriptive Notes: Business card for salesman for Wheeler & Wilson, Singer & Co., Florence, Willcox & Gibbs, Grover & Baker, Howe, Domestic, Davis, Weed, American buttonhole and over seaming machines (handwritten text on verso of card).
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Lithograph of woman hand sewing in front of a sewing machine]
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Round lithograph shows woman sewing by hand, while sewing machine sits idle behind her; appears to be hand-cut.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
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Company Name on Item:
Title: [Advertisement by Demorest's monthly for her subscribers to receive a premium of a free sewing machine]
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Ad for twenty subscribers at $3.00 each to receive a new Bartram & Fairton elastic stitch sewing machine, or twenty-five subscribers at $3.00 each to receive a Wheeler and Wilson sewing machine; verso advertises Mme. Demorest's fashions.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Pattern Industry. Box: 1 : Folder 35, Madame Demorest reliable patterns
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Company Name on Item:
Title: Model Sza-525, light weight zig-zag sewing machine. / Instructions for the use and maintenance of your sewing machine.
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 49
Notes: Model represented: SZA-525.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 4
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Company Name on Item:
Title: Receipt for one month's rental for Grover & Baker's sewing machine.
Imprint: 1862, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 486 Broadway Cor. Broome St., New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: This is a receipt for monthly use of a rental sewing machine; $5.00 is for one month plus another 25 cents.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: International Exhibition 1862: official catalogue. / Official catalogue of the International Exhibition 1862.
Imprint: 1862, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Section on sewing machines, p. 37-46 after text, American Sole sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. World Expositions. Box: 1 : Folder, London 1862
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Company Name on Item:
Title: B.P. Johnson's report on the International Exhibition London, 1862. / Report on International Exhibition of Industry and Art.
Imprint: 1863, Albany, Steam Press of C. Van Benthuysen
Pages: 6
Descriptive Notes: Listing and description of sewing machines shown at the London Exposition. Manufacturers include Wheeler & Wilson, J.M. Singer (sic), Wilcox (sic) & Gibbs, Howe, Goodwin, Wright, Richards, Crosby & Smith.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. World Expositions. Box: 1 : Folder, London 1862
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Sheet music: Ballad of the needle] / A fairy dream.
Imprint: 1867, New York, NY, Brown & Hewitt
Pages: 16
Notes: Agent information: Grover & Baker Family Sewing Machines, 495 Broadway, NY
Descriptive Notes: This book is a saga of sewing from the joys of doing it by hand to the wonders of doing it by machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Sewing machine, 1872]
Imprint: 1872, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 9
Descriptive Notes: This is a review of sewing machines from the earliest which received a patent in England on July 24, 1755 to Elias Howe who received a patent for the "first practical" machine for sewing; many of the patents for machines never were manufactured.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Sheet music: New Home]
Imprint: 1890, Boston, [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Sheet music with sewing machine related words.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. DeVincent Sheet Music Collection. Box: 241 : Sewing Machines
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Sheet music: I'll just send an angel down]
Imprint: 1897, N.Y., Howley, Hariland & Co.
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Sheet music. The front picture shows a woman praying with the New Family type sewing machine beside her. Text is unrelated to sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. DeVincent Sheet Music Collection. Box: 241 : Sewing Machines
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Stereoscopic photos featuring a boy eating an apple while woman sitting next to a sewing machine repairs his trousers]
Imprint: 1905, [S.l.], Underwood and Underwood
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Stereoscopic photos featuring a boy eating an apple while woman sitting next to a sewing machine repairs his trousers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Sheet music: When mother plays a rag on the sewing machine]
Imprint: 1912, N.Y., Leo. Feist, Inc.
Pages: 6
Descriptive Notes: Sheet music with words related to sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. DeVincent Sheet Music Collection. Box: 241 : Sewing Machines
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Sheet music: the sewing machine]
Imprint: 1947, New York, Susan Publications, Inc.
Pages: 6
Descriptive Notes: Sheet music from the movie "The Perils of Pauline". The words are related to sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. DeVincent Sheet Music Collection. Box: 241 : Sewing Machines
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: Directions for using this set of instructions.
Imprint: 1948, [S.l.], B & S, Inc.
Pages: 23
Notes: Models represented: Hemmer, edgestitcher, underbraider, tucker, binding, ruffler, quilter.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 1
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Company Name on Item:
Title: [Postcard featuring a photograph of boys around a nun at a sewing machine]
Imprint: 1952, New York, Artvue Post Card Co.
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Postcard featuring a photograph of boys around a nun at a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Sheet music: Old sewing machine]
Imprint: 1952, N.Y., Music Co., Inc.
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Sheet music with words related to sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. DeVincent Sheet Music Collection. Box: 241 : Sewing Machines
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Trade card featuring the best sewing machines, best pianos, best organs lowest prices guaranteed]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: L.J. Wheelden; Bangor, ME
Descriptive Notes: This trade card shows a winter scene with snow covering trees and roof tops; bordering the front picture there is advertising regarding the products they are selling; on verso of card all the models of sewing machines, pianos and organs are named.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: History of the sewing machine / by James Parton.
Imprint: 19th cent., S.W. corner Eleventh and Chestnut Sts., Dunlap & Co.
Pages: 22
Notes: Models represented: Howe 1, 2, 3, 4, B & C.
Descriptive Notes: This is a history of the sewing machine though the final emphasis is on the invention of the first usable sewing machine; Elias Howe, Jr. inventor, sewing 300 stitches per minute.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: Sewing machines.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 18
Notes: Models represented: Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, Willcox & Gibbs.
Descriptive Notes: This is basically a study of the evolution of the sewing machine from Charles Weisenthal, England 1755 to patented 1849 Johnson and Morey and others followed.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Trade card advertising C.W. Cadby dealer in sewing machines] / Also sewing machine supplies, needles, oil, shuttle, bobbins, belts, etc.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: C.W. Cadby; Main St. Near Depot, Salem, Indiana
Descriptive Notes: This is a trade card for a dealer in sewing machines and sewing supplies; dealer also does repairing; no specific company name was mentioned.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Trade card featuring pianos, organs, and sewing machines] / Largest stock and best variety.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: A. Mahan; No. 11 Court St., Courtland, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card showing two Scotsmen meeting each with a bottle held behind them; their dogs are meeting similarly under their owners legs; quotation from Macbeth "there is no art to find the mind's construction in the face"; picture is blue.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item:
Title: [Trade card featuring a sewing machine broker] / Sewing machines of all king: machines, needles, oil, and findings.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Hosea Ballou Carter, East Hampstead, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card announcing that Hosea Ballou Carter is a sewing machine broker selling sewing machines of all kinds also needles, oil and findings.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

001 Acme Buttonhole Attachment Company, Ltd.

Company Name on Item: Acme Buttonhole Attachment Co., Ltd.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Acme buttonhole attachment for domestic use]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 2 West 14th Street, New York, NY
Model represented: Acme Button Hole Attachment.
Descriptive Notes: Sample of buttonhole made with attachment is attached to card; it seems to make a near complete buttonhole which speaks well for the product.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

002 C.G. Akam

Company Name on Item: C.G. Akam
Title: The ne plus ultra prices of sewing machines to dealers and jobbers who wholesale machines or buy in quantities of C.G. Akam.
Imprint: [Between 1863 and 1889], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 6
Descriptive Notes: Short information about various models (New York Singer, Philadelphia Singer, Akam Singer), prices, extra sheet equals front and back cover of the pamphlet (title and images).
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2697

003 American Bobbin Company

Company Name on Item: American Bobbin Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring American bobbins]
Imprint: 1902, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Lorthiois Freres
Descriptive Notes: The American flag decorates what appears to be two bobbins side by side; superimposed on the flag is the company's trademark an American eagle with the word "trademark" above the bird and "e pluribus unum" under the bird.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

004 American Button-Hole, Overseaming, and Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: American Button-Hole, Overseaming, and Sewing Machine Company
Title: The American button-hole, over seaming and sewing machine combined.
Imprint: [Between 1867 and 1877], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Models represented: Combination machine $75, plan machine $60.
Descriptive Notes: Call for " active young men to act as agents in every town in New England.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Button-Hole, Overseaming, and Sewing Machine Company
Title: See what we have here. / The only button-hole making and sewing machine combined that has made its advent in this or any country invite's the attention of manufacturers of shoes…
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1874], [S.l.], Rue and Jones Printer; 108 South Third Street
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Models represented: Combination, shuttle or lock stitch and overseaming and button hole machine.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Button-Hole, Overseaming, and Sewing Machine Company
Title: See what we have here; the only button-hole making and sewing machine combined that has made its advent in this or any country invite's the attention of manufacturers of shoes.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1874], [S.l.], Rue and Jones Printer; 108 South Third Street
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Models represented: Combination, shuttle or lock stitch and overseaming and button hole machine.
Descriptive Notes: Page taken from book or magazine advertising the American combination machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 793

Company Name on Item: American Button-Hole, Overseaming, and Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Flier featuring a picture of a woman in formal dress sitting at a sewing machine]
Imprint: 1874, [S.l.], Potsdamer and Companies Printers; 321 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Features a woman in formal dress sitting at a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 795

Company Name on Item: American Button-Hole, Overseaming, and Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Flier featuring a picture of a woman in formal dress sitting at a sewing machine]
Imprint: 1874, [S.l.], Potsdamer and Companies Printers; 321 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Features a woman in formal dress sitting at a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Button-Hole, Overseaming, and Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Invoice for plain machine]
Imprint: 1875, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: Plain machine $70.00.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Button-Hole, Overseaming & Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Receipt for purchases]
Imprint: 1876, [S.l.], J.M. Millin
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 178 Liberty St. near Market, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Agent information: Jas. Espy
Descriptive Notes: Receipt for purchases made in 1873; items are not specifically mentioned.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Button-Hole, Overseaming, and Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Invoice to Mr. Theo(dore) Foreman for $25.00]
Imprint: 1893, Philadelphia, PA, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Invoice to Mr. Theo(dore) Foreman for ($25.00).
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

005 American Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: Illustrated price list of the American Sewing Machine. / The simplest, most durable, and best sewing machine in the world.
Imprint: [1873], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Models represented: Plain American Sewing Machine, No. 1, plain table, drop leaf table, base table, half cabinet, folding table, three quarter cabinet, full cabinet No. 8, full cabinet No. 10.
Descriptive Notes: Catalog showing variety of cabinets available for the American No. 1 and No. 2 machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 790

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: When you purchase a sewing machine, buy the best. / None will so thoroughly suit you as the improved American.
Imprint: [1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Picture of machine; list of 21 advantages to using the American Sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 789

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring girls and young women around sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: New American 7.
Agent information: B.F. Fowler, Haddonfield, N.J.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring girls and young woman around sewing machine. Advertisement for model no. 7 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: The best is the cheapest.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], Philadelphia, PA, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Floral design gives Philadelphia address of company offices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl in ethnic dress]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring young girl in ethnic dress.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: The American Combination Sewing Machine : practically two machines in one.
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: Combination sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Stamped with agents name and address - Newark advertising piece. "Why the best machine for family use."
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a U.S. patriotic motif]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring patriotic images (red white and blue design).
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman being carried in hammock by two men]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman being carried in hammock by two men.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring clowns]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring clowns.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a man and a woman in Asian ethnic dress]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a man and woman in Asian ethnic dress. The man is helping the woman into a cart.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring children dressed for winter]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring children dressed for winter.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring children wearing winter clothing]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring children wearing winter clothing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring children wearing winter clothing]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring children wearing winter clothing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a man in a boat, approaching a bridge in the distance]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a man in a boat, approaching a bridge in the distance.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring clowns]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring clowns.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a drawing of Star Key Lake, California] / Will you please try the American sewing machine before you buy?
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring Star Key Lake, California.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman sewing]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman sewing at machine with three young girls around her. Message "ye olden time: women sewing by hand".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman sewing]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman sewing at machine with three young girls around her. Message "ye olden time: women sewing by hand".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman sewing]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman sewing at machine with three young girls around her. Message "ye olden time: women sewing by hand".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman sewing] / The American family sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman sewing at machine with three young girls around her. Message "ye olden time: women sewing by hand".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: 216 Tremont Street, Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring angels and flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring angels.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: 216 Tremont Street, Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: What the people say who have the American button-hole, over-seaming and sewing machine combined.
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], American Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Models represented: American button-hole, over seaming, and sewing machine combined.
Descriptive Notes: List of testimonials from owners/users.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a floral pattern]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring floral pattern.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a floral pattern]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring floral pattern.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman sewing] / The American family sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman sewing at machine with three young girls around her. Message "ye olden time: women sewing by hand".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: 216 Tremont Street, Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: American button hole, overseaming and sewing machine combined. / The first and only button hole and sewing machine combined in the world.
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: Button hole/Overseaming and Sewing Machine.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement on back for jobber (skilled seamstress sewing); lists agent in Elmira, NY.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: Dorcas Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: Dorcas sewing machine (shuttle machine).
Descriptive Notes: List of agents in Boston.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: The American Combination button-hole and sewing machine has no equal.
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Drawing of a medal inscribed "Recompenses: Exposition Universelle de MDCCCLXVIIA Pans"; gives two salesroom addresses- Philadelphia, New York City (two copies of this item in this folder).
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: 216 Tremont Street, Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: 216 Tremont Street, Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: 216 Tremont Street, Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: 216 Tremont Street, Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: 216 Tremont Street, Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: 216 Tremont Street, Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: Otis Kendall, Agent
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: 216 Tremont Street, Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: 41 Avon Street, Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: 216 Tremont Street, Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: 216 Tremont Street, Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: 216 Tremont Street, Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring an oxen pulling a wagon]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring an oxen pulling a wagon.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: 216 Tremont Street, Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [The No.7: trade card]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7-American.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card describes the no.7 machine as "lightest running, durable… Best for young and old".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: GC Druchen, Agent
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: BF Dreisbach, Agent, Berwick, PA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: FN Tompkins, Agent, Hamilton, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: HNP Hubbard Agent, Plymouth, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: 216 Tremont Street, Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, surrounded by wild flowers at the side of a stream; and a picture of No. 7 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: American Sewing Machine: no.7.
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Models represented: 7- Style A, A 1/2, B, C.
Descriptive Notes: Four drawings of no. 7 showing table and machinery.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: Illustrated price list of the American Sewing Machine. / The simplest, most durable, and best sewing machine in the world.
Imprint: 1876, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Models represented: Plain American Sewing Machine, No. 1, plain table, drop leaf table, base table, half cabinet, folding table, three quarter cabinet, full cabinet No. 8, full cabinet No. 10.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: American Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring the New American Sewing Machine at the Centennial of 1876]
Imprint: 1876, [S.l.], American Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: New American sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card redeemable for entry into drawing for a new sewing machine -on display in Machinery hall, 1876 Centennial Exhibition.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

006 Avery Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Avery Manufacturing Company
Title: The Avery beats the world. / Lightest running sewing machine ever made.
Imprint: [Between 1875 and 1887], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Bridgeport, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring the "Best machine for agents to sell". Card also states "Agents wanted".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

007 Samuel Barker and Thomas White

Company Name on Item: Brattleboro
Title: Brattleboro sewing machine. / New patented single thread family machine.
Imprint: [Between 1858 and 1861], [S.l.], Selleck, Steam Printer
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: Brattleboro, VT
Model represented: New single thread machine.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, and images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 800

008 Bartholf Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Bartholf Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Title: [Correspondence to and from Bartholf, CO]
Imprint: 1859, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Machine for tailors and shoe/ (cobblers?).
Descriptive Notes: Two testimonials-describing usefulness and satisfaction with the machine from wholesale clothing warehouse companies.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

009 Bartlett Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Bartlett
Title: Bartlett's reversible sewing machines are the cheapest, reliable, licensed machines.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Picture of hand-powered and foot-powered machine with price ($25.00).
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 798

010 A.H. Beebe and Company

Company Name on Item: Rose's Embroidery Needle Attachment
Title: Rose's embroidery needle attachment to all sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Directions for installing attachment.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 5 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

011 L. Philip Beers

Company Name on Item: L. Philip Beers
Title: [Sewing machines, the first and only machines ever manufactured that has received first premiums for its general adaptation to all kinds of work in Europe and America]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 473 Broadway, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Machine will hem, bind and cord without basting, will not cause machine work to ravel; machine received 1st premium over other competitors.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

012 F.O. Berg (Firm)

Company Name on Item: F.O. Berg
Title: F.O. Berg's improved pulling device.
Imprint: [1902], Spokane, WA, F.O. Berg
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Spokane, WA
Model represented: An attachment - pulling device.
Descriptive Notes: Picture of the F.O. Berg pulling device attached to a Union Special Sewing Machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 820

013 Bernina (Firm)

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Mon guide Bernina 830.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 62
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Bernina models 830. Index on inside cover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Advertising booklet for Bernina model 807.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Mein Bernina Buch 830, 831, 832.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 62
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Bernina models 830, 831, 832. Index on inside cover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Min Bernina Bog 830.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 62
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Bernina models 830. Index on inside cover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: My Bernina guide 830.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 62
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Bernina models 830. Index on inside cover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Mijn Bernina boek 830.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 62
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Bernina models 830. Index on inside cover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina Kirjani 830.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 62
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Bernina models 830. Index on inside cover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Advertising booklet for Bernina model 807.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Mi libro Bernina 830.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 62
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Bernina models 830. Index on inside cover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Advertising booklet for Bernina model 807.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Bernina model 807.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Moja Bernina knija KL. 830.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 62
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual. Index on inside cover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina Kitabim.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 62
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual. Index on inside cover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Min Bernina bok 830.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 62
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Bernina models 830. Index on inside cover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Advertising booklet for Bernina model 807.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Bernina model 807.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Bernina model 807.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: New Bernina electronic.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Bernina advertising booklet
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Nuut Bernina electronic.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Bernina advertising booklet
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Nieuw Bernina electronic.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Bernina advertising booklet
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Neu Bernina electronic.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Bernina advertising booklet
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 830.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Bernina advertising booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Nouveau Bernina electronic.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Bernina advertising booklet
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Advertising booklet for Bernina model 807.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Agent information: Arila Oy, Kelsinki
Descriptive Notes: Advertising booklet for Bernina model 807.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Advertising booklet for Bernina model 807.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Advertising booklet for Bernina model 807.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Min Bernina Bok 830.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 62
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Bernina models 830. Index on inside cover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Bernina model 807.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Bernina model 807.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Advertising booklet for Bernina model 807.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Bernina model 807.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Advertising booklet for Bernina model 807.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Advertising booklet for Bernina model 807.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Bernina model 807.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Agent information: Dr. Hugo Schürmann, Vienna
Descriptive Notes: Advertising booklet for Bernina model 807.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: La mia guida Bernina 830, 831, 832.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 60
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Bernina models 830, 831, 832.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 23 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: [Needle samples]
Imprint: 1966, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Germany
Descriptive Notes: Various needles for hand sewing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 807.
Imprint: 1975, Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 10
Notes: Models represented: Bernina 807, 808, 817.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures of stitchwork done with Bernina machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: My Bernina guide. / 830.
Imprint: 1975, Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 60
Notes: Model represented: Bernina 830.
Descriptive Notes: Detailed instructions for Bernina 830.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: New Bernina electronic. / The joys of sewing with…
Imprint: 1975, Switzerland, Bernina
Pages: 6
Notes: Model represented: Bernina 830.
Descriptive Notes: Images of women sewing using a Bernina model 830; focus on decorative techniques possible with Bernina 830.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Bernina 830. / Electronic
Imprint: 1979, Switzerland, Bernina
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Switzerland
Models represented: Bernina 830, 840.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures of Bernina machines in use; pictures of stitchwork done on Bernina machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Newsletter; Maryland sewing machine and Vacuum cleaner center. / Winter 1986.
Imprint: 1986, Camp Springs, MD, Maryland Sewing Machine and Vacuum Cleaner Center
Pages: 8
Notes: Model represented: Bernina 1130.
Descriptive Notes: Newsletter from a sewing machine sales shop.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Newsletter: Maryland sewing machine and vacuum cleaner center. / Fall 1986.
Imprint: 1986, Camp Springs, MD, Maryland Sewing Machine and Vacuum Cleaner Center
Pages: 6
Notes: Model represented: Bernina 1130.
Descriptive Notes: Newsletter from a sewing machine sales shop.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Bernina
Title: Newsletter; Maryland sewing machine and vacuum cleaner center. / Spring / summer 1987.
Imprint: 1987, Camp Springs, MD, Maryland Sewing Machine and Vacuum Cleaner Center
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Newsletter from a sewing machine sales shop.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

014 Blees Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Blees Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Blees sewing machine salesrooms]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1873], Nashua, New Hampshire, White Pub. Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Howard & Hyde; #01 Central St., Lowell, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Red and white label on brown background with tan border carries name Howard and Hyde general agents for the Blees sewing machine. Salesrooms at 01 Central Street, Lowell, Mass.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

015 C.M. Boland

Company Name on Item: C.M. Boland
Title: [Trade card featuring the only sewing machine suitable for sewing furs]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 194 Elm St., New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: C.H. Boland sewing machine for furs; patented 1878; reissued 1881; patent pending 1885.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

016 Boligano Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Boligano Manufacturing Company
Title: [Correspondence to B. G. Johnson, West Chester, PA, confirming shipment of one no. 1 motor]
Imprint: 1894/07/24, Baltimore, MD, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Baltimore, MD
Model represented: No. 1 motor.
Descriptive Notes: Bill for motor (possibly a replacement motor).
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

017 E. Bonnans

Company Name on Item: E. Bonnans
Title: [Trade card advertising E. Bonnans]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 4 Rue des 3 Images, Marseilles, France
Descriptive Notes: Very plain trade card; name E. Bonnans is superimposed over sewing machine image; name of business and address is all that is given.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: E. Bonnans
Title: [Trade card featuring La Parisienne]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 4 Rue des Troismages, Marseilles, France.
Model represented: La Parisienne.
Agent information: E. Bonnans
Descriptive Notes: La Parisienne seems to be this companies sole product; it will do pleating, attach soutache and other techniques; card is in French.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

018 Boston Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Boston Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Boston new family sewing machine] / Simple, easy running fast running, durable.
Imprint: [188_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Corner Albany & Dover Sts., Boston, Mass.
Model represented: Boston.
Agent information: Allen K. Bangs, 215 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card promoting interest in the Boston sewing machine, a simple, easy running, fast running, and durable machine; for family use and manufacturing purposes; it is unsurpassed by any other machines manufactured; machine is pictured on reverse side.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Boston Sewing Machine Company
Title: The easy running Boston sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1881 and 1888], Boston, MA, [s.n.]
Pages: 14
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Models represented: $40 No.1-light running Boston sewing machine, $45 No.2-fast running, $47.50 No.3-perfect running, $50 No.4-easy running, $55 No.5-light running, $60 No.6-fast running, $75 No.7-perfect running, $80-125 No.8-easy running.
Descriptive Notes: Picture of under-side of machine; advertising lingo.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Boston Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade cards by Boston Sewing Machine] / The Boston: "New family sewing machine."
Imprint: [Between 1881 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Model represented: The Boston.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of Boston Sewing Machine Company sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

019 Bradbury Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Bradbury Sewing Machine Company
Title: New improved Bradbury sewing machine, with complete universal feed.
Imprint: [Between 1881 and 1924], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Oldham, Great Britain
Model represented: Genuine English Bradbury.
Descriptive Notes: Bradbury machine for sewing shoes features descriptions of ad for Acme universal jack.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

020 Gebruder Brehmer Maschinen Fabrik

Company Name on Item: Brehmer Brothers
Title: [Shipping documents declared to the US consulate] / [Sewing machine purchase; of a corner stitcher and linen thread]
Imprint: 1886/09/24, Leipzig, Germany, [United States. Consulate (Leipzig, Germany)]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Agent information: Brehmer Brothers
Descriptive Notes: Declaration to U.S. Consulate of sewing machines being shipped to Philadelphia, PA; bill of sale from Leipzig, Germany to Philadelphia, PA.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 6 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

021 Brosius Sewing Machine and Motor Company

Company Name on Item: Brosius Sewing Machine and Motor Company
Title: Brosius Sewing Machine and Motor Company.
Imprint: [1893], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: History of Brosius company, pictures of machine and plant; picture of factory in St. Charles, IL; map of Chicago Great Western Railroad (p. 14); picture of Fox River, near factory in St. Charles, IL (p. 16).
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 799

Company Name on Item: Brosius Sewing Machine and Motor Oil of Chicago
Title: The Brosius Sewing Machine and Motor Co. / A sewing machine that runs itself.
Imprint: 1893, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 15
Descriptive Notes: Special features; runs without treadle; driven by power stored in springs and connected to machine by gearing thus eliminating the belt; included in booklet are testimonials of pleased users of the Brosius sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

022 Brother Industries

Company Name on Item: Brother Sewing Machine International Corporation
Title: World famous Brother select-o-matic. / You sew like a professional simply, easily, automatically without attachments.
Imprint: 1954, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Model represented: Select-o-matic.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures of work done on select-o-matic; diagram of select-o-matic.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

023 Butterfield & Stevens

Company Name on Item: Butterfield and Stevens
Title: Patent wax thread sewing machine.
Imprint: [1854], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Information on using Butterfield machines for boots and shoes with wax thread.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

024 H.J. Carpenter

Company Name on Item: H.J. Carpenter
Title: [Trade card for repairer of sewing machines] / With L. & A. Babcock's piano and organ house.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwich, NY
Descriptive Notes: Plain information card stating the business, proprietor, location and affiliations.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: H.J. Carpenter
Title: [Trade card for repairer of sewing machines] / Don’t smash it but wait for H.J. Carpenter.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Marathon, NY
Agent information: L & A Babcock
Descriptive Notes: Sales promotion to acquaint the public with the services of Mr. H. Jay Carpenter who repairs sewing machines; his reputation for excellent workmanship is praised.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

025 Cash Buyers Union

Company Name on Item: Cash Buyers Union
Title: [Arlington, buy direct from manufacturer and save 10 yr. Written warranty]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 158-164 Van Buren St. Dept. 4, Chicago, Ill.
Model represented: Arlington Sewing machine style No. 15.
Descriptive Notes: This ad is a newspaper clipping; showing the Arlington sewing machine; 10 year warranty; light running, noiseless, adjustable for heavy or light work.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

026 Centennial Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Centennial Sewing Machine Company
Title: The Centennial Sewing Machine. / New elastic lock stitch family sewing machine.
Imprint: [1876], Phila., PA, Ringwalt & Brown
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Model represented: Elastic lock-stitch.
Descriptive Notes: Picture of woman sewing by hand, entitled "Sewing in 1776' and a picture of a woman sewing at a machine "Sewing in 1876".
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 806

027 Central Necktie Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Central Necktie Machine Company
Title: Neckware manufacturers; attention please. / Sensational imitation hand-stitch machine.
Imprint: [Between 1920 and 1949], [S.l.], Central Necktie Machine Company
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: "Perfect imitation hand-stitch machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

028 Chandler Co.

Company Name on Item: Chandler Co.
Title: Instructions for operating Chandler side-plaiting machine no. 23, style B.
Imprint: 1906/3/31, Ayer, Mass., Chandler Co.
Pages: 12
Notes: Model represented: Chandler Side-plaiting Machine No. 23, style B.
Descriptive Notes: Manual features a listing of parts, instructions for setting-up the plaiter, and instructions on how to proceed.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Chandler Co.
Title: [Hints on steaming process and apparatus]
Imprint: 19th cent., Ayer, Mass., Chandler Co.
Pages: 12
Notes: Agent information: Chandler Co.
Descriptive Notes: Although the French accordion plaiting machine is mentioned, the discussion is directed to the steaming apparatus used to press the accordion pleats.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Chandler Co.
Title: [Catalogue of cams for Chandler ruching machine style E]
Imprint: 19th cent., Ayer, Mass., Chandler Co.
Pages: 15
Notes: Model represented: Chandler Ruching Machine Style E.
Descriptive Notes: This is a catalogue of the cams used on the ruching machine, which produces a variety and range of plaits, made by the different cam motions.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Chandler Co.
Title: How to cut and how to make a sun ray accordion plaited garment no. 28.
Imprint: 19th cent., Ayer, Mass., Chandler Co.
Pages: 12
Notes: Model represented: Chandler Sun-ray Accordion Plaiting Machine.
Descriptive Notes: Very specific directions on how to cut and make a sun-ray accordion plaited garment.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Chandler Co.
Title: General catalog of special machinery.
Imprint: 19th cent., Ayer, Mass., Chandler Co.
Pages: 17
Notes: Models represented: French Accordion Plaiting Machine, Chandler Sun-ray Accordion Plaiting Machine., Chandler Side Plaiting Machine-Style B, Chandler Steaming Plant, Chandler Pinking Machine, Chandler Ruching Machine, Chandler Pinker Folding gauge.
Descriptive Notes: Catalog features all machines invented by Mr. Chandler; they have revolutionized plaitings and ruchings.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Chandler Co.
Title: Chandler pinking machine, style E.
Imprint: 19th cent., Ayer, Mass., Chandler Co.
Pages: 4
Notes: Model represented: Chandler Pinking Machine Style E.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction for using the Chandler pinking machine and its various cutters.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

029 Chicago Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Chicago Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a cat and kittens in school setting] / Exhibit in annex of machinery hall, world's fair.
Imprint: [Between 1882 and 1890], Chicago, IL, Chicago Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring pictures of cat and kittens in a school setting.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Chicago Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Testimonial sheet sent to potential customer from Chicago Sewing Machine]
Imprint: [Between 1882 and 1890], Chicago, IL, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11.
Descriptive Notes: Sheet of testimonials.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Chicago Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Price list sent to potential customer from Chicago Sewing Machine Company]
Imprint: [Between 1882 and 1890], Chicago, IL, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11.
Descriptive Notes: Price list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Chicago Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Envelope from correspondence from Chicago Sewing Machine Company]
Imprint: [Between 1882 and 1890], Chicago, IL, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11.
Descriptive Notes: Envelope from correspondence from Chicago Sewing Machine Company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Chicago Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence with potential customer from Chicago Sewing Machine Company, includes price list and testimonials]
Imprint: [Between 1882 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11.
Descriptive Notes: Letter from Chicago Sewing Machine Company to potential customer.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Chicago Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a cat and kittens in school setting] / Exhibit in annex of machinery hall, world's fair.
Imprint: [Between 1882 and 1890], Chicago, IL, Chicago Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring pictures of cat and kittens in a school setting.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Chicago Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a sail boat and a row boat in a body of water] / Exhibit in annex of machinery hall, world's fair.
Imprint: [Between 1882 and 1890], Chicago, IL, Chicago Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring pictures of a sail boat and a row boat in a body of water.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Chicago Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a cat and kittens in a school setting] / Exhibit in annex of machinery hall, world's fair.
Imprint: [Between 1882 and 1890], Chicago, IL, Chicago Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring pictures of cat and kittens in a school setting.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Chicago Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a cat and kittens in school setting] / Exhibit in annex of machinery hall, world's fair.
Imprint: [Between 1882 and 1890], Chicago, IL, Chicago Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring pictures of cat and kittens in a school setting.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

030 A.D. Clark Shuttle Company

Company Name on Item: A.D. Clark Shuttle Co.
Title: Power and hand loom shuttles. / Bobbins and spools of all kind.
Imprint: 1850, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Danielsonville, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: A.D. Clark Shuttle Co. are manufacturers of power and hand loom shuttles and deal also in bobbins and spools of all kinds used in the universal trades.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

031 Cobb and Co.

Company Name on Item: Cobb and Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Cobb's improved sewing, embroidery, gimp, fringe and ruffling machine]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 3
Notes: Company address: 182 1/2 Harrison Ave., Boston, Mass.
Model represented: H.D. Walott's patent graduating button-hole cutters.
Descriptive Notes: For families shirt and dressmakers, the smaller button hole cutters cut button holes from 1/4 to 3/4 of an inch; for tailors and tailoresses use no. 1 & 2 which are larger between going from 3/8 of an inch to 1 1/2 inch; (No. 1) button hole.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

032 Coburn Shuttle Company

Company Name on Item: Coburn Shuttle Co.
Title: Silk and Sawyer spindle shuttles a specialty.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Lincoln Cor. Tanner St., Lowell, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Our corrugated spindle is superior to any now in use and will save a large percent of waste in weaving; top filling.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

033 Coles Universal Feed Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Coles Universal Feed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Presented by Coles Universal Feed Sewing Machine Company. / Signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Imprint: [1876], New York, NY, Coles Universal Feed Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Facsimile of signers of Declaration of Independence; picture of Declaration of Independence being signed; text about Coles machine and its features, including universal feed motion, reversible presser foot, and universal braider.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Coles Universal Feed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Presented by Coles Universal Feed Sewing Machine Company. / Signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Imprint: [1876], New York, NY, Coles Universal Feed Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Facsimile of signers of Declaration of Independence; picture of Declaration of Independence being signed; text about Coles machine and its features, including universal feed motion, reversible presser foot, and universal braider.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Coles Universal Feed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Coles universal feed sewing machine.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: 416 W. 14th St., New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Pamphlet featuring the only sewing machine with universal feed; moves at will of operator; most intricate patterns may be worked without turning fabric; also has universal braider reversible presser foot; stitch indicator and regulator.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

034 Colton Water Motor Company

Company Name on Item: Colton Water Motor Co.
Title: [Letter from vice president of Colton Water Motor Co. to Mr. Webb]
Imprint: 1882/8/4, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 31 Milk St., Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Letter regarding overdue payment due to illness.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

035 Common Sense Family Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Common Sense Family Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Common sense family sewing machine.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Model represented: Common Sense family sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for using the Common sense family sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

036 Consolidated Sewing Machine Corporation

Company Name on Item: Consolidated Sewing Machine Corporation
Title: How to use your Sewmore sewing machine. / Model 404 full size top bobbin.
Imprint: 1952, Japan, [s.n.]
Pages: 76
Notes: Model represented: Sewmor.
Descriptive Notes: Diagram of sewmore.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Consew
Title: Consew model 241-1 and 241-1K. / With vibrating clamp single pedal operation.
Imprint: 1990, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Models represented: 241-1, 241-1K.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions and images of single thread chainstitch, cylinder bed, button-sewing and tacking machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Consew
Title: Models 3301, 3302, 3303, 3304, 3305, 3306. / With fully automatic lubrication simplified looper throw-out and safety balance wheel.
Imprint: 1991, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Models represented: 3301, 3302, 3303, 3304, 3305, 3306.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions and images of high speed, drop feed, needle feed, double chainstitch machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Consew
Title: Consew model CN 2230R. / With automatic lubrication system reverse feed.
Imprint: 1991, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: CN 2230 R.
Descriptive Notes: Details about and images of automatic lubrication system and reverse feed, single needle lockstitch machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Consew: Consolidated Sewing Machine Company
Title: Consew industrial sewing equipment.
Imprint: 1992, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Images of industrial machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Consew: Consolidated Sewing Machine Company
Title: Consew industrial sewing equipment.
Imprint: 1992, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Images of industrial machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Consew: Consolidated Sewing Machine Company
Title: Consew industrial sewing equipment.
Imprint: 1992, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Images of industrial machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Consew: Consolidated Sewing Machine Company
Title: Consew industrial sewing equipment.
Imprint: 1992, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Images of industrial machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Consew
Title: Model CN 1150. / Strip cutting machine.
Imprint: 1993, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: CN 1150.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions and images of strip cutting machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Consew
Title: 347R-1 A-UF and 347R-1A-WS. / Feed-off the arm zig-zag upper and lower feed machines.
Imprint: 1993, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Models represented: 347R-1A-UF, 347R-1A-WS.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions and images of feed-off the arm zig-zag upper and lower feed machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Consew
Title: Models 231 R and 231 RH. / With automatic lubrication system and reverse feed.
Imprint: 1993, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Models represented: 231 R, 231 RH.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions and images of high speed single needle drop feed lockstitch machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Consew
Title: Model 733R-4. / With extra-large, long-beak oscillating shuttle hook and bobbin reverse feed extra high foot lift.
Imprint: 1993, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Models represented: 733R-4.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions and images of extra heavy duty long arm single needle drop feed, alternating presser feet lockstitch machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

037 J.W. Cook

Company Name on Item: J.W. Cook Dealer in Bags & Bagging Materials
Title: [Receipt for purchase of grommets]
Imprint: 1871/9/22, [S.l.], A.B. Walling
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Front Street, Portland Oregon
Descriptive Notes: This a receipt for the purchase of 2 gross bags of grommets bought from J.W. Cook.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

038 A. Coulter and Company

Company Name on Item: A. Coulter and Co.
Title: Trade price list of standard Singer sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1883], Chicago, A. Coulter Co.
Pages: 12
Descriptive Notes: Needles and supplies list, images of sewing machine stands, information about A. Coulter Co.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2715

039 Cowles

Company Name on Item: Cowles
Title: The Revolution acknowledged. / The success of Cowles Sewing Machine Treadle Universal
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1876], New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Granby, CT
Agent information: Holmes and Company, NY
Descriptive Notes: Treadle "all physicians endorse it".
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 5 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

040 Crown Sewing Machines and Organs

Company Name on Item: Crown Sewing Machines and Organs
Title: [Trade card featuring a Crown sewing machine no. 6]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 6.
Agent information: Geo. P. Bent, Chicago, Ill. and Kansas City, Mo.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring Crown sewing machine no. 6, list of advantages on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2692

041 S.E. Currier

Company Name on Item: S.E. Currier
Title: [Trade card featuring sewing machines needles, shuttles, bobbins, oil cans] / Sole manufacturer of the mechanical needle sharpener and whetstone.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 5 Haymarket Square
Model represented: Mechanical needle sharpener.
Descriptive Notes: S.E. Currier is sole manufacturer of the mechanical needle sharpener and whetstone.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

042 Dauntless Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: New Dauntless
Title: [Trade card featuring the New Dauntless threading machine] / The best self-threading machine.
Imprint: [between 187_ and 188_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: S.C. Noyes; Fisherville, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Sea scenes, sailboat in distance, mermaids playing among sea shells.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Dauntless
Title: [Trade card featuring the New Dauntless sewing machine, best threading machine ever invented]
Imprint: [between 187_ and 188_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: New Dauntless.
Agent information: S.C. Noyes, Fisherville, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a seaside scene with King Neptune leading team of horses and a coach made of sea shells; in the distance over the water is a large sailing vessel with many sails.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Dauntless
Title: [Trade card featuring the New Dauntless sewing machine, best threading machine ever invented]
Imprint: [between 187_ and 188_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: New Dauntless.
Agent information: S.C. Noyes, Fisherville, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card showing sea scene; mermaids playing amidst the various shells; out on the water is seen a sailboat and a steam vessel.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Dauntless
Title: [Trade card featuring the New Dauntless] / The best self-threading machine ever invented.
Imprint: [between 1877 and 1882], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: New Dauntless sewing machine.
Agent information: S.C. Noyes; Fisherville, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Mermaids, seashells, coral, seaweed, sailboat, beach adorn the front of this trade card; verso shows the New Dauntless sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

043 Aaron Davis

Company Name on Item: Aaron Davis
Title: [Endorsement of sewing machine manufacturers by Pattern Maker, Aaron Davis]
Imprint: [1870/1], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Frederick City, MD
Descriptive Notes: Recommendation by Aaron Davis of J. (sic) M. Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, ... & Baker, Florence and Elias Howe sewing machines as advertised on the back cover of his coat pattern booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Pattern Industry. Box: 1 : Folder 0, Davis, Aaron
Item Image Available:

044 Davis Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: Davis vertical feed sewing machine. / Does all work without basting.
Imprint: [1869-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Model represented: Vertical feed sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Pamphlet features two women sewing, using other machines, complaining about under feed technique and one man criticizing the fit of his suit.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence with Mr. Kamp]
Imprint: [1874-1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Discusses problems mentioned in initial letter.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Manufactory
Title: [Trade card featuring an angel and a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], Cleveland, Johns and Co. Lith.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Agent information: Smith and Matteson, Watertown, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring an angel and a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Davis Manufactory company building]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring Davis Manufactory company building. Advertisement for Davis vertical feed sewing machine on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: Davis improved vertical feed shuttle sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1870], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 3
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Model represented: Vertical feed sewing machine with vertical feed bar (eliminating the need for basting).
Descriptive Notes: Testimonials; instructions and explanations for using the vertical feed bar.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine
Title: [Barlow's insurance survey's fire insurance map of the Davis Sewing Machine Works, Watertown, N.Y.]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1890], Boston, Heliotype Printing Co.
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: 192 Broadway, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Scale map and description of the Davis Sewing Machine factory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Barlow's Insurance Surveys. Box: 1 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: New high arm Davis vertical feed sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Price list of machines; "see what the vertical feed sewing machine will do without basting".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: New high arm Davis vertical feed sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Price list of machines; "See what the vertical feed sewing machine will do with out basting".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: Davis sewing machines. / The best on earth.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1899], Dayton, Ohio; Chicago, Illinois, Davis Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 20
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Cover features a copy of stitch-work made using a Davis Sewing machine. instructions for machine and attachments; drawings of binding scallops; making pleated trimmings; edge stitching a band; gathering and sewing on a band.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: Davis vertical feed sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 20
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Cover features a copy of stitch work done on a Davis Sewing Machine of a bald eagle.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: Davis vertical feed sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 20
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Cover features a copy of stitch work done on a Davis Sewing Machine of a bald eagle.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: New high arm Davis vertical feed sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1899], Watertown, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Collection of children's poems - featuring line drawing]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1899], [S.l.], Davis Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 14
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: $1,000.000 reward "for any machine that will do as great a range of work as Davis sewing machines." Back has an advertisement written in the first person from the Davis sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: Davis sewing machines. / The best on earth.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1899], Dayton, Ohio; Chicago, Illinois, Davis Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 20
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Cover features a copy of stitch-work made using a Davis Sewing machine. instructions for machine and attachments; drawings of binding scallops; making pleated trimmings; edge stitching a band; gathering and sewing on a band.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two children sitting on a log] / High arm, light running, vertical feed sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two children sitting on a log.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of two boys: one playing the flute and one dancing with a cat, and a duck watching] / Davis has no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of two boys: one playing the flute and one dancing with a cat and duck watching; contains a notice offering a $1000 reward for work done on another company's sewing machine that is superior to work done on a Davis machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of the Davis Sewing Machine factory] / Return in five days to the Davis Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of the Davis Sewing Machine factory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring boats at sail and a lighthouse] / Davis sewing machine is the best.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring picture of boats at sail and a lighthouse.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two children jumping over a fence] / Be sure to buy the Davis.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two children jumping over a fence; offers a $1,000 reward to anyone who can perform work on another manufacturer's sewing machine and have it look as good as work done on a Davis sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl in a flower garden] / Davis sewing machine is the best.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl in a flower garden.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Decal shaped like a leaf] / Davis vertical feed sewing machine: no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Decal shaped like a leaf.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three baby pictures, each depicting a different emotion] / The light running high arm new Davis sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three baby pictures, each with a different emotion.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young woman sitting on a bench with a flower in her hand] / Davis sewing machines bring contentment, happiness, beauty, and health.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young woman sitting on a bench with a flower in her hand.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a red shoe with a dance program and flowers inside]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring red shoe with a dance program and flowers inside.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Decal shaped like a sewing machine on a sewing machine stand] / Davis vertical feed has one equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Decal shaped like a sewing machine on a sewing machine stand.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a floral arrangement] / Fac-simile of embroidery done on the Davis vertical feed sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a floral arrangement.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a floral arrangement and a bird's nest containing three eggs] / Fac-simile of embroidery done on the Davis vertical feed sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a floral arrangement and a bird's nest containing three eggs.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a floral bouquet] / Vertical feed sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a floral bouquet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade catalog featuring a flag with a emblem of a sea-side cottage] / Davis sewing machine is the best.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog featuring a flag with a emblem of a sea-side cottage.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young woman in a bonnet with a parasol] / Davis sewing machine is the best.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young woman in a bonnet with a parasol.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl at a sewing machine with a woman overseeing her work] / Mother, no trouble to run the Davis; no basting, it runs alone.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl at a sewing machine with a woman overseeing her work.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring ships sailing in the distance and rocks in the foreground] / Vertical feed sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring pictures of ships sailing in the distance and rocks in the foreground.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring ships sailing in the distance and rocks in the foreground] / Vertical feed sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring pictures of ships sailing in the distance and rocks in the foreground.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a facsimile of embroidery work done on the Davis vertical feed sewing machine]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a facsimile of embroidery work done on the Davis vertical feed sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of an angel with a trumpet, hovering over a sewing machine and a table] / Davis vertical feed sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of an angel with a trumpet, hovering over a sewing machine and a table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a butterfly] / Buy the Davis vertical feed sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young woman with ornate jewelry] / Davis vertical feed sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], Watertown, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring young woman with ornate jewelry.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a facsimile of embroidery work done on the Davis vertical feed sewing machine]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a facsimile of embroidery work done on the Davis vertical feed sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young woman with two baskets of flowers]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young woman with two baskets of flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young woman on a park bench] / Davis vertical feed sewing machine: a household treasure the world over.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young woman on a park bench.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young woman on a park bench] / Davis vertical feed sewing machine: a household treasure the world over.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young woman on a park bench.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young woman with ornate jewelry] / Davis vertical feed sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], Watertown, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young woman with ornate jewelry.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a little girl holding three snow balls] / Davis sewing machine best on earth.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a little girl holding three snow balls.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a little boy at a riverside] / Davis has no equal; no cogs; no feed teeth; no annoyances.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a little boy at a riverside.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two women and a clown-like character, with directional sign to Utah] / Davis has no equal; no cogs; no feed teeth; no annoyances.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two women and a clown-like character, with directional sign to Utah.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman shooting another woman with one gun and pointing a second gun to her head] / Davis has no equal; no cogs, no feed teeth, no annoyances.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman shooting another woman with one gun and pointing a second gun to her head.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a bouquet of flowers in an extended hand]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a bouquet of flowers in an extended hand back lists address for obtaining a descriptive circular.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy carrying an umbrella] / Davis has no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young boy carrying an umbrella.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of an angel with a trumpet, hovering over a sewing machine and a table] / Davis vertical feed sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of an angel with a trumpet, hovering over a sewing machine and a table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman at a sewing machine with a young girl watching] / Mother, you have tried all kinds, now buy the new Davis, they say it never gets out of order and runs so easy.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman at a sewing machine with a young girl watching.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young woman with two baskets of flowers]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young woman with two baskets of flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a frog 'waving' to two ducks] / Davis has no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a frog 'waving' to two ducks.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a cat, with a bird in its mouth, being approached by a cat] / Davis has no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a cat, with a bird in its mouth, being approached by a cat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a little girl with a fan] / Davis has no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a little girl with a fan.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a frog, wearing clothes, lounging in the sun] / Davis has no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a frog, wearing clothes, lounging in the sun.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a dog on a chain being taunted by two mice] / The Davis has no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a dog on a chain being taunted by two mice.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: Vertical feed sewing machine. / No cogs, no feed teeth, no annoyances.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Picture of floral bouquet on cover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two images of a woman; one of a the woman sitting and sewing by candlelight and appearing to fall asleep and a second one of the same woman sitting at a sewing machine] / Davis vertical feed sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two images of a woman; one of a woman sitting and sewing by candlelight, appearing to fall asleep and a second of the same woman sitting at a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl dressed in a flowing dress] / Davis has no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring young girl dressed in a flowing dress.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring an embroidered bouquet done on a Davis sewing machine]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a embroidered bouquet done on a Davis sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two boys, one on crutches and one holding a musical instrument, and a dog with a sign around its neck] / Davis has no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two boys. Also in the scene is a dog with a sign around its neck. Notice offering a $1,000 reward for work done on another company's sewing machine that is superior to work done on a Davis machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring 3 children, in colonial dress, sword fighting]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring 3 children, in colonial dress, sword fighting; offer of $1,000 for anyone getting same quality of work from a non-Davis sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a little girl, an insert of a lighthouse] / Advance sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a little girl, an insert of a lighthouse; includes description of the advance machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a snow covered bridge and trees with a river underneath]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a snow covered bridge and trees with a river underneath.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a bird on a limb, overlooking a river. A snow covered house is in the background]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bird on a limb, overlooking a river. A snow covered house is in the background.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three children in a meadow] / Davis has no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three children in a meadow. At Sydney International Exhibition (1878-1880), Davis vertical feed machine received the only first prize for sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, with a muff, on roller skates] / Davis has no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, with a muff, on roller skates; back includes a description of Sydney International Exhibition, 1879-1880 where the Davis Sewing Machine Company won first prize.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a man and a woman playing in a meadow] / Davis has no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a man and a woman playing in a meadow; notice offering a $1,000 reward for work done on another company's sewing machine that is superior to Davis sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl wearing a green dress] / Davis has no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl wearing a green dress; back of card contains a description of Davis's receipt of 1st prize for sewing machines at the Sydney International Exhibition, 1879-1880.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a man whispering into a woman's ear] / Davis has no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a man whispering into a woman's ear; back of card contains a description of Davis's receipt of 1st prize for sewing machines at the Sydney International Exhibition, 1879-1880.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman on a swing] / Davis has no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman on a swing; back of card contains a description of Davis's receipt of 1st prize for sewing machines at the Sydney International Exhibition, 1879-1880.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a man and a woman dancing] / Davis has no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a man and a woman dancing; back of card contains a description of Davis's receipt of 1st prize for sewing machines at the Sydney International Exhibition, 1879-1880.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a floral image with a bird's nest with eggs]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a floral image with a bird's nest with eggs; sample embroidery included.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a child at a pond with a dog] / First order of merit was awarded only to Davis vertical feed sewing machine at the international exhibition, 1880-1881, at Melbourne, Australia.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a child at a pond with a dog; first order of merit was awarded only to Davis vertical feed sewing machine at the international exhibition, 1880-1881, at Melbourne, Australia.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a child on a crate in a pond holding a big fish] / First order of merit was awarded only to Davis vertical feed sewing machine at the international exhibition, 1880-1881, at Melbourne, Australia.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a child on a crate in a pond holding a big fish; first order of merit was awarded only to Davis vertical feed sewing machine at the international exhibition, 1880-1881, at Melbourne, Australia.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a child on a crate at a pond holding a big fish] / First order of merit was awarded only to Davis vertical feed sewing machine at the international exhibition, 1880-1881, at Melbourne, Australia.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a child on a crate at a pond holding a big fish; first order of merit was awarded only to Davis vertical feed sewing machine at the international exhibition, 1880-1881, at Melbourne, Australia.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy, wearing a hat, with two dogs on leashes] / First order of merit was awarded only to Davis vertical feed sewing machine at the international exhibition, 1880-1881, at Melbourne, Australia.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young boy, wearing a hat, with two dogs on leashes. First order of merit was awarded only to Davis vertical feed sewing machine at the international exhibition, 1880-1881, at Melbourne, Australia.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two girls under a cape; on the front an insert features a picture of a river with a bridge over it, and the back has a black and white picture of a sewing machine on a globe, with American flags surrounding the globe] / Mother makes our clothes on the 'Davis' sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two girls under a cape. An insert on the front features a picture of a river with a bridge over it. The back has a black and white picture of a sewing machine on a globe, with American flags surrounding the globe.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring five children forming a pyramid to climb up to the top of a set of shelves] / Davis has no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring five children forming a pyramid to climb up to the top of a set of shelves. At Sydney International Exhibition (1878-1880) Davis vertical feed machine received the only first prize for sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of Davis sewing machine No. 2 and a list of the benefits of owning a Davis sewing machine]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of Davis sewing machine No. 2 and a list of the benefits of owning a Davis sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a little girl with a small dog] / Davis has no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a little girl with a small dog; at Sydney International Exhibition (1878-1880) Davis vertical feed machine received the only first prize for sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring 3 children, in colonial dress, sword fighting]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring 3 children, in colonial dress, sword fighting; offer of $1,000 for anyone getting same quality of work from a non-Davis sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two children, in colonial dress, marching and carrying musical instruments]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two children, in colonial dress, marching and carrying musical instruments. Offer of $1,000 for anyone getting same quality of work from a non-Davis sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card in the form of a jig-saw puzzle, featuring a picture of Davis Sewing Machine manufacturing company plant]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card, in the form of a jig-saw puzzle, featuring a picture of the Davis sewing machine manufacturing company plant. Picture is a street scene including horse-drawn carriage, and railroad tracks and trains.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Envelope addressed to M.A. Kamp, Esquire]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Envelope addressed to M.A. Kamp, Esquire.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman in a hat] / Buy the new high arm Davis sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman in a hat. On the back, the text of the Davis Sewing Machine song.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a baby picture]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a baby picture. On the back, the text of the Davis Sewing Machine song.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a baby picture] / Momma's got a Davis Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a baby picture. On the back, the text of the Davis Sewing Machine song.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young woman with lace anklets, black shoes, and a short skirt] / Buy the new high arm Davis sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young woman with lace anklets, black shoes, and a short skirt; on the back, the text of the Davis Sewing Machine song.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a Davis sewing machine and a picture of a bridge over a brook] / Lightest running shuttle machine in the world.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a Davis sewing machine and a picture of a bridge over a brook.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a Davis sewing machine and a picture of a bridge over a brook] / Lightest running shuttle machine in the world.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a Davis sewing machine and a picture of a bridge over a brook.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a embroidered bouquet done on a Davis sewing machine]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a embroidered bouquet done on a Davis sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a child, with a dog, standing in a open door with sunlight visible outside the door] / Davis has no equal.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: trade card featuring a child, with a dog, standing in a open door with sunlight visible outside the door. At Sydney International Exhibition (1878-1880) Davis vertical feed machine received the only first prize for sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence with Mr. Kamp]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Discusses problems mentioned in initial letter.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence with Mr. Kamp]
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Discusses problems mentioned in initial letter.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: Directions for operating the new Davis sewing machine. / Gold medal of honor and diploma of merit: awarded to the Davis vertical feed serving machine, centennial exhibition
Imprint: 1876, Watertown, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Features a picture of a seal, for the Medal of Honor, 1876 Centennial Exhibition.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Invoice for shuttle bobbin.]
Imprint: 1876, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Invoice for shuttle bobbin for $1.50.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: 1776-1876, Centennial handbook. / Presented by Davis Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: 1876, Watertown, NY, Davis Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Information about Philadelphia, Great Exhibition, Centennial Buildings, Machinery Hall; pictures of many Exhibition buildings; map of Exhibition.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: 1776-1876, Centennial handbook. / Presented by Davis Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: 1876, Watertown, NY, Davis Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Information about Philadelphia, Great Exhibition, Centennial Buildings, Machinery Hall; pictures of many Exhibition buildings; map of Exhibition.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: Davis vertical feed sewing machine.
Imprint: 1876, [S.l.], Davis Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9.
Descriptive Notes: Great Exhibition 1876.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: Davis vertical feed sewing machine.
Imprint: 1880, Watertown, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Models represented: 1, 4, 6, 8, 9.
Descriptive Notes: Lists of salesrooms.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: Office of the Daily Terror.
Imprint: 1882, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Humorous ad campaign; picture of a man (who works at the "Daily Terror" becoming "stuck" when he realizes the awkward underfeed machines make work more difficult.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis
Title: Office of the Daily Terror.
Imprint: 1882, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Humorous ad campaign; picture of a man (who works at the "Daily Terror" becoming "stuck" when he realizes the awkward underfeed machines make work more difficult.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Invoice for Mr. Kamf, Silver Creek, Illinois, for two machines]
Imprint: 1883, Chicago, IL, Davis Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Invoice for two sewing machines, $21.50 and $22.50 marked paid in full date: April 23, 1883.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Invoice for Mr. Kamf, Silver Creek, Illinois, for two sewing machines]
Imprint: 1883, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Invoice for two sewing machines, $21.50 and $22.50 marked paid in full date: May 5, 1883.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Two checks to Mr. Kamf for $44.00]
Imprint: 1883, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Two checks from Davis Sewing Machine Company to Mr. Kamf.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: Certificate of warranty. / Davis sewing machine no. 265578.
Imprint: 1883/5/5, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Warranty and certificate of authenticity; includes note that user must keep machine properly oiled.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Labels]
Imprint: 1885, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Davis company logo; picture of Davis Company offices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Labels]
Imprint: 1885, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Davis company logo; picture of Davis Company offices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Invoice for Mr. Karuf, Silver Creek, IL for one shuttle, $.64]
Imprint: 1887/02/24, Chicago, IL, Davis Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Invoice for shuttle at $.60, and post at $.04.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: The last sheaf: thus beautiful picture represents a landscape in Normandy.
Imprint: 1889, Chicago, IL, Davis Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for an oil painting - for $. 25 receive painting and 1890 calendar - young girl leaving a harvest with sheaf on her shoulder.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Sewing Machine Company
Title: Davis vertical feed sewing machine. / Best on earth.
Imprint: 1892, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 24
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Cover features Native Americans in traditional dress in the courtyard of a city of Roman architecture; distributed at the Davis Sewing Machine exhibition at the Worlds Columbian Exhibition in Chicago.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Davis Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the advance sewing machine] / Most quiet, lightest running.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: This trade card was apparently glued to some paper; any descriptive material on the verso is unreadable; picture of child with long curly hair in blue barrette, light blue dress with ruffle at neck, flowers and sailboat scene at top of card.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

045 Demorest Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Demorest Sewing Machine Company
Title: Demorest Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [1891], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Plattsburgh, NY
Models represented: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Descriptive Notes: Price lists; testimonials; attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder Demorest
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 807

Company Name on Item: Demorest Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from Demorest Manufacturing Company to George W. Smith]
Imprint: [Between 1882 and 1908], Williamsport, PA, Demorest Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Plattsburgh, NY
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence requesting Mr. Smith begin selling Demorest sewing machines as agent.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Demorest Sewing Machine Company
Title: Drawing ticket for Demorest sewing machine. / "A revolution in the sewing machine wind."
Imprint: [Between 1882 and 1908], New York, NY, Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Plattsburgh, NY
Descriptive Notes: Ticket given out at "Fair"; certification for drawing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Demorest Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring Demorest Sewing Machine]
Imprint: [Between 1882 and 1908], New York, NY, Demorest Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Plattsburgh, NY
Model represented: Lock-stitch sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card of "The Christmas Present"; front is a floral design. "Marson Demorest".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Demorest Fashion and Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Advertisement for the Demorest sewing machine]
Imprint: 1890, Astor Place, New York, J.J. Little & Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 17 East 14th St., New York City
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement in Mme. Demorest's illustrated portfolio of the fashions and what to wear; a Demorest sewing machine is available for $19.50.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Pattern Industry. Box: 1 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

046 Diehl Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Diehl Manufacturing Company
Title: Motors for driving sewing machines. / Alternating current.
Imprint: 1906, Elizabethport, NJ, [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Elizabethport, NJ
Model represented: Diehl motor for Singer sewing machines.
Agent information: Kidder, Peabody, and Company
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of Diehl motor for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Diehl Manufacturing Company
Title: Motors for driving sewing machines. / Direct current only.
Imprint: 1906, Elizabethport, NJ, [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Elizabethport, NJ
Model represented: Diehl motor for Singer machine.
Agent information: Kidder, Peabody, and Company
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of Diehl motor.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

047 Domestic Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: The Domestic sewing machine without a teacher. / Illustrated instructions for quickly and easily learning the use of the machine and the attachments.
Imprint: [1880], New York, NY, Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 52
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Illustrated instructions.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 874

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: The Domestic Sewing Machine. / Desk model used as a utility table.
Imprint: [1930], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: Console model, desk model.
Agent information: Lansburgh and Brothers; 7th-8th- E Strs; Wash. DC
Descriptive Notes: Pictures of Domestic Sewing Machine consoles, showing varied use for the console when the machine is closed. Cover: elegantly dressed woman looking in a mirror with a closed console in the foreground.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 816

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Domestic rotary electric.
Imprint: [1930], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: Domestic Rotary electric, console, desk, portable, cabinet, treadle.
Agent information: Lansburgh and Brothers; 7th-8th-e Strs; Wash, DC
Descriptive Notes: Cover shows an elegantly dressed woman looking in a mirror with a closed console in the foreground.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 817

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring two women and child looking at a sailing boat]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two women and child looking at a sailing boat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring three women sewing in a drawing room]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York
Agent information: E.C. Adriance, Pouchkeepsie, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three women sewing in drawing room. Reference to costumes depicted in front picture on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic
Title: [Business card of E.W. Penney, Eastport, L.I.]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Mrs. E.W. Penney
Descriptive Notes: Business card of E.W. Penney, Eastport, NY.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic
Title: [Trade card featuring young women on a horse-drawn carriage looking at a Domestic poster]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Chas. A. Jones, Springfield, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring young women on a horse-drawn carriage looking at a Domestic poster.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring three women sewing in a drawing room]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York
Agent information: F.L. Handley, Watertown, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three women sewing in a drawing room. Reference to costumes depicted in the front picture on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a farm with animals in the foreground]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], New York, Van Campen and Johnson
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Loring Sears, Fitchburg, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring farm with animals in the foreground.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman with a girl and a dog in a field picking flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman with girl and dog in field picking flowers. Advertisement for Domestic sewing machines is on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a cow in a field]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Models represented: 4 family machines.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring cow in a field. Image of model no.4 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic
Title: [Trade card featuring a man proposing to a woman in a luxurious drawing room]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Chas. Churchill, Susqa., Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring man proposing to woman in a luxurious drawing room.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a horse-drawn carriage passing a poster advertising Domestic]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring horse-drawn carriage passing a poster advertising Domestic.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic
Title: [Trade card featuring a man proposing to a young woman]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring man proposing to young woman.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic
Title: [Trade card featuring two women chatting]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Models represented: 4 family machines.
Agent information: J.Y. Sigafus, Stroudsburg, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two women chatting. Advertisement for Domestic model no. 4 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring two women talking to each other]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Frank's Hine
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 4.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two women talking to each other. Advertisement for Domestic model no. 4 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card advertising Domestic sewing machines]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring advertising Domestic sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring gnomes climbing a tree in a sewing machine graveyard]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring gnomes climbing a tree in a sewing machine graveyard.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Decal.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Star decal with sewing machine in center.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Label for Domestic sewing machine needles.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: No. 25 Domestic Sewing Machine needles.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of domestic headquarters]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Picture of domestic headquarters Broadway and 14th, New York City.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two birds]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Two birds over bird. Ad for Albany, NY dealer.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Grand exhibition of sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Describing exhibition of sewing machine in Petersburg, VA.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: The Domestic Sewing Machine Company of New York / The star that leads them all.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: 1 - 6 (family), 9 - leather, 10 - cloth manufacturing, ruffler, binder, tucker, under-braider, feller.
Descriptive Notes: Drawings showing hemming and sewing lace.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 814

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three young girls and a mother sitting around a sewing machine while mother reads] / It makes home happy.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 8.
Descriptive Notes: Featuring three young girls and a mother sitting around a sewing machine while mother reads.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three young girls and a mother sitting around a sewing machine while mother reads] / It makes home happy.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 8.
Descriptive Notes: Featuring three young girls and a mother sitting around a sewing machine while mother reads.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Domestic dress form, domestic skirt-form, domestic folding skirt form.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Picture of forms.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Light-Running 'Domestic' Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Ad describing use of Domestic machine in both family and factory settings.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Light-running Domestic sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Ad describing use of Domestic machine in both family and factory settings.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl in a farmyard, a young girl eating an apple and leaning against a tree; and pictures of Domestic sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: 2, 3, 4.
Descriptive Notes: Features young girl in a farmyard; back: features young girl eating an apple and leaning against a tree; and pictures of Domestic Sewing Machines Nos. 2, 3, 4.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl in a farmyard, a young girl eating an apple and leaning against a tree; and pictures of Domestic sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: 2, 3, 4.
Descriptive Notes: Features young girl in a farmyard; back: features young girl eating an apple and leaning against a tree; and pictures of Domestic Sewing Machines Nos. 2, 3, 4.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman sewing] / Alex Mahan piano organs, and sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], Cortland, NJ, Mahan, Alex
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Woman sewing; information about Alex Mahan's invention of piano organs.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a Jersey cow in field] / Prize Jersey cow.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 3.
Descriptive Notes: Jersey cow in field; No. 3 ($60).
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring an engraving a cat in front of fire place]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Engraving of cat in front of fire place; ad for Domestic paper pattern.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a lake scene]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Engraving of a lake scene; "Light running Domestic" advertisement.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card] / Buy the light running Domestic.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Design with scene image.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young child with bowl of fruit]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 4 - family - back 2.
Descriptive Notes: Young child with bowl of fruit; man and woman sitting room.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman on cover] / But the light domestic sewing machine…
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: Standard machine (2) covered on the table.
Descriptive Notes: Woman on cover; illustration of machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl wrapped in blue sheet "peeling nut"] / Have you seen the latest light running sewing machine?
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Young girl wrapped in blue sheet "peeling nut".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a family in carriage looking at a Domestic Sewing Machine Company sign] / It stands at the head; the start that leads them.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Family in carriage looking at Domestic Sewing Machine Company sign.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring the phrase "$35 and up"] / Domestic Sewing Machine try one and you will surely buy one.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: $35 and up graphic design.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring images of bride and groom at reception, with sewing machine in background]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card of bride and groom in wedding attire at sewing machine with party (reception) going on in the background.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring an engraving of dog in family room with standing clock in background]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Engraving of a dog in a family room with standing clock in background; ad for domestic paper pattern.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a Jersey cow with spots] / $30,000 Jersey cow.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Jersey cow with spot; drawing of attachments that accompany all Domestic Sewing Machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a couple on front porch] / "Yes my grandfather was a great Antiquarian."
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Couple on front on porch; text: "to all loves".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring an old man digging] / "Where he studied antiquity."
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: It stands at the head; the light running Domestic.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Picture of machine; advertisement.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Instrumental manual]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a cat and a kitten in the left corner and an advertisement for the Domestic Sewing Machine Company office in New York City on Broadway and 14th Streets]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Featuring a cat and a kitten in the left corner and an advertisement for the Domestic Sewing Machine Company office in New York City on Broadway and 14th Streets.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a sample of machines work] / Work of the domestic sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Sample of machine's work.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two young children by a stream; one in tree; one fishing]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Two young children by stream, one in tree; one "fishing".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a body of water with a barn or house across the way]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card features a body of water with a barn or horse across the way, night time scene; back features text about the button hole worker.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a horse shoe and an image of Domestic's Number 4 sewing machine] / Light running Domestic: it stands the heat.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 4.
Descriptive Notes: Featuring a horse shoe and an image of Domestic's Number 4 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Star that leads them all.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: Family machine 4, Family machine 3.
Descriptive Notes: Poem about the machine and its usefulness.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Star that leads them all.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: Family machine 4, Family machine 3.
Descriptive Notes: Poem about the machine and its usefulness.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Star that leads them all.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: Family machine 4, Family machine 3.
Descriptive Notes: Poem about the machine and its usefulness.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Star that leads them all.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: Family machine 4, Family machine 3.
Descriptive Notes: Poem about the machine and its usefulness.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Domestic. / Star that leads them all.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Descriptive Notes: Detailed picture of each type of Domestic machine.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Domestic : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 64

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a home scene with three women and one little girl] / It makes happy homes.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 8.
Descriptive Notes: Home scene with three women and one little girl.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman under a tree, with a girl and a dog and a graphic of a star with a sewing machine in the center] / Star that leads them all.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Featuring a woman under a tree, with a girl and a dog and a graphic of a star with a sewing machine in the center.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a farm scene with a Victorian house]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a farm scene with a Victorian house; the back features a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a cat and a kitten in the left corner and an advertisement for the Domestic Sewing Machine Company office in New York City on Broadway and 14th Streets]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Featuring a cat and a kitten in the left corner and an advertisement for the Domestic Sewing Machine Company office in New York City on Broadway and 14th Streets.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a family with a coachmen in a two horse carriage, looking at a poster for the Domestic Sewing Machine] / It stands the heat.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card of a family with a coachman; two horse carriage looking at poster for Domestic sewing machine; elegant, large home in background.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a family with one horse and a wagon, looking at poster advertisement for a Domestic sewing machine] / It stands the heat.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card of an African-American family with one horse and a wagon-looking at poster; advertisement for a Domestic sewing machine; advertisement called "It stands the heat".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a family greeting 'traveling salesman']
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: African American family greeting "traveling salesman". goat "eating" coat tails of salesman.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a bull in pasture] / Prize Jersey bull Pedro.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Bull in pasture. back: attachments
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a family playing: three children climbing on father; one child holding flag with "The Star that Leads Them all" printed on it] / The star that leads them all.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Family playing (3 children climbing on father - one holding flag with "The Star that Leads them All" printed on it; Mother watching boat with Domestic Company sail in background.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a poster- " The star that leads all"]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Poster saying: "The star that leads all"; in foreground- African American family in wagon-reading poster.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two people in a wagon with a machine in wagon]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card of two African Americans in wagon with a sewing machine in background, child running behind dialog box saying "We don got de 'Domestic' we has."
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a battle scene] / First blow for liberty.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Close up of battle scene with British soldiers in background; wounded women and men in battle.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a woman and a picture of a sewing machine surrounded by a horse-shoe with the text "The light running domestic" around it] / It stands at the head.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 4.
Descriptive Notes: Featuring a picture of a woman and picture of the sewing machine surrounded by a horse-shoe with the text "The light running Domestic" around it.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy on horse back, carrying vegetables and wearing ethnic dress]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Young boy on horse back carrying vegetables dressed in ethnic dress.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a cat and a kitten in the left corner and an advertisement for the Domestic Sewing Machine Company office in New York City on Broadway and 14th Streets]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Featuring a cat and a kitten in the left corner and an advertisement for the Domestic Sewing Machine Company office in New York City on Broadway and 14th Streets.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a cat and a kitten in the left corner and an advertisement for the Domestic Sewing Machine Company office in New York City on Broadway and 14th Streets]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Featuring a cat and a kitten in the left corner and an advertisement for the Domestic Sewing Machine Company office in New York City on Broadway and 14th Streets.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a baby crying in yard with bowl of porridge in which a frog jumped; a dog is looking at the baby and a woman is opening a door to the house and looking toward the baby]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Featuring baby crying in yard with bowl of porridge in which a frog jumped; a dog is looking at the baby and a woman is opening a door to the house and looking toward the baby.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a baby crying in yard with bowl of porridge in which a frog jumped; a dog is looking at the baby and a woman is opening a door to the house and looking toward the baby]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Featuring baby crying in yard with bowl of porridge in which a frog jumped; a dog is looking at the baby and a woman is opening a door to the house and looking toward the baby.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Star that leads them all stands at the head.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Star that leads them all stands at the head.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a horse shoe and an image of Domestic's Number 4 sewing machine] / Light running Domestic: it stands the heat.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 4.
Descriptive Notes: Featuring a horse shoe and an image of Domestic's Number 4 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a woman and a picture of a sewing machine surrounded by a horse-shoe with the text "The light running domestic" around it] / It stands at the head.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 4.
Descriptive Notes: Featuring a picture of a woman and picture of the sewing machine surrounded by a horse-shoe with the text "The light running Domestic" around it.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a profile view of young girl in formal dress]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Profile view of young girl in formal dress; ad for "Domestic paper pattern".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a woman and a picture of a sewing machine surrounded by a horse-shoe with the text "The light running domestic" around it] / It stands at the head.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 4.
Descriptive Notes: Featuring a picture of a woman and picture of the sewing machine surrounded by a horse-shoe with the text "The light running Domestic" around it.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a color drawing of a crowd looking at Domestic billboards]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: 2, 3, 4.
Descriptive Notes: Crowd scene looking at Domestic billboards.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a house next to water wheel with women and child walking on bridge near wheel] / Buy the light running domestic.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: House next to water wheel woman and child walking on bridge near wheel.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Ill untreated catalogue of Domestic sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], New York, NY, Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 10
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: 2, 3, 4, 5 pictures of foot hemmer, binder, plate hemmers, corder, ruffler, tucker.
Descriptive Notes: Domestic building text about business/sewing machines industry.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Once in a while.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Primarily text ad/testimonials about domestic and its use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring an old man digging] / "Where he studied antiquity."
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a couple on front porch] / "Yes my grandfather was a great Antiquarian."
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Couple on front on porch; text: "to all loves".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman under a tree, with a girl and a dog and a graphic of a star with a sewing machine in the center] / Star that leads them all.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Featuring a woman under a tree, with a girl and a dog and a graphic of a star with a sewing machine in the center.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a woman and a picture of a sewing machine surrounded by a horse-shoe with the text "The light running domestic" around it] / It stands at the head.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 4.
Descriptive Notes: Featuring a picture of a woman and picture of the sewing machine surrounded by a horse-shoe with the text "The light running Domestic" around it.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a tall woman telling short women to buy domestic sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 4.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring tall women telling short women to buy domestic. Copyrighted by Frank S. Hine. Back has horseshoe image with no. 4 and "The light running Domestic, it stands at the head".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy riding a rabbit]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Young boy riding a rabbit.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring sheep in pasture] / Prize Lincoln Buck Wilson.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 2.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring sheep in a pasture; the back shows a no. 2 machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three woman sewing in a formal room]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Three women sitting in elegant room; one at machine, two cutting cloth; sewer with bonnet in background.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two women at the edge of a body of water]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Two young women at waters edge.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a sewing machine store] / Best and cheapest machines and perfect fitting patterns
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Domestic Sewing Machine store; two women and one man in a women's clothing store front window.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl blowing bubbles containing miniature sewing machines]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Young girl blowing bubbles which have sewing machines in them.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring pictures of needlework done on sewing machines]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Art needle work made on machine; picture of a woman in red dress over mantle.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three little girls sewing clothing for dolls] / The improved Domestic sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Three little girls at sewing machine working on doll clothes; back shows the no. 7 machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman in Athenian dress]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Woman in Athenian dress with blue bird on arm.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a cow] / $30,000 Jersey Cow Rarity.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 4.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a cow; the back shows the no. 4 machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two girls using sewing machine to make clothing for dolls] / The improved Domestic Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 8.
Descriptive Notes: Two girls using a Domestic machine to make doll clothes; picture of no. 8.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring bull in pasture] / Prize Jersey Bull Pedro.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bull in a pasture; back has a drawing of an attachment.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women in wagon with mule bucking, toppling the wagon and dumping the sewing machine on the ground] / "You've made a mistake! Should have bought a domestic w/ new wood work and attachments. Even the mule knows it."
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Women in wagon with mule bucking, toppling wagon and dumping sewing machine on ground; All for "Two Orphan's" at Peck's Grand Opera House.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a tree with Munchkin-like people up the limbs, talking about the value of Domestic sewing machine] / The star that lead them all.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Tree with Munchkin-like people up the limbs - talking about the value of Domestic sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a little boy in yard with a pie next to him, looking at an orange tree]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Little boy in yard with pie next to him looking at orange tree; back: text about radical departure in new Domestic machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a farm scene, including cows, pigs, hens]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Farm scene, cows, pigs, and hens.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring people sitting near a Domestic sewing machine] / In a rapt ecstatic way, it is intensely interesting, the light running Domestic Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Picture of a person sitting at a Domestic Sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a house next to water wheel women and child walking on bridge near wheel] / Buy the light running domestic.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: House next to water wheel, woman and child walking on bridge near wheel.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a profile view of young girl in formal dress]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Profile view of young girl in formal dress; ad for "Domestic paper pattern".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a color drawing of a crowd looking at Domestic billboards]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: 2, 3, 4.
Descriptive Notes: Crowd scene looking at Domestic billboards.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring head shots of four children]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Implied
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Four children, head shots; ad for Chicago sales place of Domestic Sewing Machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a barn yard scene]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 4.
Descriptive Notes: Barn/halfway house, wagons with hay, horses, workmen; no. 4 under horse shoe - "The light running Domestic. It stands at the head".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a marriage proposal]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a man proposing and women saying "Yes on condition that you buy me a Domestic."
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Die domestic Nahmaschine Gebrauchs- Anleitung.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], New York, NY, Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Detailed drawings of machine-operating instructions; cover features pictures of office/factory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Illustrated catalogue of Domestic sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], New York, NY, Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 10
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: 2, 3, 4, 5 pictures of foot hemmer, binder, plate hemmers, corder, ruffler, tucker.
Descriptive Notes: Domestic building text about business/sewing machines industry.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a beach scene] / Buy the light running Domestic sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card of beach scene: little boy running in sand with chicken held by feet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring globes] / Study the faces and buy the "Domestic."
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 3
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring globes with text: "The light running Domestic the best in the world: more than million in use".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: The light running Domestic family and manufacturing sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], New York, NY, Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-leather, 10-tailoring, 11-manufacturing.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card, describes variety machines and company history.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Price list of the world renowned "Domestic" with latest improvements.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: 2 1/2, 3, 4, 7, 20.
Descriptive Notes: Prices includes address and name of local vendor.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a prize jersey cow]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a prize jersey cow.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card] / "For one dollar we will send the "domestic monthly" one year and one dollar worth of domestic patterns."
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for Fletcher and Stewart, agents for Domestic]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card advertising Fletcher and Stewart,agents for Domestic.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a boar in a barn yard] / Prize Chester White Boar Kennett.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 2.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boar in a barn yard; the back shows a no. 2 machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for Domestic Machines] / the star that leads them.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a Star (gold) and picture of sewing machine; ad campaign related to (models 3, 4, 5).
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a small boy in colonial dress and a large white cat]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Small boy in colonial dress and a large cat white.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring children around a Domestic sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two children (girl and boy) under machine - girl holding doll.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring children in a buggy]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy and girl in a buggy pulled by a goat with dog and doll in back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring 4 children playing]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring four children playing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl at a well]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl at a well; a hawk is on the spout.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two girls sewing doll's clothing]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two girls sewing at a machine, one dressing a doll.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy dipping a collar in water] / Celluloid waterproof collars, cuffs and shirt bosoms.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: 4 family machines.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a horseshoe image with "The Light Running Domestic" written in it; young boy dipping collar in water.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a horse in a field] / Rochster by Aberdeen
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a home in a pasture; back has drawing of "attachments".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a dog in a pasture] / Shepherd or Collie dog.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a dog in a pasture.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring rooster and hen in barn yard] / Prize Brown Leghorns
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: 4.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a rooster and hen in a barn yard; back shows no.4 machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for Domestic Machines]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card mentions usefulness of Domestic machines; refers to Fashion Review (quarterly pub.) for Domestic patterns.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Once in a while.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Primarily text ad/testimonials about domestic and its use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card with a flower stitched by a Domestic Sewing Machine sewn on to the card]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Flower stitched onto the card using a Domestic Sewing Machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Description of and invitation to the Exhibition] / The star that leads them all.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Description of an exhibition, with an invitation.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a design with a scenic view] / Buy the Domestic sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Design with a scenic view.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring young people out on a body of water in a row boat] / It stands at the head.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], Milwaukee, WI, Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Young people out on a body of water in a row boat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a child painting (on canvas) a live bird]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Child painting (on canvas) a live bird.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring boys in a sailboat]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Boys in a sailboat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Receipt for rent payment on domestic sewing machine from R. W. Thompson.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: $1 rent on domestic sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Instruction manual domestic rotary electric sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 59
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Model represented: Series 153.
Descriptive Notes: Index; instructions for using Domestic rotary electric sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Price list of the celebrated quick running domestic.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: 11, 2 1/2, 3, 4 chain stitch loop.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Domestic bulletin. / Devoted entirely to domestic interests vol. XII (2).
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: 3, 4.
Descriptive Notes: "It stands at the head".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl showing her cat a picture of a sewing machine in a book]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Young girl showing her cat a picture of a sewing machine in a book; message from dealer announcing variety of items available.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy in field with shovel]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Boy in field with a shovel; ad for Domestic Paper Fashion.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a north pole explorer looking at pole on which a sign reads "Buy the domestic sewing machine"] / Buy the domestic sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: North pole explorer, looking at pole on which a sign reads "Buy the Domestic machine"; ad for department store selling machine name obscured.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with red bonnet holding a cat]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Young girl with red bonnet holding a cat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a star with women in center surrounded by title]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Star with women in center surrounded by title; picture # 3.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a family greeting 'traveling salesman']
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: African American family greeting "traveling salesman". goat "eating" coat tails of salesman.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Invoice for Joshua Griffith]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Includes illegible handwritten notes.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Domestic sewing machine is the best of all. / 50 points of superiority.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1874], [S.l.], Kennard and Hay Stationary Manufacturing and Printing Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: 50 points about Domestic Sewing Machine that make it superior to all other machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 808

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: The New "Domestic" Family and Manufacturing Sewing Machines.
Imprint: [Between 1871 and 1872], [S.l.], Kennard and Hay Stationary Manufacturing and Printing Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Picture of sewing machine stands; descriptions of gathering attachments call for new agents to sell Domestic machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 810

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Domestic is durable. / The best machine to use and the easiest to sell.
Imprint: [Between 1871 and 1872], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: Cabinet folding top table, folding case table, fancy stand table.
Descriptive Notes: List of attachments; list of leading points about the Domestic Sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 812

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Flier for Domestic Sewing Machine Company]
Imprint: [Between 1871 and 1872], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Incomplete (pages missing); picture of folding case table; picture of leather machine table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 811

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: The Domestic. / Simplicity and perfect construction.
Imprint: [Between 1871 and 1872], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Models represented: Half case machine, plain machine.
Descriptive Notes: Description and prices for plain machine, half case machine. Advantages of Domestic machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 813

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Light running Domestic. / It makes the lock stitch with the least and simple machinery.
Imprint: 1871, [S.l.], Kennard and Hay Stationary Manufacturing and Printing Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Description of the human energy saved by using the Domestic because it is light running.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 809

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Newspaper ad for light running Domestic]
Imprint: 1872, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Newspaper ad for Domestic.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Miniature catalogue of the Domestic paper fashions.
Imprint: 1875, [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 32
Notes: Company address: New York
Agent information: C.M. Norton; Hightstown, N.J.
Descriptive Notes: Pattern book. Advertisement on back cover for Domestic sewing machine showing a transparency of the working parts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Pattern Industry. Box: 1 : Folder 0, Domestic
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence to Mrs. Robert Moir]
Imprint: 1876/01/ 21, Chicago, IL, Davis Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Acknowledging receipt of payment and informing Moir of his under payment.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence to Mrs. Robert Moir]
Imprint: 1876/01/12, Chicago, IL, Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Acknowledging receipt of payment and informing Moir that machines were shipped.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Invoice for Mr. Kennedy priest]
Imprint: 1878, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Invoice for machine, muffler, hammer "delivered in wagon" at bottom $31.50 total.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Invoice for Mr. Kennedy Priest]
Imprint: 1878/11/09, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Tucker, ruffler, etc., $31.50.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Domestic almanac for 1881.
Imprint: 1880, [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 74
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Advertisements; stories and fairy tales.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Domestic almanac for 1881. / Profusely illustrated.
Imprint: 1881, New York, NY, Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 45
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Advertisements; stories and fairy tales. Sewing machines shown in image 37.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 815

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence to H.M. Dougan]
Imprint: 1881, New York, NY, Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Letter requesting a personal recommendation for J.C. Jones and his brother as Domestic Sewing Machine Company salesmen.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Decal.
Imprint: 1881/03/17, New York, NY, Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Black background with gold design.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence to H. M. Dougan]
Imprint: 1881/03/17, New York, NY, Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence regarding letter for V. C. Jones, as Domestic Sewing Machine Company salesmen.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Design for the Ornamentation of sewing machine]
Imprint: 1881/08/09, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Patent for #26.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic
Title: [Trade card featuring a horse-drawn carriage passing a poster advertising Domestic]
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, Ohio, W.J. Morgan and Co. Lith.
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Boston agency
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring horse-drawn carriage passing a poster advertising Domestic.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic
Title: [Trade card featuring bride and bridegroom looking at a sewing machine]
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, Ohio, W.J. Morgan
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Hatfield, Tunkhannock, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring bride and bridegroom looking at sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic
Title: [Trade card featuring people on a horse-drawn carriage looking at a Domestic poster]
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, Ohio, W.J. Morgan
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: E.C. Adriance, Po'keepsie
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring African Americans on a horse-drawn carriage looking at a Domestic poster. Advertisement for agency on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Invitation to Domestic Art Reception, at N.W. Hines, in New Haven, Connecticut]
Imprint: 1886, [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Invitation to a reception for an exhibit of Domestic art.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Invitation to art reception]
Imprint: 1886, [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Reception featuring household item created/made using Domestic.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a blue/green design] / Silver Anniversary of the Domestic Sewing Machine.
Imprint: 1888, [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Blue/green design; ad for machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a body of water at night]
Imprint: 1891, [S.l.], Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuringa lake/body water at night; the back has text about machine-button hole workers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Gift card] / To be given away; a $65 domestic sewing machine.
Imprint: 1892, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Norwalk, OH
Descriptive Notes: Card received man purchases made eligible for machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

048 G.L. DuLaney

Company Name on Item: G.L. DuLaney
Title: DuLaney's Improved Sewing Machine.
Imprint: 1876, Brooklyn, NY, Bruce and Dugard Steam Job Printers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Brooklyn, NY
Model represented: Little monitor.
Descriptive Notes: Drawing showing DuLaney machine; drawings of attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

049 Eclipse Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Eclipse Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card : Picture of a church with trees and other scenery along a waterway, tree is seen on other side of waterway, a large rose graces the corner of the card and name of company in lower left hand corner]
Imprint: [between 1885 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cincinnati, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Picture of a church with trees and other scenery along a waterway, tree is seen on other side of waterway, a large rose graces the corner of the card and name of company in lower left hand corner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

050 Eldredge Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Eldredge Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a little girl at beach with a painter and man in boat by her side] / The Eldredge, the lending strictly first class sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Descriptive Notes: Little girl at beach with painter and man in boat by her side.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Eldredge Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring four white cats on a table looking at reflection in mirror] / It leads the world.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Model represented: "B".
Descriptive Notes: Two birds on branches with flowers, house scene in middle.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Eldredge Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a small boy and girl in front on sewing machine and table] / Say! This is mama's new Eldredge rotary with automatic tension.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Descriptive Notes: Small boy and girl in front of sewing machine and table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Eldredge Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring four white cats on a table looking at reflection in mirror] / 50 reasons why you should buy the Eldredge "B" sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Model represented: "B".
Descriptive Notes: Two white cats on table looking at reflection in mirror.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Eldredge Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring four brown/white cats of various sizes with ribbons around their heads] / 50 reasons why you should buy the E. "B" sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Model represented: "B".
Descriptive Notes: Four brown/white cats of various sizes with bonnets, sewing shirts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Eldredge Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a French horn with a rope with image inside] / It leads the world the Eldridge "B" sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Model represented: "B".
Descriptive Notes: French horn with rope with image inside.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Eldredge Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring four brown/white cats of various sizes with ribbons around their heads] / 50 reasons why you should buy the Eldredge "B" sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Model represented: "B".
Descriptive Notes: Four brown/white cats of various sizes with ribbons around head.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Eldredge Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy wearing a sailor's outfit, holding flower] / Eldredge "B" sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Model represented: "B".
Descriptive Notes: Young, boy with sailor's outfit, holding flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Eldredge Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl in woods, painting a picture] / It leads the world.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Model represented: "B".
Descriptive Notes: Young girl sitting in woods, painting a picture.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Eldredge Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl in hat and red coat carrying flowers] / 50 reasons why you should buy the Eldridge "B" sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Model represented: "B".
Descriptive Notes: Young girl in hat and red coat carrying flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Eldredge Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl sitting on covered chair playing small guitar] / 50 reasons why you should buy the Eldredge "B" sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Model represented: "B".
Descriptive Notes: Young girl sitting on covered chair playing small guitar.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Eldredge Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a wealthy-looking man, smoking a cigar, sitting on sofa] / It leads the world.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Model represented: "B".
Descriptive Notes: Wealthy-looking man, smoking a cigar, sitting on sofa.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Eldredge Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Title: The "Eldredge "sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Descriptive Notes: Business card for Eldredge co. in Pennsylvania.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Eldredge Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring the Eldridge sewing machine] / 50 reasons why you should buy the Eldridge "B" sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1888 and 1890], Belvidere, IL, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Model represented: "B".
Descriptive Notes: Young girl in stockings with basket of fish.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Eldredge Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Title: [Correspondence from company with salesman discussing pricing: flyers enclosed]
Imprint: 1891/11/04, Belvidere, IL, Eldredge Sewing Machine Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Models represented: 3, 4, 5.
Descriptive Notes: (Reg. style of wood work). No.3 $18.75 - No.4 $19.75 - No.5 $20.75; (bent style wood work) No.3 $19.75 - No. $20.75 - No.5 $21.75.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

051 Elliptic Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Elliptic Sewing Machine Company
Title: Elliptic lock stitch sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: 1 plain top, 2 quarter case, half case, 3 half case (2 versions), 4 cabinet machines.
Agent information: D.E. Rice; 920 Arch Street, Phil., PA
Descriptive Notes: Price list for the Elliptic, advertisements for the Elliptic.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 818

052 Elna (Firm)

Company Name on Item: Elna
Title: Sewing guide. / Elna Lotus #2.
Imprint: [197-], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 56
Notes: Models represented: Elna Lotus SP, Elna Lotus EC, Elna Lotus ZZ, Elna Lotus TSP.
Descriptive Notes: Sewing and operation instructions for Elna lotus SP, Elna lotus EC, Elna lotus ZZ, and Elna lotus TSP.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Elna
Title: New Elna Lotus, the first compact sewing machines in the world. / Sewing comfort instead of sewing problems.
Imprint: [197-], Switzerland, Elna
Pages: 7
Notes: Company address: Switzerland
Models represented: Elna Lotus EC - economy, Elna Lotus ZZ- zigzag, Elna Lotus SP - special.
Descriptive Notes: Photos of machines, Elna lotus EC - economy; Elna lotus ZZ- zigzag, Elna lotus SP - special, being packed up, shipped, and used.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Elna
Title: New Elna Lotus, the first compact sewing machines in the world. / Sewing comfort instead of sewing problems.
Imprint: [197-], Switzerland, Elna
Pages: 7
Notes: Company address: Switzerland
Descriptive Notes: Photos of machines, Elna lotus EC - economy; Elna lotus ZZ- zigzag, Elna lotus SP - special, being packed up, shipped, and used.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Elna
Title: Sewing guide. / Elna Lotus #2,
Imprint: [197-], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 56
Descriptive Notes: Sewing and operation instructions for Elna lotus SP, Elna lotus EC, Elna lotus ZZ, and Elna lotus TSP.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Elna
Title: Instruction booklet. / Elna lotus #1.
Imprint: [197-], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 40
Notes: Models represented: Elna Lotus SP, Elna Lotus EC, Elna Lotus ZZ, Elna Lotus TSP.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklets and photos and diagrams of Elna lotus SP, Elna lotus EC, Elna lotus ZZ and Elna lotus TSP.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Elna
Title: Instruction booklet. / Elna lotus #1.
Imprint: [197-], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 40
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklets and photos and diagrams of Elna lotus SP, Elna lotus EC, Elna lotus ZZ and Elna lotus TSP.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Elna
Title: Elna TSP. / Model 72 open arm / 74 flat bed.
Imprint: 1973, Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Switzerland
Models represented: Elna TSP Model 72 open arm / 74 flat bed.
Agent information: White Sewing Machine Company
Descriptive Notes: Specifications chart.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Elna
Title: Elna SU. / Model 62 open arm / 64 flat bed.
Imprint: 1973, Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Switzerland
Models represented: Elna SU Model 62 open arm / 64 flat bed.
Agent information: White Sewing Machine Company
Descriptive Notes: Specifications chart; photos and diagrams of the Elna EC in use and folded up.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Elna
Title: Elna ZZ. / Model 21 open arm / 23 flat bed.
Imprint: 1973, Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Switzerland
Models represented: Elna ZZ - Model 21 Open arm / 23 flat bed.
Agent information: White Sewing Machine Company
Descriptive Notes: Specifications chart; photos and diagrams of the Elna EC in use and folded up.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Elna
Title: Elna EC. / Model 11 open arm / 13 flat bed.
Imprint: 1973, Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Switzerland
Model represented: Elna EC - Model 11.
Agent information: White Sewing Machine Company
Descriptive Notes: Specifications chart; photos and diagrams of the Elna EC in use and folded up.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Elna
Title: Elna lotus model 35. / Self contained zig-zag sewing machine.
Imprint: 1973, Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Switzerland
Model represented: Elna Lotus 35.
Agent information: White Sewing Machine Company
Descriptive Notes: Specifications chart.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Elna
Title: Elna SP. / Model 31 open arm / 33 flat bed.
Imprint: 1973, Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Switzerland
Models represented: Elna SP Model 31 open arm / 33 flat bed.
Agent information: White Sewing Machine Company
Descriptive Notes: Specifications chart; photos and diagrams of the Elna EC in use and folded up.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Elna
Title: Elna SU. / Model 62 open arm / 64 flat bed.
Imprint: 1973, Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Switzerland
Models represented: Elna SU Model 62 open arm / 64 flat bed.
Agent information: White Sewing Machine Company
Descriptive Notes: Specifications chart.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Elna
Title: New sewing programme. / Sewing a real treat.
Imprint: 1974, Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 7
Notes: Company address: Switzerland
Models represented: Elna ZZ - zig-zag, Elna SP - special, Elna TSP - top special, Elna SU - super.
Descriptive Notes: Photos of stitches completed on Elna ZZ , Elna SP, Elna TSP and Elna SU "Elna, the sewing machine in the sewing center of the Olympic Games Village, Munich 1972".
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Elna
Title: Elna Lotus. / Easy perfect reliable.
Imprint: 1975, Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 5
Notes: Company address: Switzerland
Descriptive Notes: Details about Elna lotus EC - Economic, Elna lotus ZZ - zigzag, and Elna lotus SP - Special.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Elna
Title: Elna Lotus. / Easy perfect reliable.
Imprint: 1975, Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 5
Notes: Company address: Switzerland
Models represented: Elna Lotus EC - Economic, Elna Lotus ZZ - Zig-Zag, Elna Lotus SP - Special.
Descriptive Notes: Details about Elna lotus EC - Economic, Elna lotus ZZ - zigzag, and Elna lotus SP - Special.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Elna
Title: Enlist, the compact free arm sewing machine. / The successful Elna and Elna Lotus is now followed by the new Elna Enlist.
Imprint: 1976, Switzerland, Elna
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Switzerland
Model represented: Elna Elnita.
Descriptive Notes: Photos of the Elna Enlist in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Elna
Title: Compact Elna Lotus, now with free arm.
Imprint: 1977, Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Models represented: Elna Lotus TSP, Elna Lotus SP, Elna Lotus ZZ.
Descriptive Notes: Photos of Elna lotus TSP, Elna lotus SP, and Elna lotus ZZ in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

053 Empire Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Empire Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring the Empire company logo]
Imprint: [Between 1866 and 1870], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Company logo.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Empire Sewing Machine Company
Title: Empire shuttle machine. / Received the first prize at the Great Fair of the American Institute in New York, October 26, 1867, and highest premium for best manufacturing machine at the Paris Exposition, July 1867.
Imprint: [Between 1866 and 1871], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: World's Fair.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Empire Sewing Machine Company
Title: Empire shuttle sewing machines received the first prize, at the Great Fair of the American Institute at the Paris Exposition, for the best manufactured machine.
Imprint: [Between 1866 and 1871], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: 2, 3, 4.
Descriptive Notes: World's Fair. List of manufacturers of Empire Machines. List of companies using Empire Machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Empire Sewing Machine Company
Title: Empire shuttle sewing machine received the first prize at the Great Fair of the American Institute in New York, October 26, 1867, and highest premium for best manufacturing machine at the Paris Exposition, 1867.
Imprint: [Between 1866 and 1871], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: 1, 2, 3.
Descriptive Notes: World's Fair.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

054 English Singer Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: English Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The English Singer Sewing Machine Co. manufacture the best and finest finished sewing machines ever offered to the public.
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1883], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 6
Notes: Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Agent information: A.J. Brill, Cincinnati, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Information about models nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; prices, images of models, list of advantages.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2686

055 Erie Products Company

Company Name on Item: Erie Products Company
Title: Instructions: how to take the mystery out of sewing.
Imprint: [Between 1930 and 1959], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Diagrams of sewing techniques, text instructions on sewing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

056 Erie Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Erie Sewing Machine Company
Title: Erie Family Sewing Machine. / Manufactured for the company by their employees in New England, embracing a large corps of the most skillful workers in iron and brass to be found in the United States.
Imprint: [1860], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Milan, OH
Descriptive Notes: Ad for Erie Family Sewing machine.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Erie : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 774

Company Name on Item: Erie Sewing Machine Company
Title: Erie Sewing Machine Company. / The greatest triumph in the history of the sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1889], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Prices of parts of Erie sewing machines listed.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Erie Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Gold colored sphere]
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Large gold colored sphere with a green bottom.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

057 D.J. Ewing

Company Name on Item: D.J. Ewing
Title: Secor lock stitch family sewing machine.
Imprint: 1875/3/15, Philadelphia, PA, [s.n.]
Pages: 3
Notes: Company address: N.E. Corner 8th & Walnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.
Agent information: T.S. Arthur & Son, 1129 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: This is a receipt of payment towards the purchase of a Secor lock stitch sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

058 Eyelet Button-Hole Attachment Company

Company Name on Item: Eyelet Button-Hole Attachment Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring an eyelet-buttonhole attachment] / One hundred perfect eyelet end buttonholes in one hour on any material.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 1 Union Square, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card showing four cats with blue bonnets sewing on a garment that is white with blue trimming.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Eyelet Button-Hole Attachment Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring an eyelet-buttonhole attachment] / One hundred perfect eyelet end buttonholes in one hour on any material.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 1 Union Square, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card showing four cats with one eye closed and covered with striped band; hard to see how this relates to buttonholes; the attachment fits any sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

059 Farmer and Gardner Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Farmer and Gardner Manufacturing Co.
Title: The Springfields sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1890], Springfield, Mass., Powers Paper Co.
Pages: 16
Notes: Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Agent information: H.B. Goodrich, Chicago
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of models, information about attachments, prices, warranty.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2700

060 Fessenden and Company

Company Name on Item: Fessenden and Company
Title: Dr. Sapp's improved walking motion treadle for sewing machines.
Imprint: [ca. 1872], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Testimonials about walking motion treadle for sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 5 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

061 Finkle & Lyon Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Finkle & Lyon Sewing Machine Company
Title: Finkle & Lyon Sewing Machine Co. / Office, 701 Broadway, New York.
Imprint: [Between 1859 and 1872], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 3
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Price list of various Finkle and Lyon sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Finkle & Lyon Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence with agents detailing terms for sale]
Imprint: [Between 1859 and 1872], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence with agents detailing terms for sale.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Finkle & Lyon Sewing Machine Company
Title: Finkle and Lyon improved lock stitch sewing machine. / The best for family use, simple and durable.
Imprint: [Between 1859 and 1872], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Various Finkle and Lyon sewing machines and prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Finkle & Lyon Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from Finkle and Lyon to the postmaster of _____ from Finkle and Lyon Sewing Machine Company asking for customers to circulate ads in exchange for buying a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1859 and 1872], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Models represented: 2, 3.
Descriptive Notes: Advertising letter.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Finkle & Lyon Sewing Machine Company
Title: Special to agent.
Imprint: [Between 1859 and 1872], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Finkle and Lyon Sewing Machine Company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Finkle & Lyon Sewing Machine Company
Title: Business card for Finkle and Lyon Sewing Machine Company. / Finkle and Lyon lock stitch sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1859 and 1872], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Business card for Finkle and Lyon Sewing Machine Company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Finkle & Lyon Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a Finkle and Lyon] / Finkle & Lyon Sewing Machine Co.
Imprint: [Between 1859 and 1872], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Business card for Finkle and Lyon Sewing Machine Company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

062 Florence Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Barlow Insurance surveys fire insurance map of the Florence Sewing Machine Co., (Florence) Northampton, Mass.]
Imprint: [187-?], Boston, Heliotype Printing Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 192 Broadway, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Scale map and description of the Florence Sewing Machine Co. factory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Barlow's Insurance Surveys. Box: 1 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Barlow Insurance surveys fire insurance map of the Florence Sewing Machine Co., (Florence) Northampton, Mass.]
Imprint: [187-?], Boston, Heliotype Printing Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 192 Broadway, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Scale map and description of the Florence Sewing Machine Co. factory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Barlow's Insurance Surveys. Box: 1 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Page from an encyclopedia]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Descriptive Notes: Picture of Florence sewing machine; picture of Grove and Baker sewing machine; picture of Willcox and Gibbs sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence with customer describing Goodrich sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence with customer describing Goodrich sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a bouquet of flowers] / New Crown sewing machine
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bouquet of flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a Crown sewing machine] / Crown sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Model represented: Crown sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Features of Crown sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: Florence sewing machine for families and manufacturers. / Florence Sewing Machine Company; 39 Union Square; Broadway; New York.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Descriptive Notes: Flier featuring the Florence Company logo.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: Florence sewing machines. / Reversible feed making four distinct stitches.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Florence Sewing Machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: Florence sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Florence Sewing Machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: Florence advocate extra. / Florence Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 3
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Models represented: 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Florence Advocate, detailing features of various machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a Florence machine] / New England agency for the new improved Florence sewing machine, for family and manufacturing purposes.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Florence Sewing Machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: Florence sewing machine company, Florence, MA. / Manufacturers of the celebrated reversible feed sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Descriptive Notes: Illustration of Florence Sewing Machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: Business card from Florence Sewing Machine Company. / Florence sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Descriptive Notes: Business card of Florence sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: Florence sewing machine makes four different stitches. / So the best for family use, combining strength, beauty, durability, and simplicity.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Descriptive Notes: Paris Exposition.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: Florence sewing machine makes four different stitches. / So the best for family use, combining strength, beauty, durability, and simplicity.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Descriptive Notes: Paris Exposition.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: Florence Sewing Machines are the best in the world. / Salesrooms: 630 Chestnut Street; Philadelphia, PA.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions of the features of Florence Sewing Machines Number 1; Number 2; Number 3; Number 4; Number 5; Number 6.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene in the woods with two young girls and a house] / New Crown sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene in the woods with two young girls and a house.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a bouquet of flowers] / New Crown sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Model represented: New Crowne.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bouquet of flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two panels, the first shows two well dressed women in front of an oil stove and the second shows a young boy wearing a sailor outfit and playing in a wooded area] / 'Crown' sewing machines and Florence oil stoves are manufactured by the Florence Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with two panels, one panel picturing two well dressed women in front of an oil stove and a second panel picturing a young boy wearing a sailor outfit and playing in a wooded area.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a bouquet of flowers] / New Crown Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bouquet of flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a scene in a woods with a bridge over water and a man in a boat] / New Crown.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Model represented: New Crown.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a scene in a woods with a bridge over water and a man in a boat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three small children (1 boy and 2 girls) sitting on a bench] / America's finest machine.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three small children (1 boy and 2 girls) sitting on a bench.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a vibrantly colorful fall scene in the woods] / New Crown.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Model represented: New Crown.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a vibrantly colorful fall scene in the woods.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a scene in the woods with a small bridge over water, and a man in a boat] / New Crown.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Model represented: New Crown.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a scene in the woods with a small bridge over water, and a man in a boat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a bouquet of flowers] / New Crown Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Model represented: New Crown.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bouquet of flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a man with an umbrella and reading women in an armchair]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: J.P. Balls, Owego, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring man with umbrella and reading woman in an armchair. Advertisement for agency on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring girls using a Florence oil stove and children playing croquet]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], Five Points, N.Y., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring girls using a Florence oil stove and children playing croquet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Advertisement from Harper's Monthly, August 1866] / Florence lock-stitch sewing machines.
Imprint: 1866, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Descriptive Notes: List of principal Florence Sewing Machine Company agencies.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 823

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from Florence sewing machine company to a customer detailing the delivery of a sewing machine]
Imprint: 1870/09/12, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from Florence sewing machine company to a customer detailing the delivery of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: Florence advocate; extra low prices and cash sales.
Imprint: 1873, [S.l.], Florence Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Models represented: Back feed machine, ornamental machine.
Descriptive Notes: Features pictures of machines with prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: Florence advocate; extra low prices and cash sales.
Imprint: 1873, [S.l.], Florence Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Models represented: Back feed machine, ornamental machine.
Descriptive Notes: Features pictures of machines with prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: Florence advocate; extra. / Low prices and cash sales.
Imprint: 1873, [S.l.], Florence Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Models represented: Back feed machine, ornamental machine.
Descriptive Notes: Features pictures of machines with prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 845

Company Name on Item: Florence Sewing Machine Company
Title: Directions for using the Florence sewing machine.
Imprint: 1878, [S.l.], Gazette Printing Company
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Florence, MA
Descriptive Notes: Picture of Florence Sewing Machine Company plant on cover; instructions; line drawings demonstrating using attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 822

063 Foley and Williams Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Foley and Williams Mfg. Co.
Title: [Correspondence with customer discussing price of organs and pianos]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1924], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cincinnati, OH
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence with customer discussing price of organs and pianos.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Foley and Williams Mfg. Co.
Title: Style 29 Goodrich B. / Finest finished and best selling sewing machine that we have ever placed on the market.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1924], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cincinnati, OH
Model represented: 29 Goodrich B.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions, pictures.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Foley and Williams Mfg. Co.
Title: [Correspondence with customer describing No. 1 New Goodrich Sewing Machine]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1924], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cincinnati, OH
Model represented: No. 1 New Goodrich.
Descriptive Notes: Price list; correspondence with customer describing No. 1 New Goodrich Sewing Machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Foley and Williams Mfg. Co.
Title: Improved new Goodrich sewing machine. / Marquetry finish; ball bearing latent and best.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1924], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cincinnati, OH
Descriptive Notes: Description of Goodrich sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Foley and Williams Mfg. Co.
Title: Sealed Bird selling plan. / It pays others, why not you?; read the several testimonies below.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1924], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cincinnati, OH
Model represented: B.
Descriptive Notes: Testimonials.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Foley and Williams Mfg. Co.
Title: Our new model No. 1 sewing machine. / Style 4, 5 drawer and box cover.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1924], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cincinnati, OH
Model represented: No. 1 style 4, no. 1 style 5.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures of No. 1, description of No. 1.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Foley and Williams Mfg. Co.
Title: [Correspondence with customer detailing prices of sewing machine tables]
Imprint: 1894/10/24, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cincinnati, OH
Model represented: New Goodrich 2.
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence with customer detailing prices of sewing machine tables.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Foley and Williams Mfg. Co.
Title: Foley and Williams Manufacturing Company. / [Correspondence with customer discussing the New Goodrich No. 2]
Imprint: 1894/6/6, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cincinnati, OH
Model represented: New Goodrich 2.
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence with customer discussing the New Goodrich No. 2.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Foley and Williams Mfg. Co.
Title: [Correspondence with customer concerning delay of sewing machine shipment]
Imprint: 1902/7/17, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cincinnati, OH
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence with customer concerning delay of sewing machine shipment.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Foley and Williams Mfg. Co.
Title: [Correspondence with a customer detailing the prices of various sewing machines]
Imprint: 1903/8/20], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cincinnati, OH
Descriptive Notes: Price list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

064 Folsom Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Globe Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring the globe sewing machine] / The cheapest good machine in all the world.
Imprint: [between 1865 and 1869], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Winchendon, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: John G. Folsom is the manufacturer and patentee of this Globe sewing machine; card lists principal offices and advertises the need for agents.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Folsom Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Folsom sewing machine] / The best cheap machine in the world it can be operated by hand or other power.
Imprint: [between 1865 and 1872], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: John G. Folsom; Winchendon, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with basic information such as price $25 to $35, the best cheap machine in the world can be operated by hand or other power.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Folsom Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Memo to G.C. & J.F. Stevens acknowledging letter of Jan. 21, 1863]
Imprint: 1863/1/27, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Winchendon, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Memo related to correspondence of Jan. 21, regarding a purchase.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

065 Forster and Richardson

Company Name on Item: Forster and Richardson
Title: [Receipt of purchase of 1, no. 8 machine, 7 doz. cotton, 4 doz. needles]
Imprint: 1869/9/11, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 505 Broadway, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Receipt for purchase of sewing items.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

066 Foxboro Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Foxboro Manufacturing Company
Title: 1500 shares. / Par value $100.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1887], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Foxboro, MA
Descriptive Notes: 1,500 shares of stock, par value $100, in Foxboro Manufacturing Company; form is unused; (Foxboro was bought by Rotary Shuttle Sewing Machine Company).
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 5
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 738

Company Name on Item: Foxboro Manufacturing Company
Title: Foxboro Manufacturing Company of Foxboro, Massachusetts.
Imprint: 1885, Boston, MA, Tolman and White, Printer
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Foxboro, MA
Descriptive Notes: Foxboro Manufacturing Company history.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 5
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 742

067 Free Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Free Sewing Machine Company
Title: The Free sewing machine catalogue of sewing machine sundries and supplies; Edition number 10. / Catalog of supplies, accessories and parts for all makes of family machines.
Imprint: 1917, Chicago, Ill, A.D. Weinthrop & Co.
Pages: 41
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Descriptive Notes: Prices of tools, parts, needles, shuttles, oil, etc.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Free : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 773

Company Name on Item: Free Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Free sewing machine, the only insured sewing machine]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: F.A. Mangold; 741 Penn St., Reading, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: On front of post card a smiling woman stands behind her Free sewing machine; she wears a pinkish dress with white overcollar; verso there is a list of attributes plus qualities of this machine; address area is included to mail this postcard.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

068 Charles A. French

Company Name on Item: Charles A. French
Title: The new novelty sewing machine.
Imprint: 1867, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 161 Court St., Boston, Mass.
Models represented: Hand machine, machine with table and foot power.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertises machine licensed and patented by Wheeler and Wilson and Singer Sewing Machine companies.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

069 French Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: The French Manufacturing Company
Title: Ladies all say that French's patent self supporting drop leaf table extension is the most useful attachment yet introduced for machines.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1876], New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Drop leaf extension table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 5 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

070 Fuller & Barnum's

Company Name on Item: Fuller and Barnum's
Title: New tuck creaser and self sewer.
Imprint: [Between 1867 and 1869], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: L.W. Barnum
Descriptive Notes: Description of attachment for Fuller and Barnum sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 5 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Fuller and Barnum's
Title: New tuck creaser and self sewer.
Imprint: [Between 1867 and 1869], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: L.W. Barnum
Descriptive Notes: Description of attachment for Fuller and Barnum sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 5 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Fuller and Barnum's
Title: Fuller and Barnum's tack-creaser and "self-sewer" or self guide and baster combined. / Patents 1860, 1861, 1863, 1864, 1867.
Imprint: [Between 1867 and 1889], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Fliers of Fuller and Barnum's tack-creaser and 'self-sewer' or self guide and baster combined.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

071 H.B. Goodrich

Company Name on Item: H.B. Goodrich
Title: Reduced price list from H.B. Goodrich manufacturer of the Goodrich machine and dealer in all kinds of parts, attachments, oils, needles, etc.
Imprint: [Between 1880 and 1885], Chicago, Dunn and Heggie
Pages: 11
Notes: Models represented: Goodrich self-threading machine.
Descriptive Notes: Price list for needles, attachments, oils; advertisements for catalogs and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2699

Company Name on Item: H.B. Goodrich
Title: [Trade catalog for various models of various companies]
Imprint: [Between 1880 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Price and parts lists, advertising different catalogs and Goodrich machines. Cover is missing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2687

072 J.W. Greene & Company

Company Name on Item: J.W. Greene & Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring pianos, organs, and domestic sewing machines] / Pianos, organs and sewing machines repaired, pianos tuned.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 193 & 195 Summit St., Toledo, Ohio
Agent information: J.W. Greene
Descriptive Notes: Sales promotion trade card for pianos and organ and sewing machine repair services.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

073 Greist Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Greist Manufacturing Co.
Title: Greist Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of improved Singer sewing machines. / Greist Manufacturing Co. improved Singer.
Imprint: [1879], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10.
Descriptive Notes: Information about factory, models, agent recruitment, warranty, price list, images of models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2704

Company Name on Item: Greist Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions covering the use of rotary buttonhole attachments by Greist.
Imprint: [Between 1930 and 1959], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 15
Notes: Company address: New Haven, CT
Models represented: Buttonhole attachments.
Descriptive Notes: Diagram, instructions.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Greist Manufacturing Co.
Title: Greist Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of improved Singer sewing machines. / Greist Manufacturing Co. improved Singer.
Imprint: 1879, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 25
Notes: Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10.
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of Greist sewing machines, prices, agent recruitment, letter to agent about special discounts on extra sheet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2710

Company Name on Item: Greist Manufacturing Co.
Title: Sewing efficiency.
Imprint: 1928, New Haven, Conn., Greist Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 63
Notes: Company address: New Haven, Conn.
Models represented: Binders, hemmers, tuckers, edge stitcher,ruffler, shirrers, cloth guide, quilter.
Descriptive Notes: Various attachments to embellish garments are discussed, also care of the attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Greist Manufacturing Company
Title: How to use Greist attachments.
Imprint: 1957, New Haven, CT, Greist Manufacturing Company
Pages: 31
Notes: Company address: New Haven, CT
Models represented: Foot attachment, gather foot, quilter, hemmer, edge stitcher, ruffler, multiple slotted binder.
Descriptive Notes: How to use Greist attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

074 Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Grover and Baker's first premium family sewing machines, the best in use. / For embroidery, they are exclusive.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Flier describing features of a Grover and Baker sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Directions for using Grover and Baker machines.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 26
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Description of parts of machines and how to use them.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Home Scene on Mr. Aston's first evening with Grover and Baker's celebrated family sewing machine. / Containing directions for using and a discussion of the relative merits of stitches.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 40
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Directions on major sewing techniques
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Home Scene of Mr. Astor's first evening with Grover and Baker's celebrated family sewing machine. / Containing directions for using, etc. etc.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 34
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Directions for using sewing machine parts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Public squares. / Pleasant drives.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Directions to Grover and Baker's Philadelphia office from various locations.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Business card for Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company]
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Agent information: Oscar Nellis
Descriptive Notes: Business card for Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Grover and Baker sewing machines were awarded the highest premiums at the state fairs of…
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Lists state fairs where Grover and Baker's machines were awarded.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Grover and Baker's celebrated family sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Flier for Grover and Baker's sewing machine; prices; locations of offices; testimonials.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Sewing machines. / General superiority of Grover and Baker Company's sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Flier for Grover and Baker Sewing machines. prices illustrations
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Grover and Baker's first premium sewing machines for family use and manufacturing purposes.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Flier for Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company. Grover and Baker company logo featured.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Grover and Baker's celebrated family sewing machines. / New style, price $50.00.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Flier for Grover and Baker's sewing machine; prices; locations of offices; testimonials.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Family sewing machines, Grover and Baker's. / Twenty different styles.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Price list; illustration of sewing machine features.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Family sewing machines. / Grover and Baker's.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Flier for Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company; price list; illustrations.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Grover and Baker's first premium sewing machines for family use and manufacturing purposes. / Very best in the world.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Flier for Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Sewing machines. / Grover and Baker's Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Flier for Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company; offices listed.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Sewing machines. / Patented February 11, 1851, June 22nd, 1852, February 22d, 1853 patent unquestioned.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Flier for Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company; price list; list of American offices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Grover and Baker's improved elastic stitch and lock stitch sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Models represented: 9, 23, 25, 27.
Agent information: 51 North Pearl Street; Albany NY
Descriptive Notes: Price list; illustrations.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Grover and Baker's celebrated noiseless family and manufacturing sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Flier for Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company; illustration of company offices in New York.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Grover and Baker's improved lock stitch sewing machine No 9. / Simple, durable, light-running, rapid, easily operated, accurate, and persistent.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Model represented: 9.
Descriptive Notes: Flier for No. 9 Grover and Baker sewing machine; testimonials.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Exposition Universelle, Paris 1867. / Very highest prize.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Flier announcing the awarding of the Imperial Cross of the Legion of Honor awarded to Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company at the Paris Exposition of 1867.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Patent sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Flier for Grover and Baker sewing machines and their features; illustrations.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Sewing machine. / Grover, Baker and Company.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Models represented: A, B, C, D, E.
Descriptive Notes: Price lists.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Grover and Baker's sewing machines. / Highest premiums at the leading fairs and expositions.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Flier for Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company; mentions expositions were company received awards.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Grover and Baker's sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Models represented: 1, 9, 23, 24, 25, 27.
Descriptive Notes: Price list; pictures of each machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 859

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Seams of the leading sewing machines illustrated and compared.
Imprint: [Between 1861 and 1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Models represented: 13, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.
Descriptive Notes: Cloth with stitching samples included in piece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 852

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: Grover and Baker's improved lock-stitch sewing machine. / No. 9, simple, durable, light running, rapid, easily operated.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Model represented: 9.
Descriptive Notes: Testimonials.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 858

Company Name on Item: Grover, Baker and Company
Title: Patent sewing machine adapted to sewing leather and all kinds of cloth.
Imprint: 1853, [S.l.], Washington Clapp
Pages: 23
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Models represented: A, B, C, D, E, spooling machine.
Descriptive Notes: Testimonials; price lists; description of Grover and Baker Company machine's unique features.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 851

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Sheet music: Sewing Machine Galop]
Imprint: 1865, Chicago, Bond-Chandler
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Sheet music; no words.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. DeVincent Sheet Music Collection. Box: 241 : Sewing Machines
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from Grover and Baker offices to customer]
Imprint: 1876/11/24, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from Grover and Baker office mentioning efforts to dispose of sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

075 William Haehnel

Company Name on Item: William Haehnel
Title: [Picture of design for ornamentation of sewing machine]
Imprint: 1884, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Picture of design for ornamentation of sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: William Haehnel
Title: Design for ornamentation of sewing machines. Specification forming part of Design no. 15005, dated May 20, 1884.
Imprint: 1884/3/28, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Copy of the patent application for the ornamentation of sewing machines, giving descriptions of ornamentation's and their location.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

076 Hall Treadle Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Hall Treadle Manufacturing Co.
Title: The Hall treadle.
Imprint: [1869?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: Hall treadle.
Descriptive Notes: Improvement over earlier models; stops easily; can be run using one foot alone or both together or alternately; it can be stopped instantly; testimonials on verso approve of Hall treadle as a health preserving and labor saving attachment to the machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

077 William Hart

Company Name on Item: William Hart
Title: [Trade card featuring William Hart card raising machines, buttonholes, cutting machines, sewing machines attachments] / Also patent adjustable presser foot for the Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 24 Fifth, Troy, NY
Descriptive Notes: An advertisement as would be found in a magazine; William Hart is advertising card raising machines, buttonholes cutting machines and sewing machine attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

078 H.G. Hawley

Company Name on Item: H.G. Hawley
Title: [New water motor for driving sewing machines]
Imprint: [1872?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 3
Notes: Company address: Albany, NY
Descriptive Notes: This motor runs by water; is fed by a 3/8 pipe; has power enough to drive any sewing machine 600 to 800 stitches per minute with 75 to 100 gallons of water per hour; made of bronze it can't rust or clog; uses no oil and is very quiet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

079 Holmes & Company

Company Name on Item: Holmes & Co.
Title: Cowles' patent treadle power.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: 7 Murray St., New York, NY
Model represented: Cole's patent treadle.
Descriptive Notes: Any person wishing for an easier method than the old fashioned heel and toe method can have the treadle installed, making machine easier to control completely by feet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

080 Home Embroidery Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Home Embroidery Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Home Embroidery Machine Co.]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Kansas City, Kansas
Model represented: Home embroidery machine.
Descriptive Notes: Uses needles fine enough to work on fine fabrics; they guarantee that it can be used on any grade of goods from China silk to burlap; they ask can two dollars be invested more profitably.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

081 Household Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Barlow Insurance survey's fire insurance map of the Household Sewing Machine Co.'s cabinet works, Providence, R.I.]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1888], Boston, Heliotype Printing Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 192 Broadway, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Scale map and description of the Household Sewing Machine Company's cabinet works.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Barlow's Insurance Surveys. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Barlow Insurance survey's fire insurance map of the Household Sewing Machine Co.'s cabinet works, Providence, R.I.]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1888], Boston, Heliotype Printing Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 192 Broadway, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Scale map and description of the Household Sewing Machine Company's cabinet works.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Barlow's Insurance Surveys. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a seashore with sailing boats and seagulls]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], Bufford
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring seashore with sailing boats and seagulls.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman sewing at Household machine and child playing with two kittens]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], New York, The Major and Knapp Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Providence, R.I.
Agent information: Merrill and Morrison, Chelsea
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman sewing at Household machine and child playing with two kittens. Advertisement for agency on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring three children carrying a small girl on a chair]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], Bufford
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Providence, R.I.
Agent information: Household Sewing Machine Co., Boston
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three children carrying a small girl on a chair.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with a dog]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], New York, Donaldson Brothers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Providence, R.I.
Agent information: F.N. Marden, Concord, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring girl with dog. Agency stamp offering savings on sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman sitting behind a Household sewing machine and a man standing behind her chair]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], New York, Donaldson Brothers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Providence, R.I.
Agent information: Household sewing Machine Co., Boston
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman sitting behind a Household sewing machine and a man standing behind her chair.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring snowdrops and a circular panel with winter landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: E.F. McKenney, Biddeford, Me.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring snowdrops and circular panel with winter landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: Household. / Household sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 14
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Collection of poems.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a sea with a sailboat and seagulls] / Household Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a sea with a sailboat and seagulls.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman seated at a chair in front of a sewing machine with a man standing behind her] / Presented by Household Sewing Machine Company, Providence, Rhode Island.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman seated at a chair in front of a sewing machine with a man standing behind her.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: Household. / Household sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Collection of poems.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with a dog in a field]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl with a dog in a field.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene with blooming flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene with blooming flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three children with a large dog] / Household is everywhere acknowledged to be the simplest, most reliable, most beautiful, and the best sewing machine made.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three children with a large dog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three animals dressed in clothing] / Household Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: Henry B. Newhall; 105 Chambers St. New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three animals dressed in clothing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring fisherman with three children in boat]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring fisherman with three children in boat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl in front of a bird cage]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl in front of a bird cage.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy and two young girls in a field carrying a basket]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young boy and two young girls in a field carrying a basket.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy pushing a ball] / Household Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young boy pushing a ball.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three young children sitting at a table with a dog and a cat]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three young children sitting at a table with a dog and a cat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a black and yellow bird on a rock]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: Horace Prentice; Skaneateles, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring black, yellow bird on a rock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl holding a dog]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: J.Lyman Griswold
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl holding a dog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy and girl carrying a second girl in a netted basket]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young boy and girl carrying a second girl in a netted basket.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with a big ball and a bird] / Household Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl with a big ball and a bird.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two young girls wearing dresses, holding flowers] / Household Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two young girls wearing dresses holding flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: Household sewing machine. / Easy running Household sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Model represented: Household.
Descriptive Notes: Flowers around the Household Sewing Machine Company name.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two women, one seated and fanning herself] / Household.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: P.A. Trimborn; 411 Grove Street
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two women, one seated and fanning herself.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman sitting in a living room with a girl]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman sitting in a living room with a girl.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: Household sewing machine. / Household.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Models represented: Household Styles 1-8.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures and descriptions of Household Styles 1-8.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with a large dog]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl with a large dog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with a parasol and a big ball] / Household Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl with a parasol and a big ball.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a bouquet of roses]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bouquet of roses.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a bouquet of flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bouquet of flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a bouquet of flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bouquet of flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a bouquet of flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bouquet of flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, on top of a chair, using a telephone}
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: JA Brian, 882 Chelmstord St., Lowell, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, on top of a chair, using a telephone.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two young boys with two birds]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two young boys with two birds.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two children playing; one of them is on a cart]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two children playing, one child is on a cart.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two young girls with an umbrella and a parrot] / Household Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two young girls with an umbrella and a parrot.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with folded cloth on her head] / Light running Household sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl with a folded cloth on her head.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young child wearing a hat] / Light running Household sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young child wearing a hat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with a folded cloth on her head] / Light Running Household Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring young girl with a folded cloth on her head.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with a folded cloth on head] / Light running Household sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring young girl with a folded cloth on her head.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a yellow, red, and black bird perched on a bench]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: Horace Prentice; Skaneatele, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a yellow, red, and black bird perched on a bench.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a yellow, orange, and green bird perched on a branch]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: Horace Prentice; Skaneateles, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a yellow, orange, and green bird perched on a branch.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring an orange, white, and purple bird on branch]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: Horace Prentice; Skaneateles, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring orange, white, purple bird on branch.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring four young children (one on a chair) playing] / Household
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring four young children (one on a chair) playing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a frog in a uniform riding on a dog] / Household sewing machine
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring frog in a uniform riding on a dog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a scene of a sailboat on the water, and a second sailboat on the water holding two people] / Household Sewing Machine
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a scene of a sailboat on the water, and a second sailboat on the water holding two people.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two girls holding flowers] / Household Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two girls holding flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring an angel and a water mill] / Household sewing machine company.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: N.O. Tiffany; 33 Niagara St.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring an angel and a water mill.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two young girls inside a miniature city] / Household Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two young girls inside a miniature city.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three young girls (one on piggy-back) at a stream]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: S. Hulse (Pianos, organs and sewing machines)
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three young girls (one on piggy-back) at a stream.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a grinning frog by the side of a body of water] / Examine and you will be convinced that the "Household" Sewing Machine is superior to all others.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: Henry B. Newhall; 105 Chambers St., New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring grinning frog by the side of a body of water.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three animals dressed in clothing] / Household sewing machine company.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: Henry B. Newhall; 105 Chambers St., New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three animals dressed in clothing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of the Household Sewing Machine factory] / Our household.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: A.P. Chase; Fitchburg, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of the Household Sewing Machine factory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three animals playing musical instruments] / Beautiful, durable, and ever running "Household" Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: Henry B. Newhall
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three animals playing musical instruments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring the Household Sewing Machine company logo] / Household.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: Warren & Wing; 149 Tremont St., Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring Household Sewing Machine company logo.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a fan design surrounding a picture of a Household Sewing Machine] / Household Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: Warrne & Wing; 149 Trumont St., Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a fan design surrounding a picture of a Household Sewing Machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy in a sailor suit] / Household Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: Warren & Wing; 149 Tremont St., Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young boy in a sailor suit.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two young children fishing] / Household Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: F.E. Coffin
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two young children fishing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two young children dancing]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two young children dancing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with flowers sitting on a fence]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl with flowers sitting on a fence.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring an angel and a castle in the woods] / Household sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: N.O. Tiffany; 33 Niagara St.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring an angel and a castle in the woods.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring an angel and a castle in the woods] / Household sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: N.O. Tiffany; 33 Niagara St.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring an angel and a castle in the woods.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a grinning frog by a body of water] / Examine and you be convinced that the "Household" Sewing Machine is superior to all others
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: Henry B. Newhall; 105 Chambers St., New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring grinning frog by a body of water.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: Our Household.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], Providence Tool Company
Pages: 20
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Picture and description of Household Sewing Machine Company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy with a hat] / Household Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young boy with a hat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy dressed in traditional Russian dress] / Buy the Household.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring young boy dressed in traditional Russian dress.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a "Bo-Peep"-like picture of a little girl with a muffler] / Household.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Agent information: Will H. Graves
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a "Bo-Peep"-like picture of a little girl with a muffler
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy with a fishing rod]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young boy with a fishing rod.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young woman in a bonnet] / Call and examine it.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young woman in a bonnet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: Household Sewing Machine. / Easy running Household Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers around the Household Sewing Machine Company insignia] / Buy the Household.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring flowers around the Household Sewing Machine Company insignia.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring birds on branches with Household Sewing Machine insignia]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring birds on branches with Household Sewing Machine insignia.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three little girls in hats and dresses, holding dolls] / Household Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three little girls in hats and dresses, holding dolls.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Household Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy with a hat] / Household Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1885 and 1906], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Dayton, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young boy with a hat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

082 Howe Machine Co.

Company Name on Item: Elias Howe Sewing Machine
Title: [Excerpt from Report on International Exhibition of Industry]
Imprint: [1862], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Excerpt from Report on International Exhibition of Industry.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: The great prize! Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1867. / Elias Howe, Jr., President, the Howe Machine Co., awarded over eight-two competitors, the highest premium, the only "cross of the legion of honor."
Imprint: [1867], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Agent information: Plummer & Wilder
Descriptive Notes: Howe logo and award.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: The latest Improvement in the market. / The new Howe family saving machine.
Imprint: [1868], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Agent information: Frank B. Hane
Descriptive Notes: Features of Howe machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: The "Howe" sewing machines are the oldest established of any in the world.
Imprint: [1868], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Agent information: G. W. Eddry
Descriptive Notes: Flier describing medals won by Howe sewing machines; mentions universal exhibition at Paris.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: The "Howe" sewing machines are the oldest established of any in the world.
Imprint: [1868], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Agent information: G. W. Eddry
Descriptive Notes: Flier describing medals won by Howe sewing machines; mentions universal exhibition at Paris.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Buy the genuine Elias Howe sewing machines. / Manufactured by the Howe Machine Co.
Imprint: [1869], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Agent information: Plummer & Wilder
Descriptive Notes: Features of Elias Howe sewing machines; mentions of fairs and exhibitions where the Elias Howe sewing machines were awarded prizes.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Original Howe Sewing Machine Company. / Manufactured by the Howe Machine Company.
Imprint: [1871], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 23
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Diagram/listing of sewing machine parts; instructions on sewing techniques.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Original Howe Sewing Machine Company. / Manufactured by the Howe Machine Company.
Imprint: [1871], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 23
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Diagram/listing of sewing machine parts; instructions on sewing techniques.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: The Howe (S. M. exhibition catalogue). / A brief history of the sewing machine and its inventor, Elias Howe, Jr.
Imprint: [1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 33
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Summary/description of sewing machine titles/cases.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: The Howe (S. M. exhibition catalogue). / A brief history of the sewing machine and its inventor, Elias Howe, Jr.
Imprint: [1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 33
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Summary/description of sewing machine titles/cases.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: The Howe (S. M. exhibition catalogue). / A brief history of the sewing machine and its inventor, Elias Howe, Jr.
Imprint: [1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 33
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Summary/description of sewing machine titles/cases.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: The Howe exhibition catalogue of sewing machines cases. / A brief history of the sewing machine and its inventor Elias Howe, Jr.
Imprint: [1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 32
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Picture of world's fair exhibit.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: The Howe sewing machine price list. / Price list of the world renowned Howe sewing machine.
Imprint: [1877], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 22
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: 1-9, B, C, D.
Agent information: H. S. Swarty
Descriptive Notes: Description and picture of sewing machine models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Branch office of the Howe machine company.
Imprint: [1878], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: A, B, C, D.
Descriptive Notes: Price list of various sewing machines; Howe company logo.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: The Howe (S. M. exhibition catalogue). / A brief history of the sewing machine and its inventor, Elias Howe, Jr.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 33
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Summary/description of sewing machine titles/cases.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: History of the sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 48
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: 1-10, A, B, C, E.
Descriptive Notes: History of sewing machine; features of Howe Sewing Machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Elias Howe Sewing Machine
Title: The growing world.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1900], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Biography of Elias Howe as he relates to invention of sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a fairy tale - like drawing of a veiled prophet] / The Howe machine company
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card's reverse side has fairy tale - like drawing of a veiled prophet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a cartoon drawing]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Cartoon design featured on reverse side.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Sewing machine oil and needles. / Oil and needles.
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Agent information: John T. Blaney
Descriptive Notes: Chart of machines and size of thread and needle adapted to them.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a colorful drawing of a ball] / The Howe Machine Co.
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Reverse side contains colorful drawing of ball.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: The Howe sewing machine instructor.
Imprint: [Between 1867 and 1886], [S.l.], Howe Machine Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: New family.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Howe sewing machine and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 870

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Instruction book for the new B machine. / Manufactured by the Howe Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1867 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 24
Notes: Company address: Bridgeport, CT
Model represented: B Machine.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using the Howe B sewing machine and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 864

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a Howe sewing machine] / Light running high arm new Howe.
Imprint: [Between 1867 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a Howe sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of the New High Arm Howe sewing machine] / Light running high arm new Howe.
Imprint: [Between 1867 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of the New High Arm Howe sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of the Howe sewing machine] / Light running high arm new Howe.
Imprint: [Between 1867 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of the Howe sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a description and picture of Elias Howe sewing machine] / The first sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1867 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a description and picture of Elias Howe sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring four comic strip-like pictures] / New Howe.
Imprint: [Between 1867 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 56
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring four comic strip-like pictures.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: History of the sewing machine, by James Parton.
Imprint: [ca. 1867], [S.l.], Inquirer Printing House and Bindery
Pages: 32
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Models represented: First sewing machine (invented by Elias Howe), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-A, 6-B, 7, 8, 9, 10, B, C.
Descriptive Notes: Final pages have line drawings of machines. Originally appeared in Atlantic Monthly, May 1867.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 866

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from A.B. Howe to customer]
Imprint: 1862/06/17, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from A.B. Howe to customer.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Original Howe sewing machine. / This medallion is embedded in every genuine Howe sewing machine.
Imprint: 1867, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 22
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Pictures of Howe sewing machines; description of sewing techniques.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Howe : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 78

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Instruction book for the Howe Sewing Machine Step Feed.
Imprint: 1867, New York, NY, Howe Machine Company
Pages: 20
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Detailed line drawings of parts; directions for use with detailed line drawings.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 863

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Receipt of payment to Howe sewing machine company.
Imprint: 1871/07/29, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 3
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Company logo featured.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Elias Howe Sewing Machines
Title: [Advertisement for Elias Howe sewing machines]
Imprint: 1872/Spring, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: A.P. Chase; Mains Street, Garden, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Back page of E. Butterick & Co. catalog. Advertisement for the Elias Howe sewing machine, E. Butterick & Co.'s patterns of garments and celebrated shears and scissors.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Pattern Industry. Box: 1 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Bill from Howe sewing machine company.
Imprint: 1873/08/21, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: "B".
Descriptive Notes: Bill from Howe sewing machine company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Check receipt from Howe company.
Imprint: 1873/10/10, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Check receipt from Howe sewing machine company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Check receipt from Howe sewing machine company.
Imprint: 1873/10/11, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Company logo featured; check receipt from Howe sewing machine company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Check receipt from Howe sewing machine company.
Imprint: 1873/10/21, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Check receipt from Howe sewing machine company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Check of $10 from office of D. D. Schoonmaker for a sewing machine.
Imprint: 1874/06/10, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Check of $10 from Office of D. D. Schoonmaker for a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Check receipt from Howe sewing machine company.
Imprint: 1874/08/20, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Company logo featured; check receipt from Howe sewing machine company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Check receipt from Howe sewing machine company.
Imprint: 1874/11/28, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Reverse side features company's guarantee concerning receipts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Check receipt from Howe sewing machine company.
Imprint: 1875/06/1, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Check receipt from Howe sewing machine company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Howe exhibition catalogue of sewing machine cases. / This beautiful catalogue .. expressly for the Centennial Exhibition.
Imprint: 1876, [S.l.], Corlies, Macy, and Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Brief history of the sewing machine and its inventor, Elias Howe Jr. Line drawings of sewing machine tables and cases; cover picture features a statue of Howe with exposition buildings in the background; Worlds Fair.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 861

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from company to customer(?)]
Imprint: 1876/08/02, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Receipt from company to customer.
Imprint: 1877/12/21, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Receipt from company to customer.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from Howe machine company to customer?]
Imprint: 1879/07/28, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from Howe Machine Company to customer.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from company employee to wife and family]
Imprint: 1880/08/23, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from company employee to wife and family.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: The Howe Machine Co. illustrated almanac for 1881.
Imprint: 1881, New York, NY, Howe Machine Company
Pages: 30
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: New B machine, D machine.
Descriptive Notes: Almanac for 1881; contains trade catalog for the New B Machine, Howe Machine Company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 867

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: The Howe Machine Co. illustrated almanac for 1881.
Imprint: 1881, New York, NY, Howe Machine Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Letter D machine.
Descriptive Notes: Almanac for 1881; contains a trade catalog for the Letter D Machine, Howe Machine Company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from company to customer]
Imprint: 1881/7/26, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Company logo featured.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: The Howe Machine Co's illustrated almanac for 1882.
Imprint: 1882, New York, NY, Howe Machine Company
Pages: 34
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Letter B machine.
Descriptive Notes: Almanac for 1882; contains a trade catalog for the Letter B Machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 869

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: Howe Machine Company's illustrated alphabet machine poetry.
Imprint: 1883, [S.l.], J.B. Thomas, New York
Pages: 37
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: First sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Picture of the first sewing machine from 1845; poems about sewing machines corresponding with each letter of the alphabet; pictures of the Howe machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 862

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Company
Title: [Business card for Howe Sewing Machine agent, Augustus H. Tennis]
Imprint: 1894, New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Agent information: Augustus H. Tennis
Descriptive Notes: Orange-colored business card.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 865

083 Howe Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: Elias Howe.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Picture of Elias Howe.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a description of the Howe Sewing Machine Model G] / New Howe: It happens to be the best.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: G.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a description of the Howe Sewing Machine Model G.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two cats and a butterfly] / Call and explain the light running, high arm new "G" Howe sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two cats and a butterfly.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring an picture of an exotic woman at a sewing machine] / Howe machine company's light running family sewing machine: the new B.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: B.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring an picture of an exotic woman at a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a bird with flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bird with flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers, bird, and butterfly] / Compliments of the Howe Machine Co.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring flowers, bird, and butterfly.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: Business card for Howe Sewing Machine Company. / The Howe sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Business card for Howe sewing machine company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Coin shaped picture of Elias Howe] / Elias Howe: Inventor and Maker
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Profile and picture of Elias Howe in the shape of a coin.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a bird, a rose, and a butterfly] / New "G" Howe.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bird, a rose, and a butterfly.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a Howe sewing machine surrounded in flowers] / The light running high arm new Howe.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a Howe sewing machine surrounded in flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring prices of sewing machine parts] / Elias Howe's Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Agent information: L. Sawyer
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring prices of sewing machine parts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a bird, a butterfly, and flowers] / New "G" Howe.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bird, a butterfly, and flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a Howe sewing machine] / Howe Machine Company at the front.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a Howe sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl in a bonnet] / The easy running "new Howe" sewing machine is the best.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl in a bonnet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of the Howe sewing machine] / Light running high arm new Howe.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of the Howe sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: The Elias Howe sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Agent information: E. D. Barber
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Howe sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: Howe machine company. / The new letter "O" Have arm manufacturing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: "D".
Descriptive Notes: Features described and detailed, drawing of sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a 'New Howe' sewing machine] / Light running high arm New Howe.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a "New Howe" sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Business card for Howe Sewing Machine Company] / Howe Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Business card for Howe Sewing Machine Company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of the New High Arm Howe sewing machine] / Light running high arm new Howe.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of the New High Arm Howe sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring pictures of Howe sewing machines model A , model B, model C] / Howe sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: A, B, C.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring pictures of Howe sewing machines Model A, Model B, and Model C.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a Howe sewing machine] / Light running high arm new Howe.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a Howe sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring four young boys next to the Howe Sewing Machine Company logo] / But the best.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring four young boys next to the Howe Sewing Machine Company logo.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl at a sewing machine] / Compliments of the Howe Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl at a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two women sitting in a living room in front of a Howe sewing machine] / Howe.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two women sitting in a living room in front of a Howe sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring an advertisement for Elias Howe, Jr. sewing machine] / Elias Howe, Jr. sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Agent information: S.A. Tainer
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring an advertisement for Elias Howe, Jr. sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring pictures of Howe sewing machines model A , model B, model C] / Howe sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: A, B, C.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring pictures of Howe sewing machines Model A, Model B, and Model C.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: Howe Machine Company. / Lock-stitch sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1853 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Company logo and picture of sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: A.B. Howe
Title: Original Howe improved family sewing machine. / The simplest, the most complete, the handsomest, the best s. m. in the world.
Imprint: [Between 1854 and 1859], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Agent information: George Feltham
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for family sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: A.B. Howe
Title: Howe's improved family sewing machine. / Simplest, the most complete, the handsomest, the best sewing machine in the world.
Imprint: [Between 1854 and 1859], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Agent information: Hine, Frank B.
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog for Howe sewing machines
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: A.B. Howe
Title: Family sewing machine for all purposes is the original Howe improved.
Imprint: [Between 1854 and 1859], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog for Howe Sewing Machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: A.B. Howe
Title: Improved home sewing machines. / For family and manufacturing.
Imprint: [Between 1854 and 1859], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Agent information: Nicholas & Baldwin
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions and prices of sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: A.B. Howe
Title: Original Howe improved family sewing machine. / The simplest, the most complete, the handsomest, the best sewing machine in the world.
Imprint: [Between 1854 and 1859], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Agent information: George Feltham
Descriptive Notes: Picture of woman at a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring dandelions and an image of a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1867 and 1886], Philadelphia, Potsdamer and Co. Lith.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York
Agent information: S.D. Tillotson, Huntington, L.I.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring dandelions and image of sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two kittens in a bush with a butterfly] / Compliments of the Howe Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1867 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: New G.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two kittens in a bush with a butterfly.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a 'New Howe' sewing machine] / Light running high arm New Howe.
Imprint: [Between 1867 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a "New Howe" sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two kittens in a bush with a butterfly] / Compliments of the Howe Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1867 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: New G.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two kittens in a bush with a butterfly.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Barlow Insurance surveys fire insurance supplement of the Howe Sewing Machine Company's works, Bridgeport, Conn.]
Imprint: [Between 1878 and 1881], Boston, Heliotype Printing Co.
Pages: 3
Notes: Company address: 192 Broadway, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Description of the Howe Sewing Machine Company's works, the Bridgeport Corset Co., and the New Howe Manufacturing Co., Bridgeport, Conn.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Barlow's Insurance Surveys. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe
Title: The Howe sewing machine.
Imprint: [ca. 1874], [S.l.], Rowley and Chew, Prs.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card advertising the Howe sewing machine. Sales numbers of Howe and competitors and invitation to the Franklin Institute Fair on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Machine Co.
Title: [Receipt for payment]
Imprint: 1871/08/26, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Receipt for payment.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe
Title: The Howe sewing machine.
Imprint: 1874, [S.l.], Rowley and Chew, Prs.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card advertising the Howe sewing machine. Sales numbers of Howe and competitors and invitation to the Franklin Institute Fair on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Lease for a Howe sewing machine]
Imprint: 1883/8/2, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: Howe sewing machine 529080.
Descriptive Notes: Lease for Howe sewing machine #529080 to W. Wilkins.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. World Expositions. Box: 3 : Folder 7, Philadelphia 1876
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Howe Sewing Machine Company
Title: Receipt from Howe Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: 1884/11/07, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: 1254907.
Descriptive Notes: Company logo on top.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

084 Charles W. Howland

Company Name on Item: Charles W. Howland
Title: [Harris' improved boudoir sewing machine]
Imprint: 1859, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Wilmington, Del.
Model represented: Harris' improved Boudoir sewing machine.
Agent information: James Megratten, 504 Market St., Wilmington, Del.
Descriptive Notes: Admired for simplicity, reliability, and durability; easy enough for child of 12 to use; no belts to worry about; sews backwards and forwards; its runs by friction.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

085 Hurtu Hautin & Diligeron

Company Name on Item: Hurtu Hautin & Diligeron
Title: [Trade card featuring the Hurtu French sewing machine]
Imprint: 1889, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 54 rue Saint-Maur, Paris, France
Agent information: Charles Verneau; 114 Rue Oberkampe, Paris, France
Descriptive Notes: The French sewing machine, Hurtu is supposed to offer the most complete variety offered by one manufacturer enabling each industry to have the best machine for their needs.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

086 Husqvarna

Company Name on Item: Husqvarna
Title: Ompelukoneopas Husqvarna 2000 luokka 6440.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Sweden, [s.n.]
Pages: 59
Notes: Model represented: Husqvarna 2000.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Husqvarna model 2000.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Husqvarna
Title: Mode d'emploi Husqvarna 2000 modele 6440.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Sweden, [s.n.]
Pages: 59
Notes: Model represented: Husqvarna 2000.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Husqvarna model 2000.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Husqvarna
Title: Husqvarna 2000 maskin-guide.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Sweden, [s.n.]
Pages: 57
Notes: Model represented: Husqvarna 2000.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Husqvarna model 2000.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Husqvarna
Title: Husqvarna 2000 maskin information.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Danish, [s.n.]
Pages: 57
Notes: Model represented: Husqvarna 2000.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Husqvarna model 2000.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Husqvarna
Title: Handleiding Husqvarna 2000 model 6440.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Sweden, [s.n.]
Pages: 59
Notes: Model represented: Husqvarna 2000.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Husqvarna model 2000.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Husqvarna
Title: Istruzioni sull'uso della Husqvarna 2000 modello 6440.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Sweden, [s.n.]
Pages: 59
Notes: Model represented: Husqvarna 2000.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Husqvarna model 2000.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Husqvarna
Title: Bedienungsanleitung Husqvarna 2000 Modell 6440.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Sweden, [s.n.]
Pages: 59
Notes: Model represented: Husqvarna 2000.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Husqvarna model 2000.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

087 Ideal Stitcher and Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Ideal Stitcher and Manufacturing Company
Title: Ideal Stitcher and their applications.
Imprint: [Between 1910 and 1940], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Racine, WI
Models represented: Straight arm, bottom, inverted head, corner, double staple, angle.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures and descriptions of stitches.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Ideal : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 61

088 Illinois Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: Illinois Sewing Machine Co. / Rockford, Illinois.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trial offer card.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: Illinois Sewing Machine Co. / Manufacturers of new Royal sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: Cabinet 8, 10, 12, 15, 17.
Descriptive Notes: Very detailed images of sewing machine cabinets.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: A new combination in sewing machines. / The new Royal made by Illinois S. M. Co.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 18
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: Cabinet 8, 10, 12, 15, 17.
Descriptive Notes: Features and illustrations of Illinois Sewing Machine Company cabinets.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: Illinois Sewing Machine Co. / Chicago, Illinois.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: Cabinet 8, 10, 12, 15, 17.
Descriptive Notes: Trial shipment offer card.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: Illinois Sewing Machine Co. / Rockford, Illinois.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Model represented: 22 New Royal "A".
Descriptive Notes: Trial offer card.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: No. 22 new Royal. / Ball bearing automatic drops head cabinet.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Model represented: 22 New Royal cabinet.
Descriptive Notes: Illustration and description of cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: Order blank.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: 59, 18 (cabinet).
Descriptive Notes: "Order blank" form.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: Terms December 1st. / Special order blank.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: 956, 738 (cabinets).
Descriptive Notes: Order form.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: Illinois Sewing Machine Company. / Rockford, Illinois.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: 69 New Royal "A", 18.
Descriptive Notes: Trial offer form for customers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: No. 738. / Automatic drawer locking Oakwood.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Model represented: Drawer/cabinet.
Descriptive Notes: Illustration and features of cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: Style no. 956 improved new royal.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Model represented: 956 cabinet.
Descriptive Notes: Illustration and description of cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: Why it pays to sell machines aside from direct profits realized. / Merchants, your competitors, who do not carry sewing machines , and in this way you get them on your books and make customers of them.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: Number 22. / New Royal automatic drop head cabinet.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Model represented: New Royal cabinet 22.
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations and descriptions of number 22 New Royal Cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: Art of selling sewing machines. / A country merchant's opinion.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Descriptive Notes: Essay on how to sell sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three women sitting next to a New Royal sewing machine] / Beauty and utility combined.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three women sitting next to a New Royal sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: Progressive methods.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: Cabinets 8, 10, 15.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisements, featuring illustrations and descriptions, for cabinets nos. 8, 10, and 15.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: Simplicity, "that's it." / It is the keynote of all our plans.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: Cabinets 18, 26.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement, featuring illustrations and descriptions, for cabinets number 18 and 26.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: New royal is chief. / To the trade.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 13
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: 22 cabinet, 40 cabinet, 30 cabinet, 38 cabinet, 69 cabinet, 78 cabinet, 98 cabinet.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures and descriptions of Number 22 cabinet; Number 40 cabinet; Number 30 cabinet; Number 38 cabinet; Number 69 cabinet; Number 78 cabinet; Number 98 cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: Number 22. / New royal automatic drop head cabinet.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Model represented: 22 New Royal A.
Descriptive Notes: Detailed illustration and description of number 22 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: This is the ball bearing and automatic lift described in our previous letter.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: 18, 69.
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of machines number 18 and 69 and descriptions of lifts and bearings.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: Number 22. / New Royal automatic drop head cabinet.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Model represented: 22 cabinet.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for number 22 cabinet
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: Wonderful bargain is being offered you.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: 18, 59.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures and descriptions of number 18 and number 59.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: Number 22. / New Royal automatic drop head cabinet.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Descriptive Notes: Pictures and descriptions of machine parts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: Quality counts. / New royal sewing machine is a combination of quality and beauty at a reasonable price.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and ca. 1897], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: Cabinets 22, 29, 98.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures and descriptions of Number 22 cabinet, number 29 cabinet, and number 98 cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from company to customer detailing special offer]
Imprint: 1900/11/03, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: 8, 10, 15.
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from company to customer detailing special offer; company logo featured.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from company to customer detailing prices of S. M. cabinets]
Imprint: 1900/12/04, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: Cabinet 8, 10, 15.
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from company to customer detailing prices of sewing machine cabinets. Company logo featured.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from company to customer detailing special offer]
Imprint: 1901/03/04, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: 8, 10, 12, 15, 17.
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from company to customer detailing special offer; company logo featured.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from company to customer]
Imprint: 1901/05/04, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: Cabinets 8, 10, 12, 15, 17.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from company to customers advertising cabinets]
Imprint: 1901/09/21, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: Cabinet 18, 26.
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from company to customers advertising cabinets; company logo featured.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from company to customer detailing special offer]
Imprint: 1905/02/03, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: 22, 98 (New Royal).
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from company to customer detailing special offer; company logo featured.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from company to customers advertising cabinets]
Imprint: 1905/03/10, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Model represented: Cabinet 22 ("New Royal").
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from company to customers advertising cabinets; company logo featured.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: Check from company to customer.
Imprint: 1905/04/05, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Descriptive Notes: Check from Illinois Sewing Machine Company featuring company logo.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from company to customer about special offer]
Imprint: 1913/09/03, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Model represented: 22.
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from company to customer about special offer; company logo featured.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from company to customer detailing special offer]
Imprint: 1913/10/02, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: 22 New Royal "A", 38 Oakwood.
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from company to customer detailing special offer.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from company to customer detailing trial offer]
Imprint: 1913/11/02, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: Cabinets 69, 18.
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from company to customer detailing trial offer; company logo featured.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from company to customer about special offer]
Imprint: 1915/09/22, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: 18, 59.
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from company to customer about special offer; company logo featured.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Illinois Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from company to customer detailing special offer]
Imprint: 1916/09/23, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Rockford, IL
Models represented: 738, 956.
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from company to customer detailing special offer; company logo featured.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

089 Independent Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Independent Sewing Machine Company
Title: Independent noiseless family sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1873 and 1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Binghamton, NY
Model represented: Family machine.
Descriptive Notes: Flier for Independent Noiseless machine recruiting for agents suggests interested parties stop by the exhibition stand at the Franklin Institute.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 871

Company Name on Item: Independent Sewing Machine Company
Title: Independent noiseless family sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1873 and 1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Binghamton, NY
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawings of No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 6; advertisements.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 872

090 O.R. Ingersoll

Company Name on Item: O.R. Ingersoll
Title: Universal underfeed sewing machine. / Universal shuttle machine.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: 259 Front and 32 & 34 Dover Sts., New York, NY
Models represented: Universal Underfeed Hand machine 1, Universal hand shuttle machine A, B, C, D, underfeed machine 3, 4.
Descriptive Notes: Since other patents had expired this company has been able to combine all the good guidelines of machines such as Whitney ... Singer, Wilson & Gibbs.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

091 Emile James

Company Name on Item: Emile James
Title: [The politype patent automatic tension, patent automatic bobbin winder]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], A. Stunkel & Schreiber Hannover.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 44 Clinton Place, New York, NT
Model represented: The Politype.
Agent information: Emile James
Descriptive Notes: This is a cylinder sewing machine with complete universal feed, specially adapted for steam power; seems more designed for industry than home use since it can sew leather work, boot repair, shoes, replaces elastics.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

092 A.F. Johnson & Company

Company Name on Item: A.F. Johnson & Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring A.F. Johnson's gold medal double thread sewing machine]
Imprint: [1860?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 324 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card/flier mentions that A.F. Johnson's sewing machine is manufactured under supervision of the inventor A.F. Johnson; simple and durable double thread machine; no springs, cut offs, clamps, friction wheels or useless devices of any kind.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

093 Johnson, Flanders and Company

Company Name on Item: Crescent Family Sewing Machine
Title: Johnson, Flanders and Co., manufacturers of the Crescent sewing machine. / Johnson, Flanders and Co.'s new family sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1883], [S.l.], Houston
Pages: 16
Notes: Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Agent information: Crescent Sewing Machine Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of models, prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2691

094 June Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: June Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman and log cabin] / Our family use the new and elegant light-running "Jennie June" sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1879 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman and log cabin.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: June Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman picking roses from a bush] / We have a new and elegant high arm 'Jennie June' sewing machine in our house on the hill and it makes home happy; it is the ladies favorite and the finest and the best.
Imprint: [Between 1879 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman picking roses from a bush.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: June Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a puzzle, featuring pictures of animals] / Puzzle card.
Imprint: [Between 1879 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card shaped like a puzzle, featuring pictures of animals.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: June Manufacturing Co.
Title: June Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of the new and greatly improved Singer sewing machine.
Imprint: 1884, Chicago, P.L. Hanscom and Co.
Pages: 16
Notes: Models represented: 3, 4, 7, 11.
Descriptive Notes: Information about the models and the company, images of models, testimonials.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2694

095 Keystone Sewing Machine

Company Name on Item: Keystone Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring the Keystone sewing machine]
Imprint: [187_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: NE Corner Chestnut and 13th Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Plain business trade card just stating name of machine and where it can be purchased in Philadelphia, printed information superimposed over picture of sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

096 Joshua Kidd

Company Name on Item: Joshua Kidd
Title: Specification of Joshua Kidd. / Improvements in machinery and apparatus for sewing and stitching cloth and other fabrics.
Imprint: [Between 1855 and 1870], Great Seal Patent Office, 25 Southampton Bldg., Holborn, George E. Eyre and William Spottiswoode
Pages: 11
Descriptive Notes: This is a request for a patent for the invention of sewing machine improvements related primarily to the arrangement of necessary machinery for well known chain stitch and the double or cross chain stitch.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

097 Konig and Company

Company Name on Item: Konig und Co.
Title: Price current of the Konig Singer sewing machine manufactory.
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1889], Kaiserslautern, Germany, Ph. Rohr
Pages: 16
Notes: Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of the models, guarantee certificate, blank price current.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2696

099 Ladd, Webster, and Company

Company Name on Item: Ladd, Webster, and Company
Title: Ladd Webster and Company's improved tight stitch sewing machines.
Imprint: 1861, Philadelphia, E. Ketterlinus
Pages: 28
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, E machine
Descriptive Notes: Testimonials; list of fairs at which company and machines won awards; drawings and prices of machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 714

100 Landis Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Landis Machine Company
Title: Landis Machine Company, manufacturers of the Landis wax thread lockstitch sewing machine. / For sewing leather in all its branches.
Imprint: 1893, St Louis, Missouri, Landis Machine Company
Pages: 43
Notes: Company address: Saint Louis, MO
Agent information: P.E. Nichols, 40 Fiske St., Waltham, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Drawing of machine; testimonials arranged by state; "Highest diploma and medal awarded at World's Columbian Exposition, 1893".
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 713

101 Lane Bros.

Company Name on Item: Lane Bros.
Title: Lane hydraulic motor.
Imprint: [1875?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 5
Notes: Company address: Mittlebrook, Duchess County, N.Y.
Agent information: Lane Bros.
Descriptive Notes: Motor is attached to a branch of the service pipe of the home's plumbing in such a manner that there is no leakage; speed is easy to control.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

102 Leader Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Leader Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two young girls in front of a bench] / Leader Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two young girls in front of a bench.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Leader Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two girls standing next to a tree trunk] / Leader Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two girls standing next to a tree trunk.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Leader Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with a parasol standing beside a shore line] / Leader Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl with a parasol standing beside a shore line.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Leader Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two young children in water with a sewing machine cabinet] / Peaceful waters.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two young children in water with a sewing machine cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Leader Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl holding a balloon with a broken string] / Leader Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl holding a balloon with a broken string.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Leader Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two girls picking flowers] / Leader sewing machine company.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two girls picking flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Leader Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two young girls in front of a bench] / Leader Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Agent information: Robert Clement
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two young girls in front of a bench.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Leader Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two young girls picking flowers] / Leader Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two young girls picking flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Leader Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring two girls picking flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1882 and 1888], Buffalo, N.Y., Clay and Richmond
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: C.J. Senter
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two girls picking flowers. Advertisement for agency on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Leader Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring two girls in a park]
Imprint: [Between 1882 and 1888], Buffalo, N.Y., Clay and Richmond
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: D.O. Furnald, Manchester, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two girls in a park. Advertisement for agency on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Leader Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with a parasol by the seaside]
Imprint: [Between 1882 and 1888], Buffalo, N.Y., Clay and Richmond
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: C.J. Senter, Manchester, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring girl with parasol by the seaside. Advertisement for agency on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Leader Sewing Machine Company
Title: Leader Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1882 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Complimentary mini-calendar, January - March 1883; picture of a young girl in the snow.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Leader Sewing Machine Company
Title: Leader. / Unsolicited testimony.
Imprint: [Between 1882 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Testimonials from customers about Leader Sewing Machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Leader Sewing Machine Company
Title: Principal office. / Leader Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: 1884, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: List of prices of various Leader sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

103 Leavitt & Company

Company Name on Item: Leavitt & Co.
Title: Leavitt & Co. premium lockstitch sewing machines.
Imprint: 1860, Boston, Mass., Davis & Farmer
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: 367 Washington St. and Gore Block, Boston, Mass.
Model represented: 1.
Descriptive Notes: Highest degree of qualities such as durability, easy management, sews well on all types of goods; uses cotton and linen thread as well as silk.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

104 Leavitt and Brant

Company Name on Item: Leavitt and Brant
Title: The Colby hemmer.
Imprint: 19th cent., Boston, Mass., Valentine
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Leavitt and Brant; 50 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: It is the only broad hemmer ever invented that will turn any width hem from 1/4" to 5" in. width on any brand of goods from lightest to heaviest; cut straight or on the bias.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

105 J.R. Leeson & Company

Company Name on Item: J.R. Leeson & Co.
Title: Bates' patent nonspiling bobbin device.
Imprint: 1894, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 405 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Model represented: Bates patent non spilling bobbin device.
Descriptive Notes: Advantages: perfect tension, 3 times amount of thread contained on bobbins (ready wound), non spilling shuttle bobbin holder will be loaned to manufacturers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

106 John E. Lewis

Company Name on Item: John E. Lewis
Title: [Trade card for a wholesale and retail dealer in all kinds of sewing machines]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: NE Corner 5th & Penn Sts., Reading, Pa.
Agent information: John E. Lewis
Descriptive Notes: John E. Lewis is a wholesale retail dealer for all kinds of sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

107 Lewis Invisible Stitch Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Lewis Invisible Stitch Machine Company
Title: Parts and instructions. / Model 54 series.
Imprint: [Between 1930 and 1959], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 25
Notes: Models represented: 54, 54-2, 54-4, 54-6, 54-10.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Lewis Invisible Stitch Machine Company
Title: 2, 3 & 4 operations on one machine. / Saves dollars and days on stitching, pinking, and shearing.
Imprint: [Between 1940 and 1959], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: "Lewis sew pink technology built into many other machines, including Singer, Union Special, and Willcox and Gibbs". Sample of stitch-work on fabric included.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Lewis Invisible Stitch Machine Company
Title: Catalog. / Lewis blindstitch and 'sew-pink' machines for women's wear.
Imprint: [Between 1940 and 1959], New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 29
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Lewis sew-pink machines - 102-40, 102, 102-13, 102-17, 103-1, 102-27-106, Lewis chainstitch - 62S-1D, 6L-223, Lewis lockstitch - 30-21, 16-26, 72sX-2, 72s-2, 16-29, Lewis chainstitch 62S-2D, 62S-15, 62L-7.
Descriptive Notes: Black and white photos of machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Lewis Invisible Stitch Machine Company
Title: Parts and instructions for women's undergarment dresses.
Imprint: 1934, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 22
Notes: Model represented: 54-8.
Descriptive Notes: Detailed diagram of Model 54-8.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

108 C.M. Linington and Bro.

Company Name on Item: C.M. Liningston and Bro.
Title: Illustrated catalogue and jobbing price list from C.M. Livingston and Bro., Manufacturers and Importers of [s]ewing machine and hand needles.
Imprint: 1874, [S.l.], Ezra A. Cook and Co.
Pages: 24
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of attachments, price lists, address "To the trade".
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2689

109 Frederick Loeser & Co.

Company Name on Item: Frederick Loeser & Co.
Title: The Loeser sewing machine. / A household treasure.
Imprint: 19th cent., Brooklyn, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 35
Notes: Company address: Brooklyn, NY
Models represented: Loeser Style 23, 25, 27, 115-A, and 125.
Descriptive Notes: Catalog of the various types of models of sewing they manufacture; they have an automatic ruffler; they advertise, other machines vary as to drop head and type of cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

110 Long Shuttle Sewing Machine

Company Name on Item: Long Shuttle Sewing Machine
Title: Instruction book for using household long shuttle sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1949], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Model represented: 82-LSR.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using 82-LSR.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

111 Love Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Love
Title: [Trade card featuring the Love: the latest and most attractive sewing machine]
Imprint: [between 1885 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: E. Dearborn, 256 Merrimack St., Lowell, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl with doll.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Love
Title: [Trade card featuring the Love: the latest and most attractive sewing machine]
Imprint: [between 1885 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: E. Dearborn; 256 Merrimack St, Lowell, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card shows young girl with sickle in one hand and flowers in the other; she wears a white bonnet, yellow skirt, green top.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Love
Title: [Trade card featuring the Love] / The latest and most attractive sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1885 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring snow scene, two girls talking, one wears a blue coat and red hat, the other wears a tan coat and blue/green hat; birds fly overhead.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Love
Title: [Trade card featuring the Love] / The latest and most attractive sewing machine for all purposes.
Imprint: [between 1885 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Girl wistfully peering through hole in a wall, wearing a white bonnet and red dress clutches a pink multi-petaled flower.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Love
Title: [Trade card featuring the Love: the latest and most attractive sewing machine]
Imprint: [between 1885 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card is the same as no. 2, folder 10, box 5 except this shows a figure of a girl looking at butterfly; she wears a yellow bonnet with pink ribbon her dress is pink with a green over collar; girl has brown hair.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Love!
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl showing a smaller child a butterfly and advertisement for Love! sewing machines]
Imprint: [Between 1885 and ca. 1889], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: H.W. Osgood, Pittsfield
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring girl showing a smaller child a butterfly and advertisement for Love! Sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 28
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Love Buttonhole and Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Love Buttonhole and sewing machine] / "After the fair imitating the jockey".
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: H.A. Hebard; 1330 Market St. San Francicso, Calif.
Descriptive Notes: Sales promotion card with two boys racing on their upside-down brooms making believe they're jockeys on horses; one boy wears a red suit the other wears a checkered jacket and red pants.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Love Buttonhole and Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Love Buttonhole and sewing machine]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: A girl with a red umbrella wearing a red dress and white cap and boy wearing a red hat, checkered jacket, plain pants and striped socks are riding on a brown and white duck.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Love Buttonhole and Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Love Buttonhole and sewing machine]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Sad-eyed cat holding on to footstool surrounded by flowers (lily) nothing said about their buttonhole and sewing machines on this trade card.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Love Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Love, the latest and most attractive sewing machine for all purposes] / Makes buttonholes on any kind of goods.
Imprint: 20th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: The Love sewing machine does zig-zag stitching with one or two needles; no extra attachments needed to do overseaming or other sewing; picture shows young girl with bonnet holding doll and basket.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

111a Marshall and Company

Company Name on Item: Marshall and Co.
Title: Price list of Marshall and Co.'s patent linen threads.
Imprint: 1878, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Agent information: George A. Clark and Brother, New York
Descriptive Notes: Price list of threads, information about awards won by the products.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2693

112 Marshall Field & Company

Company Name on Item: Marshall Field and Company
Title: Sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1890 and 1939], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 27
Descriptive Notes: Various sewing machines pictures and descriptions.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

113 McGranahan, James

Company Name on Item: Jas. McGranahan
Title: [Sheet music: My sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], N.Y., C.H. Ditson & Co.
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Sheet music with nine sewing machine related chorus'.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. DeVincent Sheet Music Collection. Box: 241 : Sewing Machines
Item Image Available:

114 McLean & Bennor Machine Company

Company Name on Item: McLean & Bennor Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring superior sewing machines]
Imprint: [between 1873 and 1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 223 North Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Agent information: McLean & Bennor Machine Co.
Descriptive Notes: McLean and Bennor can afford to sell their machine for only $25.00 because they don't employ ... and everything is on a cash basis.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

115 McLean & Hooper Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: McLean & Hooper Sewing Machine Co.
Title: McLean and Hooper elastic lock stitch family sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1873 and 1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 1304 Chestnut, St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: McLean and Hooper sewing machines will stitch, hem, tuck, quilt, cord, braid, gather, and embroider without any extra attachments; verso list books for sale.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

116 Merrick Thread Company

Company Name on Item: Merrick Thread Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl handing her mother a ready wound bobbin]
Imprint: 1879, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: W.C. Winne & Co., 306 & 308 River St. Troy, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Verso has copy of letter from Singer Manufacturing Co., 34 Union Square, N.Y. to Merrick Thread Co. recommending Merrick's ready made bobbin.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

117 Merrow Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Merrow Machine Company
Title: Catalogue, the Merrow Machine Company. / Manufacturers of high speed overedge overseaming and shell stitch machines.
Imprint: 1906, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 48
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Models represented: 15 plain crochet machine, blanket hemming and edging machine, scallop or shell stitch machine, 40, 50 three thread edge finishing machine, 60 high speed trimming and overseaming, 60S, 60K, 60U, cutter grinder.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures of work done by various machines. View of machines in a factory setting.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 718

Company Name on Item: Merrow Machine Company
Title: Instructions for setting up and operating the Merrow high speed trimming and overseaming sewing machines. / Class 60.
Imprint: 1922, Hartford, CT, Merrow Machine Company
Pages: 50
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Model represented: 60 class.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 766

Company Name on Item: Merrow Machine Company
Title: Catalogue of the Merrow Machine Company. / High speed trimming and overseaming, overedging, and shell stitch machines.
Imprint: 1926, Hartford, CT, Merrow Machine Company
Pages: 72
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Models represented: 15F, 18A, 22F, 35FJ, 35FJT, 60D, 60AD, 60BD, 60AB, 60B, 60ED, 60JD, 60Q, 60S, 60ABW, 60SS, 60UD, 60U.
Descriptive Notes: Company history of Merrow Machine Company; pictures of machines in use in factory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 767

Company Name on Item: Merrow Machine Company
Title: [Three stitch samples]
Imprint: 1927, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Models represented: 60U, 60UB, 60Q, 60ABB, 60F.
Descriptive Notes: Actual examples of sample stitches made using Merrow Machine Company machines; cover features picture of machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 764

Company Name on Item: Merrow Machine Company
Title: [One stitch samples]
Imprint: 1927, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Actual examples of sample stitches made using Merrow Machine Company machines cover features picture of machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 765

Company Name on Item: Merrow Machine Company
Title: [Three stitch samples]
Imprint: 1927, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Models represented: 35FJ, 35F, 60HD, hoD, 15F, 17F, 60BE, 60E, 18, 18A, 27F, 60B, 60AD.
Descriptive Notes: Actual examples of sample stitches made using Merrow Machine Company machines; cover features picture of machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 762

Company Name on Item: Merrow Machine Company
Title: [Three stitch samples]
Imprint: 1927, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Models represented: 60F, 60BW, 60AB, 35FJ, 35F, 60U, 60W.
Descriptive Notes: Actual examples of sample stitches made using Merrow Machine Company machines; cover features picture of machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 763

Company Name on Item: Merrow Machine Company
Title: [Three stitch samples]
Imprint: 1927, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Models represented: 60Q, 60UD, 60S, 60HD, 60WD.
Descriptive Notes: Actual examples of sample stitches made using Merrow Machine Company machines; cover features picture of machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 760

Company Name on Item: Merrow Machine Company
Title: [Three stitch samples]
Imprint: 1927, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Models represented: 60WD, 60HD, 60UD, 35F, 35FJ.
Descriptive Notes: Actual examples of sample stitches made using Merrow Machine Company machines; cover features picture of machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 757

118 Mersinger and Company

Company Name on Item: Mersinger and Co.
Title: [Business card of Mersinger and Co. featuring a boy riding on a bug]
Imprint: [186_-189_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Joliet, Ill.
Agent information: Mersinger and Co.
Descriptive Notes: Business card of Mersinger and Co. featuring a boy riding on a bug. Advertisement for agency on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

119 Metropolitan Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Metropolitan Sewing Machine Company
Title: Instruction book of care, operation, and adjustment of the various machines. / Manufactured by the Metropolitan Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: 1910, New York, NY, Press of Robert L. Stillson Company
Pages: 100
Notes: Company address: Nyack, NY
Agent information: Lucius N. Littauer; Nyack, New York
Descriptive Notes: Illustrated price list; instructions for various Metropolitan Sewing Machine Company machines; machine parts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 719

120 Montgomery Ward

Company Name on Item: Montgomery Ward and Company
Title: Montgomery Ward and Company's special catalogue of sewing machines and organs. / Pocket edition.
Imprint: [Between 1890 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Cover of pocket edition of a catalog of Montgomery Ward and Company's sewing machines and organs.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Montgomery Ward and Company
Title: Ward's reversible rotary sewing machine. / Owner's guide operation maintenance.
Imprint: [Between 1920 and 1959], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 24
Notes: Model represented: Reversible rotary sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Montgomery Ward and Company
Title: Description of our high arm machines.
Imprint: [ca. 1891], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 86
Descriptive Notes: Testimonials from customers grouped by state of residence.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Montgomery Ward and Company
Title: Montgomery Ward and Company's high arm sewing machine.
Imprint: [ca. 1892], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Models represented: 5, 5 1/2, 6, 6 1/2, cabinets.
Descriptive Notes: Detailed illustrations of high arm sewing machine, includes price list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

121 H.O. Morell Son & Company

Company Name on Item: H.O. Morell Son & Co.
Title: [Sales terms in regard to contract]
Imprint: 1876/1/28, Philadelphia, PA, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Letter setting up purchase terms to M.A, Kamp, esq. Kampsville, Calhoun City, Illinois; item being purchased is not mentioned; this is probably a reliable shuttle sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: H.O. Morell Son & Co.
Title: Reliable shuttle sewing machine.
Imprint: 19th cent., Philadelphia, PA, Kryder
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: 217 N. Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: The reliable shuttle machine uses a straight needle, makes a lockstitch, has self adjusting tension, has a large shuttle.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

122 Morley Button Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Morley Button Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Morley Bennett button sewing machine] / Capacity 225 buttons per minute.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 205 Congress St., Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card describing the merits of the Button sewing machine; capacity 225 buttons per minute; can also do shoe buttons; company deals in threads, needles and machine supplies.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

123 Sam'l F. Morrill & Company

Company Name on Item: Sam'l F. Morrill & Co.
Title: [Bill of sale for watch and clock parts]
Imprint: 1872/2/7, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 119 Maine Street, Concord, N.H.
Model represented: New family.
Descriptive Notes: Agent for the Singer Manufacturing Company and family sewing machines. Dealers in watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, cutlery, spectacles, fancy goods &c.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

124 James Morrison and Company

Company Name on Item: James Morrison and Company
Title: Wire Stitcher opens new avenues for profit.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Describes purpose and benefits of wire stitchers.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: J.L. Morrison : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: James Morrison and Company
Title: Morrison Perfection wire stitching machine no. 5-A. / Perfection by name; perfection in performance.
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1934], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Niagara Falls, NY
Model represented: 5-A.
Descriptive Notes: Picture of machine and description of features.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: J.L. Morrison : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 77

Company Name on Item: J.L. Morrison Company
Title: Morrison Perfection foot power bottom stitcher. / Product of Harris Seybold Potter.
Imprint: [Between 1910 and 1940], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Niagara Falls, NY
Descriptive Notes: Description of features of Morrison Stitcher.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: J.L. Morrison : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 60

Company Name on Item: James Morrison and Company
Title: Patent sewing machine fan. / Work and comfort combined.
Imprint: 1870, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 3
Descriptive Notes: Fan attachment, used with machine. Fan operated by machine's power.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 5 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

125 National Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: National Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two birds in front of a silhouette of the moon with the shore in the background]
Imprint: [Between 1890 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two birds in front of a silhouette of the moon with the shore in the background.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: National Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a rose with a winter scene in the background]
Imprint: [Between 1890 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a rose with a winter scene in the background.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: National Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a rose with a winter scene in the background]
Imprint: [Between 1890 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a rose with a winter scene in the background.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: National Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring birds and flowers around a scene of a house on a lake]
Imprint: [Between 1890 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring birds and flowers around a scene of a house on a lake.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: National Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a house surrounded by flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1890 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a house surrounded by flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: National Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl standing in a garden holding a rake]
Imprint: [Between 1890 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl standing in a garden holding a rake.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: National Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two birds in front of a silhouette of the moon with water and a bridge in the background]
Imprint: [Between 1890 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two birds in front of a silhouette of the moon with water and a bridge in the background.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: National Sewing Machine Company
Title: Western Electric: No 2. / Portable sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1890 and 1929], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 40
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Model represented: 2.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using No. 2 Western Electric; diagram of machine No. 2 Western Electric.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: National Sewing Machine Company
Title: It's just the thing; Mr. Live Dealer to knock-out competition, whether local or otherwise. / We refer to Vindex special.
Imprint: [Between 1890 and 1929], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for National Sewing Machine Company's Vindex Special.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: National Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from National Sewing Machine Company to a customer detailing a special offer]
Imprint: 1894/08/27, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Models represented: 3, 5
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from the National Sewing Machine Company to a customer detailing a special offer picture of National Sewing Machine Company factory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: National Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from National Sewing Machine Company to a customer concerning postage cost]
Imprint: 1924/02/04, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from the National Sewing Machine Company to a customer concerning postage cost; featured company logo.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: National Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from the National Sewing Machine Company to a customer concerning postage costs]
Imprint: 1927/03/21, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from the National Sewing Machine Company to a customer concerning postage costs.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: National Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from the National Sewing Machine Company to a customer concerning postage costs]
Imprint: 1927/03/25, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from the National Sewing Machine Company to a customer concerning postage costs.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: National Sewing Machine Company
Title: Sixty years of fine workmanship. / 1879: they were modern then; 1939: they are modern today.
Imprint: 1939, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 13
Notes: Company address: Belvidere, IL
Models represented: Rotary B, Rotary D, IEB Model B, Reversed D, Reversed B.
Descriptive Notes: National Sewing Machine Company history; pictures of National Sewing Machine company presidents and work-force.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

126 Necchi

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Necchi's sew how. / A practical guide for the home dressmaker from Necchi.
Imprint: [197-], Italy, [s.n.]
Pages: 30
Notes: Company address: Italy
Descriptive Notes: Instructions on various sewing techniques; index; glossary.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Necchi Lydia 3: 542, 544. / Instructions for the use and maintenance.
Imprint: [197-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 45
Notes: Company address: Italy
Models represented: Necchi Lydia 3, 542, 544.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for Necchi Lydia 3, 542, 544.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Necchi Lydia 3. / Sales demonstration and presentation.
Imprint: [197-], Italy, [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Model represented: Necchi Lydia 3.
Descriptive Notes: Guide for developing and running a sales demonstration of the Necchi Lydia 3.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Necchi warranty.
Imprint: [197-], Italy, Necchi
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Italy
Descriptive Notes: Warranty card for Necchi sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi Sewing Machine Sales Corporation
Title: Instructions for using the sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1940 and 1969], Italy, [s.n.]
Pages: 25
Notes: Company address: Taiwan
Model represented: BF Nova.
Descriptive Notes: Diagrams of BF Nova.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Istruzioni per il montaggio del display Necchi Lydia 3.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: Necchi Lydia 3.
Descriptive Notes: Multilingual manual giving instructions for assembling a display.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Necchi Lydia 3.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: Necchi Lydia 3.
Descriptive Notes: Advertising poster mounted.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Necchi Lydia 3 542,544 istruzioni per l'uso e la manufenzione.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Italy, Necchi
Pages: 45
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for Necchi Lydia 3 542, 544.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Necchi Lydia 3 542,544 Kaytta -ja huolto - ohjeet.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Italy, Necchi
Pages: 45
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for Necchi Lydia 3 542, 544.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Necchi Lydia 3 542, 544; anwijzingen voor gebruik en anderhoud.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Italy, Necchi
Pages: 45
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for Necchi Lydia 3 542, 544.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Necchi Lydia 3 542, 544 Bruksanvisning.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Italy, Necchi
Pages: 45
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for Necchi Lydia 3 542, 544.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Necchi Lydia 3.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: Necchi Lydia 3.
Descriptive Notes: Advertising poster mounted.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Lydia 3 consiglia.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Italy, [s.n.]
Pages: 24
Notes: Model represented: Necchi Lydia 3 (flipout back cover).
Descriptive Notes: Manual giving instructions for appliques done with a Necchi sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Necchi Lydia 3 542,544 Instruksjons og vedlikeholdsbok.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Italy, Necchi
Pages: 45
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for Necchi Lydia 3 542, 544.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Necchi Lydia 3.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Italy, Necchi
Pages: 45
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for Necchi Lydia 3 542, 544.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Necchi Royal Lydia 3 542,544 instruktionsbog og vedligeholdelse.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Italy, Necchi
Pages: 45
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for Necchi Lydia 3 542, 544.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Necchi Lydia 3 542,544 Instructions pour l'usage et l'entretien.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Italy, Necchi
Pages: 45
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for Necchi Lydia 3 542, 544.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Necchi's sew-how; a practical guide for the home dressmaker from Necchi.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Italy, Necchi Educational Department
Pages: 30
Descriptive Notes: Necchi's sew-how; a practical guide for the home dressmaker from Necchi.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Necchi in poche righe.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Italy, Necchi
Pages: 36
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog showing company history.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Necchi Lydia 3 542,544 Instrucciones para el uso y la conservacion.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Italy, Necchi
Pages: 45
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for Necchi Lydia 3 542, 544.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Necchi Lydia 3 542,544 Anweisungen für Gebrauch und Pflege.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Italy, Necchi
Pages: 45
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for Necchi Lydia 3 542, 544.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi Sewing Machine Sales Corporation
Title: Instructions and maintenance guide.
Imprint: 1951, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 93
Notes: Company address: Taiwan
Model represented: BU.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi Sewing Machine Sales Corporation
Title: May we serve you. / What to do when your machine needs servicing.
Imprint: 1953, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Taiwan
Descriptive Notes: Explains different service available for Necchi machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi Sewing Machine Sales Corporation
Title: Instructions for the use and maintenance of your Necchi BF Mira.
Imprint: 1963, [S.l.], Italy
Pages: 44
Notes: Company address: Taiwan
Model represented: BF Mira.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for the use and maintenance of your Necchi BF Mira.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Necchi Lydia 3-542, 544. / Instructions for the use and maintenance.
Imprint: 1977, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 27
Notes: Models represented: Lydia 3-542, Lydia 3-544.
Descriptive Notes: Index; instructions for use of machines and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Necchi
Title: Its new line of modern sewing machines. / Sew easy, sew modern, sew Necchi.
Imprint: 1980, Italy, [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Models represented: Lelia 510, Lelia 513, Necchi 520, Necchi 523, Necchi 525, Necchi 554, Lydia.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures of Necchi machines, including Lelia 510, Lelia 513, Necchi 520, Necchi 523, Necchi 525, Necchi 554, Lydia.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

127 Nelco

Company Name on Item: Nelco
Title: Nelco's proven profit performers. / For today's sophisticated consumers.
Imprint: [197-], Italy, [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Models represented: N-15, 521-F, 525-slant arm, 221-slant arm, 233-slant arm, 217-slant arm, 210, A-25, A-20, Amica Super Practical, 2500, Maxi 3500 flatbed.
Descriptive Notes: Black and white photographs of each model - N-15, 521-F, 525-slant arm, 221-slant arm, 233-slant arm, 217-slant arm, 210, A-25, A-20, Amica Super Practical, 2500, Maxi 3500 flatbed.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Nelco
Title: [Stitchwork in felt done on a Nelco machine] / [Stitchwork design of a yellow bird with a twig in mouth and holding an American flag in its claws]
Imprint: [197-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Stitchwork design of a yellow bird with a twig in mouth and holding an American flag in its claws.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Nelco
Title: Nelco's proven profit performers. / For today's sophisticated customers.
Imprint: [197-], Italy, [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Italy
Models represented: 521-F slant arm, 525- slant arm, 221-slant arm, N-15, 217 slant arm, 210, A-25, A-20, Amica Super 2500, Maxi 3500 flatbed.
Descriptive Notes: Flier with photographs of Nelco machines includes prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

128 New Era Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: New Era Co.
Title: Trade catalog describing low arm & high arm sewing machines.
Imprint: [19--?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Springfield, Ohio
Models represented: Low arm and high arm sewing machines.
Descriptive Notes: Simple to use low arm made of steel, strong light running lock stich machine, all weights of fabrics; high arm, light running noiseless automatic tension, needle doesn't require adjusting.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 :
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Era Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the "New Era" sewing machine] / Every machine sold runs by motor.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 7 South Tenth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Sales promotion trade card features a bouquet of roses and the verse "could thou be true to me in joy or in sorrow, dearest thy bride I'd be wed thee tomorrow".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

129 New Home Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: The New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a small girl reading "The song of the shirt"]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: G.F. Fiske and Co.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring small girl reading "The song of the shirt".
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home
Title: [Trade card featuring three foxes and another at a sewing machine]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Leavitt and Brant, Boston
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring picture of three foxes and picture of fox at sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home
Title: [Trade card featuring a family of lions gathering around a sewing machine; mother sewing]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Leavitt and Brant, Boston
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring family of lions gathering around a sewing machine; mother sewing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home
Title: [Trade card featuring two women made fun of by two boys]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Leavitt and Brant, Boston
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two women made fun of by two boys.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a maple leaf]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in shape of a maple leaf.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers and landscape]
Imprint: [1876-], Puck bldg, N.Y., J. Ottmann Lith.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring flowers and landscape. List of New Home branches and dealers on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a church in winter]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange Mass. and New York
Agent information: A.B. Seavey, Saco, Me.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring church in winter.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a village church in winter]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: A.B. Seavey., Saco, Me.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring village church in winter.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter landscape with a river and village]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, Mass. [etc.]
Agent information: A. Hamilton, Georgetown, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring winter landscape with river and village.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers and landscape with river]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, Mass. [etc.]
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring flowers and landscape with river.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers and landscape with river]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, Mass.
Agent information: J. Gillspie, Fitchburg, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring flowers and landscape with river.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers and landscape with cows]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange Mass. and New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring flowers and landscape with cows.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a grandmother, a mother and a son gathering around a New Home sewing machine]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: C.W. Johnson
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring grandmother, mother and son gathering around a New Home sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers and landscape with road]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, Mass. and New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring flowers and landscape with road.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers and landscape with waterfall]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, Mass. and New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring flowers and landscape with waterfall.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers and landscape with lake and mountains]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, Mass.
Agent information: J. Gillspie, Fitchburg, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring flowers and landscape with lake and mountains.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers and landscape with river and cows]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, Mass.
Agent information: J. Gillspie, Fitchburg, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring flowers and landscape with river and cows.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman at a sewing machine with children bothered by the noise, and woman at sewing machine with peacefully sleeping children]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Leavitt and Brant, Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman at sewing machine with children bothered by the noise, and woman at sewing machine with peacefully sleeping children.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a leaf]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in shape of a leaf.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring two boys making fun of two women]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two boys making fun of two women.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a branch of holly and winter landscape]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring branch of holly and winter landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl sleeping in an armchair surrounded by animals of her dreams]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, Mass. and New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring girl sleeping in an armchair surrounded by animals of her dreams.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a New Home sewing machine and an arguing couple]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, Mass.
Agent information: W.S.Taylor, Utica, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring New Home sewing machine and arguing couple.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a monkey and a cat with a sewing machine while being caught by a woman and a boy]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Leavitt and Brant, Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring monkey and cat with sewing machine while being caught by a woman and a boy.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home
Title: [Trade card featuring people riding a donkey]
Imprint: [1876-], Boston, Bufford
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Clark and Freeman, Boston
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring African Americans riding a donkey.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl dressing up a dog]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Chicago
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring girl dressing up a dog. Advertisement for New Home sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card in the shape of an envelope featuring a breeding bird]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange Mass. and New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in shape of an envelope featuring a breeding bird.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home
Title: [Trade card featuring a young man chasing a cart loaded with sewing machines]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], Bufford
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Clark and Freeman, Boston
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring young man chasing a cart loaded with sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy and a girl looking at sea]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1882], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring boy and girl looking at the sea.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring foxes, one with a severed tail and one sewing on sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1882], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York and Orange, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring foxes, one with a severed tail and one sewing on a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy and a girl looking at the sea]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1882], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring boy and girl looking at the sea.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Johnson, Clark and Company business card] / New home sewing machine - light running.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1882], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Leavitt and Brant; 50 Bromfield St; Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Johnson, Clark and Company business card; Johnson, Clark and Company appears to have been a fore-runner of New Home Sewing Machine Company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: The Home Sewing Machine
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Agent information: Carey Brothers and Wilcox
Descriptive Notes: Picture of Home company plant and Home sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 850

Company Name on Item: Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: Home Shuttle Family Sewing Machine. / Patented in America and Europe.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Models represented: Family machine.
Descriptive Notes: Directions for using the Home sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 860

Company Name on Item: Home
Title: [Business card of Geo. D. Kemp, Boston, Mass.]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], Boston, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Geo. D. Kemp
Descriptive Notes: Business card of Geo. D. Kemp, Boston, MA featuring image of a boy and a girl resting by a brook.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring babies riding high wheel bicycles with sewing machine saddles]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring babies riding high wheel bicycles with sewing machine saddles.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pastoral scene with border of red and white clover]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Pastoral scene with red and white clover border.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pastoral scene with red and white clover bordering] / North Lake; Orange, Mass.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Smith and Fuller Murray, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Pastoral scene with red and white clover bordering.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pastoral scene with red and white clover bordering] / The old battle place near Orange, Mass.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: C. P. Bell 101 Main street, Nashua, NH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a pastoral scene with red and white clover bordering.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pastoral scene with red and white clover bordering] / " Scene on Miller's river on which are located the factories."
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: J. C. Holmes Plymouth, Mass
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a pastoral scene with red and white clover bordering.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a sewing machine in upper left hand corner and brother and sister at beach; sister saying: "What are the wild waves saying?" and brother saying: "This patch (on pants) put on by the light running New Home machine"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: J.N. & I.J. Smith, Agent Skowhegan, Me
Descriptive Notes: Sewing machine in upper left hand corner. Brother and sister at beach; sister says: "What are the wild waves saying?" Brother says: "This patch (on pants) put on by the light running New Home machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade catalog featuring descriptive catalog of the various New Home models]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Orange, MA, New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Models represented: Plain, 2 - half case, 3 half case, 4 half case, 3 1/2 - 55.00, 4 1/2 - 57.50, 5 - half case $60.00, 6 half case, 7 Skeleton case $75.00, 8 full cabinet plain $80.00, 8 full cabinet- extra- $90.00.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptive catalog of the various New Home models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman with a bag entering a room, seeing an overturned basket and a monkey lunging for a cat sitting on top of a sewing machine] / The monkey and the cats paws.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Leavitt and Brant 469 Washington ST. Boston, Mass
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman with a bag entering a room seeing an overturned basket and a monkey lunging for a cat sitting on top of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pastoral scene with red and white clover bordering] / " North Lake"; Orange, Mass.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Pastoral scene with red and white clover bordering.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman with a bag entering a room, seeing an overturned basket and a monkey lunging for a cat sitting on top of a sewing machine] / "The monkey and cats paws."
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: A. J. Tyler Albion, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman with a bag entering a room seeing an overturned basket and a monkey lunging for a cat sitting on top of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a sewing machine in upper left hand corner and brother and sister at beach; sister saying: "What are the wild waves saying?", brother saying: "This patch (on pants) put on by the light running New Home machine"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: S. E. Young & Cram Laconia, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Sewing machine in upper left hand corner. Brother and sister at beach; sister says: "What are the wild waves saying?" Brother says: "This patch (on pants) put on by the light running New Home machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a sewing machine in upper left hand corner and brother and sister at beach; sister saying: "What are the wild waves saying?" and brother saying: "This patch (on pants) put on by the light running New Home machine"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Leavitt & Brant 409 Washington St. Boston, Mass
Descriptive Notes: Sewing machine in upper left hand corner. Brother and sister at beach; sister says: "What are the wild waves saying?" Brother says: "This patch (on pants) put on by the light running New Home machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a beach scene (with sail boat). Brother says to sister that patch on his trousers was put on by "Light running New Home sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: New home sewing machine Orange, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Beach scene (with sail boat). Boy says to girl that the patch on his trousers was put on by a "Light running New Home sewing machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a sewing machine in upper left hand corner and brother and sister at beach; sister saying: "What are the wild waves saying?" and brother saying: "This patch (on pants) put on by the light running New Home machine"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: B. K. Hoppock Somerville, N.J.
Descriptive Notes: Sewing machine in upper left hand corner. Brother and sister at beach; sister says: "What are the wild waves saying?" Brother says: "This patch (on pants) put on by the light running New Home machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade catalog featuring descriptive catalog of the various New Home models] / " The light running."
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Orange, MA, New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Models represented: Plain, 2 - half case, 3 half case, 4 half case, 3 1/2 - 55.00, 4 1/2 - 57.50, 5 - half case $60.00, 6 half case, 7 Skeleton case $75.00, 8 full cabinet plain $80.00, 8 full cabinet- extra- $90.00.
Agent information: S. W. French Greenville, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptive catalog of the various New Home models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a sewing machine in upper left hand corner and brother and sister at beach; sister saying: "What are the wild waves saying?" and brother saying: "This patch (on pants) put on by the light running New Home machine"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Leavitt & Brant 409 Washington St. Boston, Mass
Descriptive Notes: Sewing machine in upper left hand corner. Brother and sister at beach; sister says: "What are the wild waves saying?" Brother says: "This patch (on pants) put on by the light running New Home machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pastoral scene with red and white clover bordering] / "Scene on Miller's river" etc.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Pastoral scene with red and white clover bordering.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman with a bag entering a room, seeing an overturned basket and a monkey lunging for a cat sitting on top of a sewing machine] / The monkey and the cats paw.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: New home sewing machine co. 30 Union Square,NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman with a bag entering a room seeing an overturned basket and a monkey lunging for a cat sitting on top of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: Compliments of New Home S. M. Co. / 16 Tremont St. Boston.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Complimentary picture of horses, cows.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a caricature of young man pushing sewing machine with sled runners on the ice with lady friend sitting on sewing machine getting ride on cold day]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: New home sewing machine co. Orange, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Caricature of young man pushing sewing machine with sled runners on the ice with lady friend sitting on sewing machine getting ride on cold day.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a beach scene (with sail boat). Brother says to sister that patch on his trousers was put on by "Light running New Home sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Leavitt & Brant #6 409 Washington St., Boston
Descriptive Notes: Beach scene (with sail boat). Boy says to girl that the patch on his trousers was put on by a "Light running New Home sewing machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman with a bag entering a room, seeing an overturned basket and a monkey lunging for a cat sitting on top of a sewing machine] / Monkey and the cats paw.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman with a bag entering a room seeing an overturned basket and a monkey lunging for a cat sitting on top of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a beach scene (with sail boat). Brother says to sister that patch on his trousers was put on by "Light running New Home sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: A. S. Martin & son 136 Genesee St. Auburn, NY
Descriptive Notes: Beach scene (with sail boat). Boy says to girl that the patch on his trousers was put on by a "Light running New Home sewing machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade catalog featuring synopses of Shakespeare's plays] / "Shakespeare boiled down."
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Chicago, IL, New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 31
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Models represented: 119-plain finish, 118- "our piano 65.00 style", drop head, piano finish, 108- desk cabinet.
Agent information: New home sewing machine co.
Descriptive Notes: Complimentary synopses of Shakespeare's plays.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl in blue dress, striped stockings, and bonnet holding basket of roses; reverse side of card is advertisement for holiday sale at E. B. Chase & Co. corner Union and 5th St.]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: New home sewing machine co. Orange, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Girl in blue dress, striped stockings, and bonnet holding basket of roses reverse side of card is advertisement for holiday sale at E. B. Chase & co. corner Union and 5th St.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl holding a basket of roses and wearing a white dress, blue bonnet, blue stockings, and high brown shoes]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: New home sewing machine co. Orange, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Girl with white dress, blue bonnet, blue stockings, and high brown shoes; she's holding basket of roses.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with pink dress with white apron, holding flowers in her apron]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: New home sewing machine co. Orange, Mass
Descriptive Notes: Young girl with pink dress, with white apron, holding flowers in her apron.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman with a bag entering a room, seeing an overturned basket and a monkey lunging for a cat sitting on top of a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: W. N. Smith, #125 Purchase St New Bedford, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman with a bag entering a room seeing an overturned basket and a monkey lunging for a cat sitting on top of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade catalog including warranty, description of parts, points of superiority of New Home Sewing Machines] / "Light running"
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Models represented: New Home Sewing Machine 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Agent information: Leavitt & Brant 409 Washington St. Boston, Mass
Descriptive Notes: Warranty, description of parts, points of superiority of New Home Sewing Machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman with a bag entering a room, seeing an overturned basket and a monkey lunging for a cat sitting on top of a sewing machine] / "The monkey and cats paw."
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Wood T. Ogden, North St. Middletown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman with a bag entering a room seeing an overturned basket and a monkey lunging for a cat sitting on top of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with a gold and red dress, with a jacket and a red patterned bonnet, holding flowers in her hand]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: New Home Sewing Machine Company, Orange MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl with a gold and red dress, with a jacket and a red patterned bonnet, holding flowers in her hand.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of an Arab on a horse, 3 horses (running ?) with facsimile of work done on New Home sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], Forbes, co.-Boston
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: New home sewing mach. Co. [?] 160 Tremont St. Boston
Descriptive Notes: Picture of Arab on his horse, 3 horses (running ?) "FAC-SIMILE of work done on new home sewing machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: Shakespeare- boiled down.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 32
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Complimentary synopses of Shakespeare's plays.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: Trade flyer.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Chicago, Ill, New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Model represented: New Home 19.
Agent information: New home sewing machines 248 State St. Chicago
Descriptive Notes: A flier that would be delivered door to door or made available or sewing machine store-sales pitch is for model # 19 but they also offer a variety of choices style and price wise.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: Advertisement that would appear in newspaper. / "Light running sewing machine."
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], Frank Guentin Agena, Sitka
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Frank Guentin Sitka, [?] (Alaska)
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement that would be in a newspaper. Descriptive statements surround sewing machine image and agent is listed at bottom of advertisement.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a sewing machine in upper left hand corner and brother and sister at beach; sister saying: "What are the wild waves saying?" and brother saying: "This patch (on pants) put on by the light running New Home machine"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Leavitt and Brant
Descriptive Notes: Sewing machine in upper left hand corner. Brother and sister at beach; sister says: "What are the wild waves saying?" Brother says: "This patch (on pants) put on by the light running New Home machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: Light Running New Home sewing machine. / Johnson, Clark, and Company, 30 Union Square, New York and Orange, MA.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Agent information: C.P. Bell; 7 & 8 Telegraph Block; Nashua, NH
Descriptive Notes: Description and prices of New Home Sewing Machines Model No. 1; No. 2; No. 3; No. 4; No. 5; No. 6; No. 7; No. 8.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [New home sewing machine company letterhead envelope]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: New Home Sewing Machine Company letterhead envelope.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene of a brown house with smoke coming from its chimney and a broken fence surrounding the yard]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene of a brown house with smoke coming from its chimney and a broken fence surrounding the yard.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a gray stone building]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a gray stone building; reference to the manufacturers and liberal arts buildings at the 1893 Chicago Worlds Fair.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a stone house in the country surrounded by trees and a boat in full sail and a rowboat with two passengers, one of whom is rowing]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: L.C. Ketcham; 122 Washington St; Flushing, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a stone house in the country surrounded by trees and a boat in full sail and a rowboat with two passengers, one of whom is rowing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene of a house, surrounded by azaleas and a graphic of a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene of a house, surrounded by azaleas and a graphic of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring boys and dogs chasing after a butterfly caring a sewing machine logo] / Light running New Home sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring boys and dogs chasing after a butterfly carrying a sewing machine logo.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a child sitting on a fence in the snow with a basket of oranges placed off to one side]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: 248 State Street; Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a child sitting on a fence in the snow with a basket of oranges placed off to one side.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy wearing a cap and a girl wearing a hat with a blue ribbon playing in a field]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy wearing a cap and a girl wearing a hat with a blue ribbon playing in a field.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a scenic lush green countryside with a farmhouse in the background and a man sitting on a fence in the foreground with a black dog standing close by]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Chicago, IL, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a scenic lush green countryside and a farmhouse in the background and a man sitting on a fence in the foreground with a black dog standing close by; possibly distributed at Chicago Worlds Fair.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a brown house surrounded by blue flowers and bushes and a church steeple and a river in the background]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a brown house surrounded by blue flowers and bushes with a church steeple and a river in the background.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a red brick house surrounded by a stone wall and a woman wearing a blue and red dress and carrying a bucket]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Forbes Company, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Elcock and Company; Mechanicsburg, PA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a red brick house surrounded by a stone wall and a woman wearing a blue and red dress and carrying a bucket.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene of a house decorated with holly and smoke coming from its chimney]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene of a house decorated with holly and smoke coming from its chimney.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a book and featuring a clover]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: New Home Pacific Dept; 725 Market St; SF, CA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card shaped like a book and featuring a clover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene of a house surrounded by roses]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene of a house surrounded by roses.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two nicely dressed women, being approached by two young boys, with one woman saying "My dear you should buy a light running 'New Home' sewing machine; its seams never rip"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two nicely dressed women, being approached by two young boys "My dear you should buy a light running 'New Home' sewing machine. It's seams never rip".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring the New Home Sewing Machine factory in Orange, Massachusetts]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring the New Home Sewing Machine factory in Orange, Massachusetts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Business card for Home Sewing Machine Company]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Johnson Clark & Co; 564 Washington St; Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Business card for Home Sewing Machine Company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a stone wall with red and blue flowers draped across it and a graphic of a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Branch Agency; 140 Newark Ave; Jersey City, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a stone wall with red and blue flowers draped across it and a graphic of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with a blue dress riding a horse and selling New Home Sewing Machines] / Light running
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: M.L. Decker; Cortland, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl with a blue dress riding a horse and selling New Home Sewing Machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two scenes, one of flowers and a second a lake with boats; the card has bias binding around the edge]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: New Home SMC; 248 State St; Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two scenes, one of flowers and a second a lake with boats. Card has bias binding around the edge.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pink and yellow butterfly with "Simplest and best sewing machine in the world"] / Light running.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a pink and yellow butterfly "Simplest and best sewing machine in the world".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a lovely Victorian dressed lady wearing a slip with a graphic of a sewing machine "It does such beautiful work"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a Victorian dressed lady wearing a slip with a graphic of a sewing machine "It does such beautiful work".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a butterfly] / Light running.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card shaped like a butterfly.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring roses]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Nicoll and Company; 109 E. Main St.; Rochester, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring roses.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a mother and child entering a living room] / Monkey and the cat's paw.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: L.C. Ketcham, 108 Amity St.; Flushing, Long Island
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a mother and child entering a living room.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pastoral scene with a river and red and white clover]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Smith and Fuller; Murray, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a pastoral scene with a river and red and white clover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pastoral mountain scene]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Warren L. Forbes; 351 Main Street; Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a pastoral mountain scene.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene of evergreen trees and holly berries]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene of evergreen trees and holly berries.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring mountain scenes and corn shucks]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring mountain scenes and corn shucks.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with long hair wearing a white hat]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl with long hair wearing a white hat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a cabin in the woods during wintertime] / Compliments of New Home Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a cabin in the woods during wintertime.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young woman, with a sad expression, wearing a rose colored dress, clutching her hands] / Light running.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], MJB
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: LA Smith; Farmington, ME
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young woman, with a sad expression, wearing a rose colored dress, clutching her hands.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring babies on bikes] / Light running new home sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Reverend WP Merrill, Newburyport, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring babies on bikes.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a Christmas country scene, with holly surrounding a picture of a farm in winter] / The old battle place, Orange, MA.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: New Home Sewing Machine Co; Peterson, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a Christmas country scene, with holly surrounding a picture of a farm in winter.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a mother looking up from a sewing machine to watch a child playing with a dog]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a mother looking up from a sewing machine to watch a child playing with a dog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card decorated with blue flowers and featuring a young girl with a bonnet looking toward her left]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card decorated with blue flowers and featuring a young girl with a bonnet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with loose flowing hair wearing a white hat with a rose-colored feather, and a white dress with pink bows, surrounded by daisies]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl with loose flowing hair wearing a white hat with a rose-colored feather, a white dress with pink bows, surrounded by daisies.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman with a bag entering a room, seeing an overturned basket and a monkey lunging for a cat sitting on top of a sewing machine] / Monkey and the cats paw.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman with a bag entering a room seeing an overturned basket and a monkey lunging for a cat sitting on top of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman with a bag entering a room, seeing an overturned basket and a monkey lunging for a cat sitting on top of a sewing machine] / Monkey and the cats paw.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman with a bag entering a room seeing an overturned basket and a monkey lunging for a cat sitting on top of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pastoral scene with red and white clover bordering] / Scene on Miller's River on which are located the factories, in Orange, MA.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: C.A. Erickson; Bay Ridge Avenue; Bayridge IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a pastoral scene with red and white clover bordering.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy wearing a purple and blue suit]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], HJB
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy wearing a purple and blue suit.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a wife saying to her husband "I will have a New Home Machine! A New Home Machine or a divorce, take you pick, sir!"] / A painful alternative.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: W.N. Smith; #125 Purchase St; New Bedford, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a wife saying to her husband "I will have a New Home Machine! A New Home Machine or a divorce, take you pick, sir!".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy and girl at the oceanside watching a sailboat with a sign saying "New Home." The girl says "What are the wild waves saying?" and the boy says "This patch was sewn on by the New Light Running New Home Sewing Machine"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: S.E. Young and Co.; Lacona, NH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy and girl at the oceanside watching a sailboat with a sign saying "New Home". The girl says "What are the wild waves saying?" and the boy says "This patch was sewn on by the New Light Running New Home Sewing Machine."
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a caricature of two men watching a man paint a New Home Sewing Machine sign on a glass door]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a caricature of two men watching a man paint a New Home Sewing Machine sign on a glass door.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three kittens climbing out of a rose decorated envelope]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Emery Day Goods Co; Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three kittens climbing out of an rose decorated envelope.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two scenes, one of a church in the winter time and a second of two masted schooners out on the water]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two scenes, one of a church in the winter time and a second of two masted schooners out on the water.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman driving a team of horses, carrying in the chariot a New Home sewing machine and a banner "Victory for the New Home Machine"] / New home sewing machine takes the lead.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman driving a team of horses, carrying in the chariot a New Home sewing machine and a banner "Victory for the New Home Machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a child sitting at a sewing machine surrounded by graphics of babies and sewing machines] / Light running.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Boston, MA, Bufford
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Johnson, Clark, and Co; 30 Union Sq.; New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a child sitting at a sewing machine surrounded by graphics of babies and sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a blond child holding a piece of embroidery which states that it is "a facsimile of embroidery done on the New Home Sewing Machine"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a blond child holding a piece of embroidery which states that it is "a facsimile of embroidery done on the New Home Sewing Machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a New Home sewing machine and babies sitting on sewing machines with large wheel bicycles beneath the machines] / Light running.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Johnson, Clark, and Co; Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a New Home sewing machine and babies sitting on sewing machines with large wheel bicycles beneath the machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a gentleman kissing a lady goodbye, while a second lady looks on and a young boy waits with a wagon to transport the traveler and the sewing machine] / Departing for a new home.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: M.B. Hall; Essex, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a gentleman kissing a lady goodbye, while a second lady looks on and a young boy waits with a wagon to transport the traveler and the sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a southern plantation-type family and a sewing machine graphic in the upper right corner] / Light running
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Johnson, Clark, and Co.; 30 Union Sq.; New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a Southern plantation-type family and a sewing machine graphic in the upper right corner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a doll holding a smaller doll, holding a sign that says "Our clothes are all made on the popular New Home"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], San Francisco, CA, Digman Jones
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: New Home Sewing Machine; San Francisco, CA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a doll holding a smaller doll, holding a sign that says "Our clothes are all made on the popular New Home".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with a wreath in her hair, wearing a white dress with a pink bow and holding red roses]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl with a wreath in her hair, wearing a white dress with a pink bow and holding red roses.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl, wearing a rose-colored dress with a ruffled collar, and a boy, wearing a green suit, and green hat, picking flowers in a field]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 160 Tremont St., Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl, wearing a rose-colored dress with a ruffled collar, and a boy, wearing a green suit, and green hat, picking flowers in a field.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a log cabin during winter] / Compliments of New Home Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a log cabin during winter.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy, wearing a red cap and red suit, and girl, wearing a bonnet, sitting on a rock in the woods] / Compliments of the New Home Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young boy, wearing a red cap and red suit, and girl, wearing a bonnet, sitting on a rock in the woods.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl and boy in the middle of a field of flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 160 Tremont W-1W., Boston, MA
Agent information: ML Decker; 27 New Rail Road; Cortland, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl and boy in the middle of a field of flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman and a child entering a room to find a cat on a sewing machine, a monkey pressing on the treadle and a basket of clothes pushed over onto the floor] / Monkey and the cats paw
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: M.L. Decker; 21 N. Main St., Cortland, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman and a child entering a room to find a cat on a sewing machine, a monkey pressing on the treadle and a basket of clothes pushed over onto the floor.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a lady sitting on a sewing machine with ice runners on the bottom, being pushed by a man on ice skates]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Leavitt and Brant; 409 Washington St; Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a lady sitting on a sewing machine (machine has ice runners on the bottom) being pushed by a man on ice skates.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a church covered with snow]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a church covered with snow.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with black hair wistfully looking off into the distance]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl with black hair wistfully looking off into the distance.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene and a woman, wearing a gray dress with red ruffles, reclining on a chaise lounge and dreaming of a New Home sewing machine] / New Home dream.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: James Scribner; Tailor; 21 Main St Lockport, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene and a woman, wearing a gray dress with red ruffles, reclining on a chaise lounge and dreaming of a New Home sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman wearing a pink dress, asleep in a chair with a sewing machine floating on a cloud above her head] / Light running.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: D.S. Ewing; 127 Chestnut St.; Pittsburgh, PA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman wearing a pink dress, asleep in a chair with a sewing machine floating on a cloud above her head.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a little girl, wearing a blue dress, sleeping in a chair while holding a small dog and surrounded by images of her dreams, which include animals dancing, skating, and playing together, and a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a little girl, wearing a blue dress, sleeping in a chair while holding a small dog and surrounded by images of her dreams, which include animals dancing, skating, and playing together, and a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene in a church yard with children playing near a bridge and a small graphic of a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Wellington Cross; Fultonville, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene in a church yard with children playing near a bridge and a small graphic of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a church surrounded by snow with a detailed stain glass window and people walking in the street in front of the church in groups of two]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a church surrounded by snow with a detailed stain glass window and people walking in the street in front of the church in groups of two.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene of a brown house with smoke coming from its chimney and a broken fence surrounding the yard]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene of a brown house with smoke coming from its chimney and a broken fence surrounding the yard.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a red brick house surrounded by a stone wall, and a woman wearing a blue and red dress and carrying a bucket]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Forbes Company, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Elcock and Company; Mechanicsburg, PA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a red brick house surrounded by a stone wall and a woman wearing a blue and red dress and carrying a bucket.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene of a house decorated with holly and smoke coming from its chimney]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene of a house decorated with holly and smoke coming from its chimney.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a scenic lush green countryside with a farmhouse in the background and a man sitting on a fence in the foreground with a black dog standing close by]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Chicago, IL, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a scenic lush green countryside and a farmhouse in the background and a man sitting on a fence in the foreground with a black dog standing close by; possibly distributed at Chicago Worlds Fair.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy and a girl on the beach looking across the waves at a sailboat with New Home printed on its sail]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy and a girl on the beach looking across the waves at a sailboat with New Home printed on its sail.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring roses]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Nicoll and Company; 109 E. Main St.; Rochester, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring roses.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy wearing a purple and blue suit]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], HJB
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy wearing a purple and blue suit.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a book and featuring a clover]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: New Home Pacific Dept; 725 Market St; SF, CA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card shaped like a book and featuring a clover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three puppy dogs fighting over the Chicago Journal; the Journal headlines describe the value of a New Home sewing machine] / Light running.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], Henderson Ackert Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: CP Bell; 7&8 Telegraph Rd; Nashua, NH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three puppy dogs fighting over the Chicago Journal. The Journal headlines describe the value of a New Home sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade catalog featuring descriptive catalog of the various new home models] / " The light running"
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Orange, MA, New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: S. W. French Greenville, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptive catalog of the various New Home models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three puppy dogs fighting over the Chicago Journal; the Journal headlines describe the value of a New Home sewing machine] / Light running.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], Henderson Ackert Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: John Northrop; 73 East Main St.; Ithaca, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three puppy dogs fighting over the Chicago Journal. The Journal headlines describe the value of a New Home sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a circus scene with a girl on a horse carrying a banner which reads "The New Home Sewing Machine is the best"] / Easy going, accurate, and light running New Home sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a circus scene with a girl on a horse carrying a banner which reads "The New Home Sewing Machine is the best".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl wearing a blue dress and carrying a basket of flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: E.B. Chase; Corner of Union and 5th Streets
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl wearing a blue dress carrying a basket of flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a child and a dog playing with a sewing machine in the background] / Light running.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: J.B. Steele; 248 State Street; Chicago
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a child and a dog playing with a sewing machine in the background.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a mother looking up from a sewing machine to watch a child playing with a dog]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a mother looking up from a sewing machine to watch a child playing with a dog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a cartoon of a man and a woman at the seaside. The woman is staring off into the ocean and saying "Oh, for a New Home" and the man behind her says "She shall have one"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: D.M. Brown; 288 Grand Street, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a cartoon of a man and a woman at the seaside. The woman is staring off into the ocean and saying "Oh, for a New Home" and the man behind her says "She shall have one".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl showing her dog how to sew, with a doll and a cat at her feet]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl showing her dog how to sew. At her feet is a doll and a cat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy's head poking through a piece of paper and the notation: "With the compliments of the New Home Sewing Machine Company"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 30 Union Square, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young boy's heading poking through a piece of paper and the notation "With the compliments of the New Home Sewing Machine Company".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Decal leaf-shaped with the printing "Light Running - Simplest and Best"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Decal leaf-shaped with the printing "Light Running - Simplest and Best".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Decal leaf-shaped with the printing "Light Running - Simplest and Best"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Decal leaf-shaped with the printing "Light Running - Simplest and Best".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a snow covered house and a pansy graphic]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a snow covered house and a pansy graphic.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a baby, wearing a bonnet, sitting among pansies, ferns, and butterflies, glancing at a banner reading "The light running New Home sewing machine - Simplest and best"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a baby, wearing a bonnet, sitting among pansies, ferns, and butterflies, glancing at a banner reading "The light running New Home sewing machine - Simplest and best".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a book and featuring a clover]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: New Home Pacific Dept; 725 Market St; SF, CA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card shaped like a book and featuring a clover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy, wearing a blue suit, red tie, and a straw hat, lighting a cigar and saying "I'll try anyway"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Chicago, IL, Chicago Picture Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young boy, wearing a blue suit, red tie, and a straw hat, lighting a cigar and saying "I'll try anyway".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene of evergreen trees and holly berries]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene of evergreen trees and holly berries.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a mother and child entering a living room] / Monkey and the cat's paw.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: L.C. Ketcham, 108 Amity St.; Flushing, Long Island
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a mother and child entering a living room.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a mother and child entering a living room] / Monkey and the cat's paw.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: L.C. Ketcham, 108 Amity St.; Flushing, Long Island
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a mother and child entering a living room.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a mother and child entering a living room] / Monkey and the cat's paw.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: L.C. Ketcham, 108 Amity St.; Flushing, Long Island
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a mother and child entering a living room.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a mother and child entering a living room] / Monkey and the cat's paw.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: L.C. Ketcham, 108 Amity St.; Flushing, Long Island
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a mother and child entering a living room.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pastoral mountain scene]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Warren L. Forbes; 351 Main Street; Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a pastoral mountain scene.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pastoral mountain scene]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Warren L. Forbes; 351 Main Street; Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a pastoral mountain scene.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pastoral mountain scene]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Warren L. Forbes; 351 Main Street; Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a pastoral mountain scene.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pastoral mountain scene]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Warren L. Forbes; 351 Main Street; Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a pastoral mountain scene.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring mountain scenes and corn shucks]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Mountain scenes and corn shucks.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pastoral mountain scene]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Warren L. Forbes; 351 Main Street; Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a pastoral mountain scene.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pastoral mountain scene]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Warren L. Forbes; 351 Main Street; Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a pastoral mountain scene.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pastoral mountain scene]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Warren L. Forbes; 351 Main Street; Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a pastoral mountain scene.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene of evergreen trees and holly berries]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene of evergreen trees and holly berries.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a bronze silhouette of a young girl and a graphic of a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bronze silhouette of a young girl and a graphic of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a lady sitting on a sewing machine with ice runners on the bottom, being pushed by a man on ice skates]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Leavitt and Brant; 409 Washington St; Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a lady sitting on a sewing machine (machine has ice runners on the bottom) being pushed by a man on ice skates.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pink and yellow butterfly with "Simplest and best sewing machine in the world"] / Light running.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a pink and yellow butterfly "Simplest and best sewing machine in the world".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a lovely Victorian dressed lady wearing a slip with a graphic of a sewing machine "It does such beautiful work"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a Victorian dressed lady wearing a slip with a graphic of a sewing machine "It does such beautiful work".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a butterfly] / Light running.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card shaped like a butterfly.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman and a child entering a room to find a cat on a sewing machine, a monkey pressing on the treadle and a basket of clothes pushed over onto the floor] / Monkey and the cats paw
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: M.L. Decker; 21 N. Main St., Cortland, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman and a child entering a room to find a cat on a sewing machine, a monkey pressing on the treadle and a basket of clothes pushed over onto the floor.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy and girl at the oceanside watching a sailboat with a sign saying "New Home." The girl says "What are the wild waves saying?" and the boy says "This patch was sewn on by the New Light Running New Home Sewing Machine"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: S.E. Young and Co.; Lacona, NH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy and girl at the oceanside watching a sailboat with a sign saying "New Home". The girl says "What are the wild waves saying?" and the boy says "This patch was sewn on by the New Light Running New Home Sewing Machine."
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene of evergreen trees and holly berries]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene of evergreen trees and holly berries.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman driving a team of horses, carrying in the chariot a New Home sewing machine and a banner "Victory for the New Home Machine"] / New home sewing machine takes the lead.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman driving a team of horses, carrying in the chariot a New Home sewing machine and a banner "Victory for the New Home Machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene of evergreen trees and holly berries]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene of evergreen trees and holly berries.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a blond child holding a piece of embroidery which states that it is "a facsimile of embroidery done on the New Home Sewing Machine"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a blond child holding a piece of embroidery which states that it is "a facsimile of embroidery done on the New Home Sewing Machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a wife saying to her husband "I will have a New Home Machine! A New Home Machine or a divorce, take you pick, sir!"] / A painful alternative.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: W.N. Smith; #125 Purchase St; New Bedford, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a wife saying to her husband "I will have a New Home Machine! A New Home Machine or a divorce, take you pick, sir!".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a cabin in the woods during wintertime] / Compliments of New Home Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a cabin in the woods during wintertime.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene of evergreen trees and holly berries]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene of evergreen trees and holly berries.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene of evergreen trees and holly berries]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene of evergreen trees and holly berries.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a dark haired young woman and a label "Lolita" and the phrase "compliments of the New Home Sewing Machine Company"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a dark haired young woman and a label "Lolita" and the phrase "compliments of the New Home sewing machine company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a caricature of two men watching a man paint a New Home Sewing Machine sign on a glass door]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a caricature of two men watching a man paint a New Home Sewing Machine sign on a glass door.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a wheat field with mountains in the distance] / North Lake, Orange, Massachusetts.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a wheat field with mountains in the distance.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three puppy dogs fighting over the Chicago Journal; the Journal headlines describe the value of a New Home sewing machine] / Light running.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], Henderson Ackert Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Leavitt & Brant; 409 Washington St.; Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three puppy dogs fighting over the Chicago Journal. The Journal headlines describe the value of a New Home sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman walking and carrying an umbrella and a basket and a graphic of a sewing machine in the right hand corner]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman walking and carrying an umbrella and a basket and a graphic of a sewing machine in the right hand corner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring boys and girls by the ocean digging for clams and sailing a toy sailboat]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Nashua, NH, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring boys and girls by the ocean digging for clams and sailing a toy sailboat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman sewing a pair of trousers at a sewing machine while a baby, sitting at her feet, tugs at her skirts and a man seated in a rocking chair reads a newspaper with a headline "New Home takes the lead"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], Bufford
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Douty & Streeter; 291 Main St.; Worchester, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card a woman sewing a pair of trousers at a sewing machine while a baby, sitting at her feet, tugs at her skirts and a man seated in a rocking chair reading a newspaper with a headline "New Home takes the lead".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a greyhound dog wearing a sash which reads "New Home: weighing 110 pounds, we challenge the world 'Light Running' New Home'']
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a greyhound dog wearing a sash which reads "New Home: Weighing 110 pounds, we challenge the world 'Light Running' New Home''.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene with a girl sitting on a fence rail, wearing a sweater and holding a muff and reading a sign in the distance that says "Buy the New Home sewing machine"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: 900 Olive St.; St. Louis, MO
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene with a girl sitting on a fence rail, wearing a sweater and holding a muff and reading a sign in the distance that says "Buy the New Home sewing machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman reading a letter and carrying a fan and a graphic of a sewing machine in the right hand corner]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: W.J. Brewster & Co., Hannibal, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman reading a letter and carrying a fan and a graphic of a sewing machine in the right hand corner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a young girl, wearing a yellow dress and holding a bouquet of violets]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a young girl, wearing a yellow dress and holding a bouquet of violets.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman, with dark hair peeking through a curtain] / Maude Branscombe.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman, with dark hair peeking through a curtain.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a river scene with boats in the distance and a young woman with flowers in her hair and a child surrounded by large sea shells]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: John Northrop; 73 East State St.; Ithaca, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring river scene with boats in the distance and a young woman with flowers in her hair and a child surrounded by large sea shells.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a young girl, wearing a yellow dress and holding a bouquet of violets]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Nicoll & Co.; 192 E. Main St.; Rochester, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a young girl, wearing a yellow dress and holding a bouquet of violets.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman sewing a pair of trousers at a sewing machine while a baby, sitting at her feet, tugs at her skirts and a man seated in a rocking chair reads a newspaper with a headline "New Home takes the lead"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], Bufford
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card a woman sewing a pair of trousers at a sewing machine while a baby, sitting at her feet, tugs at her skirts and a man seated in a rocking chair reading a newspaper with a headline "New Home takes the lead".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a greyhound dog wearing a sash which reads "New Home: weighing 110 pounds, we challenge the world 'Light Running' New Home'' ]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a greyhound dog wearing a sash which reads "New Home: Weighing 110 pounds, we challenge the world 'Light Running' New Home''.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman walking down a path with a sewing machine in the right hand corner]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman walking down a path and a sewing machine in the right hand corner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a cartoon of three babies riding high wheeled bikes while holding sewing machines and a reviewing stand of more babies, underneath a sign saying "New Home Ahead"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], Bulford, MA
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Johnson & Clark, Col; 30 Union Square, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a cartoon of three babies riding high wheeled bikes while holding sewing machines and a reviewing stand of more babies, underneath a sign "New Home Ahead".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, wearing white dress and a bonnet and carrying a basket of flowers, and a graphic of a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, wearing white dress and a bonnet and carrying a basket of flowers, and a graphic of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, wearing white dress and a bonnet and carrying a basket of flowers, and a graphic of a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, wearing white dress and a bonnet and carrying a basket of flowers, and a graphic of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a wheat field with mountains in the distance] / North Lake, Orange, Massachusetts.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: L.T. Landman; S. Londonderry, VT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a wheat field with mountains in the distance.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: Light running New Home sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 14
Notes: Models represented: 7, 8, 14, 15, 16.
Agent information: J.P. Bristol; 23 Maplewood Ave; Pittsfield, MA
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions and illustrations of cabinets.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: King of all. / Light running.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], New York, NY, C.A. Coffin & Rogers
Pages: 14
Notes: Models represented: 1, 3, 4, 3 1/2, 4 1/2, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions and illustrations of sewing machines and attachments; includes prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene with a girl sitting on a fence rail, wearing a sweater and holding a muff and reading a sign in the distance that says "Buy the New Home sewing machine"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: 248 State St., Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene with a girl sitting on a fence rail, wearing a sweater and holding a muff and reading a sign in the distance that says "Buy the New Home sewing machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: Illustrated price list. / New Home sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Models represented: 1-8, 14-16.
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations and descriptions of sewing machines; includes prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene of a battle field; image is surrounded by holly berries] / The old battle places near Orange, Massachusetts.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene of a battle field - image is surrounded by holly berries.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a baby and a child throwing kisses to each other]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], Forbes Litho Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Lozier & Co; Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a baby and a child throwing kisses to each other.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a sewing machine, three dogs on a waters edge, three white horses, two children feeding birds, and a lake] / Facsimile embroidery done on our New Home.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], Forbes Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: M.L. Decker; Cortland, Ny
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a sewing machine, three dogs on a waters edge, three white horses, two children feeding birds, and a lake.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a sewing machine with two children, with kittens, standing beside it; in the background is a basket with a puppy]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Boston, New York, Chicago, J.H. Bofford's Sons
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a sewing machine with two children, with kittens, standing beside it. In the background is a basket with a puppy.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene of old battle fields] / The old battles place, Orange, MA.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: B,K. Hoppock; Sommerville, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene of old battle fields.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene of old battle fields] / The old battle place, Orange, Massachusetts.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 248 State Street, Chicago, IL
Agent information: O'Leary and Hines; Charlotte
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene of old battle fields.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman reading a letter and carrying a fan and a graphic of a sewing machine in the right hand corner]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: W.J. Brewster & Co., Hannibal, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman reading a letter and carrying a fan and a graphic of a sewing machine in the right hand corner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company
Title: Light running New Home sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Models represented: 9, 14, 15, 16.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions and illustrations of sewing machines and cabinets; includes prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl out for a walk carrying flowers and a graphic of a sewing machine in the upper left corner]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Elmer V. Walker; Oxford, ME
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl out for a walk carrying flowers and a graphic of a sewing machine in the upper left corner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a dark haired young woman and a label "Miss May" and the phrase "compliments of the New Home Sewing Machine Company]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a dark haired young woman and a label "Miss May" and the phrase "compliments of the New Home Sewing Machine Company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a dark haired young woman and a label "Mademoiselle Belocoa" and the phrase "compliments of the New Home sewing machine company]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a dark haired young woman and a label "Mademoiselle Belocoa" and the phrase "compliments of the New Home Sewing Machine Company".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring poppies and other flowers bordering and covering an advertisement for a New Home sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: J.R. Stratton; 316 Main St.; Springfield, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring poppies and other flowers bordering and covering an advertisement for a New Home sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring the phrase "Try Number 8"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], Universal Job Print
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring the phrase "Try Number 8".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman in a red dress peering into a mirror in which she sees a New Home sewing machine and says "Coming events cast their shadows before"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: J. Brenster and Company; Hannibal, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman in a red dress peering into a mirror in which she sees a New Home sewing machine and says "Coming events cast their shadows before".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a family scene around a fire place with grandparents near the fire and a mother sewing at a New Home sewing machine] / New Home in the old home.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a family scene around a fire place with grandparents near the fire and a mother sewing at a New Home sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring boys and girls by the ocean catching butterflies and playing with a star-fish]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Nashua, NH, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring boys and girls by the ocean catching butterflies and playing with a starfish.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a smiling woman, wearing a green dress and pointing to her sewing machine] / "No other like it - No other as good. It is the sewing machine of quality."
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring smiling woman, wearing a green dress and pointing to her sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring children playing around a sewing machine while a cat or dog sits on the machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring children playing around a sewing machine while a cat or dog sits on the machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a child with an oversized brown bag, eating and offering food to a dog] / Light running.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: E.D. Morse; Greene, Chenango Counties, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a child with an oversized brown bag, eating and offering food to a dog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring purple and yellow pansies]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring purple and yellow pansies.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring information about the agent, M.B. Hall, a watchmaker, jeweler and instrument repairman, who sells sewing machine] / Sole agent for New Home sewing machine in Middlesex County.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Essex, CT, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: M.B. Hall; Whittemore's Block; Essex, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring information about the agent, M.B. Hall, a watchmaker, jeweler and instrument repairman, who sells sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman walking and carrying an umbrella and a basket and a graphic of a sewing machine in the right hand corner]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: William Letters; Putnam, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman walking and carrying an umbrella and a basket; a graphic of a sewing machine is in the right hand corner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman walking and carrying an umbrella and a basket and a graphic of a sewing machine in the right hand corner]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: C.H. Sanders; Chester Depot, VT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman walking and carrying an umbrella and a basket and a graphic of a sewing machine in the right hand corner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a river scene with boats in the distance and a young woman with flowers in her hair]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: J.P. Bristol; Pittsfield, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring river scene with boats in the distance and a young woman with flowers in her hair.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl wearing a gold jacket and skirt and a graphic of a sewing machine in the upper left hand corner]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl wearing a gold jacket and skirt and a graphic of a sewing machine in the upper left hand corner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with wavy long hair, wearing a blue dress and a white apron]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl with wavy long hair wearing a blue dress and a white apron.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a couple walking along the beach in the evening. Card is a trick card, viewed from one angle the moon is visible in the distance. When tilted, the moon becomes a sewing machine] / "When we are married will you be as good and true a friend as what is seen in the moon?"
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Five Points, NY, Donaldson Brothers
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Harris & Moxley; 13 Main St; New London, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a couple walking along the beach in the evening. Card is a trick card, viewed from one angle the moon is visible in the distance. When tilted, the moon becomes a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a young girl, wearing a yellow dress and holding a bouquet of violets]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a young girl, wearing a yellow dress and holding a bouquet of violets.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a young girl, wearing a yellow dress and holding a bouquet of violets]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a young girl, wearing a yellow dress and holding a bouquet of violets.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a walking woman dressed in brown and a graphic of a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: C.H. Sanders; Chester Depot, VT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman, wearing a brown dress, walking and a graphic of a sewing machine in the bottom corner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a river scene with boats in the distance and a young woman with flowers in her hair and a child surrounded by large sea shells]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: J.P. Bristol; Pittsfield, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring river scene with boats in the distance and a young woman with flowers in her hair and a child surrounded by large sea shells.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, wearing white dress and a bonnet and carrying a basket of flowers, and a graphic of a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, wearing white dress and a bonnet and carrying a basket of flowers, and a graphic of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman, with dark hair peeking through a curtain] / Maude Branscombe.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: W. Hager & Co., 371 Essex St.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman, with dark hair peeking through a curtain.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a couple walking along the beach in the evening. Card is a trick card, viewed from one angle the moon is visible in the distance. When tilted, the moon becomes a sewing machine] / "When we are married will you be as good and true a friend as what is seen in the moon?"
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Five Points, NY, Donaldson Brothers
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Harris & Moxley; 13 Main St; New London, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a couple walking along the beach in the evening. Card is a trick card, viewed from one angle the moon is visible in the distance. When tilted, the moon becomes a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a young girl, wearing a yellow dress and holding a bouquet of violets]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a young girl, wearing a yellow dress and holding a bouquet of violets.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with wavy long hair, wearing a blue dress and a white apron]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl with wavy long hair wearing a blue dress and a white apron.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl wearing a gold jacket and skirt and a graphic of a sewing machine in the upper left hand corner]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: E.C. Cole; 67 Main St.; Albion,[?]
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl wearing a gold jacket and skirt and a graphic of a sewing machine in the upper left hand corner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card - green and leaf shaped with text including company name] / "Light running. The best. Use no other."
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card - green and leaf shaped with text including company name and phrase: "Light running. The best. Use no other".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a young girl, wearing a yellow dress and holding a bouquet of violets]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a young girl, wearing a yellow dress and holding a bouquet of violets.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: King of all. / Light running New Home sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Models represented: New Home 2, 3, 4, 5, 5 1/2, 6, 7.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisements for New Home Sewing Machines Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 5 1/2, 6, 7.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: New Home sewing machines. / Light running.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Orange, MA, New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Models represented: 500D, 500F.
Agent information: N.C. Bridgman and Sons
Descriptive Notes: Prices and illustrations of New Home sewing machines 500D, 500F.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a collection of red and blue colored flowers and a banner reading "Light running New Home sewing machine - Simplest and best"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a collection of red and blue colored flowers and a banner reading "Light running New Home sewing machine - Simplest and best".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a baby, wearing a bonnet, sitting among pansies, ferns, and butterflies, glancing at a banner reading "The light running New Home sewing machine - Simplest and best"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a baby, wearing a bonnet, sitting among pansies, ferns, and butterflies, glancing at a banner reading "The light running New Home sewing machine - Simplest and best".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring an embroidered flower completed on a New Home sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card showing an embroidered flower completed on a New Home sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a sewing machine in upper left hand corner and brother and sister at beach; sister saying: "What are the wild waves saying?" and brother saying: "This patch (on pants) put on by the light running New Home machine"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: S. E. Young & Cram Laconia, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Sewing machine in upper left hand corner. Brother and sister at beach; sister says: "What are the wild waves saying?" Brother says: "This patch (on pants) put on by the light running New Home machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a sewing machine in upper left hand corner and brother and sister at beach; sister saying: "What are the wild waves saying?" and brother saying: "This patch (on pants) put on by the light running New Home machine"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: S. E. Young & Cram Laconia, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Sewing machine in upper left hand corner. Brother and sister at beach; sister says: "What are the wild waves saying?" Brother says: "This patch (on pants) put on by the light running New Home machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl trying to sew but being hampered by a cat pulling on the material in the machine; a baby sits on the floor watching the scene]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl trying to sew but being hampered by a cat pulling on the material in the machine. A baby sits on the floor and is watching the scene.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card - green and leaf shaped with text including company name] / "Light running. The best. Use no other."
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card - green and leaf shaped with text including company name and phrase: "Light running. The best. Use no other".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a rose surrounded by blue flowers tied together with a ribbon which reads "Light running, simplest, and best"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a rose surrounded by blue flowers tied together with a ribbon which reads "Light running, simplest, and best".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Decal leaf-shaped with the printing "Light Running - Simplest and Best"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Decal leaf-shaped with the printing "Light Running - Simplest and Best".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine
Title: Home sewing machine. / Clark and Prescott.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Models represented: New Home Sewing Machine 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Agent information: F.S. Prescott & Co.; 562 Washington St; Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Advertisements for New Home Sewing Machines Nos. 1-6.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: Light running New Home sewing machine. / Johnson and Clark & Co., 30 Union Square, New York and Orange, MA.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Models represented: New Home Sewing Machine 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Agent information: Joseph H. Thomas; Catskill, NY
Descriptive Notes: Pictures and descriptions of cabinets for New Home sewing machines Nos. 1-8.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a person reading a book and wearing a blue jacket with a daisy on the lapel] / "A very daisy" Light running.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a person reading a book and wearing a blue jacket with a daisy on the lapel.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl showing her dog how to sew, with a doll and cat at her feet]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl showing her dog how to sew. At her feet is a doll and a cat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring actual sample of embroidery done on the New Home Sewing Machine Company]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring actual sample of embroidery done on the New Home sewing machine company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl in a pink dress holding a fan and gazing at herself in a mirror, in which a New Home sewing machine is visible, along with flowers in a vase] / Reflections.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], 25-31 Rose St. New York, Sackett, Wilshelms & Betzid
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: E.R. Sullivan; 664 10th Avenue, New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl in a pink dress holding a fan and gazing at herself in a mirror, in which a New Home sewing machine is visible, along with flowers in a vase.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: No. 115 oak or walnut. / $55.00.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Models represented: 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 109, 702.
Descriptive Notes: Prices and pictures of each machine: Nos. 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 109, 702.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a white cat, sitting on a sewing machine while a girl appears to be giving sewing instructions; a younger girl sits and plays on the floor with toys.]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a white cat, sitting on a sewing machine while a girl appears to be giving sewing instructions. A younger girl sits and plays on the floor with toys.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a round faced girl carrying flowers, a robin feeding baby birds in a nest, a snow scene, and a graphic of a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], Forbes Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Merrit Welch; Norway, ME
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a round faced girl carrying flowers and a robin feeding baby birds in a nest and a snow scene and a graphic of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a church surrounded by snow with a detailed stained glass window and people walking in the street in front of the church in groups of two]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a church surrounded by snow with a detailed stain glass window and people walking in the street in front of the church in groups of two.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene in a church yard with children playing near a bridge and a small graphic of a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Wellington Cross; Fultonville, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene in a church yard with children playing near a bridge and a small graphic of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene with a woman walking in the distance and a graphic of a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: M.A. Leonard; Bangor, ME
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene with a woman walking in the distance and a graphic of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, wearing a pink dress, sleeping in a chair and dreaming of castles, fairies, butterflies, and a New Home sewing machine] / Fairy Dream.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: John Northop; Ithaca NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, wearing a pink dress and sleeping in a chair and dreaming of castles, fairies, butterflies, and a New Home sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman wearing a pink dress, asleep in a chair with a sewing machine floating on a cloud above her head] / Light running.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: D.S. Ewing; 127 Chestnut St.; Pittsburgh, PA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman wearing a pink dress, asleep in a chair with a sewing machine floating on a cloud above her head.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a little girl, wearing a blue dress, sleeping in a chair while holding a small dog and surrounded by images of her dreams, which include animals dancing, skating, and playing together, and a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a little girl, wearing a blue dress, sleeping in a chair while holding a small dog and surrounded by images of her dreams, which include animals dancing, skating, and playing together, and a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene and a woman, wearing a gray dress with red ruffles, reclining on a chaise lounge and dreaming of a New Home sewing machine] / New Home dream.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: James Scribner; Tailor; 21 Main St Lockport, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene and a woman, wearing a gray dress with red ruffles, reclining on a chaise lounge and dreaming of a New Home sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a sewing machine in upper left hand corner and brother and sister at beach; sister saying: "What are the wild waves saying?" and brother saying: "This patch (on pants) put on by the light running New Home machine"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: S. E. Young & Cram Laconia, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Sewing machine in upper left hand corner. Brother and sister at beach; sister says: "What are the wild waves saying?" Brother says: "This patch (on pants) put on by the light running New Home machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a bronze silhouette of a young girl and a graphic of a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bronze silhouette of a young girl and a graphic of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: Do you wish to be let in to the secret of a happy home? / If so, call on our nearest agent, or write to New Home Sewing Machine Company.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Models represented: New Home 14, 15, 16, 19.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for the New Home sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: Light running New Home sewing machine. / New Home Sewing Machine Co.; 30 Union Square; NY and Orange, MA.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], 85-87 John Street; New York, NY, C.A. Coffin and Rogers
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Models represented: New Home Sewing Machine 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Agent information: W.B. Willard; 246 Main St.; Pawtucket, RI
Descriptive Notes: Prices and descriptions of cabinets for New Home sewing machines Nos. 1-8; details about warranty and care of machine; list of points of superiority of New Home machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: Office of the home sewing machine. / Private terms to agents.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Models represented: New Home Sewing Machine 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Descriptive Notes: Wholesale price lists of machines and parts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three happy cats carrying a banner which reads "The New Home Sewing Machine"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three happy cats carrying a banner which reads "The New Home Sewing Machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a house surrounded by pansies]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Hough & Rumney; 576 Washington St.; Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a house surrounded by pansies.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring an image of a mother and child watching a child and a dog play tug-of-war with a rag doll] / "Never mind! They can't hurt it. That doll was made with the light running New Home sewing machine and won't rip!"
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Johnson and Clark Co.; 30 Union Square, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring an image of a mother and child watching a child and a dog play tug-of-war with a rag doll and the phrase "Never mind! They can't hurt it. That doll was made with the light running New Home sewing machine and won't rip!".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three foxes, one with its tail caught in a trap, and another two foxes sewing the tail back on with a New Home sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three foxes, one with its tail caught in a trap, and another two foxes sewing the tail back on with a New Home sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman in a striped dress reading "The Song of the Shirt" with a tea set and a sewing basket nearby]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman in a striped dress reading "The Song of the Shirt" with a tea set and a sewing basket nearby; mention of New Home booth at the Columbian Exposition in Machinery Hall-first floor and the Liberal Arts building in the Gallery.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a girl wearing a dress, with a cat on her back and a dog at her feet and a leopard skin coat draped across the chair] / Picture was "copied from a silk etching on the New Home."
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a girl, wearing a dress with a cat on her back and a dog at her feet and a leopard skin coat draped across the chair and the statement: "copied from a silk etching on the New Home".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring images of pansies surrounding an image of a river on which are paddle boats]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], Hudson River, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring images of pansies surrounding an image of a river on which are paddle boats.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two men fishing and a graphic of a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], New York, NY, J. Ottmann; Lithograph Co.,
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: J. Lyman Griswold; 362 Main St; Springfield, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two men fishing and a graphic of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a scene of a house with a waterwheel and a bridge over a stream and a picture of a child sitting next to a child-sized sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], Forbes Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Schaefer Brothers; 907 E St; Takoma
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a scene of a house with a waterwheel and a bridge over a stream and a picture of a child sitting next to a child-sized sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a sailboat against a background of the setting sun]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Hough and Rumney; 18 Central Square; Lynn, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a sailboat against a background of the setting sun.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a scene of a country-side]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Jas. Scribner; 21 Main St; Lockport, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a scene of a country-side.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a sailboat]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: B.F. Douty; 288 Main St.; Worchester, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a sailboat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring images of pansies surrounding an image of a river on which are paddle boats]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], Hudson River, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring images of pansies surrounding an image of a river on which are paddle boats.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a lion family playing with cubs and with a lioness sitting at a New Home sewing machine while the male lion bounces one cub on its knee]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: R.M. Rose; 1218 Fulton St.; Brooklyn, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a lion family playing with cubs and with a lioness sitting at a New Home sewing machine while the male lion bounces one cub on its knee.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring images of pansies surrounding an image of a river on which are paddle boats]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], Hudson River, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring images of pansies surrounding an image of a river on which are paddle boats.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman in a striped dress reading "The Song of the Shirt" with a tea set and a sewing basket nearby]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman in a striped dress reading "The Song of the Shirt" with a tea set and a sewing basket nearby; mention of New Home booth at the Columbian Exposition in Machinery Hall-first floor and the Liberal Arts building in the Gallery.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a lady with a torn skirt being laughed at by two boys] / "My dear, buy a light running "New Home" sewing machine! Their seams never rip!"
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a lady with a torn skirt being laughed at by two boys and the statement "My dear, buy a light running 'New Home' sewing machine! Their seams never rip!".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a lady with a torn skirt being laughed at by two boys] / "My dear, buy a light running "New Home" sewing machine! Their seams never rip!"
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a lady with a torn skirt being laughed at by two boys and the statement "My dear, buy a light running 'New Home' sewing machine! Their seams never rip!".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a lady with a torn skirt being laughed at by two boys] / "My dear, buy a light running "New Home" sewing machine! Their seams never rip!"
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a lady with a torn skirt being laughed at by two boys and the statement "My dear, buy a light running 'New Home' sewing machine! Their seams never rip!".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three foxes, one with its tail caught in a trap, and another two foxes sewing the tail back on with a New Home sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three foxes, one with its tail caught in a trap, and another two foxes sewing the tail back on with a New Home sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a lion family playing with cubs and with a lioness sitting at a New Home sewing machine while the male lion bounces one cub on its knee]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: R.M. Rose; 1218 Fulton St.; Brooklyn, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a lion family playing with cubs and with a lioness sitting at a New Home sewing machine while the male lion bounces one cub on its knee.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a girl wearing a dress, with a cat on her back, a dog at her feet, and a leopard skin coat draped across the chair] / Picture was "copied from a silk etching on the New Home."
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a girl, wearing a dress with a cat on her back and a dog at her feet and a leopard skin coat draped across the chair and the statement: "copied from a silk etching on the New Home".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a mother cat sitting at a New Home sewing machine watching her three kittens carry a sign reading "New Home Sewing Machine"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a mother cat sitting at a New Home sewing machine watching her three kittens carry a sign reading "New Home Sewing Machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a sailboat]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: B.F. Douty; 288 Main St.; Worchester, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a sailboat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a low building with a red roof with a person standing and looking]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a low building with a red roof with a person standing and looking.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two men fishing and a graphic of a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], New York, NY, J. Ottmann; Lithograph Co.,
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: J. Lyman Griswold; 362 Main St; Springfield, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two men fishing and a graphic of a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring an image of a mother and child watching a child and a dog play tug-of-war with a rag doll] / "Never mind! They can't hurt it. That doll was made with the light running New Home sewing machine and won't rip!"
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Johnson and Clark Co.; 30 Union Square, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring an image of a mother and child watching a child and a dog play tug-of-war with a rag doll and the phrase "Never mind! They can't hurt it. That doll was made with the light running New Home sewing machine and won't rip!".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a scene of a house with a waterwheel and a bridge over a stream and a picture of a child sitting next to a child-sized sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], Forbes Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Schaefer Brothers; 907 E St; Takoma
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a scene of a house with a waterwheel and a bridge over a stream and a picture of a child sitting next to a child-sized sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring images of three sewing machines and a picture of a woman wearing a hat]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: J.F. Chaffin; 157 Main St; Fitchburg, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring images of three sewing machines and a picture of a woman wearing a hat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a sailboat against a background of the setting sun]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Hough and Rumney; 18 Central Square; Lynn, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a sailboat against a background of the setting sun.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a sailboat and a buoy]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Hough & Rumney; 16 Central Sq.; Lynn, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of a sailboat and a buoy.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy and a girl on the beach looking across the waves at a sailboat with New Home printed on its sail]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy and a girl on the beach looking across the waves at a sailboat with New Home printed on its sail.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a mother cat sitting at a New Home sewing machine watching her three kittens carry a sign reading "New Home Sewing Machine"]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a mother cat sitting at a New Home sewing machine watching her three kittens carry a sign reading "New Home Sewing Machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two images of a woman, before and after purchasing a New Home sewing machine; the first shows her struggling with a noisy machine; in the second, she is peacefully sewing] / Light running New Home.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Luket Landman; S. Londonderry, VT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two images of a woman, before and after purchasing a New Home sewing machine. Prior to owning a New Home, she is shown struggling with a noisy machine; after the New Home, she is peacefully sewing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a domestic scene with two children and a dog]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Jonathan Weed; 81 West Main St; Goshen, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a domestic scene with two children and a dog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman circus performer balancing on a horse while carrying a banner which reads "The New Home Sewing Machine is the Best"] / Easy going, accurate and light running New Home sewing machine
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: W.R. Batchelder; Taunton, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman circus performer balancing on a horse while carrying a banner which reads "The New Home Sewing Machine is the Best".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring images of pansies surrounding an image of a river on which are paddle boats]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], Hudson River, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring images of pansies surrounding an image of a river on which are paddle boats.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a body of water with a dock and sail boats]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: H.A. Lozier & Co; Cleveland, OH; D.S. Ewing; Phila
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a body of water with a dock and sail boats.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Business card (pink) listing Johnson and Clark Company as the manufacturers of the New Home sewing machine and John A. Morrow as the agent for upper New York State]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: John A. Morrow; Northern New York
Descriptive Notes: Business card (pink) listing Johnson and Clark Company as the manufacturers of the New Home sewing machine and John A. Morrow as the agent for upper New York State.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a scene of a country-side]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Jas. Scribner; 21 Main St; Lockport, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a scene of a country-side.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Barlow Insurance survey's fire insurance map of the New Home Sewing Machine Co., Orange, Mass.]
Imprint: [Between 1884 and 1890], Boston, Heliotype Printing Co.
Pages: 9
Notes: Company address: 192 Broadway, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Scale map and description of the New Home Sewing Machine Company's factory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Barlow's Insurance Surveys. Box: 2 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: Instructions for operating the series "R" sewing machine. / Series R
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1930], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Model represented: Series R.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions including using the shuttle, tensions, oiling, attaching a motor, and using the attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 5
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 741

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: New Home sewing machine. / Truly an aristocrat.
Imprint: [Between 1910 and 1940], [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 10
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Models represented: K 5360, 4 drawer K 4154, 6 drawer K 4156, K 5350, K 4122, K 4208.
Descriptive Notes: Catalog showing treadle, portable and electric models of sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 4
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 724

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Coller's Palace of Music and Sewing Machine Emporium
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: L.C. Coller; No. 10 Chicago St., Coldwater, Mich.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for New Home Sewing Machines on the back of a page.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. DeVincent Sheet Music Collection. Box: 241 : Sewing Machines
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl wearing a blue dress on her way to go shopping, and saying "I'm going for a New Home"]
Imprint: 1879, New York, NY, Charles W. Frost
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: A. D. Boecher; 16 Avenue A. New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl wearing a blue dress on her way to go shopping, and saying "I'm going for a New Home".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl sewing by candlelight]
Imprint: 1880, Five Points, N.Y., Donaldson Brothers
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York and Orange, Mass.
Agent information: Leavitt and Brant, Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring girl sewing by candlelight. Picture and slogan on front will be changed/completed by picture on back (girl at sewing machine) if held against light.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring an image of a woman sewing by hand by candlelight and another with a well dressed woman sitting at a New Home sewing machine]
Imprint: 1880/08/03, [S.l.], Donaldson Brothers
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Johnson and Clark Co; Union Square NY & Orange MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring one side with an image of a woman sewing by hand by candlelight and a second side with an image of a well dressed woman sitting a at New Home sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring an image of a woman sewing by hand by candlelight and another with a well dressed woman sitting at a New Home sewing machine]
Imprint: 1880/08/03, [S.l.], Donaldson Brothers
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Johnson and Clark Co; Union Square NY & Orange MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring one side with an image of a woman sewing by hand by candlelight and a second side with an image of a well dressed woman sitting a at New Home sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a family by their house in the countryside, mother sewing on sewing machine]
Imprint: 1881, Cleveland, Ohio, W.J. Morgan and Co. Lith.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York and Orange, Mass.
Agent information: M.H. Pulver, Ballston Spa, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring family by their house in the countryside, mother sewing on sewing machine. Advertisement for agency and New Home on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Johnson, Clark & Co.
Title: Directions for using the light running New Home sewing machine and attachments.
Imprint: 1881, New York, NY, C.A. Coffin and Rogers Printing House
Pages: 32
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Instructions; parts diagrams.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 4
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 873

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman seated at a sewing machine in front of a ranch house; a man carries a child on his shoulder while a second child follows along behind with a dog] / New Home in the far west.
Imprint: 1881, Cleveland, OH, W.J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: M.L. Decker; Cortlan, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman seated at a sewing machine in front of a ranch house. A man carries a child on his shoulder while a second child follows along behind with a dog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1881, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman seated at a sewing machine in front of a ranch house; a man carries a child on his shoulder while a second child follows along behind with a dog] / New Home in the far west.
Imprint: 1881, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: M.L. Decker; Cortlan, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman seated at a sewing machine in front of a ranch house. A man carries a child on his shoulder while a second child follows along behind with a dog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman seated at a sewing machine in front of a ranch house; a man carries a child on his shoulder while a second child follows along behind with a dog] / New Home in the far west.
Imprint: 1881, Cleveland, OH, W.J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: M.L. Decker; Cortlan, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman seated at a sewing machine in front of a ranch house. A man carries a child on his shoulder while a second child follows along behind with a dog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman seated at a sewing machine in front of a ranch house; a man carries a child on his shoulder while a second child follows along behind with a dog] / New Home in the far west.
Imprint: 1881, Cleveland, OH, W.J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: M.L. Decker; Cortlan, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman seated at a sewing machine in front of a ranch house. A man carries a child on his shoulder while a second child follows along behind with a dog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring women with sewing a machine in a park overlooking a lake]
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, O., W.J. Morgan and Co. Lith.
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: S.E. Young and Co. and Cram, Laconia, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women with sewing machine in a park overlooking a lake.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a caricature of group of happy children celebrating the arrival at their home of a New Home Sewing Machine] / Some of our neighbor's children.
Imprint: 1882, [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: E.J. Preston; Oneida, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a caricature of group of happy children celebrating the arrival at their home of a New Home Sewing Machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a caricature of animals and child playing horn-saying that they would be happy if PA would buy a sewing machine] / Our neighbor's pets.
Imprint: 1882, [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: E. J. Preston, Oneida, NY
Descriptive Notes: Caricature of animals and child playing horn-saying that they would be happy if Pa would buy a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pastoral scene with red and white clover bordering] / Our neighbor's unmarried sister (by moonlight).
Imprint: 1882, [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: E. J. Preston Oneidda, NY
Descriptive Notes: Pastoral scene with red and white clover bordering.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a caricature of newly married couple - husband has given the wife a sewing machine] / Our newly married neighbors.
Imprint: 1882, [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: E. J. Preston; Oneida, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a caricature of newly married couple - husband has given the wife a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock]
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: R. Purchase; Jamaica, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Leavitt & Brant; 409 Washington St.; Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring children crowding a window with the phrase "Each winsome face with smiles is fraught, each voice a merry tone has caught, for Papa dear has gone and bought a New Home Sewing Machine"] / Some of our neighbors children.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W.J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: W. Hager and Company; 371 Essex St; Lawrence, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring children crowding a window with the phrase "Each winsome face with smiles is fraught, each voice a merry tone has caught, for Papa dear has gone and bought a New Home Sewing Machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman peering with a sad face into a mirror with the words: "What makes Amantha look so sad? Why should she feel so very bad: Amantha wishes that she had a New Home Sewing Machine"] / Our neighbors unmarried sister by moonlight.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W.J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: J.P. Bristol; Pittsfield, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman peering with a sad face into a mirror "What makes Amantha look so sad? Why should she feel so very bad: Amantha wishes that she had a New Home Sewing Machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a caricature of a sad-looking child and animals. "There's sadness in our baby's eye, Tabby, Poll, and the poodle sigh, They would be glad if Pa would buy a New Home Sewing Machine"] / Our neighbor's pets.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W.J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a caricature of a sad-looking child and animals. "There's sadness in our baby's eye, Tabby, Poll, and the poodle sigh, They would be glad if Pa would buy a New Home Sewing Machine."
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a seated couple embracing, with the words "What shall I get my ducky dove, my sweetest angel from above, to prove her my fervent love?"] / Our newly married neighbors.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W.J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: J.P. Birstol; Pittsfield, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a seated couple embracing "What shall I get my ducky dove, my sweetest angel from above, to prove her my fervent love?".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W.J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: S.R. Leland & Son; 446 Main St; Worchester, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: J.P. Bristol; Pittsfield, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: M.L. Decker; 24 N. Main St.; Cortland, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: C.P. Bell; 7 & 8 Telegraph Block; Nashua, NH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a calendar for the year 1882] / Light running simplest, most popular and best.
Imprint: 1882, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a calendar for the year 1882.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house resembling a southern plantation; one woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women are talking, while in the distance a boat is approaching a dock] / New Home in the sunny south.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W. J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: C.P. Bell; 7 & 8 Telegraph Block; Nashua, NH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting outside of a house, which resembles a southern plantation. One woman is seated at a sewing machine and two women talking. In the distance is a boat approaching a dock.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a caricature of a sad-looking child and animals. "There's sadness in our baby's eye, Tabby, Poll, and the poodle sigh, They would be glad if Pa would buy a New Home Sewing Machine"] / Our neighbor's pets.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W.J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a caricature of a sad-looking child and animals. "There's sadness in our baby's eye, Tabby, Poll, and the poodle sigh, They would be glad if Pa would buy a New Home Sewing Machine."
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a seated couple embracing, with the words "What shall I get my ducky dove, my sweetest angel from above, to prove her my fervent love?"] / Our newly married neighbors.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W.J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: J.P. Birstol; Pittsfield, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a seated couple embracing "What shall I get my ducky dove, my sweetest angel from above, to prove her my fervent love?".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring children crowding a window with the phrase "Each winsome face with smiles is fraught, each voice a merry tone has caught, for Papa dear has gone and bought a New Home Sewing Machine"] / Some of our neighbors children.
Imprint: 1882, Cleveland, OH, W.J. Morgan and Company, Lithographers
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: W. Hager and Company; 371 Essex St; Lawrence, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring children crowding a window with the phrase "Each winsome face with smiles is fraught, each voice a merry tone has caught, for Papa dear has gone and bought a New Home Sewing Machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from New Home Sewing Machine Company to a customer informing him of company name change from New Home Sewing Machines to New Home Sewing Machine Company]
Imprint: 1882/01/25, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from New Home Sewing Machine Company to a customer informing him of company name change from New Home Sewing Machines to New Home Sewing Machine Company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: Trial ended; read the verdict.
Imprint: 1882/11/17, Springvale, ME, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Testimonials about the New Home sewing machine from customers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence with sewing machine vendor in Vergennes, Vermont]
Imprint: 1882/12/05, [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Model represented: 7.
Agent information: W.R. Bristol Vergennes, VT.
Descriptive Notes: Letter urging vender to sell a particular model # 7 sewing machine in small towns around Vergennes, VT. They state that they will protect his territory but he must get out and sell the product.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from New Home Sewing Machine Company to a sales agent concerning Model # 7 and its price, $28.00 with cabinet]
Imprint: 1882/12/20, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from New Home Sewing Machine Company to a sales agent concerning Model # 7 and its price, $28.00 with cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Agreement from a customer not to sell New Home sewing machine for less than certain prices]
Imprint: 1882/12/20, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Agreement from a customer not to sell New Home sewing machine for less than certain prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from New Home Sewing Machine Company to a customer detailing prices of machines]
Imprint: 1882/12/20, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from New Home Sewing Machine Company to a customer detailing prices of machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Agreement from a customer not to sell New Home sewing machine for less than certain prices]
Imprint: 1882/12/20, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Agreement from a customer not to sell New Home sewing machine for less than certain prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from New Home Sewing Machine Company to a customer detailing prices of machines]
Imprint: 1882/12/20, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from New Home Sewing Machine Company to a customer detailing prices of machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence from New Home Sewing Machine Company to customer regarding payment]
Imprint: 1884/11/06, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from New Home Sewing Machine Company to customer regarding payment.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Page from "Household Guide"] / New Home sewing machine
Imprint: 1885, New Haven, CT, E.L. Caitlin
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Sales pitch describing New Home machines and their popularity and excellent sales record.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers and landscape pictures]
Imprint: 1887, [S.l.], N.A. Graves
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, Mass.
Agent information: W.H. Streeter, Worcester, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring flowers and landscape pictures. List of New Home branches and dealers on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring an evergreen tree overlooking a lake and a second scene of a sailboat sailing on water]
Imprint: 1887, [S.l.], N.A. Graves
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: J McDonald; 260 Main St.; Danbury, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring an evergreen tree overlooking a lake and a second scene of a sailboat sailing on water.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade cards featuring a sailboat on the water and a floral design; the two cards are attached by a ribbon bearing the phrase "New Home Sewing Machine Company"]
Imprint: 1887, [S.l.], N.A. Graves
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: Centre Street Music Store
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a sailboat on the water and a floral design. Card is actually two cards, attached by a ribbon, bearing the phrase "New Home Sewing Machine Company".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: Light running.
Imprint: 1890, Orange, MA, [s.n.]
Pages: 14
Notes: Models represented: 14, 15, 16, 9.
Agent information: J.F. Chaffins; 157 Main St; Fitchburg,[?]
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations and descriptions of sewing machines and cabinets; includes prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a brown house surrounded by blue flowers and bushes and a church steeple and a river in the background]
Imprint: 1891, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a brown house surrounded by blue flowers and bushes and a church steeple and a river in the background.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a child wearing a red fez with tassels and wire rimmed glasses on the edge of his nose holding a picture of sewing machine]
Imprint: 1891, Puck Building, NY, J. Ottmann Lithograph Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a child wearing a red fez with tassels and wire rimmed glasses on the edge of his nose holding a picture of sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a child wearing a red fez with tassels and wire rimmed glasses on the edge of his nose holding a picture of sewing machine]
Imprint: 1891, Puck Building, NY, J. Ottmann Lithograph Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a child wearing a red fez with tassels and wire rimmed glasses on the edge of his nose holding a picture of sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a 1891 calendar and a picture of sewing machine]
Imprint: 1891, New York, NY, G.H. Davis, Lithographer
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a 1891 calendar and a picture of sewing machine
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene and the phrase "compliments of the New Home sewing machine company"; the card lists locations of New Home merchants and features a puzzle which if answered correctly, is redeemable for a prize]
Imprint: 1892, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: C.W. Buker, General agent
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene and the phrase "Compliments of the New Home sewing machine company." Card lists locations of New Home merchants and features a puzzle which if answered correctly, is redeemable for a prize.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: Trade booklet. / "The song of the shirt."
Imprint: 1893, Orange, MA, New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 10
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Models represented: 15, 16, 19, 9.
Descriptive Notes: "Song of the shirt" by Tom Hood illustrations L. L. Rogers Long dramatic poem regarding the problems encountered with the sewing of a shirt - illustrations on each page- used as advertising for new home sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: Buy the New Home. / Display used at the Chicago World's Fair, 1893.
Imprint: 1893, Chicago, IL, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 248 State St., Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Flier distributed to generate interest in attending the New Home exhibition at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a pretty young woman with brown hair pointing to a picture of a sewing machine and saying "No other like it - no other as good"]
Imprint: 1909, [S.l.], New Home Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Agent information: John G. Dodge; Hillsboro, NH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a pretty young with brown hair pointing to a picture of a sewing machine and saying "No other like it - no other as good"
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Home Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Ruby Sewing Machine Warranty]
Imprint: 1925, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Orange, MA
Descriptive Notes: Unused warranty.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 4
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 723

130 New Raymond Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: New Raymond Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring text "buy the new Raymond sewing machine"] / Light running best in the world.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Charles Raymond; Guelph, Ontario
Descriptive Notes: Trade card shows tranquil scene along a waterway; two people in a sailboat; a tree and plants are near by.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

131 New York Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: New York Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a man with bowtie that reads "my boss sells the New York sewing machine"] / The brightest diamond of them all.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: African-American male wearing dark suit, white shirt, and red bow tie with diamond stickpen; bow tie has sign "my boss sells the New York sewing machine; below that reads "the biggest diamond of the all".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

132 New York Singer Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: New York Singer
Title: Circular and price list from Economy Emporium.
Imprint: [between 1880 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 19
Notes: Models represented: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12.
Agent information: Economy Emporium, Chicago
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of models, information about the agent and business practices, prices, testimonials.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2705

133 Newton Wilson & Company

Company Name on Item: Newton Wilson & Co.
Title: The pioneers of the English sewing machine trade.
Imprint: [185_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: 144 High Holborn, London, England
Models represented: Family machine, Princess of Wales lockstitch sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptive material with prices for both machines; the Princess of Wales is called the most perfect lockstitch machine yet invented.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

134 Nichols & Bliss

Company Name on Item: Nichols & Bliss
Title: Nichols & Bliss, manufacturers of Howe's improved patent sewing machines.
Imprint: [1854?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 305 Broadway, New York, NY; 33 Hanover St., Boston, MA
Models represented: Camilla, Cylinder, Excelsior.
Descriptive Notes: Nichols & Bliss ad for Camilla, Cylinder, and Excelsior machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Nichols & Bliss
Title: Nichols & Bliss, manufacturers of Howe's improved patent sewing machines.
Imprint: [1854?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 305 Broadway, New York, N.Y.; 33 Hanover St., Boston, MA
Models represented: Camilla, Cylinder, Excelsior.
Descriptive Notes: Nichols & Bliss ad for Camilla, Cylinder, and Excelsior machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Nichols & Bliss; S.H. Gregory & Co.
Title: Sewing machine ads.
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 305 Broadway, New York, NY; 23-25 Court St., Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Ads for Nichols & Bliss No. 1 Cylinder machine, No. 2 Excelsior machine, No. 3 Camilla machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Nichols & Bliss; S.H. Gregory & Co.
Title: Sewing machine ads.
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 305 Broadway, New York, N.Y.; 23-25 Court Street, Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Ads for Nichols & Bliss No. 1 Cylinder machine, No. 2 Excelsior machine, and No. 3 Camilla machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

135 J.B. Nichols & Company

Company Name on Item: J.B. Nichols & Co.; Leaveh's Sewing Machines
Title: J.B. Nichols & Co. manufacturers of sewing machines.
Imprint: [1854?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 33 Hanover St., Boston, MA; Haymarket Square, Boston, MA
Models represented: Nicols & Bliss Camilla, Cylinder and Excelsior.
Descriptive Notes: Magazine or newspaper ad.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: J.B. Nichols & Co.; Leaveh's Sewing Machines
Title: J.B. Nichols & Co. manufacturers of sewing machines.
Imprint: [1854?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 33 Hanover St., Boston, MA; Haymarket Square, Boston, MA
Models represented: Nicols & Bliss Camilla, Cylinder and Excelsior.
Descriptive Notes: Magazine or newspaper ad.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

136 Nihon Mishin Yushutsu Kumiai

Company Name on Item: Nihon Mishin Yushutsu Kumiai
Title: Japan's sewing machine guide book. / Machinery Japan: 1954.
Imprint: 1954, [S.l.], Japan's Sewing Machine Exporters' Association
Pages: 132
Notes: Company address: Japan
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations and descriptions of various sewing machines; list of members of Japan's Sewing Machine Exporters Association.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Nihon : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

137 Novelty Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Novelty Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Novelty sewing machine]
Imprint: 19th cent., Sansom St., Hall, Philadelphia, Pa., Loag
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Emmes, Cram & CO., 922 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Advertising this Novelty sewing machine which will hem, braid and embroider and do all kinds of family sewing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

138 L.M. Olmstead

Company Name on Item: L.M. Olmstead
Title: Important to manufacturers who use sewing machine.
Imprint: [ca. 1873], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Text about award granted at the American Institute Exhibition, 1873, for first premium products.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 5 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

139 Oxford Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Oxford Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring famous Oxford sewing machine and organs]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Chicago, Ill.
Descriptive Notes: Winter scene; house surrounded by snow; wooden fence seen in front of house.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Oxford Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Oxford sewing machines, strictly high grade first class]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 342 & 344 Washbash Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Descriptive Notes: Picture of some agricultural building; sailboats in what appears to be a marina; Oxford sewing machines are strictly high grade, first class and have more good qualities than all others combines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Oxford Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring famous Oxford sewing machine and organs]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 505 State St., Chicago, Ill.
Descriptive Notes: Winter snow scene; house in middle of field of snow; trade card advertising the Oxford sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

140 Palm and Fechteler

Company Name on Item: Palm and Fechteler
Title: [Design for ornamentation of sewing machines]
Imprint: [1881?], New York, NY, U.S. Patent Office.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Agent information: Ewald Hahnel
Descriptive Notes: This is an application for a patent by Ewald Hahnel; he has assigned the manufacturer of this sewing machine to Palm and Fecteler of New York, NY; invention relates to a new and original design for the ornamentation of sewing machines and other.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

141 Perfect Hemstitcher Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Perfect Hemstitcher Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using the perfect hemstitching and picoting attachment.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: P.O. Box 184, Springfield, Mass.
Model represented: Perfect hemstitching and picoting attachment.
Agent information: Perfect Hemstitcher Manufacturing Co.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for how to attach parts, how to do plain hemstitching and picoting and other suggestions.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

142 Georg Michael Pfaff Gedachtnisstiftung

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Instruction book for the push-button Pfaff 1221 and 1222.
Imprint: [197-], Germany, Pfaff
Pages: 68
Notes: Company address: Germany
Models represented: 1221, 1222.
Descriptive Notes: Index; instructions.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Pfaff 1196 and 1197. / Pfaff super utility stitch models, attractively styled and easy to operate.
Imprint: [197-], Germany, Pfaff
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: Germany
Models represented: 1196, 1197.
Agent information: Pfaff American Sales Corporation, New York
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions of techniques possible on Pfaff 1196 and Pfaff 1197, pictures of samples stitches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Pfaff electronic. / The more sophisticated a sewing machine, the simpler it is to operate.
Imprint: [197-], Germany, Pfaff
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Germany
Models represented: 1196, 1197, 1211, 1212, 1221, 1222.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions of 1196, 1197, 1211, 1212, 1221, 1222; descriptions of techniques possible using various Pfaff machines and technical specifications of various Pfaff machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Pfaff 1200.
Imprint: [197-], Germany, Pfaff
Pages: 19
Notes: Company address: Germany
Models represented: 1211, 1212, 1221, 1222.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures of stitches done on machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: [Stitch guide for Pfaff 1222]
Imprint: [197-], Germany, Pfaff
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: Pfaff 1222.
Descriptive Notes: Photographs of stitches possible using the Pfaff 1222.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Pfaff 3300 Einfaden Kettenstitch - Knopfannahmaschine. / Gebrauchsanleitung.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], Pfaff
Pages: 24
Notes: Model represented: Pfaff 3300.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagram, images of machine in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Pfaff 1221, 1222. / Pfaff leidarvisir fyrir super-automatic saumavelarnar 1221 og 1222.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Germany, [s.n.]
Pages: 68
Notes: Model represented: Pfaff 1221.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Pfaff models 1221 and 1222.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Pfaff 1221, 1222. / Pfaff mode d' emploi des machines à coudre "super-automatic' Pfaff 1221 et 1222.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Germany, [s.n.]
Pages: 68
Notes: Model represented: Pfaff 1221.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Pfaff models 1221 and 1222.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Pfaff 1221, 1222. / Pfaff Gebrauchsanweisung für die Super-Automatic Nähmaschinen Pfaff 1221 und 1222.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 68
Notes: Model represented: Pfaff 1221.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Pfaff models 1221 and 1222.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Pfaff 1221, 1222. / Pfaff brugsanvising for Super-Automatic symaskiner Pfaff 1221 og 1222.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 68
Notes: Model represented: Pfaff 1222.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Pfaff models 1221 and 1222.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Pfaff 1221, 1222. / Pfaff libretto istruzioni per le macchine per cucire superautomatiche Pfaff 1221 e 1222.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Germany, [s.n.]
Pages: 68
Notes: Model represented: Pfaff 1222.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Pfaff models 1221 and 1222.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Pfaff 1221, 1222. / Pfaff manual de instrucciones para las maquinas de coser superautomaticas.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Germany, [s.n.]
Pages: 68
Notes: Model represented: Pfaff 1221.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Pfaff models 1221 and 1222.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Sto kvalitetnija sivaca masina, to jednostavnija uporaba Pfaff.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Models represented: Pfaff 1222, 1221, 1211, 1197, 1212, 1196.
Descriptive Notes: Advertising Pfaff models; flier.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Pfaff 1221, 1222. / Pfaff super-automatic 1221 ja 1222 kayttouhje.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Germany, [s.n.]
Pages: 68
Notes: Model represented: Pfaff 1221.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Pfaff models 1221 and 1222.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Pfaff 1200 1211/1212 1221/1222.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Germany, [s.n.]
Pages: 19
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for Pfaff 1200s models in regard to different stitching techniques.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Pfaff 1221, 1222. / Pfaff brugsanvising for Super-Automatic symaskiner Pfaff 1221 och 1222.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Germany, [s.n.]
Pages: 68
Notes: Model represented: Pfaff 1222.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Pfaff models 1221 and 1222.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Les plus simples des machines a coudre perfectionnees.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Models represented: Pfaff 1222, 1221, 1211, 1197, 1212, 1196.
Descriptive Notes: Advertising Pfaff models; flier.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Piu complessa e una macchina per cucire piu semplice e il suo uso.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Models represented: Pfaff 1222, 1221, 1211, 1197, 1212, 1196.
Descriptive Notes: Advertising Pfaff models; flier.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: The more sophisticated the sewing machine, the simpler its operation.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Models represented: Pfaff 1222, 1221, 1211, 1197, 1212, 1196.
Descriptive Notes: Advertising Pfaff models; flier.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: [The more sophisticated a sewing machine - the simpler its operation]
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Models represented: Pfaff 1222, 1221, 1211, 1197, 1212, 1196.
Descriptive Notes: Advertising Pfaff models; flier.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Dikis makineniz ne kadar degerli olursa kullanilisi da o karar basit olur.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Models represented: Pfaff 1222, 1221, 1211, 1197, 1212, 1196.
Descriptive Notes: Advertising Pfaff models; flier.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Pfaff 1200 1211/1212 1221/1222.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Germany, [s.n.]
Pages: 19
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for Pfaff 1200s models in regard to different stitching techniques.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Pfaff 1200 1211/1212 1221/1222.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Germany, [s.n.]
Pages: 19
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for Pfaff 1200s models in regard to different stitching techniques.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Cuanto mas valiosa la maquina de coser tanto mas sencilla de manejar.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Models represented: Pfaff 1222, 1221, 1211, 1197, 1212, 1196.
Descriptive Notes: Advertising Pfaff models; flier.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff
Title: Pfaff 1221, 1222.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 51
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Pfaff models 1221 and 1222. Colored sheet displaying stitching patters.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff Sewing Machines
Title: Sewing in the 70's with Pfaff. / Creative home sewing.
Imprint: 1969, [S.l.], Pfaff
Pages: 5
Notes: Models represented: Design 71, Design 19, Design 76, Design 51, Design 18, Design 77, Design 78, Design 362, Design 79, Design 262.
Descriptive Notes: Images of machine and drawings of a woman, a child, and curtains, a rug, a jacket, and a pair of shoes.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Pfaff Sewing Machine Company
Title: Pfaff: 1221 and 1222. / Instruction book for the push button Pfaff 1221 and 1222.
Imprint: 1975, West Germany, [s.n.]
Pages: 68
Notes: Company address: West Germany
Models represented: Pfaff 1221, Pfaff 1222.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, photographs of machines in use and of work done on machines, warranty card enclosed.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

143 Geo. F. Phillips & Co.

Company Name on Item: Geo. F. Phillips & Co.
Title: Crown sewing machines.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 1027 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Descriptive Notes: This a flier listing Crown sewing machines for sale and also needles of various types and sizes for different sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

144 D.B. Piper

Company Name on Item: D.B. Piper
Title: [Trade card advertising D.B. Piper, manufacturers of sewing machine shuttles, bobbins, screw drivers, etc.]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Winchendon, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Business card, trade card; no pictures just states what D.P. piper sells.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: D.B. Piper
Title: [Trade card featuring the manufacturers of sewing machine shuttles, bobbins, screw drivers, etc.]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Winchendon, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Plain card; difficult to read; P.D. Piper sells sewing machines shuttles, bobbins, screw drivers, etc.; no mention of anything more specific that they sell.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

145 Planer, Braunsdorf & Company

Company Name on Item: Planer, Braunsdorf & Co.
Title: [Letter to Mr. Peter De Pew regarding the growing of grapes]
Imprint: 1861/5/4, New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 84 Bowery, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Letterhead from the Planer, Braunsdorf & Co., successors to Planer & Kayser, manufacturers of sewing machines; content of letter is about the growing of grapes.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

146 Pocket Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Pocket Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The pocket sewing machine.
Imprint: [186_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 17 Wall St., New York, NY
Model represented: Pocket sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Easily used; being held in the hand; specially adapted to doing quilting embroidery and braiding.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

147 Pope Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Pope Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the darning machine]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: 45 High St., Boston, Mass.
Model represented: Darning machine.
Descriptive Notes: A new and valuable household machine for darning stockings, repairing garments, and other purposes never attempted by machinery.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

148 Joseph Powell (Firm)

Company Name on Item: Joseph Powell
Title: Price list.
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1883], Chicago, Flaherty and Hanna
Pages: 24
Notes: Models represented: 3 (new family), 1, 5, 6, 7, 10.
Descriptive Notes: Price lists for various models of various companies, address to the customer, terms of business, images of models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2690

149 Laurence Powell

Company Name on Item: Laurence Powell
Title: [Sheet music: Sewing Machine]
Imprint: 1931, United States, Art Publication Society
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Sheet music; no words.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. DeVincent Sheet Music Collection. Box: 241 : Sewing Machines
Item Image Available:

150 S.F. Pratts

Company Name on Item: S.F. Pratts
Title: [Trade card featuring the ladies' companion sewing machine]
Imprint: [1857?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 113 Washington St., Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Treadle machines are made expressly for family use and all fabrics cam be used; machine was not got up for the purpose of selling patent rights and humbugging the public, neither do we use any other patents but our own.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

151 Priscilla Needlework Company

Company Name on Item: Priscilla Needlework Company
Title: New Priscilla sewing machines. / Priscilla Needlework Company.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 20
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Description of sewing machine parts.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Priscilla : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Priscilla Needlework Company
Title: Catalogue of Priscilla fancy work designs.
Imprint: [Between 1901 and 1909], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 52
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Model represented: New Priscilla.
Descriptive Notes: Catalog of needlework designs with prices and descriptions. Sewing machine coupon on image 53. New Priscilla sewing machine on image 54.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Priscilla : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 65

Company Name on Item: Priscilla Needlework Company
Title: Catalog of Priscilla fancy work designs. / Fall and winter 1916-1917.
Imprint: 1916, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 52
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Contains pictures/descriptions of needlework products. Ads for sterling and other needlework supplies.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Priscilla : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 66

152 Puritan Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Puritan Manufacturing Company
Title: Catalog of high speed Puritan machines for shoe manufacturers. / Instructions for operating and price lists of parts.
Imprint: [Between 1910 and 1959], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 83
Notes: Company address: Norwich, CT
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

153 Rand Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: The Rand Manufacturing Co.
Title: The Rand Manufacturing Co. family sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1883], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of models, prices. Flier distributed by the Boston office.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2706

Company Name on Item: The Rand Manufacturing Company
Title: The Rand Manufacturing Co. family sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1883], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Models represented: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of the models, prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2707

154 Rapid Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Rapid Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Rapid sewing machine lightest and strongest most durable machine on the market]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Bedford, Quebec
Descriptive Notes: Cover of card shows two humorous skaters who have fallen on the ice; verso is a sales pitch for their sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

155 Reece Button Hole Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Reece Button Hole Machine Co.
Title: Catalogo; lista de precios; instructions; para la maquina de ojalar serie 101 / Maquinas Reece de ojalar. Serie 101; Instrucciones respecto a las maqunias y recopilador de molestias
Imprint: [1938], Kendall Square, Cambridge, The Murray Printing Company
Pages: 123
Notes: Company address: 502 Harrison Ave., Boston, Mass.
Model represented: 101.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for setting up, operating, adjusting, and using attachments. Troubleshooting guide. List of parts. Tools and accessories. Price list.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. :
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Reece Button Hole Machine Company
Title: Reece hand hole clothing machine. / Catalogue and price list of parts.
Imprint: [Between 1910 and 1959], [S.l.], Reece Button Hole Machine Company
Pages: 24
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Reece Button Hole Machine Co.
Title: Catalogue; price list; instructions; for series 101 button hole machine / Reece series 101 button hole machines - machine instructions and trouble digest
Imprint: 1938, Boston, The Alpine Press, Inc.
Pages: 123
Notes: Company address: 502 Harrison Ave., Boston, Mass.
Model represented: 101.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for setting up, operating, adjusting, and using attachments. Troubleshooting guide. List of parts. Tools and accessories. Price list.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. :
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Reece Buttonhole Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Reece buttonhole machine]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 458-462 Harrison Ave., Boston, Mass.
Model represented: Reece Buttonhole Machine.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card advertising the fact that the Reece machine received the grand prize in Paris in 1889; various medals are pictured.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

156 Regina (Firm)

Company Name on Item: Regina
Title: Regina topmatic.
Imprint: [197-], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: Switzerland
Model represented: Regina topmatic.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures of machine in use and a photograph of a group of women gathered around a machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Regina
Title: Regina matic. / My greatest wish.
Imprint: [Between 1940 and 1969], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 3
Notes: Model represented: Regina matic.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

157 Remington Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring unloading of a horse-drawn cart with sewing machines]
Imprint: [186_-188_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring unloading of horse-drawn cart with sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Silent, light-running family sewing machine]
Imprint: [1873?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington family sewing machine.
Agent information: Russel Crego & Son, Albany, NY
Descriptive Notes: Eight paged detailed ad for the Remington family sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington Works
Title: The Remington Works, Remington sewing machines, fire arms, agricultural implements.
Imprint: [1874?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Ilion, New York, NY
Models represented: Remington 1 and 2.
Descriptive Notes: Magazine ad for Remington products, highlighting the Remington No. 1 and No. 2 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Good agents wanted!
Imprint: [1875?], 108 to 114 Wooster St., New York, NY, Lange, Little & Co., Printers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Models represented: Remington 1, 2.
Descriptive Notes: Ad for new Remington sewing machine agents to sell models No. 1 and No. 2.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Good agents wanted!
Imprint: [1875?], 108 to 114 Wooster St., New York, NY, Lange, Little & Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Models represented: Remington 1 and 2.
Descriptive Notes: Ad for new Remington sewing machine agents to sell models No. 1 and No. 2.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Good agents wanted!
Imprint: [1875?], 108 to 114 Wooster St., New York, NY, Lange, Little & Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Models represented: Remington 1 and 2.
Descriptive Notes: Ad for new Remington sewing machine agents to sell models No. 1 and No. 2.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Good agents wanted!
Imprint: [1875?], 108 to 114 Wooster St., New York, NY, Lange, Little & Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Models represented: Remington 1 and 2.
Descriptive Notes: Ad for new Remington sewing machine agents to sell models No. 1 and No. 2.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Good agents wanted!
Imprint: [1875?], 108 to 114 Wooster St., New York, NY, Lange, Little & Co., Printers
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Models represented: Remington 1, 2.
Descriptive Notes: Ad for new Remington sewing machine agents to sell models No. 1 and No. 2.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a frog getting into a rowboat with the oars over his shoulder]
Imprint: [1880?], New York, NY, John Gibson
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with frog getting into a rowboat with the oars over his shoulder.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: Long life and happiness.
Imprint: [1880?], [S.l.], F. Todd
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winged nymph riding turtle.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl hanging flowers on a tree]
Imprint: [1880?], [S.l.], F. Todd
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with girl hanging flowers on tree.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a flower border around a winter street and houses]
Imprint: [1882?], New York, NY, Frank Vernon
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Agent information: Frank Vernon
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with flower border of winter street and houses; agent rents and sells sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a rose and daisy border around a summer camp]
Imprint: [1882?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Agent information: S. Clayton
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with rose and daisy border around summer camp; agent rents and sells sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a spring flower border around a field, stream, and cows]
Imprint: [1882?], New York, NY, Frank Vernon
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Agent information: Joel Hanford; 12 West Seneca St., Ithaca, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with spring flower border around field, stream, and cows.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a flower border around a winter field and houses]
Imprint: [1882?], New York, NY, Frank Vernon
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Agent information: S. Clayton
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with flower border around winter field and houses; agent sell and rents sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a flower border around a field, river and cows]
Imprint: [1882?], New York, NY, Frank Vernon
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Agent information: S. Clayton, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with flower border around field, river and cows.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a flower border around an autumn field and stream]
Imprint: [1882], New York, NY, Frank Vernon
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with flower border around autumn field and stream.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a face and daisy border around a summer camp]
Imprint: [1882], New York, NY, Frank Vernon
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Agent information: S. Clayton
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with face and daisy border around summer camp; agent has "sewing machines to rent or sell during the holidays".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Letter to Messrs. Lech & Morrison referring to forwarding on their latest catalog]
Imprint: [1883/3/8], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Letter to Messrs. Lech & Morrison referring to forwarding on their latest catalog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: Remington Arms Co. manufacturers of military arms, breech loading shot guns, rifles, revolvers, etc. sewing machines, high grade bicycles.
Imprint: [1893?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Ilion, New York
Descriptive Notes: Remington Arms Co. manufacturers of military arms, breech loading shot guns, rifles, revolvers, etc. sewing machines, high grade bicycles.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington Firearms Co.
Title: [Letter to F.L. Jenne]
Imprint: [1909/5/5], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 313 Broadway, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Letter ordering Remington arms (no mention of a sewing machine or parts).
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: E. Remington and Sons
Title: The Remington family sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Ilion, NY
Models represented: Plain table, half cabinet, full cabinet.
Agent information: O.F. Davis; 810 Chestnut St., Phila.
Descriptive Notes: Detailed description of Remington's family sewing machine; list of offices; reasons to buy the Remington; prices of machines and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 5
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 735

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a circus girl standing on a ball]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card shows circus girl standing on ball.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Display board of Remington sewing machine trade cards and ad.]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Models represented: Remington 1, 2, 3.
Descriptive Notes: Display board of Remington sewing machine trade cards and ad.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington Works
Title: [Remington sewing machine leaflet]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Models represented: Remington 1, 2.
Descriptive Notes: Catalog for Remington sewing machines featuring sewing machine cabinets and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: The "Remington" improved new family sewing machine does a greater variety of work.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], Philadelphia, PA, Wm. Mann, Printer & Stationer
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Remington new family.
Agent information: O.F. Davis; 810 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog: the "Remington" improved new family sewing machine does a greater variety of work.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a child in snow holding a holly branch]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Agent information: Stern & Co., Essex St., Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card shows child in snow holding a holly branch.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl sweeping the floor and reading the paper]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card shows girl sweeping floor and reading the paper.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a red and a white rose]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with large white rose, small red rose and two red rose buds on left side of a Remington sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy carrying a tray]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with boy carrying tray.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl mailing a letter]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card of girl mailing letter.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring butterflies on grass]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], Philadelphia, PA, Potsdamer & Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card of butterflies on grass.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring butterflies on a blade of grass]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], Philadelphia, PA, Potsdamer & Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card of two butterflies on a blade of grass on a Remington No. 3 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring butterflies on grass]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], Philadelphia, PA, Potsdamer & Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card of two butterflies on a blade of grass on a Remington No. 3 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring butterflies on grass]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], Philadelphia, PA, Potsdamer & Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Two butterflies on a blade of grass on a Remington no. 3 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a lady in pink showing a lady in blue her "New Remington" sewing machine"]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: New Remington.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a lady in pink showing a lady in blue her "New Remington" sewing machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring "the hare and the tortoise - Aesop"]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], 49 & 51 Park Place, NY, C.G. Crawford Stationer
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3 Morse Block.
Descriptive Notes: The tortoise has a Remington No. 3 Morse Block strapped to its back and the hare has both front feet on a sewing machine as if he were hopping up on it.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring butterflies on a blade of grass]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], Philadelphia, PA, Potsdamer & Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with two butterflies on a blade of grass on a Remington No. 3 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring "our express in India" Elephants pulling wagon of Remington No. 3 sewing machine, elephant saddles are sewing machine]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], 49 & 51 Park Place, NY, C.G. Crawford Stationer
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring "our express in India" Elephants pulling wagon of Remington No. 3 sewing machine, elephant saddles are sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a butterfly]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], 49 & 51 Park Place, NY, C.G. Crawford Stationer
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Nymph riding a butterfly, the butterfly's body is a Remington No. 3 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a nymph riding a butterfly]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], 49 & 51 Park Place, NY, C.G. Crawford Stationer
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Agent information: Kingsloury Daniels & Co.
Descriptive Notes: Nymph riding a butterfly, the butterfly's body is a Remington No. 3 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring "the hare and the tortoise - Aesop"]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], 49 & 51 Park Place, NY, C.G. Crawford Stationer
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: The tortoise has a Remington No. 3 sewing machine on its back and the hares front feet are on a sewing machine like he was going to get on it.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy laying on his back rolling a cylinder with his feet over his body]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with boy laying on his back rolling a cylinder with his feet over his body
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a Nymph riding a butterfly]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], 49 & 51 Park Place, NY, C.G. Crawford Stationer
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Agent information: Bernard C. Pratt, North Carver, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Nymph riding a butterfly, the butterfly's body is a Remington No. 3 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring coach men and horses]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Three men on a coach pulled by a team of horses.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a flower border around men haying]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with flower border around picture of men haying.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a child outside in winter holding holly]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card shows child outside in winter holding holly.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl carrying a basket of flowers over her arm and a flower in her hand]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Agent information: Stern & Co., Essex St., Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card shows girl carrying a basket of flowers over arm and flower in hand.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring butterflies on grass]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], Philadelphia, PA, Potsdamer & Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card of butterflies on grass.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a lady in yellow and a lady in pink inspecting the "New Remington"]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: New Remington.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a lady in yellow and a lady in pink inspecting the "New Remington".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a ballerina holding a scarf over her head]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with ballet girl holding a scarf over her head.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl in a pink shawl and the "New Remington" sewing machine]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: New Remington.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring girl in pink shawl and the "New Remington" sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with a pink feathered hat and the "New Remington" sewing machine]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: New Remington.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring girl with pink feathered hat and the "New Remington" sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers and a field, a man sitting on fence]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Agent information: G.F. Nichols; Washington St., Clarke's Block, Keene, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with flowers and field, man sitting on fence.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: Winter noon.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 332 Washington St., Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card features cows in a winter field.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl's face poking out through paper]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], Boston, MA, Bufford
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Agent information: Stern & Co., Essex St., Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with girls face poking out through paper.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl's face poking out through paper]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], Boston, MA, Bufford
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with girls face poking out through paper; verso has Remington stamp with No. 3.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy sitting on a step playing music]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with boy sitting on step playing music; verso has Remington stamp advertising the No. 3.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with a basket of flowers and a letter]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card of girl with basket of flowers and letter.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a horse cart delivering Remington sewing machines]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Agent information: G.F. Nichols; Washington St., Clarke's Block, Keene, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with flower border around winter field and houses.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: The Easy running "Remington".
Imprint: [Between 1873 and 1875], Philadelphia, PA, W. Mann Steam Power Printing
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Agent information: O.F. Davis; 810 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Testimonials from owners about Remington, written in the form of a conversation between two women.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 5
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 734

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: Grand medal for progress. / The highest order of prize given to any sewing machine.
Imprint: 1873, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Ilion, NY
Descriptive Notes: Copy of the medal of progress received at Vienna 1873 at the Universal Exposition.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a bird sitting on a branch]
Imprint: 1874, Boston, MA, L. Prang & Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Agent information: O.F. Davis; 810 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card shows bird sitting on a branch.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a bird sitting on a branch]
Imprint: 1874, Boston, MA, C. Prang & Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 810 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card shows bird sitting on a branch.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington Sewing Machine Company
Title: The Remington. / Percentage of increase and decrease of sales of sewing machines.
Imprint: 1874, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Ilion, NY
Descriptive Notes: List of all sewing machine companies and the percentage of increase or decrease of sales they have experienced.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 5
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 727

Company Name on Item: Remington and Sons
Title: The Remington. / Percentage of increase and decrease of sales of sewing machines.
Imprint: 1874, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Ilion, NY
Descriptive Notes: List of all sewing machine companies and the percentage of increase or decrease of sales they have experienced.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington and Sons
Title: The Remington. / Percentage of increase and decrease of sales of sewing machines.
Imprint: 1874, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Ilion, NY
Descriptive Notes: List of all sewing machine companies and the percentage of increase or decrease of sales they have experienced.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Remington
Title: [Trade card featuring a frog getting into a rowboat with the oars over his shoulder]
Imprint: 1880, [S.l.], J. Gibson
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 281 & 283 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Remington No. 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card shows frog getting into a rowboat with oars over his shoulder.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: E. Remington and Sons
Title: E Remington and Sons annual, 1881. / Illustrated by leading artists.
Imprint: 1881, New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 60
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Almanac and trade catalog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 5
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 726

158 Rex & Bockius

Company Name on Item: Rex & Bockius
Title: The "Goodes" plain and fancy lock stitch and overseaming sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1881], Philadelphia, PA, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Describes ornamental work possible with Goodes sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 849

159 Louis Rich Machine Corporation

Company Name on Item: Louis Rich Machine Corporation
Title: Square stitch joker machine. / New model class 300.
Imprint: [Between 1920 and 1959], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: Square stitch joker machine.
Descriptive Notes: List of new features in square stitch joker machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Louis Rich Machine Corporation
Title: Flat button sewing machine. / New model class 152.
Imprint: [Between 1920 and 1959], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: Flat button sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Lists of new features on flat button sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

160 Richard's Patented Treadle Company

Company Name on Item: Richard's Patented Treadle Company
Title: Richard's patented treadle for sewing machine.
Imprint: [ca. 1872], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Testimonials about Richard's patented treadle for sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 5 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

161 Rikka Kabushiki Kaisha

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Super stretch. / Riccar model 666 SU and 555 SU.
Imprint: [197-], Japan, Riccar
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Japan
Models represented: 666 SU and 555 SU
Descriptive Notes: Pictures of 666 SU and 555 SU; sample stitches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Single needle lockstitch straight sewing machine. / Model RD 102.
Imprint: [197-], Japan, Riccar
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Japan
Model represented: RD 102.
Descriptive Notes: Flier for industrial sewing machine with technical specifications.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Riccar tachikawa factory seeks labour-saving. / [Article from New Japan Sewing Machine News]
Imprint: [197-], Japan, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Japan
Descriptive Notes: Article about Riccar's manufacturing methods.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Single needle lockstitch straight sewing machine. / Model RD 102.
Imprint: [197-], Japan, Riccar
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Japan
Descriptive Notes: Flier for industrial sewing machine with technical specifications.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Super stretch. / Riccar model 888.
Imprint: [197-], Japan, Riccar
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Japan
Model represented: 888.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures of Riccar 888; sample stitches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Riccar sewing machine company, ltd.
Imprint: [197-], Japan, Riccar
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Japan
Models represented: 510, 610, 888.
Descriptive Notes: Riccar company history.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: This is Riccar.
Imprint: [197-], Japan, Riccar
Pages: 22
Notes: Company address: Japan
Descriptive Notes: Company history; Riccar used to be Nippon Shokusan Kogyo; photographs of Riccar products.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Riccar. / Extensive range of zig-zag sewing machines to choose from your needs.
Imprint: [197-], Japan, Riccar
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Japan
Models represented: 1228, 1228B, 1288, 1388.
Descriptive Notes: Photographs of 1228, 1228B, 1288, 1388; photographs of sample stitches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Guarantee, 25 years. / Riccar sewing machine.
Imprint: [197-], Japan, Riccar
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Japan
Descriptive Notes: Guarantee certificate for Riccar machine
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Instruction manual for model 500FA - super stretch. / Your new super automatic.
Imprint: [197-], Japan, Riccar
Pages: 29
Notes: Company address: Japan
Model represented: Riccar 500 FA.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions with diagrams.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Super stretch. / Riccar model 1010.
Imprint: [197-], Japan, Riccar
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Japan
Model represented: 1010.
Descriptive Notes: Picture of Riccar 1010; sample stitches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Super stretch. / Riccar model 500 FA.
Imprint: [197-], Japan, Riccar
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Japan
Model represented: 500 FA.
Descriptive Notes: Picture of 500 FA; sample stitches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Modele 1488.
Imprint: [197-], Japan, Riccar
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: Japan
Model represented: Riccar 1488.
Descriptive Notes: Description and pictures of Riccar 1488; sample stitches; addresses for various offices in the United States and Europe.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Single needle lockstitch straight sewing machine. / Model RD 102.
Imprint: [197-], Japan, Riccar
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Japan
Descriptive Notes: Flier for industrial sewing machine with technical specifications.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Modele 1100. / Super legeres.
Imprint: [197-], Japan, Riccar
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: Japan
Model represented: Riccar 1100.
Descriptive Notes: Description and picture of Riccar 1100 and addresses for Riccar offices in Europe and the United States.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Modele 1528. / Advantages particuliers.
Imprint: [197-], Japan, Riccar
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: Japan
Model represented: Riccar 1528.
Descriptive Notes: Sample stitches; description and pictures of Riccar 1528; addresses for Riccar offices in the United States and Europe.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Modele 1200.
Imprint: [197-], Japan, Riccar
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: Japan
Model represented: Riccar 1200.
Descriptive Notes: Description and picture of Riccar 1200; addresses for Riccar offices in the United States and Europe.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Super stretch. / Riccar models 666-FA and 555-FA.
Imprint: [197-], Japan, Riccar
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Japan
Models represented: 666 FA, 555 FA.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures of 666 FA and 555 FA; sample stitches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Modele RD-102 machine a coudre industrielle.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Japan, [s.n.]
Pages: 6
Notes: Model represented: Riccar RD-102.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Riccar Model RD-102
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Super Stretch Model 666 su. / Super Stretch Model 555 su.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Japan, [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Models represented: Riccar Model 666 su, 555 su.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Riccar Model 666 su & 555 su.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Super Stretch Riccar Model 888.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Japan, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: Riccar Model 888.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Riccar Model 888.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: This work of art was created until a Riccar Super Stretch.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Models represented: Riccar Model 570 and 2600.
Descriptive Notes: Posters advertising Riccar Sewing Machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Neu; die 428 voll-zickzack leicht-mefall Freiarmnahmardrine. / Neu; die 428 voll-zickzack leichtmetall Freiarmnahmaschine.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Riccar S[?]
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Riccar 1528.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Japan, [s.n.]
Pages: 6
Notes: Model represented: Riccar 1528.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Riccar Model 1528.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Super Stretch Riccar Model 666 FA.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Japan, [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Models represented: Riccar 666 FA & 555 FA.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Riccar Models 666 FA & 555 FA.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Modele RD-102 machine a coudre industrielle.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Japan, [s.n.]
Pages: 6
Notes: Model represented: Riccar RD-102.
Descriptive Notes: Fliers advertising Riccar Model RD-102.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Riccar 1200.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Japan, [s.n.]
Pages: 6
Notes: Model represented: Riccar 1200.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Riccar Model 1200.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Riccar 1300 Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 6
Notes: Model represented: Riccar 1300.
Descriptive Notes: Fliers advertising Riccar model 1300 Sewing Machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Super Stretch Riccar Model 1010.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Japan, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: Riccar Model 1010.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Riccar Model 1010.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Riccar 1100.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Japan, [s.n.]
Pages: 6
Notes: Model represented: Riccar 1100.
Descriptive Notes: Fliers advertising Riccar model 1100.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Riccar.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Japan, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Models represented: Riccar 1228, 1228B, 1288, 1388.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Riccar Models 1228, 1228B, 1288, 1388.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Single Needle Lockstitch straight sewing machine Model RD 102.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Japan, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Riccar Model RD-102.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Super Stretch Riccar Model 888.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Japan, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Models represented: Riccar 888, 555 su, 666 su, 1010.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Riccar Models 888, 555 su, 600 su, 1010.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Riccar
Title: Riccar Worldwide.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Models represented: Riccar 1288, 1528.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Riccar Models 1288, 1528.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

162 Rose Label Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Rose Label Machine Company
Title: Rose label stitching machine. / For sewing reinforcements for buttons and button holes on union suits and sewing labels on underwear, stockings, heavy textiles, shoe linings, etc.
Imprint: [Between 1920 and 1949], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Grand Rapids, MI
Descriptive Notes: Phot of Rose stitcher, motor & table, photos of work done on the machine, list of mills using the Rose stitcher and chart of costs.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 5
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 737

163 Ross Moyer Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Ross Moyer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Illustrated catalogue. / The Ross Moyer Manufacturing Co.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 237
Notes: Company address: Cincinnati, OH
Descriptive Notes: Catalog of various machines, including sewing machines.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Ross Moyer : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

164 Rotary Shuttle Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Rotary Shuttle Sewing Machine Company
Title: Rotary shuttle sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1881 and 1884], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Foxboro, MA
Models represented: 1, 3, 4, 5.
Descriptive Notes: Story of inventor, J.A. Davis (of the Davis vertical feed sewing machine); pictures of machines; price list; directions for using the machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 5
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 740

165 Sackett Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: The Sackett Manufacturing Company
Title: Peerless embroidery attachment.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Wallingford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Description of peerless embroidery attachment.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 5 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

166 Sargent and Company

Company Name on Item: Sargent and Company
Title: [Order form for new patent sewing machine casters] / For all styles of machines.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 5 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Sargent & Co.
Title: New patent sewing machine casters.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 70 Beekhman St., New York, NY
Agent information: Sargent & Co.
Descriptive Notes: Move your sewing machine wherever you please; to the right or the left; forward or back or in any direction by simply pressing your foot upon a lever; the machine is raised off the floor and securely rested on 4 swivel casters.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

167 Sears, Roebuck and Company

Company Name on Item: Sears, Roebuck & Co.
Title: Sewing machines.
Imprint: [19--?], Chicago, Ill., Sears, Roebuck & Co.
Pages: 87
Notes: Company address: Chicago, Ill.
Descriptive Notes: Sears, Roebuck, & Co special sewing machine catalog. 211E, 2nd ed.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Sears, Roebuck and Company
Title: Instructions for operating the Franklin sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1893 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 37
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for use of machine; price list of parts included.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Sears Roebuck and Co : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Sears, Roebuck and Company
Title: Directions for using the new silent and light running Burdick sewing machine and the attachments. / Sears, Roebuck, and Company.
Imprint: [between 1900 and 1920], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 22
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Manual on sewing techniques and machine parts.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Sears Roebuck : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 37

Company Name on Item: Sears, Roebuck and Company
Title: Instructions for operating the Minnesota sewing machine model E.
Imprint: [Between 1920 and 1940], [S.l.], Sears Roebuck and Company
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Model represented: Minnesota sewing machine, E.
Descriptive Notes: Specific instructions for using the Model E, including oiling, using the attachments, and attaching the motor.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 743

Company Name on Item: Sears, Roebuck and Company
Title: [Certificate of guaranty]
Imprint: 1904/12/9, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Certificate of guaranty.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 6
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 745

168 Secomb & Company

Company Name on Item: Secomb & Co.
Title: The celebrated common sense family machine.
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston, Mass.
Model represented: Secomb family sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Flier for the common for the common sense family sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Secomb & Co.
Title: Term to agents; the common sense family sewing machine, improved and perfected, new terms, strictly private.
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Term to agents; the common sense family sewing machine, improved and perfected, new terms, strictly private.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Secomb & Co.
Title: The celebrated common sense family sewing machine, improved and perfected.
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Pittsburgh, PA
Model represented: Secomb family sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Flier for the Secomb family sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Secomb & Co.
Title: The celebrated common sense family sewing machine, improved and perfected.
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Pittsburgh, PA
Model represented: Secomb family sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Flier for the Secomb family sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Secomb & Co.
Title: The celebrated common sense family sewing machine, improved and perfected.
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Pittsburgh, PA
Model represented: Secomb family sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Flier for the Secomb family sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

169 Secor Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Secor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Barlow insurance survey's fire insurance map of the Secor Sewing Machine Co., (Bridgeport) West Stratford, Conn.]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1883], [S.l.], Heliotype Printing Co.
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: 192 Broadway, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Scale map and description of the Secor Sewing Machine Co. and the Holmes & Edwards Silver Co. factory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Barlow's Insurance Surveys. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

170 Self-Threading Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Self-Threading Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The Self-Threading Sewing Machine Co.
Imprint: [19--?], New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 116 Walker St., New York, NY
Model represented: Self-threading sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Tent card for the self-threading sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Self-Threading Needle
Title: Self-threading needle for sewing machines.
Imprint: [19--?], Boston, Mass., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: P.O. Box 2283, Boston, Mass.
Models represented: Self-threading needle.
Agent information: J.B. Blanchard
Descriptive Notes: Self-threading needle for sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Self-Threading Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The Self-Threading Sewing Machine Co.
Imprint: [19--?], New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 116 Walker St., New York, NY
Model represented: Self-threading sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Tent card for the self-threading sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Self-Threading Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The Self-Threading Sewing Machine Co.
Imprint: [19--?], New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 116 Walker St., New York, NY
Model represented: Self-threading sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Tent card for the self-threading sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Self-Threading Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The Self-Threading Sewing Machine Co.
Imprint: [19--?], New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 116 Walker St., New York, NY
Model represented: Self-threading sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Tent card for the self-threading sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

171 Sewing Machine Adjustable Table Company

Company Name on Item: Sewing Machine Adjustable Table Company
Title: Sewing machine adjustable table. / Adapted to all the various sewing machines manufactured in the US.
Imprint: [ca. 1873], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Testimonials about the sewing machine adjustable table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 5 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Sewing Machine Adjustable Table Company
Title: Sewing machine adjustable table. / Adapted to all the various sewing machines manufactured in the US.
Imprint: [ca. 1873], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Testimonials about the sewing machine adjustable table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 5 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

172 Shaw and Clark Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Shaw & Clark Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Shaw & Clark Sewing Machine flier]
Imprint: [1865?], Biddeford, ME, Shaw & Clark
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Biddeford, ME
Descriptive Notes: Catalog for the Shaw & Clark Sewing Machine Company of Biddeford, Maine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Shaw and Clark Sewing Machine Company
Title: Shaw and Clark sewing machine company / Family sewing machines
Imprint: 1864, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address; Biddeford, ME
Models represented: Family machines
Descriptive Notes: Testimonials; picture of two machines; picture of Shaw and Clark headquarters.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 8
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 746

Company Name on Item: Shaw and Clark
Title: Terms to agents.
Imprint: 1865, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Biddeford, Maine
Descriptive Notes: Terms to agents, price list, extra offers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

173 Mark Sheldon

Company Name on Item: Mark Sheldon
Title: [Trade card featuring sewing machines and supplies]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 9, 11, 13 First St., San Francisco, Calif.
Agent information: Mark Sheldon; 9, 11, 13 First St., San Francisco, Calif.
Descriptive Notes: Mark Sheldon is the purveyor/agent for New Davis, New Howe, Household, Queen, and June Singer and dealing in sewing supplies.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Mark Sheldon
Title: [Trade card for a wholesale dealer in sewing machines and supplies]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 9, 11, 13 First St., San Francisco, Calif.
Agent information: Mark Sheldon; 9, 11, 13 First St., San Francisco, Calif.
Descriptive Notes: A butterfly and flowers adorn palette.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Mark Sheldon
Title: [Trade card featuring sewing machines and supplies]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: San Francisco, Calif.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in shape of artist's palate; listing the different service machines and supplies.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

174 Singer Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: I.M. Singer & Co.
Title: [Advertisement for Singer sewing machines]
Imprint: [1853], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 323 Broadway, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Image of woman at early Singer sewing machine; text describes Singer's gold medal at the French Exposition; verso has advertisement for unrelated company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: I.M. Singer & Co.
Title: [Advertisement for I.M. Singer and company's sewing machines]
Imprint: [1853], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 323 Broadway, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Singer patent machines; listing of branch offices; verso has unrelated advertisements.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: I.M. Singer & Co.
Title: [Advertisement for Singer patent sewing machines]
Imprint: [1853], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 323 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Singer's patent machine.
Descriptive Notes: Drawings of early Singer sewing machines; listing of branch offices; explanation of how machine helps those in manufacturing trade.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: I.M. Singer & Co.
Title: [Advertisement for Singer sewing machines]
Imprint: [1853], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 323 Broadway, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement from magazine: shows woman at early Singer sewing machine; discusses validity of patents; verso has advertisement for unrelated company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: I.M. Singer & Co.
Title: [Advertisement for Singer sewing machines]
Imprint: [1854], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 323 Broadway, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Image of woman using early Singer sewing machine for industrial use; includes list of branch offices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: I.M. Singer & Co.
Title: I.M. Singer & Co.'s sewing machines. / I.M. Singer and Co.'s sewing machines.
Imprint: [1863?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: Standard machine, no. 2.
Agent information: J.C. Young, 564 Broadway (opposite the Delavan House), Albany, NY
Descriptive Notes: Price sheet for manufacturing sewing machines; verso is advertisement for unrelated company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy and a girl in a tree under which stands a Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: [1863-], Puck Bldg., N.Y., J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Central Office, Manchester, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring boy and girl in a tree under which stands a Singer sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: The Singer sewing machines.
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 31
Descriptive Notes: General instructions, overview of different classes of machines, list of offices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Singer sewing machines for family use. / Cover panel.
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Models represented: Plain N.F., drop leaf N.F., five drawer N.F., 3/4 cabinet N.F., drop leaf I.F., five drawer I.F.
Descriptive Notes: Information about various Singer sewing machines, prices, images of models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy and a girl kissing over a stone wall while the boy stands on a sewing machine table]
Imprint: [1863-], New York, J. Ottmann Lith.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York
Agent information: E.F. Grove, York, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring boy and girl kissing over a stone wall while boy stands on a sewing machine table. Advertisement for Singer sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a portrait of a female singer, Kellogg]
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Hornellsville, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring portrait of a female singer, Kellogg. Advertisement for Singer sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring cats chasing a mouse around a Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring cats chasing a mouse around a Singer sewing machine. "Some very hard nuts to crack" - questions concerning Singer's success on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the great suspension bridge connecting New York and Brooklyn].
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring New York-Brooklyn suspension bridge. "Some very hard nuts to crack" - questions concerning Singer's success on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instruction manual for 191 K1, 191 K2, 191 K3 Singer sewing machines.
Imprint: [1863-], Great Britain, [s.n.]
Pages: 72
Notes: Models represented: 191K1, 191K2, 191K3.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using the Singer Machine Company attachments, number 11. / With its no. 27 sewing machine.
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using several attachments, including No. 11, with the No. 27 machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 5 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: How to make children's clothes. / The modern Singer way.
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 65
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Picture and descriptions of various types of children's clothes and how to make them.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: List of parts for Singer sewing machine.
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 400
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 24-3 to 24-15, 24-17 to 24-19, 24-21 to 24-23, 24-26 to 24-29.
Descriptive Notes: Specific list of parts for various machines ; illustrations of parts for machines.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Machine sewing. / A treatise on the care and use of family sewing machines and their attachments.
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 159
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 15, 16, 127, 24, 115.
Descriptive Notes: 9 chapters covering sewing machine parts and their applications.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Servant in the house. / A brief history of the sewing machine.
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], Smithsonian Institution Press
Pages: 35
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: History of the sewing machine; pictures of prominent people in the sewing machine industry.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Lists of Singer sewing machines. / with prices, descriptions, and other information in relation to them
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 200
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Detailed descriptions and photos of sewing machines.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 72

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Sew wherever you wish. / Singer portable electric.
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Features of the singer sewing machine.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Catalogue of Singer sewing machines, illustrating their construction, their variety, and their special uses by manufacturers.
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 214
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Pictures and descriptions of singer factory, machine tools, sewing process; numerical catalog of singer sewing machines for manufacturing.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 74

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: List of Singer sewing machines. / With prices, descriptions, and other information relating to them.
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 200
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Pictures and descriptions of sewing machines.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Athena 2000. / Electronic sewing machine at a glance.
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: Athena 2000.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for electronic stitch selection and the threading machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Speed. / Your cleaning with this new 'streamlined' Singer.
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Features of Singer vacuum cleaner.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer fashion aids keep you in step with the mode. / .
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions of sewing techniques (quilting, trimming, edge stitching, etc.).
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Machine sewing. / A treatise on the care and use of family sewing machines.
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 171
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Explanation of kinds of sewing machines, tools, techniques.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer 257.
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 43
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 257.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer Model 257.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Catalogue of Singer sewing machines. / illustrating their construction, their variety, and their special uses by manufacturers
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 241
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Description of the construction of a singer sewing machine, numerical catalog of sewing machines for manufacturing.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Illustrated list of parts for numbers 99K29 to 99K31 machines.
Imprint: [1863-], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 48
Notes: Model represented: 99K series.
Descriptive Notes: Images of parts, parts list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Catalog of the Singer Manufacturing Company]
Imprint: [1865?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 34 Union Square, New York, NY
Model represented: New family.
Agent information: Courtland Office
Descriptive Notes: Eight fold catalog showing the Singer New Family sewing machine and various cabinets; description of machines for manufacturing and attachments; drawing of Singer stand.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Advertisement for Singer's New Family sewing machine]
Imprint: [1868], Sansom St. Hall, Loag
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 1106 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA
Agent information: Wm. E. Cooper
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for New Family sewing machine; verso has musical notation.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Advertisement for "The Singer"]
Imprint: [1868], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: New family.
Agent information: Russel Crego & Son; 564 Broadway, Albany, NY
Descriptive Notes: Picture shows woman at treadle sewing machine; verso describes how the Singer New Family does away with extra machinery.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer Manufacturing Company. / Proprietors and manufacturers of the Singer sewing machine.
Imprint: [1872], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Union Square, NY
Model represented: New family.
Descriptive Notes: Details and prices of attachments, description of new buttonhole machine, and cabinet options for new family sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 671

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a red feather]
Imprint: [1878?], New York, NY, Wemple & Kronheim
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Wm. H. Goddard; 50 State Street, New London, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Series No. 6. Copyrighted 1878.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a peacock feather]
Imprint: [1878?], New York, NY, Wemple & Kronheim
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Wm. H. Goddard; 50 State Street, New London, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Series No. 6. Copyrighted 1878.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a blue and green feather]
Imprint: [1878?], New York, NY, Wemple & Kronheim
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Wm. H. Goddard; 50 State Street, New London, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Series No. 6. Copyrighted 1878.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Business card featuring a red, blue, yellow and white feather]
Imprint: [1878?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Series No. 6. Copyrighted 1878.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Business card featuring a colorful feather]
Imprint: [1878?], New York, NY, Wemple & Kronheim
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Wm. H. Goddard; 50 State Street, New London, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Series No. 6. Copyrighted 1878.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with a blue feather on her hat]
Imprint: [1879?], New York, NY, Wemple & Kronheim
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: J.W. Osborn; S Allyn House Block, Hartford, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Card series No. 56; verso says "agency for Mme. Demorests' reliable patterns."
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Singer Manufacturing Company's factory in Elizabeth, New Jersey]
Imprint: [1879], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 34 Union Square, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Verso lists sales figures for Singer sewing for 1870 and 1878.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade catalog of pieces and options for Singer improved family machine]
Imprint: [188-?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Central Office, 110 Pearl St., Boston, Mass.
Models represented: High arm (I.F.), vibrating shuttle no. 2; automatic 24.
Agent information: City Agency, 166 Tremont St.
Descriptive Notes: Prices and options for cabinets for Singer improved family machine with oscillating shuttle, vibrating shuttle no. 2, and automatic tension single thread sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Price list of John G. Powell, manufacturer of and dealer in sewing machines, attachments, oils, needles, parts, and novelties.
Imprint: [188-], Philadelphia, PA, John Powell
Pages: 45
Notes: Agent information: John Powell; Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Parts and supply catalog published by a sewing machine salesman.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Retail price list of parts. / ACS machines.
Imprint: [188-], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 17
Notes: Models represented: ACS machines.
Descriptive Notes: Images of parts, parts list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Singer Manufacturing Company's factory in Elizabeth, New Jersey]
Imprint: [1880?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 34 Union Square, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Verso says "unrivaled for the range and excellence of their work, and extent of their sales, attachments for all kinds of work."
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Great Britain, Ireland]
Imprint: [1880?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Man and woman in native dress at Singer high arm sewing machine; verso explains why Singer machines are the best.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Austria, Croatia]
Imprint: [1880?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Man and woman in native dress at Singer high arm sewing machine; verso explains why Singer machines are the best.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring genuine Singer sewing machines]
Imprint: [1881], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front shows Singer Manufacturing Co.'s shuttle and crossed needle trademark; verso lists Singer machines sold in 1862, and 1872-1880.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring cats and mice]
Imprint: [1882?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front shows high arm fiddle base machine; verso lists quantity of Singer sewing machines sold in 1862, 1872, 1875, 1878, and 1881.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a baby on a blanket with a thread and shuttle]
Imprint: [1882?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front shows high arm fiddle base machine; verso lists quantity of Singer sewing machines sold in 1862, 1872, 1875, 1878, and 1881.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a cat and dog]
Imprint: [1882?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front shows high arm fiddle base machine; verso list quantity of Singer sewing machines sold in 1862, 1872, 1875, 1878, and 1881.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Bartholdi statue] / The new Singer.
Imprint: [1883?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front shows the Statue of Liberty; verso gives statistics about the statue and information on Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: The Singer Manufacturing Co. de Nova York unicos fabricantes e proprietarios das machinas para coser Singer. / As machinas afamados para coser da Companhia Singer de Nova York.
Imprint: [1884], Rio de Janeiro, Typ. Aldina
Pages: 12
Notes: Models represented: Nova Familia, Media, 4, 2, 3, De Braco.
Descriptive Notes: Information about models and awards won by Singer, images of models, prices, trademark warning.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2695

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the latest Singer]
Imprint: [1885?], Puck Bldg., New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Clipping from a lithographed trade card showing a woman and young girl with "the latest Singer".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Advertisement for Singer sewing machines]
Imprint: [1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 39 Foster Lane, Cheapside, London, E.C.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement cut from a magazine cover; has price of machine purchase and leasing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with flowers]
Imprint: [1887?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for the Singer new high arm sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the improved Singer, the greatest machine on earth]
Imprint: [1887?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: V.S. 2.
Agent information: Haverhill Office, Merrimac St., Howerhill, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Shows Singer sewing machine sitting on top of the world; verso lists machines of different makes chosen for replacement after the Chicago fire.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a child "helping papa"]
Imprint: [1887?], New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: 4th Ave. and 16th St., New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring boy painting portrait while girl paints dolls face; verso invites public to view Singer art showrooms.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman seated with umbrella]
Imprint: [1887?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: W.A. Gordon; 11 Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for Singer Manufacturing Co. manufacturer of new high arm Singer machines; agent also had agency for Universal patterns.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Retail price list of parts. / Number 7 machine.
Imprint: [189-], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 26
Notes: Model represented: 7.
Descriptive Notes: Images of parts, parts list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1771

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Instruction manual in Greek]
Imprint: [189-], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 23
Descriptive Notes: Images of machines in use; images of attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1766

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring birds singing in front of sheet music by a bird house]
Imprint: [1890?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Models represented: 16, 27, 24.
Agent information: Martin Furey
Descriptive Notes: Birds singing in front of sheet music by bird house; verso discusses merits of Singer vibrator (No. 27), Singer oscillator (No. 16), and Singer automatic chain-stitch (No. 24) sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the blue bird from the American singer series]
Imprint: [1890?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: No. 9 in a set of 16 bird images by J.C. Ridgway; verso shows a family from Greeks in native dress with a Singer treadle sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Clipping of Singer vibrating shuttle machine]
Imprint: [1890?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: Vibrating shuttle.
Descriptive Notes: Cut from a calendar, picture shows a Singer vibrating shuttle lock-stitch machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Singer model 27 sewing machine in closed five drawer cabinet]
Imprint: [1890?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Descriptive Notes: Card has been cut on two sides so text is not complete on verso.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Blank form: return order]
Imprint: [1890?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Form no. 430, for use upon return of a machine, includes trial number, lease number, machine style, reason why machine was returned, etc.; verso has a checklist for attachments and directions returned.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Advertisement for the Singer Manufacturing Company's three entirely different New Family sewing machines]
Imprint: [1890], [S.l.], North American Review Advertiser
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 4th Ave. and 16th St., New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement from North American Review Advertiser journal advertising Singer oscillator, vibrator and automatic sewing machines; image is similar to Singer's "Romeo and Juliet" trade card; verso has unrelated advertising.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring three cats on blanket]
Imprint: [1891], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: A.A. Laivent
Descriptive Notes: Three cats on a blanket; verso shows five drawer cabinet with separate cover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card "never buy a sewing machine without this mark"]
Imprint: [1893?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Agent information: J.J. Lybarger; 200 North Second St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement shows Singer model 27 on five drawer cabinet table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a mother showing her children a light-running model 27 Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: [1893?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Descriptive Notes: Form 889, Singer in seven drawer cabinet is being demonstrated to youngsters; verso describes model 27 machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the light running Singer sewing machine no. 27]
Imprint: [1893?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Descriptive Notes: Form 873, lithograph of Singer 27 in embossed seven drawer cabinet opened and closed; verso discusses merits of machine and cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring an art study of a linen doily exhibited at the World's Columbian Exposition]
Imprint: [1893], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: No. 45 in a series: shows an exact reproduction of a Japanese linen doily made by the Singer family machine exhibited at the World's Columbian Exposition, 1893.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: The Singer Manufacturing Company sewing machines, Columbian Exposition edition, May 1893. / Catalogue of Singer sewing machines for family use.
Imprint: [1893], New York, NY, Strauss & Klee.
Pages: 44
Notes: Models represented: I.F., V.S., 2 V.S., hand machine, chain stitch machine.
Descriptive Notes: Catalog shows available models of family sewing machines and includes color lithographs of people from around the world in native dress using Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the first lesson on the Singer sewing machine] / New improved Singer.
Imprint: [1893], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Mother helping daughter sew using treadle sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: The Singer Manufacturing Company sewing machines, Columbian Exposition edition, May 1893. / Catalogue of Singer sewing machines for family use.
Imprint: [1893], New York, NY, Strauss & Klee.
Pages: 44
Notes: Models represented: I.F., V.S., 2 V.S., hand machine, chain stitch machine.
Descriptive Notes: Catalog shows available models of family sewing machines and includes color lithographs of people from around the world in native dress using Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring "home comfort, the Singer No. 27"]
Imprint: [1895?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Descriptive Notes: Front shows inventions of printing, telephone, kerosene lighting; woman with croquet mallet is pictured; verso shows woman using Singer sewing machine model 27.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Calendar for October-December 1896 featuring floral designs]
Imprint: [1895?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: P. DeLongpre lithograph of flowers; page from calendar for October, November and December 1896; verso discusses Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Calendar for July-September 1896 featuring carnations]
Imprint: [1895?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: P. DeLongpre lithograph of carnations; page from calendar for July, August and September 1896; verso discusses Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the woman's century, 1800-1900]
Imprint: [1895?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front shows inventions of electric car, bicycle, typewriter, phonograph, camera, etc.; picture shows woman driving automobile; verso shows spinning wheel and bicycle.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Used in modern flats: the Singer automatic]
Imprint: [1895?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 24.
Descriptive Notes: Page from book or catalog shows woman in rocker next to Singer model 24 chain stitch treadle machine; verso list advantages of automatic machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Singer automatic]
Imprint: [1895?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 24.
Descriptive Notes: Front shows inventions of printing, mail delivery, tallow dip light; woman is pictured in front of a spinning wheel; verso shows woman using chain stitch Singer sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring inventions of 1825-1850]
Imprint: [1895?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front has steam railway, Daguerreotype, Singer sewing machine, McCormick reaper, Morse telegraph, Sharpe rifle and Colt's pistol; verso shows the Singer cabinet table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Calendar for April-June 1886 featuring lilacs]
Imprint: [1895?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: P. DeLongpre lithograph of lilacs; page from calendar for April, May and June; verso discusses Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Clipping featuring the automatic chainstitch]
Imprint: [1895?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: 24.
Descriptive Notes: Clipping, possibly from calendar showing Singer automatic sewing machine model 24.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Calendar for January-March 1896 featuring violets]
Imprint: [1895?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: P. DeLongpre lithograph of violets; page from calendar for January, February, and March 1896; verso discusses Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Calendar for January-March 1886 featuring violets]
Imprint: [1895?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Carolus O. Petrson, Worthington, Minn.
Descriptive Notes: P. DeLongpre lithograph of violets; page from calendar for January, February, and March 1896; verso discuses Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Advertisement: standards of the world, they conquer all competition]
Imprint: [1895?], [S.l.], Delineator Magazine
Pages: 1
Notes: Models represented: 15, 24, 27.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for the distinct types for family sewing; verso has unrelated advertisements.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Calendar for 1896 featuring P. DeLongpre florals] / Eighteen hundred ninety-six P. DeLongpre florals.
Imprint: [1895?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: P. DeLongpre lithograph of flowers; four pages, each with calendars for three months of 1896; verso of each discusses Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the robin from the American singer series]
Imprint: [1898?], Buffalo, NY, Hayes Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: No. 8 in a set of 16 bird images by J.C. Ridgway; verso describes bird shown on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the cardinal from the American singer series]
Imprint: [1898?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: No. 7 in a set of 16 bird images by J.C. Ridgway; verso describes bird shown on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the cat-bird from the American singer series]
Imprint: [1898?], Buffalo, NY, Hayes Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: No. 11 in a set of 16 bird images by J.C. Ridgway; verso describes bird shown on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the house wren from the American singer series]
Imprint: [1898?], Buffalo, NY, Hayes Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: No. 6 in a set of 16 bird images by J.C. Ridgway; verso describes bird shown on front and has advertisement.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the mocking-bird from the American singer series]
Imprint: [1899?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: No. 12 in a set of 16 bird images by J.C. Ridgway; verso describes bird shown on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machine oil.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the brown thrasher from the American singer series]
Imprint: [1899?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: No. 13 in a set of 16 bird images by J.C. Ridgway; verso describes bird shown on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the song sparow from the American Singer series]
Imprint: [1899?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: No. 14 in a set of 16 bird images by J.C. Ridgway; verso describes bird shown on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the meadowlark from the American singer series]
Imprint: [1899?], New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 20.
Descriptive Notes: No. 16 in a set of 16 bird images by J.C. Ridgway; verso describes bird shown on front and has advertisement for a Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer Sewing Machine 19K95.
Imprint: [19--?], Great Britain, The Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 18
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for Singer Sewing Machine 15K95.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 4
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2668

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: [Trade cards featuring ten black and white photographs of Boston; description of pictures and Singer advertisements on back]
Imprint: [19--], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog featuring ten black and white photographs of Boston; description of pictures and Singer advertisements on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using Singer sewing machines nos. 127 and 128 vibrating shuttle, for family use.
Imprint: [19--], Great Britain, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 32
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer sewing machines nos. 127 and 128 and attachments, needle and thread size table, Singer motor advertisement.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 8
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2678

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using Singer sewing machine class no. 206 for combined straight and zigzag stitching.
Imprint: [19--], Great Britain, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 54
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer sewing machine class no. 206.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 12
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2983

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using Singer sewing machine 15K C.B. for manufacturing.
Imprint: [19--], Great Britain, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 16
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer sewing machines 15K C.B. and 16K C.B., needle and thread size table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 4
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2669

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using and adjusting Singer sewing machines nos. 29K58 and 29K62 (universal feed-arm). / Instructions for using and adjusting Singer sewing machines nos 29K58 and 29K62.
Imprint: [19--], Great Britain, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 28
Notes: Model represented: 29K.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using and adjusting Singer sewing machines 29K58 and 29K62, needle and thread size table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 6
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2672

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using Singer portable sewing machine 218 G1 reversible feed vibrating shuttle lock stitch for family use.
Imprint: [19--], Germany, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 28
Notes: Model represented: 218 G1.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer sewing machine no. 218 G1 and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the refinement of needlework: the reader]
Imprint: [1900?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Agent information: M.W. Kiernan, Ellicottville, NY
Descriptive Notes: Form 879: folding trade card shows machine in seven drawer embossed cabinet in use and as a table; verso discusses machine and cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Booklet: Singer the universal sewing machine] / All over the world.
Imprint: [1901?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Descriptive Notes: Booklet showing views of the Pan-American Exposition and Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Envelope marked "all nations sing the praises of Singer sewing machines"]
Imprint: [1901?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front shows women in costumes around the world; verso shows the Singer universal sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Pamphlet: J.L. Ridgway birds]
Imprint: [1901], Buffalo, NY, Hayes Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Tri-fold pamphlet shows three in a series of 16 birds; verso describes the Singer Pavilion at the Pan-American Exposition.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with flowers on her hat]
Imprint: [1904?], Philadelphia, PA, Sunshine Pub. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Robt. L. Pierce; 49 Front St., Plainfield
Descriptive Notes: Verso says "machines leased on easy terms" and "all kinds of sewing machines repaired at short notice."
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the rose breasted grosbeak from the American Singer series]
Imprint: [1904?], Buffalo, NY, Hayes Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: A.C. Nickerson; 23 Broadway, Farmington, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: No. 1 in a set of 16 bird images by J.C. Ridgway; verso describes bird shown on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Baltimore oriole, from the American singer series]
Imprint: [1904?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: James T. Hughes; Airfield, Iowa
Descriptive Notes: No. 2 in a set of 16 bird images by J.C. Ridgway; verso describes bird shown on front and has advertisement for Singer hemstitching and picot edge work.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the wood thrush from the American Singer series]
Imprint: [1904?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: No. 4 in a set of 16 bird images by J.C. Ridgway; verso describes bird shown on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a young lady in a yellow dress]
Imprint: [1904?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: Singer high arm.
Agent information: 155 Wates St., Binghamton, NY
Descriptive Notes: New improved high arm Singer is shown on a seven drawer cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the bobolink from the American singer series]
Imprint: [1904?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: No. 10 in a set of 16 bird images by J.C. Ridgway; verso describes bird shown on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the scarlet tanager from the American singer series]
Imprint: [1904?], Buffalo, NY, Hayes Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: No. 3 in a set of 16 bird images by J.C. Ridgway; verso describes bird shown on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Manila]
Imprint: [1905?], Great Britain, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66-1.
Agent information: D.R. Gunnell; Chambersburg, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Form 1652: Front shows women around Singer treadle sewing machine; verso shows Singer No. 66-1 on embossed cabinet table no. 6.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Ecuador Singer dealership]
Imprint: [1905?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66-1.
Descriptive Notes: Ad. 1562: front shows hut with Singer dealership signs; verso shows Singer sewing machine 66-1on embossed cabinet table no. 6.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Congo, Africa]
Imprint: [1905?], Great Britain, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66-1.
Descriptive Notes: Form 1652: front shows woman gathered around a Singer handcrank sewing machine sitting on a Singer crate; verso shows a 66-1 on embossed cabinet no. 6.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Argentine]
Imprint: [1905?], Great Britain, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66-1.
Descriptive Notes: Front shows two women using Singer treadle sewing machine; verso shows Singer sewing machine model 66-1 on embossed cabinet table no. 6.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Manila]
Imprint: [1905?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66-1.
Agent information: D.R. Gunnell; Chambersburg, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Form 1652: Front shows women around Singer treadle sewing machine; verso shows Singer No. 66-1 on embossed cabinet table no. 6.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: The Singer drawing book for young artists.
Imprint: [1906?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Model represented: 24.
Descriptive Notes: Vellum paper cover eight images for children to trace; pictures are bull, goat, hens, girls, lady, flowers, and sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Singer souvenirs: views from the Singer Building]
Imprint: [1908?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Descriptive Notes: Set No. 1985: envelope holding set of photos showing views of New York City from atop the Singer Building, and progress of the Singer building construction.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Singer souvenir of the Singer Building]
Imprint: [1908?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Set No. 1585: envelope holding set of photos showing main corridor of the Singer Building, a 1679 view of New York and a folder showing the progress of the Singer building construction.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the orchard oriole from the American singer series]
Imprint: [1910?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 20.
Descriptive Notes: No. 5 in a set of 16 bird images by J.C. Ridgway; verso describes bird shown on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machine model 20.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the University of Pennsylvania]
Imprint: [1910?], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer stocking darner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the yellow breasted chat from the American singer series]
Imprint: [1910?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 20.
Descriptive Notes: No. 15 in a set of 16 bird images by J.C. Ridgway; verso describes bird shown on front and has advertisement for a Singer sewing machine model 20.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer Sewing Machines.
Imprint: [1910], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 28
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 127-3, 15-30, 115-1, 66-1, 28-4, 24-51, 29-4, 31-15, cabinet table, cabinet table 5, cabinet table 6, cabinet table 11, drawing room cabinet 21, embossed drawing room 22, open side cabinet 23, open side cabinet 24.
Descriptive Notes: Details on ruffler; tucker; binder; quilter; underbraider; singer adjustable hemmer.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 668

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Anweisungen fur den Gebrauch der Singer Nahmaschine K1 15 fur Familiengebrauch.
Imprint: [192-], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Model represented: 15.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Ohjeita Singer 66 ompelukoneiden. / Kayttoa varten.
Imprint: [192-], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Nurodymai naudojimuisi Singer siuvamaja masina 15 nr. / Naminiams reikalams.
Imprint: [193-], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Model represented: 15.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Instruction manual in Japanese]
Imprint: [193-], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 18
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Envelope from Singer Sewing Machine Company addressed to Mr. R.A. Hollister]
Imprint: [1930?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Postally unused envelope, form 514-1930, addressed to Mr. R.A. Hollister has Singer's red "S" trademark.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using Singer Sewing Machine no. 15 (central bobbin) for family use.
Imprint: [1946?], Great Britain, Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 32
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer Sewing Machine no. 15 and attachments. Includes advertising for the "Singerlight" on page 2.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2664

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Electrical primer. / Singer motors for Singer family sewing machines.
Imprint: [1946], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
BRS, BZ, Series 3, Series CA6.
Descriptive Notes: Features list of frequently asked questions for Singer motors.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 669

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer sewing machine 402G.
Imprint: [195-], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 54
Notes: Model represented: 402G.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer sewing machine 115.
Imprint: [195-], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 52
Notes: Model represented: 115.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Illustrations of Singer cabinets, stands, and sewing stools.
Imprint: [195-], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 40
Descriptive Notes: Images of cabinets, stands, stools.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: List of parts for family shops. / Singer machine no. 401 A1.
Imprint: [195-], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 55
Notes: Model represented: 401 A1.
Descriptive Notes: Images of parts, parts list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: List of parts. / Singer machines No. 179 w 2.
Imprint: [195-], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 120
Notes: Model represented: 179w2.
Descriptive Notes: Images of parts, parts list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer Klasse 216.
Imprint: [195-], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 8
Notes: Model represented: 216.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using Singer two-thread embroidering attachment 35505 on Singer sewing machines 15, 66, 99, 101, 115, 127 and 128 for family use.
Imprint: [1950/1], USA, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for Singer sewing machines 101-4 and 101-12 and attachments, needle and thread size table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2716

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer sewing machine 193.
Imprint: [196-], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 27
Notes: Model represented: 193.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instruction for using Singer 401.
Imprint: [196-], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 94
Notes: Model represented: 401.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Style-o-matic 328.
Imprint: [196-], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 77
Notes: Model represented: Style-o-matic 328.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring an art study of a table cover exhibited at the Worlds Columbian Exposition]
Imprint: [1983?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: Singer family.
Agent information: W.W. Gyuett; 4 Garden St., Poughkeepsie, NY
Descriptive Notes: No. 5 in a series: shows an exact reproduction of one corner of a table cover made by the Singer family machine and exhibited at the World's Columbian Exposition, 1893]
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: I.M. Singer & Co.
Title: [Directions for using Singer's Patent Straight Needle, Transverse Shuttle Sewing Machines]
Imprint: [Between 1850 and 1920], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: Letter A.
Descriptive Notes: Photocopy of original directions for oiling, operating the treadle, and setting the needle.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman sewing in a Spanish street]
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 115-1.
Agent information: D.F. Rodenhaver, West Chester, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman sewing in a Spanish street. Advertisement for Singer model no. 115-1 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: [Trade card featuring two girls with sewing machines]
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two girls with sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman sewing in a kitchen]
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66-1.
Agent information: D.F. Rodenhaver
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman sewing in kitchen. Advertisement for Singer model no. 66-1 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: The Champion Singer machine with loose balance wheel. / The Champion Singer sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1899], Chicago, Birney Hand and Co.
Pages: 12
Notes: Models represented: 1, 3, 7, 11.
Agent information: Solcum and Williams, Chicago
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of models, information about attachments, prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2708

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman sewing in front of a village hut in Ecuador]
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66-1.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman sewing in front of a village hut in Ecuador. Advertisement for Singer model no. 66-1 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manf'g Co.
Title: [Advertisement for Singer sewing machines]
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 20
Descriptive Notes: Scenic views of Dublin; back of each has advertisement for Singer sewing machines and information about the picture on front. Envelope is missing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2719

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: [Trade card featuring a Japanese family around Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66-1.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring Japanese family around Singer sewing machine. Advertisement for Singer model no. 66-1 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman sewing in a city square in Chile]
Imprint: [Between 1851 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66-1.
Agent information: D.F. Rodenhaver
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman sewing in city square in Chile. Advertisement for Singer model no. 66-1 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: The Singer sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1859 and 1865], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 30
Notes: Company address: 458 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Letter A, no. 2.
Descriptive Notes: Description of Letter-A Singer sewing machine and various cabinets, also description of attachments and list of offices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Singer's "Letter A" family sewing machine: with all the new improvements is the best and cheapest family sewing machine in the world.
Imprint: [Between 1859 and 1865], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 18
Notes: Company address: 458 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: Letter A, no. 2.
Agent information: Rochester Office, 31 Buffalo Street
Descriptive Notes: Thoroughly explains Singer Letter A sewing machine; has drawings of various cabinets; lists prices of machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the favorite five drawer pearled machine]
Imprint: [Between 1863 and 1883], New York, NY, J.N. Allan
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: New family.
Agent information: O.T. Ellis; No. 4 West State St., Ithaca, NY
Descriptive Notes: Front shows image of New Family machine in cabinet with cover; verso lists options and prices for Singer New Family sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: List of parts for ornamental stitch machine.
Imprint: [Between 1863 and 1899], New York, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 7
Descriptive Notes: Parts list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2733

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Directions for using the Singer Manufacturing Co.'s New Family sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1883], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: 458 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: New family.
Descriptive Notes: Information on oiling, operating treadle, setting needle, winding bobbin, threading, tension, and using attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Sewing machine facts vs. fiction. / Sewing machine facts versus fiction.
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1883], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 564 Broadway (opposite Delavan House), Albany, NY
Agent information: Russel Crego & Son
Descriptive Notes: Appears to be torn from a book; front compares number of Singer sewing machines sold to other companies; verso shows industrial machine and enclosed cabinet .
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Advertisement for extraordinary success of the New Family Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1883], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: New family.
Agent information: Henry Aird, 4 1/2 Franklin Square, Troy, NY
Descriptive Notes: Front compares sales of Singer sewing machines to other makes; verso has advertisement for unrelated company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [The Singer Manufacturing Company's sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1883], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Models represented: New Family, Weed M.F., Weed F.F., Weed No. 2.
Descriptive Notes: Page taken from book; one side shows various Weed machines; verso shows Singer New Family machines in various stands and cabinets.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the favorite five drawer pearled machine]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1883], New York, NY, J.N. Allan
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: New family.
Agent information: John L. Brady; 64 North Pearl St., Albany, NY
Descriptive Notes: Front shows image of New Family machine in cabinet with cover; verso lists options and prices for Singer New Family sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a celebrated singer-Campanini]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Hornellsville, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Front shows a celebrated singer; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a celebrated singer-Hauck]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front shows a celebrated singer; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a celebrated singer-Patti]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Harry C. Aldridge, Cor. 18th & Lawrence Sts., Denver, Co.
Descriptive Notes: Front shows a celebrated singer; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a celebrated singer-Marie Roze]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front shows a celebrated singer; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring genuine Singer sewing machines]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: No. 34 Union Square
Descriptive Notes: Front shows Singer Manufacturing Co.'s shuttle and crossed needle trademark; verso lists number of machines of all manufacturers supplied after the Chicago fire.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a Cupid sewing a bride's train to a groom's coat tails]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: New family.
Descriptive Notes: Front says: what I have sewed together let no one rip asunder; verso list number of machines of all manufacturers supplied after the Chicago fire.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a celebrated singer-Patti]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1880], New York, NY, Wemple & Co. Lith.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front shows a celebrated singer; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a celebrated singer-Nilsson]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1880], New York, NY, Wemple & Co. Lith.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front shows a celebrated singer; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a celebrated singer-Roze]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1880], New York, NY, Wemple & Co. Lith.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front shows a celebrated singer; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring "as ye sew, so shall ye rip"]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front shows young man repairing anthers boy's pants while still being worn; verso lists number of machines of all manufacturers supplied after the Chicago fire.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring "as ye sew, so shall ye rip"]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front shows young man repairing anthers boy's pants while still being worn; verso lists number of machines of all manufacturers supplied after the Chicago fire.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a treadle sewing machine being stolen through a chimney]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: New family.
Descriptive Notes: Front shows a Singer sewing machine dealer searching for a thief, while thief sneaks out chimney; verso lists number of machines of all manufacturers supplied after Chicago fire.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a celebrated singer-Kellogg]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: 62 Main Street, Buffalo, NY
Descriptive Notes: Front shows a celebrated singer; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the devil and sowed tares]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: New family.
Descriptive Notes: Front shows devil stitching a pants leg while being worn; verso lists number of machines of all manufacturers supplied after Chicago fire.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card "never too late to mend"]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: New family.
Descriptive Notes: Front shows boy stitching another boys gown while still being worn; verso lists number of machines of all manufacturers supplied after Chicago fire.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card "making ends meet"]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: New family.
Descriptive Notes: Front shows boys sewing cats tails together; verso lists number of machines of all manufacturers supplied after Chicago fire.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy with a chalkboard]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: 185 Canal St., New Orleans, La.
Descriptive Notes: Boy's slate has written: my mamma uses the "Singer" and says "it is the best machine in the world."; verso advertises Singer machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with stitched flowers on her hat]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: 353 Main Street, Springfield, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with trim applied to show work of Singer sewing machine; address stamped on front of card.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with a chalkboard]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: 185 Canal St., New Orleans, La.
Descriptive Notes: Girl's slate has written: my mamma uses the "Singer" and says "it is the best machine in the world"; verso advertises Singer machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a poinsettia, flowers for remembrance]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Ad. 1790-3: front shows poinsettia plant; verso describes items and supplies available at Singer shops.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring strawberries]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Lithographed card stamped across front "The Singer Manufacturing Co."
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring red Berries]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Lithographed card stamped across front "The Singer Manufacturing Co."
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Business card featuring a small floral bouquet]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Henry Humma; No. 7 S. Sixth St., Reading, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Business card for Singer Sewing Machine canvasser.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with butterfly wings]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: 259 Church Street, Nashville, Tenn.
Descriptive Notes: Verso explains why the Singer is the best sewing machine in the world.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring apple blossom flowers for remembrance]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Ad. 1790-3: front shows apple blossom branch; verso describes items and supplies available at Singer shops.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with stitched hat]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Text says for art needle work and fine family sewing the Singer cannot be equaled.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a young scholar returning home]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: Singer high arm.
Agent information: 510 Market Street, Wilmington, Del.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Singer high arm sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a brown dog]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: Singer high arm.
Agent information: 75 Bank St., New London, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Front says compliments of the Singer Manufacturing Co., 75 Bank St., New London, Conn.; verso shows new High Arm Singer.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with a letter]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: E.F. Gore; 7 1/2 West Market St., York, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Verso advertises Singer sewing machines, needles, silk, cotton, oil and plaiters.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a young lady with a large hat and a bead necklace]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: 85 Washington St., Binghamton, NY
Descriptive Notes: Front advertises Mme. Demorest's reliable patterns; verso advertises genuine Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a Geisha with a fan]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Verso advertises new style Singer sewing machine with high arm.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring berries and flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Lithographed card stamped across front "The Singer Manufacturing Co."
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a white dog]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: 75 Bank St., New London, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Front says compliments of the Singer Manufacturing Co., 75 Bank St., New London, Conn.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the great suspension bridge connecting New York and Brooklyn]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: View of Brooklyn Bridge; verso discusses imitation Singer sewing machines, prize winnings, and sewing machines distributed after the Chicago fire.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring cats chasing a mouse]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1883], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front shows cats chasing mouse below a Singer sewing machine; verso lists machines furnished to women after the Chicago fire.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: List of parts I.F. machine.
Imprint: [Between 1879 and 1889], New York, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 15
Notes: Model represented: I.F.
Descriptive Notes: Plates of parts, price list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2725

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: List of parts I.F.C.B. machine.
Imprint: [Between 1879 and 1899], New York, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 12
Notes: Model represented: I.F.C.B.
Descriptive Notes: Plates of parts, parts list, handwritten note listing parts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2729

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Catalog of Singer sewing machines]
Imprint: [Between 1880 and 1887], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 34 Union Square, New York, NY
Model represented: New family
Agent information: Courtland Office
Descriptive Notes: Catalog of Singer Family machines and various cabinets; prices listed for machines and various items; attachments included with machines are also listed.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl writing a letter]
Imprint: [Between 1880 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front says writing the order for a new light running Singer for mamma; verso has advertisement for Singer's new machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl reaching for a bank]
Imprint: [Between 1880 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front says "I've dot money 'nuf to det mamma a new Singer"; verso has advertisement for Singer new machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl carrying a package]
Imprint: [Between 1880 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front says "mama is going to make my new clothes on her new Singer"; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring France (Boulogne)]
Imprint: [Between 1880 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman in native dress using a Singer sewing machine; verso has history of Boulogne-sur-Mer.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a patchwork quilt and a Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1880 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Crazy quilt design surrounding Singer fiddle base high arm treadle sewing machine; verso says "100 crazy patchwork stitches" and "W.B. Albert, 44 West Broadway, NY, patented July 1st, 1884".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with packages]
Imprint: [Between 1880 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front says mamma is going to make my new clothes on her new Singer; verso has advertisement for Singer's new machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Advertisement for three wonderful new sewing machines from the Singer Manufacturing Co.]
Imprint: [Between 1880 and 1890], [S.I.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Fourth Ave. and 16th St., New York, NY
Model represented: Oscillator.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement taken from a magazine shows Singer Oscillator, Vibrator and Automatic sewing machines; verso has unrelated advertising.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Vienna (Austria)]
Imprint: [Between 1880 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Descriptive Notes: Two women in native dress using a Singer sewing machine; verso has history of Vienna and information on Singer modern No. 27 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Algeria]
Imprint: [Between 1880 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: New family.
Descriptive Notes: Woman in native dress using a Singer sewing machine; verso has history of Algeria and points to remember when buying a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a patchwork quilt and a young girl]
Imprint: [Between 1880 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Crazy quilt design surrounds applied image of young girl; verso says "100 crazy patchwork stitches" and "W.B. Albert, 44 West Broadway, NY, patented July 1st, 1884".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring children making a house of cards on top of a Singer sewing machine cabinet]
Imprint: [Between 1880 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for the Singer sewing machine cabinet table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the great suspension bridge connecting New York and Brooklyn]
Imprint: [Between 1880 and 1900], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: View of Brooklyn Bridge; verso discusses imitation Singer sewing machines, prize winnings, and sewing machines distributed after the Chicago fire.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Romeo and Juliet]
Imprint: [Between 1880 and 1900], New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 4th Ave. and 16th St., New York, NY
Agent information: C.O. Estes, Farmington, Maine
Descriptive Notes: Young man stands on Singer treadle sewing machine to kiss young girl sitting on a wall; handcrank sewing machine on ground; verso advertises oscillator, vibrator, and automatic sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Adam and Eve]
Imprint: [Between 1880 and 1900], Puck Bldg., New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 4th Ave. and 16th St., New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Young boy and girl in apple tree; Singer treadle sewing machine is below them; verso advertises oscillator, vibrator, and automatic sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Adam and Eve]
Imprint: [Between 1890 and 1899], Puck Bldg., New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 4th Ave. and 16th St., New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy and a girl in an apple tree with a Singer treadle sewing machine below.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Romeo and Juliet]
Imprint: [Between 1890 and 1899], Puck Bldg., New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 4th Ave. and 16th St., New York, NY
Agent information: C.O. Estes, Farmington, Maine
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy standing on a treadle sewing machine kissing a girl sitting on a wall. A handcrank machine is on the ground.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Adam and Eve]
Imprint: [Between 1890 and 1900], Puck Bldg., New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 4th Ave. and 16th St., New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Boy and girl in apple tree with Singer treadle sewing machine below.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Adam and Eve]
Imprint: [Between 1890 and 1900], Puck Bldg., New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 4th Ave. and 16th St., New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Boy and girl in apple tree with Singer treadle sewing machine below.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Fan featuring a young girl with glasses and large hat, needle in hand]
Imprint: [Between 1890 and 1910], New York, NY, Orcutt Co. Lith.
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Descriptive Notes: Cardboard fan with wooden handle; front shows young girl sewing by hand; verso shows Singer sewing machine in embossed seven drawer cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring direct folding 3-D Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1890 and 1910], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Tradecard shows Singer treadle sewing machine and two women; intended to be folded to create a three dimensional machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Fan featuring a young girl with glasses and large hat, needle in hand]
Imprint: [Between 1890 and 1910], New York, NY, Orcutt Co. Litho.
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Descriptive Notes: Cardboard fan, missing handle; front shows young girl sewing by hand; verso shows Singer sewing machine in embossed seven drawer cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the light running Singer sewing machine, no. 27]
Imprint: [Between 1893 and 1900], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Agent information: W.A. Cornell, Fort Plain, NY
Descriptive Notes: Form 873: folding trade card shows machine in seven drawer embossed cabinet opened and closed.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a paper doll]
Imprint: [Between 1899 and 1900], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Lithographed uncut paper doll with clothing, purse, bonnet, shoes, hat, mirror, bird, umbrella, and bird cage; verso of each item says I do all my sewing on the Singer.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: Singer souvenirs of Washington.
Imprint: [between 190_ and 192_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Ten scenic views featuring black and white photographs of Washington, D.C. Descriptions of photos and Singer advertisements on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the National Museum]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the entrance to the Chicago River]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machine repairs.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Yosemite Valley from Inspiration Point]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Yosemite Valley, Cathedral spires]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Chicago, view of Michigan Boulevard]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Chestnut Street, from the post office]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring North Broad Street, looking toward city hall]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer cabinets.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the rapids above the falls]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Spain (Sevilla)]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Man and woman in native dress with a Singer treadle sewing machine in embossed seven drawer cabinet; verso has history of Spain.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Independence Hall]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the National Museum]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Girard College]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer and Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Mission San Antonio de Padua]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Manufacturing Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Envelope marked "compliments the Singer Manf'g Co., Niagara Falls, NY"]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Envelope with lithograph of Niagara Falls, N.Y.; verso has handwritten numbers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the National Museum]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Prospect Point, American side]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Peace Monument]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One in a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for the Singer stocking darner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Chicago, view of Michigan Boulevard]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Singer souvenirs of Boston]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 42
Descriptive Notes: Envelope holding 2 sets of photos showing places of interest; both sets show Trinity Church, public library, King's Chapel, Fanueil Hall, Washington, St., State House, Bunker Hill Monument, Old State House, and Christ Church; one set shows public garden
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Mission San Gabriel]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machine model 66.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Chicago, the Union Stock yards]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a Washington statue and fountain]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Yosemite Valley, Sentinel Rock, 3100 feet high]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the entrance to the Chicago River]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machine repairs.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Chicago, view in South Wales Street]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Buffalo, Main Street]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machine model 66.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Peace Monument]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One in set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for the Singer darner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the soldiers' home]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One in a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for the Singer stocking darner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the soldiers' home]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Independence Hall]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer model 66 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Lemon Hill, Fairmont Park, overlooking Schuylkill Navy]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for the Singer darner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Carpenter's Hall]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the soldiers' home]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer darner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Buffalo, entrance to the Erie Canal]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One in a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manf'g Co.
Title: Singer souvenirs. New York at night.
Imprint: [between 1900 and 1919], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 20
Notes: Models represented: 66, rotary.
Descriptive Notes: Scenic views of New York; back has advertisements for Singer sewing machines, trademark, needles and oil.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2720

Company Name on Item: Singer Manf'g Co.
Title: [Advertisement for Singer sewing machines]
Imprint: [between 1900 and 1919], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 20
Descriptive Notes: Scenic views of Edinburgh; back of each has Singer advertisement and information about scene. Envelope is missing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2717

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: [Advertisement for Singer sewing machines]
Imprint: [between 1900 and 1919], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 20
Descriptive Notes: Ten scenic views of London; verso of each has advertisement for Singer sewing machines and information about the picture. Envelope is missing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2718

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman sewing at an enclosed cabinet chain stitch machine while a young girl watches; verso discusses importance of sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1919], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 24.
Descriptive Notes: Woman sews at enclosed cabinet chain stitch machine while young girl watches; verso discusses importance of sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the first lesson]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1920], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Descriptive Notes: Shows young girl using model 66 Singer sewing machine in seven drawer cabinet; family is gathered around.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the first lesson]
Imprint: [Between 1900 and 1920], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Agent information: Charles W. Strayer, York, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Form 1652, front shows young girl using model 66 Singer sewing machine in seven drawer cabinet; family is gathered around.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Whirlpool rapids]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Library of Congress]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement Singer sewing machine oil.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Niagara Falls, general view]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Ice Bridge, from Canadian side]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Capitol]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement Singer sewing machine repairs.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Capitol]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement Singer rotary sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Whirlpool rapids]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso has advertisement Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring El Capitan, Cathedral Rock, and Bridal Veil Falls; Merced River in foreground]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a logging train]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machine model 66.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Niagara Falls, general view]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the rapids above the falls]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the State, War and Navy Department]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machine oil.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the American Falls, from Goat Island]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Pennsylvania Avenue, from 15th Street] / Pennsylvania Avenue, from fifteenth Street.
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement Singer sewing machine repairs.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Yosemite Valley, Nevada Falls and Liberty Cup, from trail]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Yosemite Valley, Mirror Lake, Mount Watkins in reflection]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Yosemite Valley from Artists Point]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Yosemite Valley, Bridal Veil Falls]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machine model 66.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring St. Michael's Church, Charleston, S.C.]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One in a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Yosemite Valley, Vernal Falls]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring William Penn's house]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Cave of the Winds, winter]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Treasury Department]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machine repairs.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Pennsylvania Avenue, from 15th Street] / Pennsylvania Avenue, from fifteenth Street.
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement Singer sewing machine needles.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the State, War and Navy Department]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Washington Monument]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement Singer stocking darner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Smithsonian Institution]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 20.
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for the Singer model 20 miniature sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the rapids above the falls]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Horse Shoe falls, from Goat Island]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Smithsonian Institution]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement Singer sewing machine attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Ice cone under Prospect Point, American side]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Ice Bridge, from Canadian side]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Washington Monument]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 115.
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement Singer 115 rotary sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Treasury Department]
Imprint: [Between 1904 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer shop.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Singer souvenirs of New York City, downtown]
Imprint: [Between 1906 and 1910], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 22
Descriptive Notes: Set No. 154: envelope holding set of photos showing St. Paul's Cathedral, N.Y., Clearing House, Broadway, Customs House, City Hall, Chamber of Commerce, "Curb" market, the Bowery, Wall Street, and the Singer Building.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the new Singer building in its relationship to the skyline of New York]
Imprint: [Between 1906 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of the tallest office building in the world; verso gives history of the Singer building.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Buffalo, Delaware Avenue and North Street]
Imprint: [Between 1906 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer and Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Christ Church]
Imprint: [Between 1906 and 1910], [S.l.], [Singer Sewing Machine Co.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer and Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a typical grain elevator]
Imprint: [Between 1906 and 1910], [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: One of a set of ten. Front shows photo of place of interest; verso gives history of the place on front and has advertisement for Singer and Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a Singer for the girls, not a toy but a practical Singer sewing machine] / Making dresses for dolly.
Imprint: [Between 1910 and 1914], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 20.
Descriptive Notes: Form 1655, young girl is using Singer model 20 (four spoke) chain stitch miniature sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with a miniature sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1910 and 1914], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Image has been cut; text is not complete on verso.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instruction manual for Singer sewing machine 114-21 single chain stitch. / Designed for tacking bands and bows on soft felt or straw hats.
Imprint: [Between 1917 and 1935], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 10
Notes: Model represented: 114-21.
Descriptive Notes: No. 114-21 for tacking bands and bows on soft felt and straw hats.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instruction manual for sewing machines 99 W130, 99 W131, 99 W132, 99 W133. / For making cut first button holes in closely woven fabrics.
Imprint: [Between 1921 and 1937], [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 63
Notes: Models represented: 99 W130, 99 W131, 99 W132, 99 W133.
Descriptive Notes: No. 99 W130, No. 99 W131, No. 99 W132,and No. 99 W133 are for making buttonholes in closely woven fabrics.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singercraft. / A fascinating new way of making colorful rugs, decorative articles and trimmings on the sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 193_ and 195_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Sewing techniques (making rugs, monographs, etc).
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: Singer 252.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Italy, [s.n.]
Pages: 46
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer model 252.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: Singer 257.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Milan, [s.n.]
Pages: 43
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer model 257.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: Singer 257.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 43
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer model 257.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: Singer 259.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 28
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer model 259.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: Singer 259.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Italy, [s.n.]
Pages: 28
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer model 259.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: Singer 258.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Italy, [s.n.]
Pages: 48
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer model 258.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: Singer 258.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Italy, [s.n.]
Pages: 48
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer model 258.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: Singer 259.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Italy, [s.n.]
Pages: 28
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer model 259.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: Sewing machines for army clothing and equipment book 1. / Sewing machines for army clothing and equipment.
Imprint: [ca. 1915], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 36
Descriptive Notes: Shows military clothing and equipment and states which sewing machine would be appropriate for production.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 21 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: Sewing machines for army equipment book 2. / Sewing machines for army equipment.
Imprint: [ca. 1915], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 68
Notes: Model represented: 96-10.
Descriptive Notes: Shows army equipment and states which sewing machine would be appropriate for production. General list of sewing machines. Illustration of army equipment factories.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 21 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: The closing of men's boot uppers.
Imprint: [ca. 1915], Great Britain, [s.n.]
Pages: 32
Descriptive Notes: Representation of boot parts and sewing machines appropriate for production. Technical data. Illustration of a boot manufactory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 21 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: The closing of women's boot uppers.
Imprint: [ca. 1915], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 40
Descriptive Notes: Representation of boot parts and sewing machines appropriate for production. Technical data. Illustration of a boot manufactory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 21 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: Singer sewing machines in the manufacture of knit underwear.
Imprint: [ca. 1915], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 57
Descriptive Notes: Representation of knitwear and sewing machines appropriate for production. Technical data. Table of contents (p.57).
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 21 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: Singer sewing machine in the hat and cap industry.
Imprint: [ca. 1915], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 34
Descriptive Notes: Shows hat models and states which machine would be appropriate for production.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 21 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: List of transfers for machines and sundries.
Imprint: [ca. 1940], Great Britain, The Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 52
Descriptive Notes: List of transfers, illustration of model decoration.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 21 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring maquinas de coser de Singer]
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Round clipping marked on back cardboard of maquinas de coser de Singer.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Business card sewn to a sample of work made on a Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Business card advertises "sew electrically; free demonstration"; "homestitching to order, needles, oil, repairs."
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Pocket map of Pennsylvania]
Imprint: [n.d.], Chicago, Ill., Jho. F. White Pub. Co.
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: 45 E. Market St., York, PA
Descriptive Notes: Map of the state of Pennsylvania; covers have advertisements for Singer chain stitch and lock stitch machines, and cabinet table; map has Singer advertising stamped at top.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a hand holding a rose]
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: 102 Dexter Ave, Montgomery, Ala.
Descriptive Notes: Verso explains why the Singer is the best sewing machine in the world.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [The new chime]
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: E.B. Hine, Albany, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement taken from book for Singer's New Family style sewing machine; has poem "The new chime" about Singer's machine; verso has unrelated advertisements.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Invitation to the Singer Manufacturing Company's exhibition of art needle work]
Imprint: [n.d.], Puck Bldg., New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Folding invitation; images of children at beach and birds; for exhibition of latest novelties in art needle work and home decoration.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Medallion of child]
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Appears to be cut from a calendar; hand writing on verso says Nettie Dyer, Farmington, Maine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Advertisement for the Singer cabinet table]
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Page cut from pamphlet; verso shows early inventions including early Singer sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Advertisement: the delicate woman]
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: 24.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement taken from magazine for Singer's automatic sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Advertisement for Singer's world renowned sewing machines]
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: State Street, West of Court House Square
Agent information: J.H. Reeves
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Singer's new style Family and Imperial machines; verso has unrelated hand written text.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Business card featuring a rose]
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: N.S. Alger; 150 Merrimack Street
Descriptive Notes: Business card for Singer Sewing Machine canvasser.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Advertisement for The Singer Manufacturing Company]
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 4th Ave. and 16th St., New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for oscillator, vibrator and automatic sewing machine in elegant, convenient and artistic cabinet work (image is similar to Romeo & Juliet trade card); verso has advertisement for unrelated company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Invitation to art needlework exhibit at Singer Sewing Machine Office, part 2]
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Portion of invitation to showing of art needlework exhibit at Singer Office.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Flier for a discount notice]
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Form no. 496, explains discount allowance to leasing customers wishing to purchase the sewing machine in their possession.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Invitation to art needlework exhibit at Singer Sewing Machine Office, part 1]
Imprint: [n.d.], New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: No. 5 Allyn House Block, Hartford, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Portion of invitation to showing of art needlework exhibit at Singer Office.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: I.M. Singer & Co.
Title: [Bill of sale for Singer Patent sewing machine]
Imprint: 1860/12/26, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: Standard machine, no. 2.
Agent information: Walt D. Cole
Descriptive Notes: $78.00 receipt for 1 Patent sewing machine model A in black walnut folding case.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Catalog of Singer sewing machines]
Imprint: 1866/7, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: 458 Broadway, New York, NY
Model represented: New family.
Agent information: L. Strayer, York, PA
Descriptive Notes: Prices and descriptions of various stands and cabinets for Singer new family sewing machine; also testimonials, description of attachments, sales facts, and listing of offices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Guide to Southport. / Comprising full postal information, almanac, and tide tables for April, May, and June.
Imprint: 1867, Southport, Johnson and Green
Pages: 70
Notes: Company address: London, England
Model represented: New family.
Agent information: Mrs. Ingamells
Descriptive Notes: Last page of almanac features a full-page advertisement for Singer Family Lockstitch sewing machine with new patent tuck marker.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 676

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Correspondence from Singer Manufacturing Company to M. Staley concerning payment plan for purchase of Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: 1871/03, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Agent information: J.A. Doren for M. Staley; Greenwood, Pa
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from Singer Manufacturing Company to M. Staley concerning payment plan for purchase of Singer sewing machine; monthly payments of $10.00.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Correspondence from Singer sewing machine dealers Nofsinger and Josselyn]
Imprint: 1872/1/17, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Wm. R Nofsinger, Alanson K. Josselyn
Descriptive Notes: Letter to Concord, N.H. from Singer sewing machine dealers in Detroit, Mich.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Memorial of the International Exhibition 1876, 48 views.
Imprint: 1876, Philadelphia, Thos. Hunter
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Picture of the Singer Sewing Machine Co.'s building at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. World Expositions. Box: 1 : Folder 3, Philadelphia 1876
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [The Singer Building at the Philadelphia Centennial]
Imprint: 1876, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Description taken from the Chicago Inter-Ocean publication describing the Singer Building at the Philadelphia Centennial; verso has map of the Exposition.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. World Expositions. Box: 3 : Folder 7, Philadelphia 1876
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Singer Manufacturing Co.'s catalog of exhibits shown in their centennial exhibition building]
Imprint: 1876, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 20
Notes: Company address: 34 Union Square, New York, NY
Agent information: Thos. K. Ober
Descriptive Notes: List of oil paintings, ornamental sewing machine work, samples done on Singer machines, wax figurines, book binding machine work, and sewing machines shown at Philadelphia Centennial.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a cactus with red blossoms]
Imprint: 1879, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Agent information: 1106 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Verso lists sales figures for Singer sewing for 1878.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Saint Patrick's Cathedral, New York City]
Imprint: 1882, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Shows St. Patrick's Cathedral; verso lists number of Singer sewing machines sold in 1862, 1872, 1875, and 1878.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer Manufacturing Company's retail price list of parts, attachments, and accessories, also needles for all machines.
Imprint: 1882, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 51
Descriptive Notes: Parts lists, price list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1774

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Correspondence from Singer Manufacturing Company to Achsah L. Stone, concerning an agreement to rent a Singer sewing machine for $5.00 a month]
Imprint: 1882/08/19, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Rochester, NY
Model represented: Drop leaf with cover #8068424.
Descriptive Notes: Agreement to rent drop leaf sewing machine with cover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Receipt from Singer Manufacturing Company to customer for payment on sewing machine]
Imprint: 1882/2/23, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: New family.
Agent information: G.M. Clark
Descriptive Notes: Receipt to W. [Sohrer] for Singer sewing machine #4240346 with drop leaf and cover for $40.00; money received by W.B. Thayer.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Statue of Liberty]
Imprint: 1883, [S.l.], Root and Tinker
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Watertown office
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring the Statue of Liberty. Information about the statue's erection and list of advantages of Singer sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Bartholdi statue] / Liberty enlightening the world.
Imprint: 1883, [S.l.], Root & Tinker
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring the Statue of Liberty.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Receipt from Singer Manufacturing Company to customer for purchase and repair work on sewing machine]
Imprint: 1883/2/5, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 64 North Pearl St., Albany, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Receipt to Albany Penitentiary for purchase of one I.F.D.F. machine D.L. Plain, return of Z.N.F. machines, 1735171, 1539015 for $44.76.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Receipt for payment on Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: 1883/7/25, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: New family.
Agent information: C.S. Howe
Descriptive Notes: Receipt for $2.50 from Mrs. G.H. Rugg, Worcester on account for her sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Receipt from Singer Manufacturing Company to customer for payment on Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: 1883/8/24, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: N.A. Paters
Descriptive Notes: Receipt for $1.50 from Mrs. A.H. Rugg, Worcester, Mass. on account for her sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Price list of parts, accessories, and attachments for sewing machines manufactured and sold by the Singer Manufacturing Company.
Imprint: 1884, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 91
Descriptive Notes: Parts lists, price list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the new "I.F." High Arm Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: 1887, [S.l.], Bufford
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Lithograph of horses at watering trough; verso discusses new oscillating shuttle sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Baltimore oriole]
Imprint: 1889, New York, Gray Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring the Baltimore Oriole. Information about the Baltimore Oriole and Singer sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Schwingenden schiffchen no.2, Singer Nah maschine
Imprint: 1889, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 28
Notes: Company address: 34 Union Square
Model represented: Schwingenden schiffchen no.2
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1762

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Receipt for first payment on a Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: 1889/5/2, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Central Office, Rochester, NY
Agent information: A.E. William
Descriptive Notes: Receipt for two dollars and fifty cents for first payment on serial number 7430640 sewing machine to Mr. Craft.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Retail price list of parts V.S. hand machine.
Imprint: 1890, New York, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 8
Notes: Model represented: V.S. hand machine.
Descriptive Notes: Plates of parts, price list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2728

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: List of parts, improved carpet machine.
Imprint: 1890, New York, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 4
Notes: Model represented: Improved carpet machine.
Descriptive Notes: Images of parts, parts list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2727

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Retail price list of screws, nuts, and rollers and studs.
Imprint: 1890, New York, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 52
Descriptive Notes: Plates of parts, price list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2734

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a Cat in a basket]
Imprint: 1890, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Cat in basket; verso shows five drawer cabinet with separate cover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Directions for using the Singer Manufacturing Company's style number 3 attachments with the improved family or the vibrating shuttle number 2 sewing machines.
Imprint: 1890, Elizabeth, NJ, Cook and Hall Printers
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: VS2.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures of attachment case, tucker, ruffler, under-braider, quilter, foot-hemmer, wide-hemmer, binder.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 672

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Retail price list of parts. / V.S. No. 3 and V.S. hand machines.
Imprint: 1890, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 12
Notes: Models represented: Vibrating shuttle 3, vibrating shuttle hand machine.
Descriptive Notes: Images of parts, parts list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1770

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Price list of parts cylinder machine, (right hand). / List of parts cylinder machine, (right hand).
Imprint: 1891, New York, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 10
Notes: Model represented: Cylinder machine.
Descriptive Notes: Plates of parts, price list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2723

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Sheet music: The merry Singer]
Imprint: 1891, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Agent information: J.H. Bender
Descriptive Notes: Sheet music for a song by Henri Le-Verne; back cover shows factories "where the Singer sewing machine is made".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Retail price list of parts. / Trade mark stand.
Imprint: 1891, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Images of parts, parts list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Price list of parts I.M. machine.
Imprint: 1891/06/08, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 29
Notes: Model represented: I.M.
Descriptive Notes: Images of parts, parts list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Price list if parts I.B.H. machine. / List if parts improved button hole machine.
Imprint: 1891/10/20, New York, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 25
Notes: Model represented: I.B.H.
Descriptive Notes: Plates of parts, price list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2726

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Price list of parts, overseaming machine. / List of parts, overseaming machine.
Imprint: 1891/5/29, New York, The Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 14
Notes: Model represented: Overseaming machine.
Descriptive Notes: Plates of images, price list, handwritten note listing parts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2721

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: List of parts, overseaming button hole machine.
Imprint: 1891/5/7, New York, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 11
Descriptive Notes: Plates of parts, price list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2724

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Price list of parts cylinder machine (left hand). / List of parts cylinder machine, (left hand).
Imprint: 1891/6/8, New York, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 10
Notes: Model represented: Cylinder machine.
Descriptive Notes: Plates of parts, price list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2722

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring four men in traditional Indian clothing with a Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: 1892, [S.l.], The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring four men in traditional Indian clothing with a Singer sewing machine. Information about India and Singer's business in this country on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman in traditional Japanese clothing with a Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: 1892, [S.l.], The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman in traditional Japanese clothing with a Singer sewing machine. Information about Japan and Singer's business in this country on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman in traditional Swedish clothing with a Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: 1892, [S.l.], The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman in traditional Swedish clothing with a Singer sewing machine. Information about Sweden and Singer's business in this country on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman from Bosnia (Austria-Hungary)]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J.O. Amunn
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Women in native Bosnian dress; holds an embroidery piece she did on her Singer sewing machine; her costume is a brown skirt, white top, brown ornamental vest and small red hat perched on the top of her hat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a man in traditional Tunisian clothing with a Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: 1892, [S.l.], The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring man in traditional Tunisian clothing with a Singer sewing machine. Information about Tunis and Singer's business in this country on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a couple in traditional Spanish clothing with a Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: 1892, [S.l.], The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring couple in traditional Spanish clothing with a Singer sewing machine. Information about Valencia and Singer's business in this country on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman in traditional Neapolitan clothing with a Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: 1892, [S.l.], The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman in traditional Neapolitan clothing with a Singer sewing machine. Information about Naples and Singer's business in this country on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Sweden (Dalarne)]
Imprint: 1892, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman holds up work while standing behind Singer treadle sewing machine. Singer New Family handcrank machine sits on floor.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Great Britain, Wales]
Imprint: 1892, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Models represented: high arm, 24 chain stitch.
Descriptive Notes: Women in traditional costume at Singer high arm sewing machine; verso describes 24 chain stitch machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Italy (Florence)]
Imprint: 1892, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman sits at Singer high arm treadle sewing machine; verso explains that Singer machines are the best.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Sweden (Dalarne)]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: New family.
Descriptive Notes: Woman holds up work while standing behind Singer treadle sewing machine. Singer New Family handcrank machine sits on floor.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Portugal (Vienna)]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman in native dress at a treadle sewing machine, while a man leans on a stick beside her; verso gives history of Portugal.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Bosnia (Austria-Hungary)]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman in native dress with Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Bosnia.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Spain (Valencia)]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Man and woman in native dress and a Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Spain.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Italy (Florence)]
Imprint: 1892, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 24.
Descriptive Notes: Woman using straw hat chain stitch sewing machine; verso has history of Florence.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Norway]
Imprint: 1892, Puck Bldg., New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: New family.
Descriptive Notes: Woman standing by Singer New Family sewing machine; verso has history of Norway.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Italy]
Imprint: 1892, Puck Bldg., New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Women in native dress stands by Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Italy.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Spain (Valencia)]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Man and woman in native dress with a Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Spain.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Spain]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Man and woman in native dress with a Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Spain.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Spain]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman and man in native dress with Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Spain.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Spain (Sevilla)]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Man and woman in native dress with a Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Spain.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Sweden]
Imprint: 1892, Puck Bldg., New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Two women examine work don by a Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Sweden.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Florentine (Italy)]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman with large hat in native dress sits at Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Florence.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Servia]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Women and children in native dress at Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Servia.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Bosnia (Austria-Hungary)]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Man in native dress with Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Bosnia.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Servia]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Family in native dress with a Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Servia.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Romania]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Three women in native dress with a Singer treadle sewing machine, and a handcrank Singer sewing machine; verso has history of Romania.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Romania]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Three men in native dress with a Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Romania.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Hungary, Austria-Hungary]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman in native dress sitting at Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Hungary.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Hungary, Austria-Hungary]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Man at Singer treadle sewing machine making native costume; verso has history of Hungary.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Norway]
Imprint: 1892, Buck Bldg., New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Man examines shoe stitched on arm sewing machine; verso has history of Norway.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Spain]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman and man in native dress with Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Spain.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring China]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman sits at Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of China.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring India]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Four men in native dress gather around treadle sewing machine; verso has history of India.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Japan]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman sews jacket on Singer industrial treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Japan.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Burmah]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Three women in native dress surround a Singer treadle machine; verso has history of Burmah.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Neapolitan Italy]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman at Singer treadle sewing machine making a corset; verso has history of Naples.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Tunis]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Man in native dress at treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Tunis.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Italy (Ancona)]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman in native dress uses Singer treadle sewing machine while young child sits on the floor; verso has history of Ancona.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring India]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Man stands behind Singer treadle sewing machine, while woman sits beside him; verso has history of India.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Ceylon]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman in native dress sits at treadle sewing machine; man stands beside her; handcrank machine is on stool; verso has Ceylon history.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Netherlands (Island Marten)]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman and man in native dress with Singer treadle machine; verso has history of Netherlands.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Calendar for 1892 featuring a child with straw hat] / Eighteen hundred ninety-two calendar, child with straw hat.
Imprint: 1892, Puck Bldg., New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: D.E. Streeter, 153 North St., Pittsfield, Mass,
Descriptive Notes: Lithograph of child in red shirt; calendar begins March 1892.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring France (Normandy)]
Imprint: 1892, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 15.
Descriptive Notes: Women in native dress viewing work done on a Singer sewing machine; verso has history of Normandy and information on Singer No. 15 machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Zululand]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Family in native dress with a Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Zululand.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Manila]
Imprint: 1892, Puck Bldg., New York, NY, J. Ottmann
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: New family.
Descriptive Notes: Front shows young woman and young man using handcrank sewing machine, while sitting on the ground; verso gives history of Manila.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Spain]
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Man and woman in native dress and a Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Spain.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Burmah.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 709

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Ceylon.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 679

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Norway.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 707

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Norway.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 706

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Japan.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 705

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Italy (Ancona).
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 704

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Italy.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 703

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Sweden (Dalarne).
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 685

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Sweden.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 686

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: Hand model new family.
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Manila.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 678

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Zululand.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 680

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Portugal (Vianna).
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 689

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Algeria.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 710

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Bosnia (Austria-Hungary).
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 684

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Florentine "Italy".
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 701

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Bosnia (Austria-Hungary).
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 683

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Hungary (Austria-Hungary).
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 682

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Hungary (Austria-Hungary).
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 681

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Neopolitan "Italy".
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 702

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Roumania.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 687

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - India.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 700

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Spain.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 690

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Spain (Sevilla).
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 691

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Spain (Valencia).
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 692

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Spain.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 693

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Spain.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 694

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Spain (Valencia).
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 695

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Servia.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 696

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Servia.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 697

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - China.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 698

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Tunis.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 708

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - India.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 699

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Netherlands (Island Marken).
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 711

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade cards featuring "costumes of all nations"]
Imprint: 1892, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress from various countries with Singer machines; countries/cities featured include: Spain; Bosnia (Austria-Hungary); Roumania; Manila.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 674

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Roumania.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 688

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring "costumes of all nations"] / Souvenir [from] World's Columbian Exposition.
Imprint: 1892, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of people in native dress, with a Singer Sewing Machine - Tunis.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 677

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Price list of parts cylinder machine, (side wheel).
Imprint: 1892/3/5, New York, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 10
Notes: Model represented: Cylinder machine.
Descriptive Notes: Plates of parts, price list, handwritten note listing parts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2731

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Price list of parts, universal feed arm machine.
Imprint: 1892/8/9, New York, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 4
Notes: Model represented: Universal feed arm machine.
Descriptive Notes: Plates of parts, price list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2732

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card set of 36 pieces featuring costumes of all nations]
Imprint: 1893, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 74
Descriptive Notes: Box containing thirty-six trade cards showing people around the world dressed in native dress using Singer sewing machine; verso gives history on each country.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card set of 36 pieces featuring costumes of all nations]
Imprint: 1893, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Cover of box which contained 36 lithographed trade cards of national costume series; souvenir of World's Columbian Exposition, 1893.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: The Singer Manufacturing Company exhibit of family sewing machines and art embroidery.
Imprint: 1893, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Booklet describes and shows Singer's exhibits at the World's Columbian Exposition.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: The Singer Manufacturing Company exhibit of family sewing machines and art embroidery.
Imprint: 1893, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Booklet describes and shows Singer's exhibits at the World's Columbian Exposition.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card set of 36 pieces featuring costumes of all nations]
Imprint: 1893, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 74
Descriptive Notes: Box containing thirty-six trade cards showing people around the world dressed in native dress using Singer sewing machine; verso gives history on each country.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Price list of parts. / V.S. No. 2 machine.
Imprint: 1893, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 13
Notes: Model represented: Vibrating shuttle 2.
Descriptive Notes: Images of parts, parts list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1772

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Price list of parts. / I.M. machine.
Imprint: 1893, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 36
Notes: Model represented: I.M.
Descriptive Notes: Images of parts, parts list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Price list of parts No. 5 and 6 machines.
Imprint: 1893/04/06, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 18
Notes: Models represented: 5, 6.
Descriptive Notes: Price list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Price list of parts cylinder machine, (side wheel, C.B. overseaming).
Imprint: 1893/4/5, New York, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 6
Notes: Model represented: Cylinder machine.
Descriptive Notes: Price list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2730

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Catalogue of Singer sewing machines for family use.
Imprint: 1893/5, New York, N.Y., Straus & Klee
Pages: 37
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: VS2, IF, chain stitch.
Descriptive Notes: Map of World's Columbian Exposition; color plates featuring people in native dress from various countries, including: Servia; Hungary (Austria-Hungary); Sweden; Bosnia (Austria-Hungary); Norway; India; Japan; Zululand, etc.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 38

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Catalogue of Singer sewing machines for family use.
Imprint: 1893/5, New York, NY, Press of Strauss and Klee
Pages: 41
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: IF, vibrating shuttle No. 2, vibrating shuttle, hand machine, single thread chain stitch machine.
Descriptive Notes: Map of World's Columbian Exposition; color plates featuring people in native dress from various countries, including: Servia; Hungary (Austria-Hungary); Sweden; Bosnia (Austria-Hungary); Norway; India; Japan; Zululand, etc.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 712

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Wales]
Imprint: 1894, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Two women and a man in native dress and a Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Wales.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Appenzell]
Imprint: 1894, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: H.E. Loveland
Descriptive Notes: Family in native dress with Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Appenzell.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Londonderry]
Imprint: 1894, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Man and woman in native dress at Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Londonderry.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Edinburgh]
Imprint: 1894, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Three women in native dress with a Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Edinburgh.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Lerwick]
Imprint: 1894, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Family in native dress with a Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Lerwick.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Normandy]
Imprint: 1894, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Two women in native dress examine fancy work made on Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Normandy.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Vaud]
Imprint: 1894, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman in native dress with Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Vaud.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Boulogne-sur-Mer]
Imprint: 1894, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman in native "fish-wives clothing at Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Boulogne-sur-Mer; verso has history of Boulogne.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Georgia]
Imprint: 1894, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Two women and one man play musical instruments while another woman uses singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Georgia.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Tiflis]
Imprint: 1894, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Hat makers gather around Singer sewing machine; verso has history of Tiflis.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Bulgaria]
Imprint: 1894, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Peasant family in native dress watch a Singer treadle machine in use; verso has history of Bulgaria.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Albania]
Imprint: 1894, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman in native dress uses Singer treadle sewing machine while man stands beside her; verso has history of Albania.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Greece]
Imprint: 1894, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Lith. Co
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Two women and one man in native dress surround Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Greece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Archangel]
Imprint: 1894, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Three people gather around Singer treadle sewing machine outside tent; verso has history of Archangel.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Cyrene]
Imprint: 1894, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman in native dress at treadle sewing machine; man stands beside her; verso has history of Cyrene.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Wurtemburg]
Imprint: 1894, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman in native dress sits at Singer treadle sewing machine; verso has history of Wurtemburg.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Caroline Islands]
Imprint: 1894, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Front shows four natives gathered around a handcrank Singer sewing machine; verso has history of Caroline Islands.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Price list of parts. / No. 29 machine UFA.
Imprint: 1894, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 10
Notes: Model represented: 29.
Descriptive Notes: Images of parts, parts list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1773

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Singer Dorcas Society]
Imprint: 1895, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Descriptive Notes: Front shows five young girls and a doll next to a Singer model 27 sewing machine in five drawer cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Fan featuring young girls and petals]
Imprint: 1896, New York, NY, J. Ottmann Litho. Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Fan, handle missing; front shows four young girls; verso shows Singer treadle sewing machine and Singer logo.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Instruction manual in Russian]
Imprint: 1898, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 24
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1764

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the tea party]
Imprint: 1899, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 15.
Descriptive Notes: Form 888, front shows cabinet closed; children are using it for a tea party; verso discusses Singer model 14 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Tri-fold flier featuring "the American Singer series"]
Imprint: 1899, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Tri-fold flier showing meadowlark, mocking bird and cardinal; verso describes the Singer Pavilion at the Pan-American Exposition.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring "mother's helper" and "the tea party"]
Imprint: 1899, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Descriptive Notes: Form 879, folding trade card shows Singer sewing machine in seven drawer embossed cabinet in use and folded; verso describes merits of machine and cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring "mother's helper" and "the tea party"]
Imprint: 1899, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Agent information: Watson Block, Great Barrington, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Form 879, folding trade card shows Singer sewing machine in seven drawer embossed cabinet in use and folded; verso describes merits of machine and cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring "mother's helper" and "two handy extension leaf"]
Imprint: 1899, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Agent information: W.R. Brott, Williamston, Mich.
Descriptive Notes: Front shows mother sewing while child in high chair uses extension; verso discusses the cabinet table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using the Singer Manufacturing Company's attachments style no. 11. / For No. 27 machine.
Imprint: 1899/3/9, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 27 (attachments Style Number 11).
Descriptive Notes: Attachments pictured: attachment case, binder, foot hemmer, wide hemmer, quilter, ruffler, tucker.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 675

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using the Singer Sewing Machine No. 27. / Vibrating shuttle number 2.
Imprint: 1899/9/16, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 27 (vibrating shuttle number 2).
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer Manufacturing Company's number 27 machine (vibrating shuttle number 2); pictures of oiling and threading; drawings of cabinets.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 673

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring "le raffinement de la couture, la letrice"]
Imprint: 1900, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Descriptive Notes: Folding trade card shows Singer machine in seven drawer embossed cabinet in use and folded; verso describes merits of machine and cabinet in French.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring women using a model No. 27 Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: 1900, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Descriptive Notes: Form 879, two part advertisement; meant to be folded; Lithograph shows machine in embossed seven drawer cabinet in use, and as a table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the refinement of needlework: the reader]
Imprint: 1900, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Descriptive Notes: Folding trade card shows Singer sewing machine in seven drawer embossed cabinet in use and folded; verso describes merits of machine and cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Singer costumes no. 2]
Imprint: 1901, New York, NY, American Lithographic Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Costume made on a Singer sewing machine; woman with pink dress and large hat "taken from life" Tennyson quotation.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Singer costumes no. 3] / Costume made on the Singer sewing machine.
Imprint: 1901, New York, NY, American Lithographic Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Young girl in a pink dress, "taken from life", Wordsworth quotation.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: "All over the world": Singer the universal machine.
Imprint: 1901, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Models represented: 24, 27.
Descriptive Notes: Round die-cut lithographed booklet showings views from the Pan-American Exposition; has map of Niagara Falls/Buffalo area.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Singer costumes no. 3] / Costume made on the Singer sewing machine.
Imprint: 1901, New York, NY, American Lithographic Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Young girl in pink dress, "taken from life", Wordsworth quotation.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Singer souvenirs of Niagara Falls]
Imprint: 1901, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 22
Descriptive Notes: Envelope holding set of photos; 10 different views of Niagara Falls; envelope is printed Pan-American Exposition 1901; verso of each card has advertisement for Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Singer costumes no. 4] / Costume made on the Singer sewing machine.
Imprint: 1901, New York, NY, American Lithographic Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Young child in blue outfit; white background, "taken from life", Whittier quotation.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Singer costumes no. 4] / Costume made on the Singer sewing machine.
Imprint: 1901, New York, NY, American Lithographic Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Descriptive Notes: Young child in blue outfit, red background; "taken from life" Whittier quotation; verso advertises Singer sewing machine model 66.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Singer costumes no. 3] / Costume made on the Singer sewing machine.
Imprint: 1901, New York, NY, American Lithographic Co.
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Young girl in pink dress, "taken from life", Wordsworth quotation.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Singer costumes no. 1] / Costume made on the Singer sewing machine.
Imprint: 1901, New York, NY, American Lithographic Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman in gold dress and pike cape with plumed hat "taken from life", Herrick quotation.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Singer costumes no. 1] / Costume made on the Singer sewing machine.
Imprint: 1901, New York, NY, American Lithographic Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman in gold dress and pink cape with plumed hat "taken from life", Herrick quotation.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Singer costumes no. 4] / Costumes made on the Singer sewing machine.
Imprint: 1901, New York, NY, American Lithographic Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Descriptive Notes: Young child in blue outfit, red background; "taken from life", Whittier quotation; verso advertises Singer sewing machine model 66.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring "mother's helper, another convenient use"]
Imprint: 1902, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Descriptive Notes: Form 872, folding trade card shows Singer sewing machine in five drawer cabinet in use and folded; verso describes merits of machine and cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Singer costumes no. 8] / Costume made on the Singer sewing machine.
Imprint: 1902, New York, NY, American Lithographic Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Agent information: A.C. Nickerson, Fairbanks, Me.
Descriptive Notes: Young girl in a white dress and a hat with pink trim, "taken from life", Tennyson quotation; verso advertises Singer model 66 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman cutting fabric at an opened treadle Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: 1902, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Descriptive Notes: Die Leichtlaufende Singer Nah-Machine No. 27.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Instruction manual in Russian]
Imprint: 1902, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 12
Notes: Model represented: 23.
Descriptive Notes: Images of machines in use, images of Singer plants in Elizabethport, NJ; South Bend, IN; Cairo, IL; Glasgow, Scotland.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1765

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Singer model 24: "a child can use it"]
Imprint: 1903, New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 24.
Descriptive Notes: Front shows a child using a model 24 in five drawer embossed cabinet; verso shows a bird that has been colored; right side is torn; this had been a folding trade card and the second half is missing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Manual of modern embroidery.
Imprint: 1903, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 25
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for various types of embroideries created using the sewing machine; copyright 1892, 2nd edition 1903.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co. (incorporated)
Title: [Flier advertising Singer model no. 27]
Imprint: 1904, [S.l.], The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Singer model no. 27.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: First meeting of Massasoyt with the Pilgrims, March 22nd, 1621.
Imprint: 1904, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Descriptive Notes: Lithograph signed J.N. Marchand. Picture portion only of calendar page; back advertises model 66 sewing machine, image is incomplete.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the light-running Singer sewing machine, no. 27]
Imprint: 1904, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 27.
Descriptive Notes: Form 872, shows model 27 Singer sewing machine in five drawer cabinet in use and as a table; verso describes merits of model 27 and cabinet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Singer costumes no. 1]
Imprint: 1904, New York, NY, American Lithographic Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Woman in gold dress and pink cape with plumed hat "taken from life", Herrick quotation.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Calendar featuring the great West in the 17th century, its discovery by the French]
Imprint: 1904, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Four part calendar of J.N. Marchand lithographs, LaSalle's Exposition of the West 1673-1682; verso of each part has excerpts from Parkman's LaSalle and the discovery of the great West.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Correspondence between Singer Manufacturing Company and George J. Manonkiem concerning a rental agreement on a Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: 1904/10/11, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 39 West 125th Street, New York, NY
Models represented: 27-41508880, B354387.
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence between Singer Manufacturing Company and George J. Manonkiem concerning a rental agreement on a Singer sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Envelope sent from Singer Manufacturing Co., Farmville, Va. To Garrett, P.O., VA]
Imprint: 1904/8/23, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Farmville, Va
Descriptive Notes: Postally used envelope sent from the Singer Manufacturing Co., Farmville, Va. To Mr. A.J. Stinson, Garrett, P.O., Va.; verso has handwritten numbers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Advertisement for Singer sewing machine model 66]
Imprint: 1905, [S.l.], Delineator Magazine
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Descriptive Notes: Page from December 1905 Delineator magazine advertising Singer model 66 sewing machine; verso has advertisement for unrelated companies.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Singer souvenirs: meet your friends at the Singer Pavilion manufacturing building]
Imprint: 1905, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Descriptive Notes: Set No. 15285: envelope holding set of photos showing Singer tapestries illustrating the exploration of the Mississippi Valley 1539-1687, these were provided for the Jamestown Exposition.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Instruction manual in Russian]
Imprint: 1905, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 26
Notes: Model represented: 15.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1763

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Envelope sent from Singer Sewing Machine Co., Farmville, Va to Garrett, P.O.]
Imprint: 1905/5/11, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Farmville, Va
Descriptive Notes: Postally used envelope sent from Singer Sewing Machine Co., to Mr. A.J. Stinson Garrett, P.O.m Buckingham Co.; cancelled two cent stamp; verso has second Virginia cancellation.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: List of Singer sewing machines with prices, descriptions, and other information in relation to them.
Imprint: 1905/9/18, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 227
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: class 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, ,29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 41, 42, 43, 44, 51, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 69, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76.
Descriptive Notes: Detailed descriptions and prices of sewing machines for industrial use.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 50

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Catalogue of "Singer" sewing machines manufactured at Kilbowie, Clydebank.
Imprint: 1907, [S.l.], The Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 93
Notes: Models represented: All models.
Descriptive Notes: Technical descriptions and images of all models, handwritten notes.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 20 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Advertisement stating that a Singer is always the pride of its owner]
Imprint: 1907, [S.l.], Delineator Magazine
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Page taken from Delineator magazine shows women looking at a Singer sewing machine; verso is advertisement from unrelated companies.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The Singer almanac, 1907. / Singer almanac for 1907.
Imprint: 1907, Albany, NY, Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 52
Notes: Company address: 88 North Pearl St., Albany, NY
Descriptive Notes: Full page drawing of Singer building; astronomical calculations, holidays, weather, moon phases, postal rates, coinage, construction of modern cabinet work, and other interesting facts interspersed with sewing machine information.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Illustrated price list of parts for Nos. 16K and 16K105 machines. / Chainstitch and double chainstitch.
Imprint: 1907, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 25
Notes: Models represented: 16K104, 16K105.
Descriptive Notes: Images of parts, parts list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer sewing machines manufactured at Bridgeport, Conn., USA. / Catalogue of sewing machines manufactured at Bridgeport, Conn., USA.
Imprint: 1908, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 245
Notes: Models represented: All Wheeler and Wilson models.
Descriptive Notes: Technical descriptions and images of manufacturing machines, mainly Wheeler and Wilson machines. Singer models are included on extra sheets. Recommending certain models for certain uses.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 20 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Singer souvenirs of Philadelphia]
Imprint: 1908, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 18
Descriptive Notes: Set No. 1507: envelope holding set of photos showing the University of Pennsylvania, Girard College, William Penn's house, Chestnut Street, Christ Church, Carpenter's Hall, Independence Hall, and Washington Statue.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer sewing machines.
Imprint: 1908/01/14, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 272
Descriptive Notes: Images of machine, price list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: List of Singer sewing machines. / With prices, descriptions and other information in relation to them.
Imprint: 1908/01/14, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 272
Descriptive Notes: Images of machines, price list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Postcard of the Singer Building in New York City]
Imprint: 1909, New York, NY, Photograph Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: The Singer Building, N.Y. City; 41 stories high, 612 ft. high; postally used sent to Mr. J. Lang.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 31-62. / Two needles; alternating pressers for cloth.
Imprint: 1910, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 31-62.
Descriptive Notes: Description of features and pictures of model 31-62 industrial sewing machine.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 70

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Report of the proceedings at the presentation of an address to R.M. Patell, Esquire, J.P., agent for India, Burmah, and Ceylon, of the Singer Manufacturing Company, on his retirement.
Imprint: 1911, [S.l.], New Art Printing Press
Pages: 32
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Comments made at retirement party of R.M. Patell, Esquire, J.P., agent for India, Burmah, and Ceylon, of the Singer Manufacturing Company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 665

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 78-1. / Lock stitch, combined needle and upper feeds.
Imprint: 1912, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 78-1.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawings of machines, binder, hemmer, feeding foot, braid guide.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer sewing machine No. 127-3 vibrating shuttle. / For family use.
Imprint: 1912, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 28
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 127-3, attachments no. 36500.
Descriptive Notes: Detailed drawing of machines; instructions for operating, oiling, and using attachments; price list for attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 650

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: List of cabinetwork and stands for family machines.
Imprint: 1912/09/28, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 19
Descriptive Notes: List of cabinet types, includes handwritten annotations about cabinetry.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer sewing machine No. 78-1.
Imprint: 1913, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 21
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 78-1.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer model 78-1 and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 647

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Chinese instructions for using Singer Sewing Machine no.44-13.
Imprint: 1913, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 12
Notes: Model represented: 44-13.
Descriptive Notes: Textual instructions in Chinese.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1761

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Chinese instructions for using attachments Style No. 14 with Singer sewing machines of classes 15, 27 and 28.
Imprint: 1913, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 14
Notes: Models represented: Class 15, 27, 28.
Descriptive Notes: Images of machines in use, instructions.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1758

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Japanese instructions for using Singer Sewing Machine no.44-13.
Imprint: 1913/07/14, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 17
Notes: Model represented: 44-13.
Descriptive Notes: Textual instruction manual in Japanese.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1767

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using attachments style no. 14 with Singer sewing machines nos. 27,28,127, and 128.
Imprint: 1914, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 14
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2663

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co., Inc.
Title: [Trade card featuring Russia]
Imprint: 1914, Great Britain, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 127-3.
Descriptive Notes: Front shows a woman sewing lace on a Singer treadle sewing machine; verso shows 127-3 Singer sewing machine on embossed cabinet table no. 3.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Norway]
Imprint: 1914, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66-1.
Descriptive Notes: Front shows woman using Singer sewing machine backwards; verso shows Singer No. 66-1 on embossed cabinet table no. 6.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Denmark]
Imprint: 1914, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 66-1.
Descriptive Notes: Form 1652: front shows two women in native dress with a Singer sewing machine; verso shows model 66-1 on embossed cabinet table no. 6.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no 45k53 for bag and portmanteau, football, saddlery, and general leather work.
Imprint: 1914, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 45k53.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of 45k53.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 45k1 for heavy textiles.
Imprint: 1914, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 45k1.
Descriptive Notes: Picture and description of 45K1.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 53

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: [Trade card featuring a portrait of a young woman]
Imprint: 1915, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring portrait of a young woman.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 45k21 for heavy textile and leather work.
Imprint: 1915, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 45k21.
Descriptive Notes: Picture and description of 45k21. Singer shop locations.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 55

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 96-10. / Gear driven rotary hook high speed lock stitch for medium and heavy weight fabrics.
Imprint: 1915, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 96-10.
Descriptive Notes: Description of no. 96-10; list of Singer shops.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 43

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 7-34 for stitching awnings, mail bags, tents, horse collars, etc.
Imprint: 1915, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 7-34.
Descriptive Notes: Description of no. 7-34; list of Singer shops.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 31

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 31-19 for stitching enameled and plain fabrics; also for general work in light weight leather.
Imprint: 1915, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 31-19.
Descriptive Notes: Description of no. 31-19; list of Singer shops.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 48

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 31-15 (lock stitch) for use in the manufacture of clothing and general stitching of textiles.
Imprint: 1915, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 31-15.
Descriptive Notes: Description of number 31-15; list of Singer shops.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 24

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using Singer sewing machines of class 24 one needle single thread chain stitch for manufacturing.
Imprint: 1916, USA, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 15
Notes: Models represented: 24, 25, 26.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer sewing machines of class 24.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 5
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2670

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer sewing machines no. 31-15. / Oscillating shuttle.
Imprint: 1916, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 31-15.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using 31-15; diagrams for using 31-15.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Price list of parts. / Machine no. 95-10.
Imprint: 1916, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 100
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 95-10.
Descriptive Notes: Prices included; parts list included line drawings.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer sewing machines of class 7. / One needle lock stitch.
Imprint: 1916, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 20
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: Class 7.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer Class 7.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 649

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 16-41 (alternating pressers) for general work in cloth and leather.
Imprint: 1916, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 16-41.
Descriptive Notes: Description of machine (no. 16-41); list of Singer shops.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 25

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 16-88 for general work in cloth and leather.
Imprint: 1916, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 16-88.
Descriptive Notes: Picture and description of no. 16-88. Singer shop locations.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 54

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer sewing machine No. 31-15. / Oscillating shuttle.
Imprint: 1916, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 31-15.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for threading Singer No. 31-15; instructions for oiling Singer No. 31-15.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machines of class 7 (lock stitch) for stitching, sails, tarpaulins, tents, wagons, covers, etc.
Imprint: 1916, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 7-31; 7-33; 7-41, 7-27.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawings of 7-31; 7-33; 7-41, 7-27.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instrucciones para el uso de la maguina Singer para coser no. 15. / Para uso domestico.
Imprint: 1916, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Model represented: 15.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1756

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Anweisungen fur den Gebrauch der Singer Nahmaschine No. 15. / Central Spule fur Familiengebrauch.
Imprint: 1916, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Model represented: 15.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1305

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 112w115 for two line lock stitching in the manufacture of corsets, clocks, and clothing generally.
Imprint: 1917, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 112w115.
Descriptive Notes: Description of 112w115; list of Singer shops.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 44

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machines of class 42 (lock stitch) for stitching leather; also for stitching canvas, carpet, plush, matting, etc.
Imprint: 1917, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: Class 42, numbers 1-8.
Descriptive Notes: Features of the class 42 industrial machines.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 20

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer sewing machine No. 112w115.
Imprint: 1917, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 15
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 112w115.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer model 112w115, desighed for use in the manufacture of corsets, cloaks and jackets, jean pants, overalls, mackintoshes and clothing generally.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 648

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 11-24 for making eyelets or grommet holes with or without metal rings in canvas or similar heavy fabrics.
Imprint: 1917, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 11-24.
Descriptive Notes: Description of no. 11-24; list of Singer shops.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 27

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no 31-15 for foot power or for operation by individual Singer electric motor.
Imprint: 1918, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 31-15.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer sewing machines for rope stitching.
Imprint: 1918, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 17w14, 97, 47k5, 17w15, 97-5.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawings of 17w14; 97; 47k5; 17w15; 97-5.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 21w180. / Compound feed for stitching medium weight fabrics.
Imprint: 1918, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 21w180.
Descriptive Notes: Description of no 21w180; list of Singer shops.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 29

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no 11-32 for making eyelets or grommet holes with or without metal rings in canvas or other heavy fabrics. / Extra large bobbin.
Imprint: 1918, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 11-32.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawings of work done with 11-32.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: High speed, two needle, Singer machine no. 112w116. / Puller feed for two line lock stitching in the manufacture of tents, awnings, overalls, balloons, flags, etc.
Imprint: 1918, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 112w116 puller feed.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of 112w116.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no 8-8: two needles and two shuttles for stitching aeroplane hangars, tarpaulins, etc. / Also for other heavy work in canvas.
Imprint: 1918, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 8-8.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 11-30 (cylinder bed) two needles and two shuttles for stitching rubberized materials in the manufacture of aeroplanes and balloons.
Imprint: 1918, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 11-30.
Descriptive Notes: Description of machine no. 11-30 on column stand 56688 with motor S.A. 31; list of Singer shops.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 30

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 11-33 (cylinder bed). / Feed up the cylinder, alternating pressers for general work in canvas or leather including the stitching of heavy tubular articles.
Imprint: 1918, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 11-33.
Descriptive Notes: Description of machine no. 11-33 on column stand 14685; list of Singer shops.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 42

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 52w100; post bed and long arm for work on dirigible balloons; also for stitching heavy fabrics.
Imprint: 1918, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 52w100.
Descriptive Notes: Description of no 52w100; list of singer shops.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 26

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: High speed, extra long arm, two needle Singer machine no. 113w110 (puller feed). / For two line lock stitching in the manufacture of balloons, automobile curtains, etc.
Imprint: 1919, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 113w110.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions pour l' emploi de la machine a coudre Singer no. 15. / Pour famille.
Imprint: 1919, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Model represented: 15.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1303

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using Singer swing machine no. 115 lock stitch, for family use. / Singer sewing machine no. 115 rotary hook, for family use.
Imprint: 1920, USA, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 28
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer sewing machine no. 115 and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 10
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2683

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer sewing machines for the manufacturing trades. / No. 1.
Imprint: 1920, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 150
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 7, 8-7, 10-1, 11-26, 14k, 17, 24, 25, 29, 31, 42, 44-10, 44-5, 46, 49, 52-67, 58-11, 62-61, 68-35, 68-31, 68-35, 69, 78, 81, 85, 92, 95, 97, 105, 106, 112, 114, 116, 122, 146, 147, 151.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions and line drawings of many machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 10 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 55-3, elastic chain stitch for stitching bags for coal, grain, mail, ballast, etc.
Imprint: 1920, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 55-3.
Descriptive Notes: Description of machine no. 55-3, and electric motors available for it; Singer shop list.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 36

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer sewing machines for the manufacturing trades. / No. 2.
Imprint: 1920, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 150
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 11w6, 17w12, 22w26, 22w, 24w, 26w, 28w, Class 36, 47w20, 47w25, 47w27, 51w54, 51w59, 52w100, 61w62, 61w63, 61w76, 61w92, 65w, class 71, 72w19, 99w50, 99w100, 103w2, 107w1, 107w9, 107w50, 108w20, 111w101, 114w103, 114w110, etc.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions and line drawings of many machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 10 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using the Singer electric sewing machine no. 101 and library table combined with attachments no. 120315 lock stitch for family use. / The Singer electric sewing machine no. 101 and library table combined with attachments no. 120315 horizontal rotary hook for family use.
Imprint: 1921, USA, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 36
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for Singer sewing machine 101 and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 9
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2682

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer folding table with Singer portable electric sewing machine.
Imprint: 1922, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: Portable folding table.
Descriptive Notes: Picture of two women using a folding table for tea, "Afternoon Tea"; picture of three girls sewing on a folding table, "In the Nursery: Young Dressmakers"; picture of a woman sewing on a porch, "On the Porch".
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 643

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: List of parts. / For machines numbers 31-15 and 31-20.
Imprint: 1923, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 240
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 31-15, 31-20.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Adjusters instruction manual for 101 class machines.
Imprint: 1923/08, New York, NY, Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 36
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: 101 class machines.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual; images of machines in use; diagrams and instructions.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1833

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 111w100. / For use in the manufacture of mackinaws, leather coats, and vests, sheep-lined clothing, duck coats, etc.
Imprint: 1924, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 111w100.
Descriptive Notes: Description of 111w100 and list of Singer shops.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machines of class 42 (lock stitch) for stitching leather; also for stitching canvas, carpet, matting, etc.
Imprint: 1924, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: Class 42.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions of machines in class 42.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: List of Singer sewing machines. / With prices, descriptions, and other information in relation to them.
Imprint: 1924, Elizabethport, Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 200
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions and line drawings of many Singer machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: List of Singer sewing machines. / With prices, descriptions and other information relating to them.
Imprint: 1924, Bridgeport, CT, Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 200
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions and line drawings of many machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Instruction manual in Chinese]
Imprint: 1924, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 12
Notes: Model represented: 44-13.
Descriptive Notes: Textual instructions in Chinese.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Instruction manual in Russian]
Imprint: 1924, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer sewing machines class 24. / One needle single thread chain stitch for manufacturing.
Imprint: 1925, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 15
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: Class 24 machines.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for class 24 machines; diagrams for class 24 machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Instruction manual in Japanese]
Imprint: 1925, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 16
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructiuni pentru manuirea masinelor de cusut Singer clasa 15. / Pentru intrebuintarea casnica.
Imprint: 1925, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Model represented: 15.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using Singer electric sewing machines 101-3 and 101-11 with S.U. motor (attachments 120315) lock stitch, for family use. / Singer electric sewing machines 101-3 and 101-11 with attachments 120315 horizontal rotary hook, for family use.
Imprint: 1926, USA, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 48
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for Singer sewing machines nos. 101-3 and 101-11 and attachments, needle and thread size table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instruction for using Singer sewing machine No. 20.
Imprint: 1926, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Model represented: 20.
Descriptive Notes: Form 7933, how to fasten machine to table, set the needle, thread, sew, remove work, change stitch length, use cloth guide and oil the machine; copyright 1922 and 1926.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: High speed two needle Singer machine 112w115 compound feed. / For two line lock stitching in the manufacture of corsets, men's shirts, cloaks, and clothing generally also used for taping the seams of cloth caps.
Imprint: 1926, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 112w115.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer 'automatic' chain stitch machines.
Imprint: 1926, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 24-6 Singer portable chain stitch machine, 26-60, 24-63 Singer chain stitch cabinet table machine, 24-61 Singer chainstitch portable hand machine.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer sewing machines: standard of the world for 75 years. / Catalog of hand and treadle machines for family use.
Imprint: 1926, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 15
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 128-4, 20: child's sewing machine, Singer motor, Singer light.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures of different cabinets, including five drawer, seven drawer, open side, and drawing room.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Podrecznik do Singer maszyn do szycia no. 66. / Z haczykiem oscylujacym do uzytku domowego.
Imprint: 1926, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using and adjusting Singer sewing machine 31-15: oscillating shuttle.
Imprint: 1927, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 24
Notes: Model represented: 31-15.
Descriptive Notes: Form 8268, oiling, tension, timing, adjustments, removing bobbins, winding bobbins, setting needles, etc. for model 31-15.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Podrecznik do Singer maszyny do szycia No. 15. / Do uzytku domowego.
Imprint: 1927, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Model represented: 15.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Kasitusopetus Singer omblusmasnia jaoks Nr. 66. / Perekonna tarwitamiskers.
Imprint: 1927, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Aanwijzingen voor het gebruik der Singer naaimachine No. 66 met oscilleerenden haak voor huishoudelijk gebruik
Imprint: 1927, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instrucciones para el uso de las maquinas Singer para coser. / 114w103 y 114w104.
Imprint: 1927, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 16
Notes: Models represented: 114w103 , 114w104.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: How to make dresses the modern Singer way.
Imprint: 1928, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 52
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for clothing construction; author, Mary Brooks Picken.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Hemstitching and picot edge work.
Imprint: 1928, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 5
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Pictures of various stitches, including French hemstitching, picot edge work, Italian hemstitching, single needle hemstitching.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for timing and adjusting Signer sewing machine 66.
Imprint: 1928, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 11
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Hasznalati utasitas a Singer 15 es 16 osztalyu szovettoloval ellatott. / Kozponti hajos varrogepekhez gyari celokra.
Imprint: 1928, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 16
Notes: Models represented: 15, 16.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instruction manual of class 58.
Imprint: 1929, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 16
Notes: Models represented: Class 58.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for class 58 sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using Singer sewing machine nos. 127 and 128 (with attachments 120604) lock stitch, for family use. / Singer sewing machine nos. 127 and 128 (with attachments 120604) (vibrating shuttle).
Imprint: 1929, USA, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 32
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer sewing machines nos. 127 and 128 and attachments, needle and thread size table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: High speed three (3) needle Singer machine 131w110 puller feed. / For three line lock stitching in light, medium, and heavy weight fabrics.
Imprint: 1929, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 131w110 puller feed.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machines of class 7 (lock stitch) for stitching sails, tarpaulins, awnings, tents, wagon covers, etc.; also for general work in canvas.
Imprint: 1929, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 10
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 7-31; 7-22; 7-27.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer 99w131.
Imprint: 1929, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 62
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 99w131.
Descriptive Notes: Prices included.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: High speed, two needle Singer machine 112w116 puller feed for two line lock stitching. / In the manufacture of tents, awnings, overalls, balloons, flags, etc.
Imprint: 1929, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 112w116 puller feed.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawings of 112w116 puller feed.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machines of class 97; lock stitch for harness work. / Also for general work in leather; either hot wax or dry thread stitching.
Imprint: 1929, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 97-6, 97-7, 97-8, 97-9, 97-10.
Descriptive Notes: Leather stitching machine; line drawings of work done on 97-6; 97-7; 97-8; 97-9; 97-10.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 113w110. / For two line lock stitching in the manufacture of balloons, automobile curtains, etc.
Imprint: 1929, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 113w110.
Descriptive Notes: Description of no. 113w110; list of Singer shops.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine 132K1 and 132K5 drop feed and rotating sewing hook / For single line lock stitching in heavy fabrics and leather.
Imprint: 1929, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 132k1, 132k5.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawings of 132k1 and 132k5.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Hasznalati utasitas a Singer 66 osztalyu varrogepek szamara. / Lengo szal fogoval csaladi hasznalatra.
Imprint: 1929, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Bruksanvisning for Singer symaskiner K1 66.
Imprint: 1929, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Model represented: 66.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instruction manual for Singer sewing machine 24-70.
Imprint: 1930, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 3
Notes: Model represented: 24-70.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for Singer sewing machine No. 24-70; machine is for sewing labels on clothes.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: List of parts. / Machine no 119w2.
Imprint: 1930, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 89
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 119w2.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: How to make draperies, slip covers, cushions, and other home furnishings. / The modern singer way; Singer sewing library no. 4.
Imprint: 1930, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 64
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Detailed instructions for sewing draperies, slip covers, cushions, and home furnishings.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 10 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Shortcuts to home sewing. / The modern Singer way: Singer sewing library, no.1.
Imprint: 1930, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 48
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Detailed diagram of machine; detailed instructions for sewing "short-cuts".
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 10 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: How to make dresses. / The modern Singer way; Singer sewing library, no. 2.
Imprint: 1930, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 48
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Detailed instructions about sewing dresses.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 10 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: How to make children's clothes. / The modern singer way: Singer sewing library no. 3.
Imprint: 1930, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 64
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Detailed instructions for sewing children's clothes.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 10 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer sewing library. / Containing: T/10/0/3a; T/10/0/3b, T/10/0/3c, T/10/0/3d.
Imprint: 1930, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Box set containing 4 pieces of trade literature by the Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Instruction manual in Tamil]
Imprint: 1930, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 49
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instrucoes para o uso das maquinas Singer der Costura No. 15. / Para uso domestico.
Imprint: 1930, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Model represented: 15.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Instruction manual in Urdu]
Imprint: 1930, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 62
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine no. 31-47 alternating pressers for stitching medium and heavy enameled plain fabrics or leather.
Imprint: 1931, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 31-47.
Descriptive Notes: Description of 31-47; list of Singer shops.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Navozl k upotrebeni Singerova siciho stoje tridy 15. / Pro rodinnou protebu.
Imprint: 1931, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Model represented: 15.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machine 131w111 and 131w112. / Lock stitch puller feed for binding blankets.
Imprint: 1932, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 131w111 with three (3) needles, 131w112 with four (4) needles.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawings of work done on 113w111 and 113w112.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 9 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Instruction manual in Japanese]
Imprint: 1932, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 16
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer universal safety power tables and transmitters for the economical and safe operation of sewing machines. / For the economical and safe operation of sewing machines.
Imprint: 1933, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: Tables, transmitters
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: New high speed Singer machine 96-40. / Gear driven rotary hook lock stitch for medium and heavy weight fabrics.
Imprint: 1933, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 96-40.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures and descriptions of 96-40.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: New high speed Singer machine 95-40. / Gear driven rotary hook for light and medium weight fabrics.
Imprint: 1933, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 95-40.
Descriptive Notes: Picture and description of no 95-40.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Gebruiksaanwysings vir Singer naaimasjiene Nos. 127 en 128. / Trilskoentjie, vir huishoudelike gebruik.
Imprint: 1933, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Models represented: 127, 128.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using Singer adjustable zigzag attachment on Singer lock stitch family sewing machines.
Imprint: 1934, USA, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 20
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using attachments on Singer lock stitch model.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using the Singer portable electric sewing machine 24-80 chain stitch, for family use with foot control.
Imprint: 1934, USA, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 28
Notes: Model represented: 24-80.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using the Singer sewing machine 24-80 and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machines 111w102, 111w103, 111w105 for heavy work.
Imprint: 1934, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 111w102, 111w103, 111w105.
Descriptive Notes: Description of machines 111w102 111w103 111w105; list of Singer shops.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Consider the pattern. / Selecting and altering the pattern.
Imprint: 1934, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Dressmaking; patterns -- dresses.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: How to make draperies, slip covers, cushions and other home furnishings. / The modern Singer way.
Imprint: 1934, New York, NY, Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 64
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Detailed drawings of curtains, drapes, slip covers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Manual of family sewing machines and their attachments. / Specifically prepared for students in schools and colleges.
Imprint: 1934, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 55
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions of sewing techniques.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer machines 112w117 and 112w126. / Combined needle feed, drop feed, and alternating pressers for two-line lock stitching in canvas and rubberized fabrics; also for binding blankets, etc.
Imprint: 1934, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 112w117, 112w126.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions for 112w117 and 112w126.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instruction manual for using and adjusting Singer sewing machines of class 68.
Imprint: 1935, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 24
Notes: Models represented: Class 68.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for Singer sewing machines class 68.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer Sewing Machines 112w116, 113w110, 112w120. / For two-line lock stitching in fabrics.
Imprint: 1935, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 28
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 112w116, 112w120, 113w110.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using Singer electric sewing machines 101-4 and 101-12 with S.U. motor (attachments 120606) lock stitch, for family use. / Singer electric sewing machines 101-4 and 101-12 with attachments 120606 horizontal rotary hook, for family use.
Imprint: 1936, USA, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 53
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for Singer sewing machines 101-4 and 101-12 and attachments, needle and thread size table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: New Singer 143w1. / Zig-zag machine for fine overseaming and zig-zag lockstitching on lingerie.
Imprint: 1936, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 143w1 zig-zag.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures of stitchwork done on lingerie with 143w1 Zig-Zag.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer two needle machines: 147-100 and 147-101 are equipped with ball bearings.
Imprint: 1936, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 147-100, 147-101.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: List of parts. / Machine no. 143w1.
Imprint: 1936, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 72
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 143w1.
Descriptive Notes: Parts list includes line drawings.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer all star wardrobe plan. / Smart fashions for you, your children, and home.
Imprint: 1936, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 19
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: Queen Anne.
Descriptive Notes: Information about Singer sewing course on how to make clothes and draperies.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using and adjusting Singer sewing machines: 95-40 and 95-60. / High speed lock stitch.
Imprint: 1936, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 23
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 95-40, 95-60.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for 95-40 and 95-60; diagrams of 95-60 and 95-60.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: List of parts. / For family shops.
Imprint: 1936, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 10
Notes: Model represented: 201 series.
Descriptive Notes: Images of parts, parts list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using and adjusting Singer sewing machines: 95-80 and 95-100. / High speed lock stitch.
Imprint: 1937, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 22
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 95-80, 95-100.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for 95-80 and 95-100; diagram of 95-80 and 95-100.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: High speed Singer. / For single needle lock stitching.
Imprint: 1937, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 95-80, 95-100.
Descriptive Notes: Single needle lock stitch machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using and adjusting Singer sewing machines: 95-80, 95-100. / High speed lock stitch.
Imprint: 1937, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 22
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 95-80, 95-100.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for 95-80 and 95-100; diagram of 95-80 and 95-100.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer electric sewing machines. / Singer make-it yourself plan.
Imprint: 1937, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 14
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: Singer fashion aids, cabinet 47, cabinet 40, Queen Anne cabinet 48, cabinet 50, cabinet 49, cabinet 40, 221-1, 24-80, 99-13, new electric household servants: vacuum, iron, electric scissors, singer cord.
Agent information: H. D. Farley
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company.
Title: Instructions for using Singer Sewing Machine 15-96 and 15-98 (with attachments 120603) lock stitch, for family use. / Instructions for using Singer Sewing Machine 15-96 and 15-98 (with attachments 120603) oscillating shuttle, for family use.
Imprint: 1938, USA, The Singer Manufacturing Company.
Pages: 48
Notes: Model represented: 15-96.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for Singer Sewing Machines 15-96 and 15-98 and for attachments. Includes customer service notes.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Threading chart. / Oscillating shuttle machine.
Imprint: 1938, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 15-88, 15-91.
Descriptive Notes: Threading instructions.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: List of parts. / Machine no 112w120.
Imprint: 1938, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 100
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 112w120.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Illustrated list of parts for class 206K machines.
Imprint: 1938, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 73
Notes: Models represented: Class 206K.
Descriptive Notes: Images of parts, parts list; includes hand written changes to prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instruction manual for using Singer sewing machines of class 69.
Imprint: 1939, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 14
Notes: Models represented: Class 69.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for class 69 Singer sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer sewing machines 15-88 and 15-89 reversible feed lock stitch, for family use. / Instructions for using Singer sewing machines 15-88 and 15-89 reversible feed oscillating shuttle for family use.
Imprint: 1940, USA, Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 59
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for Singer Sewing Machine 15-88 and 15-89 and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2665

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using and adjusting Singer Sewing Machines. / 112w145; 112w146; 112w147.
Imprint: 1940, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 23
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: 112w145, 112w146, 112w147.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer 143w1.
Imprint: 1940, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 20
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 143w1.
Descriptive Notes: Parts list includes pictures.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer electric sewing machine 66-18. / Lock stitch, for family use adjustable reverse feed for tacking.
Imprint: 1940, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 59
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 66-18.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Correspondence from Singer Sewing Machine Company to a new owner of a Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: 1940/2/8, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 928 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Photocopy of a letter to Mrs. U. Van Deusen upon purchase of a new Singer machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using Singer sewing machines 128-12 and 128-14 vibrating shuttle lock stitch, for family use. / Instructions for using Singer sewing machines 128-12 and 128-14 (vibrating shuttle).
Imprint: 1941, USA, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 52
Notes: Model represented: 128-12.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer sewing machines nos. 128-12 and 128-14 and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instruction manual for using and adjusting sewing machines 71-101 and 71-107.
Imprint: 1941, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 35
Notes: Models represented: 71-101, 71-107.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for high speed with gear driven feed for making straight buttonholes.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instruction manual for Singer sewing machines. / 12 W211, 12 W212, 12 W213, 12 W214, 12 W215, 12 W 216, 12 W217, 12 W218.
Imprint: 1941, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 16
Notes: Models represented: 12 W211, 12 W212, 12 W213, 12 W214, 12 W215, 12 W 216, 12 W217, 12 W218.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instruction manual for using and adjusting Singer sewing machines No. 71-112 and No. 71-113.
Imprint: 1941, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 34
Notes: Models represented: 71-112, 71-113.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for using and adjusting Singer sewing machines No. 71-112 and No. 71-113.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for operating "rebuilt Singers." / Sewing machines and attachments.
Imprint: 1941, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 22
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Models represented: Class 66: round bobbin, class 127: long bobbin.
Descriptive Notes: Diagrams of attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instruction for using Singer sewing machine 95-1.
Imprint: 1941, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 7
Notes: Model represented: 95-1.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer 12 w 213.
Imprint: 1941, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 12
Notes: Model represented: 12w213.
Descriptive Notes: Images of parts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instruction manual for Singer sewing machines 99 W 110, 99 W 111, 99 W 112 and 99 W 113.
Imprint: 1942, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 64
Notes: Models represented: 99 W110, 99 W 111, 99 W 112, 99 W 113.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for making cut after button holes in woven fabrics.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using the Singer hemstitcher and picot edger for lockstitch family sewing machines.
Imprint: 1942, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 20
Notes: Models represented: Singer hemstitcher and picot edger.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Correspondence on replacement part for sample presser feet for top stitching] / letter to standard garment company.
Imprint: 1943, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence on replacement part for sample presser feet for top stitching.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: How to use your Singer sewing machine and attachments. / type 15.
Imprint: 1944, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 37
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 15.
Descriptive Notes: Index for type 15; instructions for type 15; diagrams for type 15.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer automatic chain cutting attachment. / Eliminate hand trimming of threads.
Imprint: 1944, New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: Chain cutting attachment.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using Singer portable electric sewing machine 128-23 vibrating shuttle lock stitch, for family use. / Instructions for using Singer portable sewing machine 128-23 (vibrating shuttle).
Imprint: 1947, USA, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 52
Notes: Model represented: 128-23.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer sewing machine no. 128-234 and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using Singer electric sewing machines 99-23 and 99-24 lock stitch, for family use adjustable reverse feed for tacking.
Imprint: 1947, USA, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 64
Notes: Model represented: 99-23.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer sewing machines 99-23 and 99-24 and attachments, needle and thread size table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer Electric Sewing Machine. / 15-91: reverse feed lock stitch, for family use.
Imprint: 1948, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 64
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 15-91.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using 15-91.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions pour l' emploi des machines a coudre Singer Nos. 127 et 128. / Navette vibrante pour famille.
Imprint: 1948, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Models represented: 127, 128.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1304

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer buttonholer # 160506.
Imprint: 1948, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 30
Notes: Model represented: 160506.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions style-mate. / Standard zig-zag sewing machine by Singer, model 347.
Imprint: 1950, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 57
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 347.
Descriptive Notes: Manual on basic instructions for using model 347.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Singer : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Adjusters manual for Singer electric sewing machines 206 K 25 for combined straight and zigzag stitching reversible feed.
Imprint: 1952, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 52
Notes: Model represented: 206K25.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer electric sewing machine (P.G. built-on motor) 15-91 reversible feed lock stitch, for family use.
Imprint: 1952, USA, The Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 64
Notes: Model represented: 15-91.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for Singer Sewing Machine 15-91 and attachments. Picture of model 15-91 on title page.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 3
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2667

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instruction manual for Singer electric sewing machine. / 206 K 25.
Imprint: 1952, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 52
Notes: Model represented: 206 K25.
Descriptive Notes: No. 206 K25 combines straight and zig-zag stitching; images and diagrams.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Instructions for using Singer portable electric sewing machine 221-1 lock stitch, for family use with foot control. / Instructions for using Singer sewing machine 221-1 rotary hook, for family use.
Imprint: 1952, USA, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 56
Notes: Model represented: 221-1.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer sewing machine no. 221-1 and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instruction manual for class 251 Singer sewing machines. / Single needle lock stitch automatic oiling.
Imprint: 1953, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 16
Notes: Models represented: Class 251.
Descriptive Notes: Class 251 has a single needle, lock-stitch with automatic oiling system diagrams and instructions.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer sewing machines 206K43.
Imprint: 1953, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 96
Notes: Model represented: 206K43.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Title: How to make draperies and other furnishings the modern Singer way. / How to make draperies the modern Singer way.
Imprint: 1954, [S.l.], Singer Sewing Machine Co., Inc.
Pages: 68
Notes: Company address: Singer Building, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Vol. no. 4 from Singer Sewing Library; Author Mary Brooks Picken; copyright 1929, 1930, and 1934; inside of back cover has needle chart.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer automatic zig zagger.
Imprint: 1954, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 24
Notes: Models represented: Automatic zig zagger #160985 for low shank and # 160986 for class 301 sewing machines.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer featherweight 221. / Portable sewing machine.
Imprint: 1955, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 56
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: Featherweight 221 and attachments.
Descriptive Notes: Index.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer automatic sewing needle model 319.
Imprint: 1956, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 112
Notes: Model represented: 319.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer sewing machine N. 191.
Imprint: 1956, Canada, [s.n.]
Pages: 72
Notes: Model represented: 191.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for using Singer sewing machine No. 191.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer sewing machine. / Revolutionary Singer 301: Slant needle sewing machine.
Imprint: 1956, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 70
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Agent information: R.L. Latahan
Descriptive Notes: List of features of the Singer 301; instructions for using Singer 301; instructions for threading, oiling, and using attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using and adjusting Singer sewing machine 178-1.
Imprint: 1958, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 16
Notes: Model represented: 178-1.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for single thread chain-stitch for button sewing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions on the operation and care of Singer buttonholer # 489500 or # 489510.
Imprint: 1960, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 28
Notes: Models represented: Buttonholer 489500, buttonholer 489510.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Singer sewing machine a real sewhandy electric sewing machine for the little seamstress model 50D. / Singer sewhandy electric model 50D.
Imprint: 1961, USA, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 9
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for Singer sewing machine model 50D.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer sewing machine model 194.
Imprint: 1961, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 34
Notes: Model represented: 194.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Co.
Title: Things to make on the sewhandy electric by Singer.
Imprint: 1961, USA, The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Pages: 16
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for security stitching, apron, pillow cover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 17 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Slant-O-Matic special 503.
Imprint: 1961, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 96
Notes: Model represented: Slant-O-Matic 503 Special.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer Slant-o-matic. / The slant-o-matic: the greatest sewing machine ever built.
Imprint: 1961, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 112
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: Slant-O-Matic 500.
Agent information: Roger Ross; Dover, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Slant-O-Matic 500; photos of stitching samples made using Slant-O-Matic 500.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Gebrauchsanweisung fur die Singer 431. / Die vielseitigste Nahmaschine die je hergestellt wurde.
Imprint: 1963, West Germany, [s.n.]
Pages: 102
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Index; drawings of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: [Instruction manual in Japanese]
Imprint: 1963, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 28
Notes: Models represented: 192 U 1, 192 U 3.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, images of machines and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Singer 431.
Imprint: 1964, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 96
Notes: Model represented: Convertible.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer sewing machine model 317.
Imprint: 1966, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Model represented: 317.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer sewing machine model 315.
Imprint: 1966, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 27
Notes: Model represented: 315.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions. / Style-mate standard zig-zag sewing machine model 347.
Imprint: 1966, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 48
Notes: Model represented: 347.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for style-mate standard zig-zag sewing machine, No. 347.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instruction manual for Singer machine 2240.
Imprint: 1967, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 50
Notes: Model represented: 2240.
Descriptive Notes: Instruction manual for Singer machine No. 2240
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 16 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions: golden touch and sew. / Deluxe zig-zag sewing machine.
Imprint: 1968, [S.l.], Singer Manufacturing Company
Pages: 84
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 630.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer Model 630.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions. / Fashionmate zig-zag sewing machine.
Imprint: 1971, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 45
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 257.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer Model 257.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions. / Fashionmate zig-zag sewing machine.
Imprint: 1971, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 49
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 252.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for Singer Model 252.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: Singer flexiponto tao moderna, tao simples.
Imprint: 1972, [S.l.], The Singer Company
Pages: 96
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using the model. Table of contents p.1.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer
Title: Singer 240.
Imprint: 1972, [S.l.], The Singer Company
Pages: 96
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer model 240.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer 240.
Imprint: 1972, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 84
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 240.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer 258.
Imprint: 1974, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 48
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 258.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer Model 258.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions. / Fashionmate zig-zag sewing machine.
Imprint: 1974, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 48
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 258.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer Model 258.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions. / Fashionmate zig-zag machine.
Imprint: 1974, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 47
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 258M.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer Model 258M.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Singer: 259.
Imprint: 1974, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 58
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Model represented: 259.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Singer Model 259.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Singer Manufacturing Company
Title: Sewing applications.
Imprint: 1975, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 44
Notes: Company address: Elizabeth, NJ
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for sewing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 3 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: I.M. Singer & Co.
Title: [Chattel Mortgage for Singer No. 2 sewing machine]
Imprint: 3/8764, Lockport, NY, O.C. & E.C. Wright
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 2.
Agent information: James Scubun
Descriptive Notes: Copy of form for Chattel mortgage for Singer sewing machine to Caroline Bol.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

175 Sloan & Co.

Company Name on Item: Sloan & Co.
Title: Sloan's celebrated six-wheel sewing machine caster.
Imprint: 1881/11/2, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 306 George St., Cincinnati, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: References to contact for six-wheel sewing machine casters, offering business deals depending on how many sets of casters are sold.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

176 George B. Sloat & Company

Company Name on Item: G.B. Sloat & Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring G.B. Sloat & Co.'s sewing machine, the best sewing machine in the world] / Elliptical and shuttle lock stitch.
Imprint: [Between 1855 and 1900], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: H.G. Supplee; 806 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Advertising flier for G.B. Sloat & Co., and their elliptical and shuttle lock stitch; salesrooms are at H.G. Supplee, 806 Chestnut St.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: George B. Sloat & Co.
Title: Triumphs of industrial art and inventive genius.
Imprint: 1860, Philadelphia, PA, [s.n.]
Pages: 32
Descriptive Notes: This sewing machine is called an "Elliptic lock stitch sewing machine" it has no friction belt, but a wonderful motor; the machine runs itself, no treadle.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

177 Slocum & Williams

Company Name on Item: Williams' Champion Singer Sewing Machines
Title: William's Champion self-threading Singer. / William's Champion self-threading Singer sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1889], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 13
Notes: Models represented: 1, 3, 7, 11.
Agent information: D.W. Williams, Chicago
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of models, price list, information about attachments, special offer.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2709

178 Smith & Egge Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Little Comfort
Title: Little Comfort improved.
Imprint: [between 1875 and 1900], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Model represented: Little Comfort improved.
Descriptive Notes: The hand sewing machine; weighs only 30 oz., can be attached to arm of chair or edge of table; automatic tension, stitch and feed regulator; stressed that this is not a toy, price in $4.00.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Smith & Egge Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Smith & Egge Manufacturing Co. automatic Family, automatic family buttonhole attachment]
Imprint: [between 1875 and 1900], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 10 East 4th St., Bridgeport, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Three dogs peer out from behind a curtain to advertise for the Smith & Egge Manufacturing Co. and the automatic family buttonhole attachment.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

179 Southern Supply Company

Company Name on Item: Standard Singer Machine
Title: Standard Singer machine.
Imprint: 1881, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Models represented: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7.
Agent information: Southern Supply Co., Nashville, Tenn.
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of models, prices, warranty address "To the Trade".
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2712

180 Spring Motor Company

Company Name on Item: Spring Motor Company
Title: Instructions for using the no treadle sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1895 and 1929], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 13
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Model represented: No treadle sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Pictures of attachments; "no treadle sewing machine" instructions.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 747

181 St. John Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card resembling a ticket to a sewing machine exhibition] / New route to happiness, direct air line; avoid the stations of noise, fatigue, and vexation.
Imprint: [187-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card resembling a ticket to a sewing machine exhibition. "New route to happiness. Direct air line. Avoid the stations of nosiness, fatigue, and vexation".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: St. John Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Royal sewing machine mode by the St. John Company]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1883], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: S.W. Barrett, Binghamton, New York, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade flier expounding the attributes of this sewing machine; runs backward and forward; high arm, self setting needle, no holes to thread in machine or shuttle.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: St. John Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring St. John sewing machine models, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 plus cabinet case]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1883], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Foos & Jayne; 109 Liberty St, New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of 4 sewing machines and their prices and their outstanding qualities; all illustrations fold into handy small booklet of 4 sections.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl sewing] / Royal St. John Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a "Community" gathering around a machine with young girl sewing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a child seated at a St. John sewing machine and two children at the seaside saying "What are the world waves saying, sister?"]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Reading , PA
Agent information: Daniel Hummel: agent; C.W. Rothenderger; solicitor
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a child seated at a St. John sewing machine and two children a the seaside saying "what are the world waves saying, sister?".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring two parrots on a branch of a tree]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Agent information: Daniel Hummel; 850 Penn St., Reading, PA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two parrots on a branch of a tree with text "Perfect, simple, durable, warranted for 5 years. The only sewing machine in the worlds that sews continually in one direction whether forward or backward".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a river scene of the Mississippi River at Burlington] / "Only machine in the world that sews continuously in one direction, forward or backward."
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], Buffalo, NY, Clay and Richmond
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card showing a river scene of the Mississippi River at Burlington "Only machine in the world that sews continuously in one direction, forward or backward"; back of card features a piece of music extolling the virtues of the St. John Machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman walking down a path holding a basket and an umbrella under her arm; in the distance is a house and mountains] / The only sewing machine in the worlds that sews continually in one direction whether forward or backward.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Agent information: JN Henderson; Office of Towson, MD near PO
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman walking down a path holding a basket and an umbrella under her arm. In the distance is a house and mountains; text: "The only sewing machine in the world that sews continually in one direction whether forward or backward".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring rose buds and text about the value of the Royal St. John Sewing Machine]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Agent information: Daniel Hummel, No. 850 Penn Street; Reading, PA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring rose buds and text about the value of the Royal St. John Sewing Machine "only machine in the world that continues to sew in the same direction - weather run forward or backward - adapted for heavy or light work".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, wearing a rose-colored dress with a blue sash, and with brown hair parted in the middle, hugging a sad-eyed dog]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Agent information: W. Hager & Co.; 371 Essex St.; Lawrence
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, wearing a rose-colored dress with a blue sash, and brown hair parted in the middle, hugging a sad-eyed dog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a child seated at a St. John sewing machine]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Agent information: M.E. Hartzler; York, PA (across from Court House)
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a child seated at a St. John sewing machine; text describing the desirable features of the machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a group of adults and children watching a demonstration on a sewing machine with a cat on the floor] / High arm self setting needle.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card showing group of adults and children watching a demonstration on a sewing machine with a cat on the floor.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a basket of flowers]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Agent information: CW Rothenberger, for Daniel Hummel; 850 Penn St.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a basket of flowers. Text explaining the machine is recommended by mechanics as the best in the market, adapted for heavy use, and can sew in the same direction, forward or backward.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card advertising the Improved New Royal Sewing Machine, Number 956]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 956.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card advertising the Improved New Royal Sewing Machine, Number 956.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of a sewing machine surrounded by roses]
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Agent information: H.M. Hull; Richfield Springs, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a picture of the sewing machine surrounded by roses "The only machine in the world that continues to run in the same direction whether run forward or backward. Warranted for five years".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman in a rose colored dress reading a book and sitting outside, with a house in the distance] / 'The only sewing machine in the world that sews continually in the same direction"
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Agent information: LH Ferguson; Liberty, Tioga County, PA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card showing woman in rose colored dress reading a book and sitting outside. A house is in the distance.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl holding a dog and looking affectionately at him] / "Only machine in the world that sews continuously in one direction, forward or backward."
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Agent information: Martin Webster; Holley, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl holding a dog and looking affectionately at him. Poem on the reverse side is in tribute to the Royal St. John Sewing Machine; "Only machine in the world that sews continuously in one direction, forward or backward".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring three children out for a walk, looking at a faceless scarecrow] / Only sewing machine in the world that continues to sew in the same direction whether run forward or backward.
Imprint: [between 1883 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three children out for a walk looking at a faceless scarecrow. Only sewing machine in the world that continues to sew in the same direction whether run forward or backward.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring two children listening to a third child who is speaking and pointing to the St. John Sewing Machine] / Only sewing machine in the world that continues to sew in the same direction whether forward or backward.
Imprint: [between 1883 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two children listening to a third child who is speaking and pointing to the St. John Sewing Machine. Only sewing machine in the world that continues to sew in the same direction whether forward or backward.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring three children, two girls and one boy, running away; scarecrow visible in nearby tree] / Only sewing machine in the world that continues to sew in the same direction whether run forward or backward.
Imprint: [between 1883 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three children, two girls and one boy, running away; scarecrow visible in nearby tree. Only sewing machine in the world that continues to sew in the same direction whether run forward or backward.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring three children, two girls and one boy, out for a walk holding hands and carrying baskets] / Only sewing machine in the world that continues to sew in the same direction whether run forward or backward.
Imprint: [between 1883 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three children, two girls and one boy, out for a walk holding hands and carrying baskets. Only sewing machine in the world that continues to sew in the same direction whether run forward or backward.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring three children, two girls and one boy, out for a walk holding hands and carrying baskets] / Only sewing machine in the world that continues to sew in the same direction whether run forward or backward.
Imprint: [between 1883 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three children, two girls and one boy, out for a walk holding hands and carrying baskets. Only sewing machine in the world that continues to sew in the same direction whether run forward or backward.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman and a child looking out at something; the woman wears a brown dress with a yellow collar and the child wears a blue dress] / Only sewing machine in the world that continues to sew in the same direction whether run forward or backward.
Imprint: [between 1883 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Agent information: Gipe&Tass Rochester NY; Martin Webster, Holley NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman and a child looking out at something; only sewing machine in the world that continues to sew in the same direction whether run forward or backward.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Royal St. John Sewing Machine
Title: [Trade card featuring three children, two girls and one boy, running away; scarecrow visible in nearby tree] / Only sewing machine in the world that continues to sew in the same direction whether run forward or backward.
Imprint: [between 1883 and 1894], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Springfield, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three children, two girls and one boy, running away; scarecrow visible in nearby tree. Only sewing machine in the world that continues to sew in the same direction whether run forward or backward.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

182 Standard Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The Nation's pride: published by the Standard Sewing Machine Company in the interest of the trade. Vol. 1, no. 12.
Imprint: [1893/6], Cleveland, Ohio, Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: 66 Euclid Ave., Cleveland Ohio
Descriptive Notes: The Nation's pride : published by the Standard Sewing Machine Company in the interest of the trade. Vol. 1, no. 12.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Letter from the Standard Sewing Machine Co. address a circular mailing]
Imprint: [1899/1], Cleveland, Ohio, Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 173 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Letter from the Standard Sewing Machine Co. address a circular mailing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The nation's pride: published by the Standard Sewing Machine Co. in the interest of the trade. Vol. 7, no. 2.
Imprint: [1899/3], 778 Ceder Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 10
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Nation's pride: published by the Standard Sewing Co. in the interest of the trade. Vol. 7, no. 2.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The Standard rotary sewing machine.
Imprint: [19--?], Cleveland, Ohio, Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Models represented: Standard styles 8 and 14.
Descriptive Notes: The Standard sewing machine catalog featuring styles 8 and 14.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Catalog of Paragon sewing machines.
Imprint: [19--?], Cleveland, Ohio, Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Models represented: Paragon styles 2, 3, and 4.
Descriptive Notes: Standard Sewing Machine catalog for the Paragon sewing machine, featuring styles 2, 3, and 4.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Letter advertising the need for agents]
Imprint: [1900/8/13], Cleveland, Ohio, Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 173 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Letter advertising the need for agents.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Catalogue of favorite sewing machines.
Imprint: [1900?], Cleveland, Ohio, Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Model represented: 3.
Descriptive Notes: Catalog of favorite sewing machines; form 1267.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Paragon new "Standard" sit straight style 93-P complete set nickeled attachments.
Imprint: [1900?], Cleveland, Ohio, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Model represented: 93-P.
Descriptive Notes: Paragon new "Standard" sit straight style 93-P complete set nickled attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Catalogue of Norwood sewing machines.
Imprint: [1904], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Models represented: Norwood styles 2 and 3.
Descriptive Notes: Catalogue of Norwood sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The new Howe improved central needle sewing machine.
Imprint: [1911], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Models represented: Howe improved style 14-NA and 14-NH.
Agent information: F.C. Henderson Co., Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog for the new Howe improved central needle sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 2 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a small girl with a flower hat]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, O.
Agent information: C.S. Hunt, Fitchburg
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring small girl with flower hat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman teaching a girl how to sew with a Standard machine]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], Buffalo, N.Y., Niagara Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, O.
Agent information: Wm. Moore
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman teaching girl how to sew on a Standard machine. Advertisement for the Standard rotary shuttle machine on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl wearing a brown dress with a pink sash, gloves, and boots]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Agent information: August H. Tennis; 26 Union Square; New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl wearing a brown dress with a pink sash, gloves, and boots.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter scene of a person walking in the snow among large buildings]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Agent information: F.E. Cohen; 49 State Street; Newburyport, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter scene of a person walking in the snow among large buildings.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl wearing a green dress with a burgundy sash, and riding on a bird]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], Cleveland, OH, Johns and Co Lithographers; Cleveland, OH
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Agent information: H. DeLaney, 406 Franklin Ave., Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl, wearing a green dress with a burgundy sash, riding on a bird.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring four cats carrying holly and an American flag]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 173 Tremont St., Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring four cats carrying holly and an American flag.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a child and three dogs. The child is reading a sign lying flat on the grass, which says" Keep off the Grass and Buy a Standard Sewing Machine"] / Nature's kindergarten.
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], Detroit, MI, Calvert Lithograph
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a child and three dogs. The child is reading a sign lying flat on the grass, which says "Keep off the Grass and Buy a Standard Sewing Machine".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring five children standing along a fence, dangling a shoe and a teapot from a string into the a lake]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Agent information: P.C. Philpot; Spring[?], ME
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring five children standing along a fence dangling a shoe and a teapot from a string into the a lake.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with blond hair wearing a large flower-patterned hat, standing on the beach and dipping her toes into the ocean]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Agent information: R.D. Gardner; Adams and Watertown, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl with blond hair wearing a large flower-patterned hat, standing on the beach and dipping her toes into the ocean.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl in a colorful apron and hat, carrying a basket of flowers and a pair of scissors]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], Cleveland, OH, Johns and Co Lithographers; Cleveland, OH
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card showing a young girl in a colorful apron and hat, carrying a basket of flowers and a pair of scissors.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl wearing a green dress with a burgundy sash, and riding on a bird]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], Cleveland, OH, Johns and Co Lithographers; Cleveland, OH
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Agent information: H. DeLaney, 406 Franklin Ave., Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl, wearing a green dress with a burgundy sash, riding on a bird.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, holding a bunch of daisies and riding on the back of a bird, which is about to catch a bug in its mouth]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], Cleveland, OH, Johns and Co Lithographers; Cleveland, OH
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Agent information: Granville Whitney; 104 Main St., Fitchburg,MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card showing a young girl, holding a bunch of daisies and riding on the back of a bird. The bird is about to catch a bug in its mouth.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl in a ruffled blue dress, wearing a hat with flowers, and playing croquet]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], Cleveland, OH, Johns and Co Lithographers; Cleveland, OH
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Agent information: H. DeLaney, 1406 Franklin Ave, Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl in a ruffled blue dress, wearing a hat with flowers, and playing croquet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Order form for a Standard Sewing Machine Company sewing machine]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Order form for a Standard Sewing Machine Company sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with blonde hair, wearing a lace-trimmed hat, sitting surrounded by pink roses]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl with blonde hair, wearing a lace-trimmed hat, sitting surrounded by pink roses.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: Stitch in the side.
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], Buffalo, NY, Clement Press
Pages: 15
Descriptive Notes: Description of the design of a Standard sewing machine, with the head in the center of the machine, which puts less strain on the users back because less stretching is required.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy out fishing with a dog at his side]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], Buffalo, NY, Niagara Lithographers; Buffalo, NY
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Agent information: Rosmer, Hosmer; Greenfield, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young boy out fishing with a dog at his side.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl wearing a straw hat, a beige dress and pink ribbons; she is holding a basket of flowers]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Agent information: H.E. Stevens, Norwich, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl wearing a straw hat, a beige dress and pink ribbons. She is holding a basket of flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl's face reflected in a mirror]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Agent information: George Wetherbee; Waltham, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl's face reflected in a mirror.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring 9 pansies playing -- riding a see-saw, jumping and running] / Highest price lockstitch machine made but the cheapest because it is the best.
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], Rochester, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Agent information: 362 East Main Street, Rochester, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring 9 pansies playing -- riding a see-saw, jumping and running
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman wearing a green coat and a tan cat, holding a snowball during a snowstorm]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Agent information: Dwelley and Company; Bangor, ME
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman wearing a green coat and a tan cat, holding a snowball during a snowstorm.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, wearing a white cap and dress, and boy, wearing a blue jacket, talking by a railing and a fern plant]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, wearing a white cap and dress, and boy, wearing a blue jacket, talking by a railing and a fern plant.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three women and a child looking at a bicycle with wheels shaped like a sewing machine]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three women and a child watching a bicycle with wheels shaped like a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl with blond hair, catching butterflies with her butterfly net]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Agent information: M.L. Decker; 24 Railroad St; Cortland, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl with blond hair, catching butterflies with her butterfly net.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two birds under an umbrella]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 173 Tremont Street, Boston, MA
Agent information: JF Bean; Augusta, ME
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two birds under an umbrella.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl, with blond hair, holding a kitten and sitting in an overturned basket ]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], Philadelphia, PA, George S. Harris and Sons
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl, with blond hair, holding a kitten and sitting in an overturned basket.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl holding her skirt above her ankles as she walks through a body of water]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young girl holding her skirt above her ankles as she walks through a body of water.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young girl wearing a plumed bonnet and long gloves, holding a blue flower, and peering into a hole in a torn sheet of paper]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card showing a young girl wearing a plumed bonnet and long gloves, holding a blue flower, and peering into a hole in a torn sheet of paper.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: Standard of conquest.
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], George Harris and Sons Lithographers; Philadelphia, PA
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Models represented: 2, 4, standard grand, 10, 10A.
Descriptive Notes: Image of Columbus, Isabelle and Ferdinand with a sewing machine model on Isabelle's crown and a deck of cards on Ferdinand's crown; includes verse about the virtues of sewing machines and sewing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three women and a child looking at a bicycle with wheels shaped like a sewing machine]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three women and a child watching a bicycle with wheels shaped like a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: Standard rotary. / Sit straight sewing machines.
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 20
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Models represented: 131: Cabinet, 99: Central needle, sit straight, 98R: New sit straight-standard rotary, 96R: New sit straight-standard rotary, 94 1/2R: New sit straight-standard rotary.
Agent information: Sibley, Lindsay & Curr Co; Rochester, NY
Descriptive Notes: Features sewing project ideas; image of a woman at a machine with a baby playing nearby.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring two cats fishing among water lilies]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], East Akron, OH, Frank P. Allen Printing and Publishing Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 66 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH.
Agent information: Wm. Lenhart and Co.; 256 West Market St; Akron, OH
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two cats fishing among water lilies.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: Standard of conquest.
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], George Harris and Sons Lithographers; Philadelphia, PA
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Image of Columbus, Isabella and Ferdinand with a sewing machine model on Isabella's crown and a deck of cards on Ferdinand's crown; includes verse about the virtues of sewing machines and sewing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a parade with men in uniforms from the American revolutionary war era, the war of 1812, and the Spanish-American war]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], Cleveland, OH, Johns and Co Lithographers; Cleveland, OH
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Agent information: Charles C. Emmons; #4 6th St., Pittsburgh, PA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a parade with men in American revolutionary war era, War 1812, and Spanish-American uniforms. Also features a drummer boy, a flute player, and the American flag.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring five children standing along a fence, dangling a shoe and a teapot from a string into the a lake]
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Agent information: P.C. Philpot; Spring[?], ME
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring five children standing along a fence dangling a shoe and a teapot from a string into the a lake.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three women and a child watching a man on "Rotary Shuttle" bicycle carrying a sewing machine] / Bike rider is saying "2500 turns in a minute - clear the track.
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], Johns and Co Lithographers; Cleveland, OH
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Agent information: ML Decker; 24 Railroad St; Cortland, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three women and a child watching a man on "Rotary Shuttle" bicycle carrying a sewing machine. Bike rider is saying "2500 turns in a minute - clear the track".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring three women and a child watching a man on a "Rotary Shuttle" bicycle carrying a sewing machine] / "The standard."
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], Johns and Co Lithographers; Cleveland, OH
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three women and a child watching a man on a "Rotary Shuttle" bicycle carrying a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: Standard rotary. / Sit straight sewing machines.
Imprint: [between 1884 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 20
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Agent information: Sibley, Lindsay & Curr Co; Rochester, NY
Descriptive Notes: Features sewing project ideas; image of a woman at a machine with a baby playing nearby.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: "Norwood" sewing machine style 14-A, closed, a decidedly attractive design.
Imprint: [n.d.], Cleveland, Ohio, [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Model represented: Norwood sewing machine style 14-A.
Descriptive Notes: "Norwood" sewing machine style 14-A, closed, a decidedly attractive design. Form 1360.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: F.C. Henderson, Manager, the Standard Sewing Machine Co., Care Shepard Norwell Co.
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Temple Place, Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Envelope from F.C. Henderson, Manager, the Standard Sewing Machine Co., Care Shepard Norwell Co.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Twenty-five reasons for buying a Standard rotary shuttle sewing machine.
Imprint: [n.d.], Boston, Mass., Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 173 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Twenty-five reasons for buying a Standard rotary shuttle sewing machine. Form 1139.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Twenty-five reasons for buying a Standard rotary shuttle sewing machine.
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.I.], Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 173 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Twenty-five reasons for buying a Standard rotary shuttle sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Caller interrupts her morning recreation. / Hygienic Standard central needle sewing machine catalog.
Imprint: [n.d.], Cleveland, Ohio, Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 26
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Catalog for dealers use only. Hygienic standard central needle sewing machine catalog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The "Standard" rotary shuttle electric.
Imprint: [n.d.], Cleveland, Ohio, Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Model represented: Standard rotary shuttle electric.
Descriptive Notes: The "Standard" rotary shuttle electric.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Mfg.
Title: The Standard rotary shuttle descriptive price list.
Imprint: 1893, Cleveland, Ohio, Clark-Britton Printing Co.
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 10A.
Descriptive Notes: The Standard rotary shuttle descriptive price list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Mfg.
Title: The Standard rotary shuttle descriptive price list.
Imprint: 1893, Cleveland, Ohio, Clark-Britton Printing Co.
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 10A.
Descriptive Notes: The Standard rotary shuttle descriptive price list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: 1895; the Standard Sewing Machine Company. / Catalogue of Standard sewing machines for steam and foot power.
Imprint: 1895, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 58
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Models represented: B, D, ruffling, zig-zag, twin needle, cylinder, bar tacking, button, chain stitch.
Descriptive Notes: Description of each machine and its main features. Includes machines for manufacturing and domestic use.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Standard : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 14

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The "Standard" Sewing Machine Co.'s prospectus for 1899.
Imprint: 1899, Cleveland, Ohio, Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: The "Standard" Sewing Machine Co.'s prospectus for 1899.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The "Standard" Sewing Machine Co.'s prospectus for 1899.
Imprint: 1899, Cleveland, Ohio, Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: The "Standard" Sewing Machine Co.'s prospectus for 1899.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The Standard Sewing Machine Co.'s prospectus for 1900.
Imprint: 1900, Cleveland, Ohio, Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Prospectus from the Standard Sewing Machine company,
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young woman with black hair pulled back with a chiffon scarf and a decorative comb, holding a small bouquet of flowers]
Imprint: 1900, New York, NY, American Lithographic Company, 1900
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: N.C. Bridgman and Son
Descriptive Notes: Trade card showing young woman with black hair pulled back with a chiffon scarf and a decorative comb holding a small bouquet of flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young woman with black hair pulled back with a chiffon scarf and a decorative comb, holding a small bouquet of flowers]
Imprint: 1900, New York, NY, American Lithographic Company, 1900
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: N.C. Bridgman and Son
Descriptive Notes: Trade card showing young woman with black hair pulled back with a chiffon scarf and a decorative comb holding a small bouquet of flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Order blank.
Imprint: 1911, Cleveland, Ohio, Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Order blank for Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: Central needle, sit straight.
Imprint: 1912, [S.l.], Clement Press; Buffalo, NY
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Models represented: 99R, 99V, 98R: w/ standard rotary head, 98V: w/ vibrator head, 96R, 96V, 94P: w/ paragon head, 92C: w/ cleveland head, 92N: w/ norwood head, 131R, 131V, 124R: tailor machine, 111W: w/ wizard head, 111A: w/ arrow head.
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions of machines; mentions benefits machines offer for posture.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Company
Title: Central needle, sit straight.
Imprint: 1912, [S.l.], Clement Press; Buffalo, NY
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions of machines; mentions benefits machines offer for posture.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Letter to Geo. W. Smith of Mattawamkeag, Maine concerning 30 day free trial of machine]
Imprint: 1912/2/23, Boston, Mass., Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, Mass.
Models represented: 98R, 94P, 106N.
Descriptive Notes: Letter to Geo. W. Smith of Mattawamkeag, Maine concerning 30 day free trial of machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Letter to George W. Smith]
Imprint: 1912/4/17, Boston, MA, Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Letter to George W. Smith.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Booklet: Standard Sewing Machine home evidence]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 15
Notes: Agent information: Wm. Lenhart & Co.; 258 West Market Sq., Akron, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Sewing machine circular describing the virtues of this sewing machine through testimonials of satisfied customers; sewing machines are shown but models are not described or noted.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring white and pink blossoms]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.I.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Agent information: Allen Tillinghast, 34 Pearl Street, Providence, R.I.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card with lake scene and floral display; name of sewing machine at bottom.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Booklet: Standard Sewing Machine home evidence]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 15
Notes: Agent information: Wm. Lenhart & Co.; 258 West Market Sq., Akron, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Sewing machine circular describing the virtues of this sewing machine through testimonials of satisfied customers; sewing machines are shown but models are not described or noted.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a blue floral display with a lakeside scene and a sailboat in the distance]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Allen Tillinghast; 34 Pearl St., Providence, R.I.
Descriptive Notes: Complimentary trade card with company name; blue flowers and lakeside scene with sailboat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with a yellow and red dress and white cap; carries tray of grapes or berries]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: D.N. Rogers
Descriptive Notes: Complimentary trade card with picture of young girl carrying a tray of grapes or berries; she wears and yellow and red dress with a white apron.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a comic trade card showing dogs sitting up with each wearing a top hat with white gloves placed along side each one]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: F.A. Manegold; 937 Penn Street, Reading, PA
Descriptive Notes: An amusing picture of 3 dogs with top hats and gloves; dogs sitting upright in begging position.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a rotary shuttle in upper left hand corner]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Plain business card with blue gray background to the company name; verso list their different machines and what they can do.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a young man in a blue sailor type suit tipping hat, holding envelope]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: W.A. Cornell, Fort Plain, NY
Descriptive Notes: Young man in blue sailor type suit tips his hat and holds an envelope out in front as if to deliver a message.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Standard rotary shuttle, which forms a frame for a picture of a blond girl]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: S.R. Tisdel; 310 E. Seneca St., Ithaca, NY
Descriptive Notes: Complimentary trade card with picture of young blond haired in shuttle; gives advertisement and selling points of machine, lock stitch, and chain stitch and its noiseless, rapid, simple and durable.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Standard Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Booklet: the nations pride, standard rotary shuttle sewing machine]
Imprint: 19th cent., Cleveland, Ohio, Clark Britton Print. Co.
Pages: 14
Notes: Agent information: R. Clark; Paris, IL
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog with all sorts of information, stories; describing sewing machine parts, some jokes, etc.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

183 Standard Shuttle Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Standard Shuttle Sewing Machine Company
Title: New and improved Standard Shuttle Lock Stitch Sewing Machine.
Imprint: 1875, New York, NY, Standard Shuttle Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 23
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Models represented: Family style half case, three quarter cabinet with dropleaf and side drawers.
Descriptive Notes: Testimonials from owners; sale terms.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 748

184 Star Shuttle Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Star Shuttle Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Answers to correspondence, agents only.
Imprint: [1867?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: 656 Washington St., Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Answers to correspondence, agents only.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Star Shuttle Sewing Machine
Title: [Correspondence with ... Regarding the introduction price of machine]
Imprint: [1868/4/24], Boston, Mass., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 656 Washington St., Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence with ... Regarding the introduction price of machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Star Shuttle Sewing Machine Works
Title: You are interested!
Imprint: 1868, Cleveland, Ohio, Cleveland Leader, Cleveland Herald
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 656 Washington St., Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Fliers for the Star shuttle sewing machine with testimonials from the Cleveland leader and the Cleveland herald.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

185 Henry Stewart Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Stewart's Singer
Title: Stewart's Singer family sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1883], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Models represented: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of models, information about attachments, prices, trademark warning.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2703

Company Name on Item: Henry Stewart Manufacturing Co.
Title: Stewart's family sewing machines. / Stewart's family sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1883], New York, J.J. Pusey and co.
Pages: 12
Notes: Models represented: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9.
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of models, information about attachments, prices, trademark warning.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2701

Company Name on Item: Henry Stewart Manufacturing Co.
Title: Stewart's family sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1883], New York, J.J. Pusey and Co.
Pages: 12
Notes: Models represented: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9.
Agent information: Fred. Bill Co., Atlanta, GA
Descriptive Notes: General information about Stewart's sewing machines, list of offices, information about attachments, prices, images of models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2714

Company Name on Item: Henry Stewart Manufacturing Co.
Title: Stewart's family sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1874 and 1883], New York, Pusey and Rooney
Pages: 12
Notes: Models represented: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9.
Agent information: Wm. Niemann and Son, New York
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of models, information about attachments, list of offices, prices, trademark warning.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2713

Company Name on Item: Henry Stewart Manufacturing Co.
Title: Steuart's Family and Manufacturing Sewing Machines. / Steuart's Family Sewing Machines.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], [S.l.], Culbertson & Bache
Pages: 12
Notes: Models represented: Stuart's 7, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9.
Descriptive Notes: Images, prices of sewing machines & attachments; description of sewing machines and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 7.1
Item Image Available:

186 Stewart Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: The Stewart Manufacturing Co.
Title: Genuine Stewart sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1880 and 1883], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Models represented: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9.
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of models, information about attachments, prices, warranty, trademark warning.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2711

Company Name on Item: Stewart's Family Sewing Machine
Title: Stewart's family and manufacturing sewing machine catalog.
Imprint: [n.d.], Philadelphia, PA, [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: 727 Jayne St., Philadelphia, PA
Models represented: Stewart's family sewing machines 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Agent information: Trimble & Phillips
Descriptive Notes: Stewart's family and manufacturing sewing machine catalog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 7.1
Item Image Available:

187 Straw and Morton

Company Name on Item: Straw and Morton
Title: [Receipt from Straw and Morton to customer for purchase of knitting machine]
Imprint: 1869/11/25, [S.l.], Johnsons Print
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 20 6th St., Lake Saint Claire, Pittsburgh, PA
Descriptive Notes: Receipt to Mr. D.S. Wilson for purchase of [Hinkley] knitting machine for #30.00 by Straw and Morton, Pittsburgh, Pa.; corner has 2 cent stamp cancelled 11/24/69.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

188 A.H. Supplee

Company Name on Item: A.H. Supplee
Title: [Receipt for repair of sewing machine issued to Mr. W.E. Hawkes]
Imprint: 1865/11/23, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 537 Broadway near Spring St., New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Payment made for sewing machine repair receipt issued.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

189 Tavaro (Firm)

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: Elan Lotus 2. / Elna lotus sewing guide.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 56
Notes: Model represented: Elna Lotus T PS.
Descriptive Notes: Elna lotus sewing guide.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: Elna Lotus 1. / Elna Lotus.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 40
Notes: Models represented: Various Elna Lotus models.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Elna lotus models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: Elna Lotus 2. / Elna Lotus sewing guide.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 56
Notes: Model represented: Elna Lotus T PS.
Descriptive Notes: Elna lotus sewing guide.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: [Picture showing woman with Elna Sewing Machine]
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: Elna Lotus 1. / Elna Lotus.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 40
Notes: Models represented: Various Elna Lotus models.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Elna lotus models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: Elna Lotus 2. / Elna Lotus sewing guide.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 56
Notes: Model represented: Elna Lotus T PS.
Descriptive Notes: Sewing guide.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: Les nouvelles Elna Lotus; premieres machines a coudre compactes au monde; font dícouvrir le plaisir de coudre.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Models represented: Lotus SP, EC, ZZ.
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog advertising Elna Lotus Machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: Elna Lotus 2. / Elna Lotus sewing guide.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 56
Notes: Model represented: Elna Lotus T PS.
Descriptive Notes: Sewing guide.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: Elna Lotus 1. / Elna Lotus.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 40
Notes: Models represented: Various Elna Lotus models.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Elna lotus models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: [Picture showing woman with Elna Sewing Machine]
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Model represented: Elna Lotus SP.
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog advertising Elna Lotus Machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: Elna Lotus 1. / Elna Lotus.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 40
Notes: Models represented: Various Elna Lotus models.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Elna lotus models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: Elna Lotus 1. / Elna Lotus.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 40
Notes: Models represented: Various Elna Lotus models.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Elna lotus models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: [Picture showing woman with Elna Sewing Machine]
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Model represented: Elna Lotus SP.
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog advertising Elna Lotus Machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: [Picture showing woman with Elna Sewing Machine]
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Model represented: Elna Lotus SP.
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog advertising Elna Lotus Machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: Die neuen Elna Lotus die ersten Kompaktnähmaschinen der Welt bieten Nähkomfort statt Nähprobleme.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Models represented: Lotus SP, EC, ZZ.
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog advertising Elna Lotus Machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro
Title: [Picture showing woman with Elna Sewing Machine]
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Model represented: Elna Lotus SP.
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog advertising Elna Lotus Machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: Elna Lotus 1. / Elna Lotus.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 40
Notes: Models represented: Various Elna Lotus models.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Elna lotus models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: [Picture showing woman with Elna Sewing Machine]
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Model represented: Elna Lotus SP.
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog advertising Elna Lotus Machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: Elna Lotus 2. / Elna Lotus sewing guide.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 56
Notes: Model represented: Elna Lotus T PS.
Descriptive Notes: Sewing guide.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: Elna Lotus 2. / Elna Lotus sewing guide.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 56
Notes: Model represented: Elna Lotus T PS.
Descriptive Notes: Sewing guide.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: Elna Lotus 1. / Elna Lotus.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 40
Notes: Models represented: Various Elna Lotus models.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Elna lotus models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: Elna Lotus 2. / Elna Lotus sewing guide.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 56
Notes: Model represented: Elna Lotus T PS.
Descriptive Notes: Sewing guide.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: [Picture showing woman with Elna SM]
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Model represented: Elna Lotus SP.
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog advertising Elna Lotus Machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: Elna Lotus 1. / Elna Lotus.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 40
Notes: Models represented: Various Elna Lotus models.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Elna lotus models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: [Picture showing woman with Elna Sewing Machine]
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Model represented: Elna Lotus SP.
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog advertising Elna Lotus Machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: Elna Lotus 2. / Elna Lotus sewing guide.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 56
Notes: Model represented: Elna Lotus T PS.
Descriptive Notes: Elna lotus sewing guide.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 22 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro S.A.
Title: Le nuove Elna Lotus prime macchine per cucire compatte almondo, rivelano il piacere del cucito.
Imprint: [Between 1975 and 1976], Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Models represented: Lotus SP, EC, ZZ.
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog advertising Elna Lotus Machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 24 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro, S/A
Title: Elna press. / The money, time, and labor saver.
Imprint: 1976, Geneva, Switzerland, Tavaro
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Geneva, Switzerland
Model represented: Elna press.
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog for an Elna Press, a compact iron press designed for home use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro, S/A
Title: Elan air electronic.
Imprint: 1977, Switzerland, [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Geneva, Switzerland
Models represented: Air electronic SP, air electronic SU, air electronic TSP.
Descriptive Notes: Photos of air electronic SP, air electronic SU, and air electronic TSP in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tavaro, S/A
Title: [Correspondence from Elna to Mr. Richard Hartnberg concerning the origin of the Elna trademark]
Imprint: 1993/08/13, Geneva, Switzerland, Tavaro
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Geneva, Switzerland
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence from Elna to Mr. Richard Hartnberg concerning the origin of the Elna trademark.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

190 Tennis Company

Company Name on Item: Tennis Company
Title: Price list. / Best soft and silk finish unbleached thread and bobbins.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: August H. Tennis; 26 Union Square, NY
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for bobbins and threads; includes prices.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Tennis : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1822

Company Name on Item: Tennis Company
Title: New weed. / The perfection of mechanical skill.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Large, detailed picture of Tennis machine and its features.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Tennis : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tennis Company
Title: Directions for the use of the Tennis Book stitching machine.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 11
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Agent information: Augustus H. Tennis
Descriptive Notes: Directions for use of Tennis book stitching machine.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Tennis : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 11

Company Name on Item: Tennis Company
Title: Numerical classification and price-list for separate parts of the improved Tennis stitching machine.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 15
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Price list for Tennis stitching machine.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Tennis : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

191 W.W. Thomas

Company Name on Item: W.W. Thomas
Title: [Advertisement for the Thomas High Arm Singer]
Imprint: [1887?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Singer style sewing machine, and a list of attachments included; verso has advertisement for unrelated company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

192 John Thornton and Company

Company Name on Item: John Thornton and Co.
Title: John Thornton and Co.'s net cash price-list of sewing machine parts, attachments and findings.
Imprint: [ca. 1877], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 38
Descriptive Notes: Price and parts lists for various models of various companies.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2688

193 Torrington Company

Company Name on Item: Torrington Company
Title: Sewing machine parts, needles, supplies.
Imprint: 1940, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 17
Descriptive Notes: Index.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

194 Tracy Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Tracy Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The Tracy lock-stitch and chain stitch sewing machine trade catalog.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Model represented: Tracy-lock stitch and chain stitch sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Words of praise for this new type of machine, the first of its kind having lock stitch and chain stitch with a rotary shuttle.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Tracy Sewing Machine
Title: The Tracy gravity safety elevator with automatic platforms.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: Tracy Gravity Safety Elevator with automatic platforms.
Descriptive Notes: This front page has nothing to do with sewing machines; reverse side, the inventions of Mrs. Tracy, is glorified in the description of all her inventions, one of them being the invention of a rotary shuttle lock and chain stitch sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

195 Tryber & Sweetland

Company Name on Item: Chicago Sewing Machine Company
Title: The Chicago Singer.
Imprint: [Between 1879 and 1882], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Models represented: 1, 2, 3.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawings of No. 1, No. 2, No. 3; line drawings of machine; construction in Chicago Singer Factory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 819

196 Union Button Hole Machine Company

Company Name on Item: The Union Button Hole Machine Co.
Title: Directions for setting up and using the Union Button Hole sewing machine. / Union Button Hole Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1889], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 10
Descriptive Notes: Directions for setting up and using the Union Button Hole sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Button Sewing Machines
Title: Over the top with Uncle Sam. / Swat the Kaiser and buy.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: C.E. Harden Brook Co., 44 N. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Advertising gimmick: a picture that moves as you pull it out of the envelope; over the top with Uncle Sam, swat the Kaiser and buy Union Buttons sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

197 Union Family Sewing Machine

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machine Manufacturing Co.
Title: Union Special Sewing Machine Co. manufacturers of elastic stitch sewing machine.
Imprint: [18--?], Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, Ill.
Model represented: Union elastic stitch sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Union Special Sewing Machine Co., manufacturers of elastic stitch sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machine Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring roses and a tag]
Imprint: [188_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, Ill.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring roses and a tag.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machine Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a bee and flowers bordering a Union sewing machine]
Imprint: [188_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Chicago, Ill.
Agent information: O.C. Whitney, Morrice, Mich.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bee and flowers bordering a Union sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machine Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring roses and a tag]
Imprint: [188_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Chicago, Ill.
Agent information: O.C. Whitney, Morrice, Mich.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card: roses and tag.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machine Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a bee and flowers bordering a Union sewing machine]
Imprint: [188_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, Ill.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bee and flowers bordering a Union sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machine Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers bordering a Union sewing machine]
Imprint: [188_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, Ill.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring flowers bordering a Union sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machine Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a rose border around a Union sewing machine]
Imprint: [188_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, Ill.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a rose bordering a Union sewing machine trade card.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machine Manufacturing Co.
Title: The Union ten dollar family sewing machine.
Imprint: [188_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Chicago, Ill.
Model represented: Union family sewing machine.
Agent information: A. Perkins, Dayton, Maine
Descriptive Notes: Flier for the Union sewing machine, printed by A. Perkins, agent from Maine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machine Mfg. Co.
Title: Union sewing machines are the best.
Imprint: [188_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, Ill.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for Union sewing machine picturing two ladies picking roses.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machine Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring roses and a butterfly]
Imprint: [188_], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, Ill.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring roses and a butterfly.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Family Sewing Machine
Title: S.N. Shannon & Co's superior Union Family Sewing Machines.
Imprint: [Between 1850 and 1879], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising the superior Union Family sewing machines, listing advantages. Distributed by S.N. Shannon & Co.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

198 Union Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers, an ad slogan, and sewing machine image]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card showing flowers, ad slogan, and sewing machine image.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machines
Title: Union sewing machines are the best.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card showing two girls picking flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machines
Title: [Pre-printed letters by agent Perkins of Dayton, ME]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], Dayton, ME, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Perkins, Dayton, ME
Descriptive Notes: Pre-printed letters by agent Perkins of Dayton, ME.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers, an ad slogan, and sewing machine image]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card showing flowers, ad slogan, and sewing machine image.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers, an ad slogan, and sewing machine image]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade cards showing flowers, ad slogan, and sewing machine image.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers, an ad slogan, and sewing machine image]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card showing flowers, ad slogan, and sewing machine image.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers, an ad slogan, and sewing machine image]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card showing flowers, ad slogan, and sewing machine image.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers, ad slogans, and sewing machine image]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: O.C. Whitney Mottice, Michigan
Descriptive Notes: Trade cards showing flowers, ad slogan, and sewing machine image.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers, an ad slogan, and sewing machine image]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: O.C. Whitney Morris, Michigan
Descriptive Notes: Trade cards showing flowers, ad slogan, and sewing machine image.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machines
Title: Circular letter by agent Perkins of Dayton, Maine.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Letter by agent Perkins (Dayton, Maine) to accompany a descriptive circular, explaining the business practices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machines
Title: The Union $10 Family Sewing Machine.
Imprint: 1863, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: A. Perkins Dayton, Maine
Descriptive Notes: Ad for the Union $10 Family Sewing Machine, testimonials, list of advantages, advertising text.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machines
Title: The Union $10 Family Sewing Machine.
Imprint: 1863, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: A. Perkins Dayton, Maine
Descriptive Notes: Ad for the Union $10 Family Sewing Machine, testimonials, list of advantages, advertising text.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Letter from agent Walbridge to J.B. Jemain]
Imprint: 1883, Albany, N.Y., [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Letter offering bonds of the Union Manufacturing Co.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

199 Union Special Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Union Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Letter of Carrol & Co., agents to J. G. Colman ]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], New York, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Letter accompanying a circular.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Special Sewing Machine Co.
Title: See Co.
Imprint: [Between 1880 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card listing locations of Union Special Sewing Machine Co. outlets.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Special Machine Company
Title: Union specials in the shirt industry and kindred linens.
Imprint: [between 1880 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 47
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for sewing process and equipment.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Union : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Special Machine Company
Title: Union specials in the shirt industry and kindred linens.
Imprint: [between 1880 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 47
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for sewing process and equipment.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Union : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Special Machine Company
Title: Union special filled bag closing machine. / Designed for the smaller type of mill and as an emergency machine for larger mills.
Imprint: [between 1880 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Machine description and illustration.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Union : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Special Machine Company
Title: Sewing machine in war and in peace.
Imprint: [between 1880 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 7
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Historical description of sewing machine and its use during times of war and peace.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Union : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Special Machine Company
Title: Katalog uber Einzelteile. / Fur unsere Union Special: Nahmaschinen zur Sackfabrikation.
Imprint: [between 1880 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 117
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions and pictures of parts.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Union : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Special Machine Company
Title: Cutting costs in the fertilizer industry.
Imprint: [between 1880 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 32
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: How to cut costs in fertilizer industry.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Union : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Special Machine Company
Title: Union special filled bag closing machine.
Imprint: [between 1880 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Machine description and illustration.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Union : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Special Machine Company
Title: Preisliste der Einzeleile. / Fur die Union Special Nahmashinen 'Herable' und 'Antaeus' zur sackfabrikation etc.
Imprint: [between 1880 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 97
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Descriptions and pictures of parts.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Union : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Special Machine Company
Title: Large arm flat bed multiple needle machines class 16100. / With illustrations and price list of parts for repairs only; catalogue no. 33.
Imprint: 1911, Chicago, IL, Union Special Machine Company
Pages: 68
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Models represented: Class 16100.
Descriptive Notes: Large arm flat bed multiple needle machines class 16100.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Special Machine Company
Title: Manual of athletic underwear manufacture.
Imprint: 1921, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 66
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
7400, 12000, 11500, 15400A, 8300.
Descriptive Notes: Detailed descriptions of material, thread, number of stitches to inch, etc. of each type of underwear.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Union : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 8

Company Name on Item: Union Special Machine Company
Title: Manufacture of shoe uppers. / A book of reference for the fitting of shoes.
Imprint: 1923, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 237
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Detailed chapters on manufacture of shoe uppers of different types of shoes.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Union : Folder 2
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 9

Company Name on Item: Union Special Machine Company
Title: Manufacture of shoe uppers. / A book of reference for the fitting of shoes.
Imprint: 1923, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 237
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Detailed chapters on manufacture of shoe uppers of different types of shoes.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Union : Folder 1
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 10

Company Name on Item: Union Special Machine Company
Title: Manual on the manufacture of knitted undergarments. / A book of reference for the manufacturer.
Imprint: 1927, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 229
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Description of fabrics and manufacture processes.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Union : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Special Machine Company
Title: Manual on the manufacture of knitted undergarments. / A book of reference for the manufacturer.
Imprint: 1927, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 229
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Description of fabrics and manufacture processes.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Union : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Special Machine Company
Title: Needle's eye. / No. 43.
Imprint: 1938, Chicago, IL, Union Special Machine Company
Pages: 28
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: February issue of Needle's Eye; advertisements for Union Special Machine Company; articles about Union Special Machine Company and materials produced using these machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Special Machine Company
Title: Catalog No. 86. / List of union special screws and nuts.
Imprint: 1939, Chicago, IL, Union Special Machine Company
Pages: 84
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Special Machine Company
Title: [Correspondence with customer from Union Special Machine Company concerning wartime restrictions]
Imprint: 1941, Chicago, IL, Union Special Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Wartime restrictions.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Union : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Union Special Machine Company
Title: Stitch formation. / Type 401.
Imprint: 1976, [S.l.], Union Special Corporation
Pages: 31
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Model represented: 400 class.
Descriptive Notes: Detailed instructions with color graphics.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

200 Union Supply Company

Company Name on Item: Union Supply Co.
Title: [Flier advertising sewing machine relief spring recruitment of agents]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising sewing machine relief spring recruitment of agents.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:

201 United States Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: United States Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a twelve dollar family sewing machine]
Imprint: 1861, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: S. Madison. Alfred, Maine
Descriptive Notes: Can use any kind of thread, they hem, ... stitch, quilt and bind; seam is elastic like …
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

202 Universal Buttonhole Attachment Company

Company Name on Item: Universal Buttonhole Attachment Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a universal buttonhole attachment, self feeding]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 18 East 14th St., New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card promoting sales of the universal buttonhole attachment, self feeding; can be attached to leading double thread machines; easy to manage.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

203 Universal Fashion Company

Company Name on Item: Universal Fashion Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy and a girl with a model sailing ship by the sea]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], New York, Wemple and Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: London, Paris, New York
Agent information: J.J. Edmonds, Buffalo, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring boy and girl with model sailing ship by the sea. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

204 Universal Sewing Machines

Company Name on Item: Universal
Title: Total concept. / Universal.
Imprint: [197-], [S.l.], Universal
Pages: 13
Notes: Models represented: 711, 744, 707, STD-270, STD-7, 88, 98, K-200, K-55, 311BBA, 311BBS, 700SS.
Descriptive Notes: Multiple fliers, each one page description of Universal machines 711, 744, 707, STD-270, STD-7, 88, 98, K-200, K-55, 311BBA, 311BBS, 700SS
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

205 Universal Spring Motor

Company Name on Item: Universal Spring Motor
Title: Universal Spring Motor.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 157 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: The motor will perform the labor while person will sit quietly by with nothing to do but guide the work; can be readily attached to any sewing machine; cost nothing to run; motor easy to control; labor saving; it outwear a dozen sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

206 Victor Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Letter to Peter Jones, esq. regarding the shipping of a Johnson, the best ruffler on the market]
Imprint: [1875/12/4], Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 381 W. Madison St., Chicago. Ill.
Model represented: Johnson.
Agent information: Peter Jones
Descriptive Notes: Letter to Peter Jones esq. regarding the shipping of a Johnson, the best ruffler on the market.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Order form receipt for Peter Jones]
Imprint: [1875/9/2], Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 381 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ill.
Agent information: Peter Jones
Descriptive Notes: Order form receipt for Peter Jones.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Letter to Peter Jones, esq. stating that the Victor Sewing Machine Co. beat the Lasen Bro.'s prices]
Imprint: [1875/9/2], Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 381 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ill.
Descriptive Notes: Letter to Peter Jones esq. stating that the Victor Sewing Machine Co. beat the Lasen Bro.'s prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: To whom it may concern.
Imprint: [1876/2/24], Middletown, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, Ill.
Descriptive Notes: Flier concerning the copyright infringements of which the Victor Machine Company possessed sole rights.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: To whom it may concern.
Imprint: [1876/2/24], Middletown, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, Ill.
Descriptive Notes: Flier concerning the copyright infringements of which the Victor Machine Company possessed sole rights.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Letter to Peter Jones regarding the order of a machine]
Imprint: [1876/4/12], Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 381 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ill.
Agent information: Peter Jones
Descriptive Notes: Letter to Peter Jones regarding the order of a machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Letter from H.O. Hichbom concerning the collection of sums]
Imprint: [1876/4/29], Boston, MA, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 511 Tremont St., Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Letter from H.O. Hichbom concerning the collection of sums.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Order form receipt for Peter Jones]
Imprint: [1876/4/8], Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 381 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ill.
Agent information: Peter Jones
Descriptive Notes: Order form receipt for Peter Jones.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Order form receipt for Peter Jones]
Imprint: [1876/5/3], Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 381 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ill.
Agent information: Peter Jones
Descriptive Notes: Order form receipt for Peter Jones.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Correspondence concerning orders and payments]
Imprint: [1876/5], Boston, MA, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 511 Tremont St., Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Correspondence concerning orders and payments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Letter to Peter Jones concerning an order for rush delivery]
Imprint: [1877/1/25], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 301 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ill.
Descriptive Notes: Letter to Peter Jones concerning an order for rush delivery.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Letter to agent Peter Jones noting the order for two machines]
Imprint: [1877/10/23], Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 381 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ill.
Agent information: Peter Jones
Descriptive Notes: Letter to agent Peter Jones noting the order for two machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Notice to agents about cash orders, attached letter to agent Peter Jones listing special prices]
Imprint: [1877/3/1], Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 381 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ill.
Models represented: Drop leaf & two drawer, folding cover.
Agent information: Peter Jones
Descriptive Notes: Notice to agents about cash orders, attached letter to agent Peter Jones listing special prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Letter to agent Peter Jones noting the order for two machines]
Imprint: [1877/7/20], Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 381 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ill.
Agent information: Peter Jones
Descriptive Notes: Letter to agent Peter Jones noting the order for two machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Letter to agent Peter Jones noting the order for two machines]
Imprint: [1877/8/28], Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 381 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ill.
Agent information: Peter Jones
Descriptive Notes: Letter to agent Peter Jones noting the order for two machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Letter to agent Peter Jones noting his order]
Imprint: [1878/5/29], Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 381 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ill.
Agent information: Peter Jones
Descriptive Notes: Letter to agent Peter Jones noting his order.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Letter explaining that Victor does not nickel plate]
Imprint: [1878/7/12], Middletown, Conn., [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Middletown, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Letter explaining that Victor does not nickel plate.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Postcard from the Victor Sewing Machine Company to Peter Jones of Manchester, Mich.]
Imprint: [1882/4/17], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Chicago, Ill.
Descriptive Notes: Postcard from the Victor Sewing Machine Company to Peter Jones of Manchester, Mich.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring an owl sitting on branch]
Imprint: [between 1867 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 235 State Street, Chicago, Ill.
Agent information: N.D. Ward
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring an owl sitting on a branch.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a child in a tree branch with a letter]
Imprint: [between 1867 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 235 State St., Chicago, Ill.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a child in a tree branch with a letter.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Victor number four.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1889], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Middletown, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Victor model no. 4.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Hints to purchasers of sewing machines. / To all who intend to purchase sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1871 and 1872], Middletown, Conn., Pelton and King
Pages: 16
Notes: Models represented: 2, 4 1/2, 6 1/2.
Descriptive Notes: Images of and information about models, price list, testimonials, list of advantages.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Business card showing a small child holding a letter and stating the company and representative N.D. Ward]
Imprint: [Between 1872 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Business card showing a small child holding a letter and stating the company and representative N.D. Ward.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Business card showing an dove and stating the company and representative N.D. Ward]
Imprint: [Between 1872 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Business card showing an dove and stating the company and representative N.D. Ward.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: A weed that cannot be weeded out.
Imprint: [Between 1872 and 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card showing grove in which sewing machines and sewing machine parts grow on plants, back, advertising text.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: Directions for using the new sewing machine Victor.
Imprint: [Between 1872 and 1888], [S.l.], Victor
Pages: 32
Notes: Company address: Middletown, CT
Model represented: Victor.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use, instructions for using attachments, including the Goodrich tucker, Crandell's ruffler, and Chaplin's binder.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 754

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Barlow insurance Survey's fire insurance map of the Victor Sewing machine Co. Works, Middletown, Conn.]
Imprint: [Between 1875 and 1879], Boston, MA, Heliotype Printing Co.
Pages: 5
Notes: Company address: 192 Broadway, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Scale map and description of the Victor Sewing Machine Company factory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Barlow's Insurance Surveys. Box: 3 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Receipt over $14.70 to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Co.]
Imprint: 1875/12/14, Chicago, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Receipt over $14.70 to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Bill to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $0.12]
Imprint: 1875/12/15, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Bill to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $0.12.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Letter from the Victor Sewing Machine Company to Peter Jones, Esq. Confirming order placement]
Imprint: 1875/12/4, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Letter from the Victor Sewing Machine Company to Peter Jones, Esq. Confirming order placement.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Letter to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $14.70]
Imprint: 1875/12/6, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Letter to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $14.70.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Letter to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $2.30]
Imprint: 1875/7/28, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Letter to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $2.30.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Letter requesting monthly reports in accordance with enclosed sample]
Imprint: 1875/8/31, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Letter requesting monthly reports in accordance with enclosed sample.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Receipt to Peter Jones of Victor Sewing Machine Company over $42.50]
Imprint: 1875/9/1, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Receipt to Peter Jones of Victor Sewing Machine Company over $42.50.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Letter from Rigg, manager, to Peter Jones Esq, confirming order placement]
Imprint: 1875/9/2, Chicago, Ill, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Letter from Rigg, manager, to Peter Jones Esq, confirming order placement.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Edith Burnham, or how the homestead was saved.
Imprint: 1876, Middletown, Conn., Pelton and King
Pages: 24
Descriptive Notes: Story in which a Victor sewing machine plays a crucial role.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Letter from H.O. Hichbom of Victor Sewing Machine Company to Don Josef Williamson of Belfast, ME]
Imprint: 1876, Boston, MA, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 511 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Letter from H.O. Hichbom of Victor Sewing Machine Company to Don Josef Williamson of Belfast, ME.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Legal notice for the Victor Sewing Machine company to "whom it may concern" discussing patent issues]
Imprint: 1876/2/24, Middleborn, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Legal notice for the Victor Sewing Machine company to "whom it may concern" discussing patent issues.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Legal notice from the Victor Sewing Machine Company to "whom it may concern" discussing patent issues]
Imprint: 1876/2/24, Middleborn, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Handwritten note asking to distribute the letter among agents.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Bill to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $85]
Imprint: 1876/4/13, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Bill to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $85.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Letter from Victor Sewing Machine Company to Peter Jones Esq. Confirming receipt of money and order placement]
Imprint: 1876/4/21, Chicago, Ill, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Letter from Victor Sewing Machine Company to Peter Jones Esq. Confirming receipt of money and order placement.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Receipt of Victor Sewing Machine Company to Peter Jones over $37.50]
Imprint: 1876/4/28, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Receipt of Victor Sewing Machine Company to Peter Jones over $37.50.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Letter of F.O. Hidbam to Joseph Williamson requesting collection of money]
Imprint: 1876/4/29, Boston, Mass., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Letter of F.O. Hidbam to Joseph Williamson requesting collection of money.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Letter of Victor Sewing Machine Company to Joseph Williamson about settlement of payment]
Imprint: 1876/5, Boston, Mass., [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Letter of Victor Sewing Machine Company to Joseph Williamson about settlement of payment.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Bill to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $42]
Imprint: 1876/7/31, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Bill to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $42.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Bill to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $1.00]
Imprint: 1876/9/12, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Bill to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $1.00.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Bill to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $0.75]
Imprint: 1877, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Bill to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $0.75.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Bill to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $0.50]
Imprint: 1877, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Bill to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $0.50.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Bill to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $76.50]
Imprint: 1877, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Bill to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $76.50.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Letter of Victor Sewing Machine Company to Peter Jones confirming order placement]
Imprint: 1877/1/25, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Letter of Victor Sewing Machine Company to Peter Jones confirming order placement.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Letter to Peter James from Victor Sewing Machine Company manager Riggs confirming receipt of money and order placement]
Imprint: 1877/10/23, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Letter requesting monthly reports in accordance with enclosed sample.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Letter to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company manager Riggs accompanying descriptive materials and prices]
Imprint: 1877/5/29, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Letter to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company manager Riggs accompanying descriptive materials and prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Letter of Victor Sewing Machine Company to Peter Jones confirming receipt of money & order placement]
Imprint: 1877/7/20, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Letter of Victor Sewing Machine Company to Peter Jones confirming receipt of money & order placement.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Letter of Victor Sewing Machine Company to Peter Jones offering prices]
Imprint: 1877/7/5, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Preprinted single sheet with special offer.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Bill to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $50]
Imprint: 1877/7/9, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Bill to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $50.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Letter to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company confirming receipt of money & shipment]
Imprint: 1877/8/28, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Letter to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company confirming receipt of money & shipment.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Bill to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $53]
Imprint: 1877/8/30, Chicago, Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Bill to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Company over $53.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Formal note of Victor Sewing Machine Company to Richle Bros. Philadelphia]
Imprint: 1878/7/14, Middletown, Conn., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Formal note of Victor Sewing Machine Company to Richle Bros., Philadelphia.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Victor Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Letter acknowledging a mistake in calculating funeral expenses from Hirchborn?]
Imprint: 1882/4/7, Boston, Mass, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Letter acknowledging a mistake in calculating funeral expenses from Hirchborn(?).
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Order of Peter Jones to Victor Sewing Machine Co.]
Imprint: 1888/4/21, Manister, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Order of Peter Jones to Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Receipt over $42.50 to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Co.]
Imprint: 1899, Chicago, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Receipt over $42.50 to Peter Jones from Victor Sewing Machine Co.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

207 Arnaldo Vigorelli Italian Sewing Machine Works

Company Name on Item: Arnaldo Vigorelli Italian Sewing Machine Works
Title: Vigorelli. / Instructions for use.
Imprint: [Between 1940 and 1959], Italy, [s.n.]
Pages: 45
Notes: Model represented: zz/a "robot" model.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

208 Viking Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Viking Sewing Machine Company
Title: Engineering report, No. SA -63700. / Viking free arm models.
Imprint: [197-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Models represented: Viking free arm models.
Descriptive Notes: Engineering report featuring specifications for Viking free arm model sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Viking Sewing Machine Company
Title: New Viking 6000. / A great step towards making sewing simpler.
Imprint: 1975, Sweden, Viking Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 6
Notes: Model represented: Viking 6000.
Descriptive Notes: Photographs of machine in use; pictures of clothing on models; clothes were sewn on Viking 6000.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Viking Sewing Machine Company
Title: Guarantee. / Viking sewing machine guarantee.
Imprint: 1975, Sweden, [s.n.]
Pages: 3
Descriptive Notes: Guarantee from Viking meant to be completed and returned to the company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Viking Sewing Machine Company
Title: Viking sewing manual.
Imprint: 1975, Sweden, Viking Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 48
Descriptive Notes: Pictures of stitches done on machines and drawings of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Viking Sewing Machine Company
Title: Viking operating manual. / Viking 6000, model 6440.
Imprint: 1975, Sweden, Viking Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 59
Notes: Company address: Minneapolis, MN
Models represented: Viking 6000, 6440.
Descriptive Notes: Diagram of machine, drawings of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 11 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

209 Walcott Brothers

Company Name on Item: Walcott Brothers
Title: H.D. Walcott's Patent Graduating Button-hole Cutters.
Imprint: 1853/5, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: No. 55 Haverhill Street, Boston, Mass.
Models represented: H.D. Walcott's Patent Graduating Button-hole cutters (on cover)
Descriptive Notes: Button-hole maker for both family and professional use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

210 J.B.R. Walker

Company Name on Item: J.B.R. Walker
Title: [Trade catalog for J.B.R. manufacturer of light metallic goods]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 356 Main Street, Hartford, Conn.
Models represented: Protean Buttonhole Lancette; Novelty Hand Stamp; Universal twine, thread and ... Cutter; Webster's Patent Buttonhole Workers.
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog for J.B.R. Walker manufacturer of light metallic goods and "hand stamp, novelties and other popular inventions."
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

211 R.M. Wanzer & Company

Company Name on Item: R.M. Wanzer & Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the little Wanzer]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Corner King and Catherine Sts., Hamilton, Ontario
Descriptive Notes: Front of card shows young girl / woman sitting thoughtfully at a small sewing machine; verso of card describes attributes of the machine and why it is so good.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: R.M. Wanzer & Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the Wanzer series; the little Wanzer and Wanzer A, B, C, D, E]
Imprint: 19th cent., Buffalo, NY, Gies & Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Hamilton, Ontario; 92 Broadway, New York, NY
Models represented: Little Wanzer, Wanzer A, B, C, D, E.
Descriptive Notes: Japanese family scene; baby sits on floor playing with spool of red thread; man sits at sewing machine either demonstrating how machine works or he's sewing a trip of cloth; woman demonstrates joy and excitement at the sight of the machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

212 Weed Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Flier advertising Weed sewing machines]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1900], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Hartford, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Weed sewing machines. Key to the stitched representation of the battle of Bunker Hill exhibited in Hartford.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed
Title: The Weed sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1900], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: F.A. Pelton
Descriptive Notes: Trade card advertising Weed sewing machines and services of the agent.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The world's fair always open.
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1900], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring Lincoln sitting at a sewing machine and onlookers. Advertisement for Weed on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Weed sewing machines the best.
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1900], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Hartford, Conn.
Models represented: 2 plain, F.F. plain.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Weed sewing machines and sewing machine cases, address "To the public".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: STOP! and answer these questions.
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1900], Owego, N.Y., Gazette Print
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: S.E. Hesler
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Weed sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Business card of Wm. H. Loomis]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1900], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Wm. H. Loomis, Elmira, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Business card of Wm. H. Loomis.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Flier advertising Weed sewing machines]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1900], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Hartford, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Weed sewing machines. Key to the stitched representation of the battle of Bunker Hill exhibited in Hartford.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring an advertisement for a sewing machine called Favorites, family favorite, general favorites, manufacturers favorite]
Imprint: [between 1865 and 1900], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Hartford, Conn.
Models represented: Family Favorite, General Favorite, Manufacturers favorite.
Descriptive Notes: The 3-Favorite machines are described; the family favorite, good for general sewing, the general favorite and manufacturers favorite are more for heavy sewing; general can do leather and heavy cotton; the manufacturer does baskets.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring "a weed that cannot be weeded out"]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1900], Hartford, Conn., The Kellogg and Bulkeley Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Hartford, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring sewing machines growing on plants. Advertisement for Weed sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Company
Title: Why the Weed Sewing Machine is a family favorite.
Imprint: [Between 1869 and 1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: "Why the Weed Sewing Machine is a family favorite...Because ... " [lists 17 reasons why].
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Business card for Weed Sewing Machine Company]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1871], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Weed Sewing Machine Company business card. Includes (ff) symbol (for "family favorite").
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Hartford Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a moose standing in the middle of a body of water] / Hartford sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a moose standing in the middle of a body of water.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Hartford Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a moose standing in a body of water with swan shaped Hartford Sewing Machine Company logos on either side] / Hartford sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a moose standing in a body of water with swan shaped Hartford Sewing Machine Company logos on either side.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Hartford Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a moose standing in the middle of a body of water] / Hartford sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a moose standing in the middle of a body of water.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Hartford Sewing Machine Company
Title: Hartford.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Design of a pattern with various points labeled.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Hartford Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a gray elephant in a field of barren land] / This is "Jumbo" but the biggest thing out this season is the Hartford sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a gray elephant in a field of barren land.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Hartford Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a moose standing in the middle of a body of water] / Hartford sewing machine.
Imprint: [between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a moose standing in the middle of a body of water.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Hartford Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a gray elephant in a field of barren land] / This is "Jumbo" but the biggest thing out this season is the Hartford sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a gray elephant in a field of barren land.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Hartford Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy hanging on to a high bar] / Hartford Sewing Machine.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young boy hanging on to a high bar.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Hartford Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a young boy in costume with a sword] / Hartford sewing machine company.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young, boy in costume with a sword.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Hartford Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a moose standing in the middle of a body of water] / Hartford sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a moose standing in the middle of a body of water.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Hartford Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a bouquet of flowers] / Hartford sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bouquet of flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Weed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Sewing machine facts.
Imprint: 1867, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: F.J. Poor, Manchester, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Flier stating business losses of sewing machine companies in 1867 and highlighting the Weed Sewing Machine Co. as a exception.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Weed Sewing Machine Co.'s improved sewing machines.
Imprint: 1867, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Coupon for Weed Sewing Machine Co.'s circulars and sewing samples.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Weed Manufacturing Co.
Title: James Skosdon and Sons, dealers in the Weed Manufacturing Co.'s sewing machines.
Imprint: 1867, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Flier featuring images of and information about models, prices, testimonials.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Receipt over $93.32 from Weed Sewing Machine Co.]
Imprint: 1870, New York, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Receipt over $93.32 from Weed Sewing Machine Co.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The great trial or contest for superiority between sewing machines at the 22nd annual exhibition of the Maryland Institute.
Imprint: 1871, Hartford, Conn., Hutchings
Pages: 56
Notes: Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Descriptive Notes: Booklet featuring articles in praise of Weed sewing machines, testimonials.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The great trial or contest for superiority between sewing machines at the 22nd annual exhibition of the Maryland Institute.
Imprint: 1871, Hartford, Conn., Hutchings
Pages: 56
Notes: Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Descriptive Notes: Booklet featuring articles in praise of Weed sewing machines, testimonials, extra sheet giving reasons for using a Weed sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 12
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Receipt over $53 from Weed Sewing Machine Co.]
Imprint: 1872, New York, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Receipt over $53 from Weed Sewing Machine Co.; calculations in pencil on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Company
Title: Report of the trial and result between sewing machines at the twenty second annual exhibition of the Maryland Institute by John P. Stambaugh.
Imprint: 1872, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 56
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Descriptive Notes: History of the sewing machine history of Weed Sewing Machine company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 4 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Company
Title: Circular and price list.
Imprint: 1873, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Hartford, CT
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
Descriptive Notes: Engravings showing working party and various cabinets for machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 4 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Letter to Katie E. Hamp accompanying the shipping of bobbins]
Imprint: 1876, Chicago, [s.n.]
Pages: 24
Descriptive Notes: Letter to Katie E. Hamp accompanying the shipping of bobbins.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Letter to Katie E. Hamp accompanying the shipping of a shuttle]
Imprint: 1876, Chicago, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Hartford, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Letter to Katie E. Hamp accompanying the shipping of a shuttle.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Weed Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Presented by the Weed Sewing Machine Co. of Hartford, Conn. Manufacturers of the "Hartford" and "Favorite" sewing machines.
Imprint: 1881, New York, Root and Tinker
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Hartford, Conn.
Model represented: Hartford.
Descriptive Notes: Picture showing President Garfield and his cabinet. Advertising text and images of the models on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

213 J.I. West

Company Name on Item: J.I. West
Title: Duplex braiding embroidery attachment. / For all makes of sewing machines.
Imprint: [ca. 1875], New York, NY, E. Golthold, Stationer
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Information about and description of embroidery attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 5 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

214 Western Electric

Company Name on Item: Western Electric
Title: Western Electric No. 2 portable sewing machine.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 39
Notes: Model represented: Western Electric No. 2 portable sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: General instructions in the use of this portable sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

215 Westinghouse Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Westinghouse Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a caricature of a woman at a sewing machine] / Yes, I'll be at the bridge club, but with the aid of my Westinghouse sewing machine motor I'm going to do a whole day's sewing before I start.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a caricature of a woman at a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

216 Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: Wilson's patent sewing machine.
Imprint: [1854], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Wilson sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: Wilson's patent sewing machine.
Imprint: [1854], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Wilson sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company
Title: Instructions for using Wheeler and Wilson's new family sewing machine. / No. 8.
Imprint: [1876], [S.l.], Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: Bridgeport, CT
Model represented: 8.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, diagrams, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 2 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 755

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: The new no. 8.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 8.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson. Advertisements for other businesses on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a child playing with a jack-in-the-box]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Chicago
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a child playing with a jack-in-the-box. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson model no. 9 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: Wheeler and Wilson's high-arm new no.9 is the only perfect sewing machine for family use.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of Wheeler and Wilson model no.9.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Flier advertising Wheeler and Wilson's new high-arm sewing machine with a cartoon]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], Boston, Mass., Samuel Hobbs and Co.
Pages: 4
Notes: Agent information: Boston office
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Wheeler and Wilson's new high-arm sewing machine with a cartoon.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Business card of agent H.C. Hayden, Boston]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: H.C. Hayden, Boston
Descriptive Notes: Business card of agent H.C. Hayden, Boston.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring the Mexican flag]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Jno.L.M. Smallwood, Hagerstown, Md.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring the Mexican flag.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring three kittens]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], Chicago, Phoenix Lith
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 9.
Agent information: Item stamped: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co., Saint Paul, Minn.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three kittens. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson model no. 9 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy riding a hare]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Bridgeport, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring boy riding a hare. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson model no.9 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson. Advertisement for various other companies on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.'s improved sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: Improved sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, list of advantages, address "To the public".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the "Wheeler and Wilson triumphant"]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], New York, Donaldson Bros.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Trenton, N.J.
Agent information: Trenton, N.J. branch office
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring triumph march for Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson model no. 9 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring two kittens on table]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two kittens on a table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring a young woman]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Wm. Moore
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a young woman. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a frog smoking a pipe]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Edwin E. R. Tallman, Plainfield, N.J.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a frog smoking a pipe. Advertisement for agency on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring four girls looking at the Wheeler and Wilson trademark]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], New York, J. Ottmann Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Lintner and Sporborg, Gloversville, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring four girls looking at the Wheeler and Wilson trademark. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring the head of a cat]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring head of a cat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring three girls gathering flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three girls gathering flowers. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.'s new sewing and button-hole machines.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Troy, NY.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson including press opinions and testimonials.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring the arrival of a Wheeler and Wilson model no. 8 sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring the arrival of a Wheeler and Wilson model no.8. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson model no. 8 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a fan]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], Philadelphia, Ketterlinus Lith.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in the shape of a fan.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring an illustration of a fable "The fighting cocks and the eagler"]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: J.B. Johnson, Liste, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring illustration of fable "The fighting cocks and the eagle". Fable on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring children and wheat]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Charles Merrick, Monson, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring children and wheat. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring a young woman]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: W.G. Ca [?], Farmington, Me.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring young woman. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers and mountain landscape with a lake]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Troy, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring flowers and mountain landscape with lake. Reason for Wheeler and Wilson's success listed on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring deer in the mountains]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Wm. H. Mullen, Providence, R.I.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring deer in the mountain. Blank list of agencies on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a child playing with a guitar]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Chicago
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring child playing with guitar. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson model no. 9 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: Wheeler and Wilson sewing machine. Rotary motion and ball bearing.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines. Advertisements for other businesses on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring an illustration of a fable "The fox and the grapes"]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Repair All Kinds, York, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring illustration of fable "The fox and the grapes". Fable on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a building in a park]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Bridgeport, Conn.
Agent information: W. Story, Laconia, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring building in a park. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring an illustration of a fable "The crow and the pitcher"]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Repair All Kinds, York, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring illustration of fable "The crow and the pitcher". Fable on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring an illustration of a fable "The dog in the manger"]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring illustration of fable "The dog in the manger". Fable on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring children playing outside]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Geo.W. Brown, Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring children playing outside. Advertisement for agency on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a little girl in a winter coat]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 9.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring little girl in winter coat. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson model no. 9 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring two ducks quarreling over a frog]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two ducks quarreling over a frog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring a turkey and a dog]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring turkey and dog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a fan]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], Philadelphia, Ketterlinus Lith.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Agent information: Suplee Needle Co., Philadelphia
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in shape of a fan.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a fan]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], Philadelphia, Ketterlinus Lith.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in shape of a fan.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring children playing outside]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Geo.W. Brown, Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring children playing outside. Advertisement for agency on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: Needles and thread.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Information about needle and thread sizes, general directions for using needles and thread with sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy riding on a turtle playing the horn]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy riding on a turtle playing the horn.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the head of a dog]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston, Mass.
Agent information: New England Agency, Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring head of a dog. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson automatic machine on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring an illustration of a fable "The leopard and the fox"]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: J.B. Johnson, Liste, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring illustration of fable "The leopard and the fox". Fable on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a girl holding a paper cut-out, paper puppet]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in shape of a girl holding a paper cut-out, paper puppet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: Our Christmas guest.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Picture book with Christmas rhymes and illustrations. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson's Sewing Machine Manufactory
Title: [Picture of Wheeler and Wilson's manufactory]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Picture of Wheeler and Wilson's manufactory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: Manual of curious and interesting facts.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], Glen Falls, N.Y., C.H. Passons
Pages: 18
Notes: Company address: Troy, NY
Descriptive Notes: Manual of curious and interesting facts. Advertisements for Wheeler and Wilson models nos. 9 and 12.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: Directions for using Wheeler and Wilson's family sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: New York and Bridgeport, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Wheeler and Wilson models, list of offices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: Directions for using the Wheeler and Wilson sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], Chicago, Spalding and La Monte's Print
Pages: 16
Notes: Agent information: J.G. Ayres, Syracuse, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using the Wheeler and Wilson machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a sailing boat]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a sailing boat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Folded trade card in shape of a girl's pink dress to go over a paper puppet]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Folded trade card in shape of a girl's pink dress to go over a Wheeler and Wilson paper puppet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a girl holding a chick, paper puppet]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in shape of a girl holding a chick, paper puppet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Folded trade card in shape of a green girls dress to go over a Wheeler and Wilson paper puppet]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Folded trade card in shape of a green girl's dress to go over a Wheeler and Wilson paper puppet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a sailing boat]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: E.C. Harendean, Pittsfield, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a sailing boat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a girl's yellow dress to go over a Wheeler and Wilson paper puppet]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in the shape of a yellow girl's dress to go over a Wheeler and Wilson paper puppet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Business card showing Wheeler and Wilson stand location at centennial exhibition]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Business card showing Wheeler and Wilson stand location at centennial exhibition. Map of exhibition hall on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter landscape with ice-skaters]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Boston
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter landscape with ice-skaters.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.'s sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 33
Descriptive Notes: Wheeler and Wilson related press texts, testimonials, list of agencies.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Business card of Jos. Klinenberg, manager]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], Chicago, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Business card of Jos. Klinenberg, manager.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring a dressed-up girl]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], Syracuse, N.Y., Onandaga
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 8.
Agent information: F. Lyman, Dayville, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a dressed-up girl. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson model no. 8 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring a hand holding a rose]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: C.V. Burke and Co., Altoona, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a hand holding a rose. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson automatic high arm sewing machine on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring a blonde girl]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], Puck Building, N.Y., J. Ottmann
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: G.F. Gilpatric, Wilton, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring blonde girl. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring a brunette girl]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], Puck Building, N.Y., J. Ottmann
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring brunette girl. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: See the new no. 8 Wheeler and Wilson sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston
Descriptive Notes: Trade card advertising the Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co. and Wheeler and Wilson model no. 8.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring a sewing woman with sleeping baby]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], Chicago, Novelty Card
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Syracuse, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a sewing woman with a sleeping baby.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring babies sewing with a Wheeler and Wilson sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], Forbes
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: H.P. Bailey, Havershill, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring babies sewing with a Wheeler and Wilson sewing machine. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl holding flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Boston agency
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl holding flowers. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson model no. 9.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Business card of J.W. Macdonald and Co., agents]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], St. Louis, Mo., [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Business card of J.W. Macdonald and Co., agents. List of Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines' advantages on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: The best holiday gift is Wheeler and Wilson's latest improved sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Peterson and Carpenter, Philadelphia
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines. Advertisements for other businesses on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Flier for agency S.H. Peck]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: S.H. Peck
Descriptive Notes: Flier announcing the move of the agency and advertising Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines. Picture of the University of Louisiana on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Business card of Wheeler and Wilson agency, agent W. Merrill]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], Bridgeport, Conn., [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Business card of Wheeler and Wilson agency, agent W. Merrill. Image of sewing machine on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a child playing with a cat]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Chicago
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a child playing with a cat. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson model no. 9 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring sparrows]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring sparrows.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman with a child on a veranda overlooking the sea]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman with child on veranda overlooking the sea.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a frog and two geese]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Edwin E. Tallman, Plainfield, N.J.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a frog and two geese; advertisement for agency on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: Wheeler and Wilson's sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Detailed images of Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: Wilson's improved sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring a child sewing a Union Jack]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring child sewing a Union Jack.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring a portrait of a girl with pink cap]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], New York, J. Ottmann
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a portrait of a girl with a pink cap. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring an easel with a rose]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: J.M. Kline, Benton, Penna.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring an easel with a rose. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson's high arm automatic tension on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a child playing with a cat]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Chicago
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a child playing with a cat. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson model no. 9 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl smelling flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Syracuse, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring girl smelling flowers. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson model no. 8 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring children catching butterflies]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring children catching butterflies and advertising Wheeler and Wilson no. 8.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman at a tailor]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], New York, Donaldson Brothers
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman at a tailors'. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson model no. 9 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring two puppies in a basket]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], Chicago, Phoenix Lith.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two puppies in a basket. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring two girls in a field]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two girls in a field.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the head of a dog]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: New England agency, Boston
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring the head of a dog. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson's automatic sewing machine on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card in the shape of girl with a palette, paper puppet.]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in form of a girl with palette, paper puppet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: Wheeler and Wilson's highest premium sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a Chinese girl]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: John Nurley, Hartford, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a Chinese girl. Advertisement for agency on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy reading a Wheeler and Wilson poster]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], New York, H.A. Thomas and Wylie
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: G.H. Day and Co., New Sharon, Me.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy reading a Wheeler and Wilson poster. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson model no.9 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring six small children]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Geo.W. Brown, Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring six small children. Advertisement for agency on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company
Title: [Page 3 and 4 of a trade catalog for a Wheeler and Wilson sewing machine featuring oiling instructions]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Bridgeport, CT
Descriptive Notes: Diagram of machine with oiling instructions.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 4 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company
Title: Directions for using the Wheeler and Wilson No. 9 family sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 11
Notes: Company address: Bridgeport, CT
Model represented: 9.
Descriptive Notes: Lists needles recommended for various tasks.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company
Title: [Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company letterhead]
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Bridgeport, CT
Descriptive Notes: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company letterhead, blank.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company
Title: Victorious No. 6. / Excels all others for its simplicity, speed, reliability, durability, range of work.
Imprint: [Between 1856 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Bridgeport, CT
Model represented: 6.
Descriptive Notes: Testimonials about the Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company's No. 6 sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 4 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a Chinese girl]
Imprint: [Between 1859 and 1865], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Schenectady, NY
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a Chinese girl. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company
Title: Wheeler and Wilson new no. 6 rotary hook lock stitch sewing machine. / For heavy work, stitching heavy clothing, boots and shoes, harness carriage trimmings, etc.
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1873], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Bridgeport, CT
Model represented: 6.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawings of women at sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 4 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the arrival and unloading of Wheeler and Wilson model no. 8]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 8.
Agent information: 594 Washington St., Boston, MA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring the arrival and unloading of Wheeler and Wilson model no. 8. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson model no. 8 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 3251

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy with a violin]
Imprint: [Between 1879 and 1883], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy with a violin. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson model no.9 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman at a tailor, trying on an underdress]
Imprint: [Between 1889 and 1905], New York, Donaldson Brothers
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Bridgeport, Conn.
Agent information: Edw. Dahill, Greenfield, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman at a tailors' trying on an underdress.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 3336

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: This sample stitched on the improved Wheeler and Wilson.
Imprint: [ca. 1852], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Bridgeport, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Stitching sample. List of Northern New York branches on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Flier advertising Wheeler and Wilson's sewing machines numbers 6,7,8]
Imprint: [ca. 1878], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Models represented: 6, 7, 8.
Agent information: John W. Gilson, New Haven, Connecticut
Descriptive Notes: Information about sewing machines nos. 6, 7, 8; prices, awards won by Wheeler and Wilson, images of models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company
Title: Catalogue 450.
Imprint: [ca. 1905], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 120
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations and instructions for using the machines; illustration of parts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 19 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Bill over $99 from Wheeler and Wilson to ?]
Imprint: 1859, Bridgeport, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Bill over $99 from Wheeler and Wilson to [?].
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Bill over $1.50 from Wheeler and Wilson to Mrs. ?]
Imprint: 1860, New York, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Bill over $1.50 from Wheeler and Wilson to Mrs. [?]
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Bill over $80 to Mr. Whilin and Sons]
Imprint: 1860, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: J.E. Root
Descriptive Notes: Bill over $80 to Mr. Whilin and Sons.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Bill over $35 to Mr. Whilin and Sons]
Imprint: 1860, Boston, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: J.E. Root
Descriptive Notes: Bill over $35 to Mr. Whilin and Sons.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Bill over $44 to Mr. Whilin and Sons]
Imprint: 1861, Boston, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: J.E. Root
Descriptive Notes: Bill over $44 to Mr. Whilin and Sons.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Bill over $[?] From Wheeler and Wilson to [?]]
Imprint: 1861, Bridgeport, Conn., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Bill over $[?] From Wheeler and Wilson to [?].
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Letter from Geo.R. Chittenden, agent, to ?]
Imprint: 1861, Chicago. Ill., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Geo.R. Chittenden
Descriptive Notes: Letter from Geo. R. Chittenden to (?).
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company
Title: Sewing machine. / Its origin, introduction into general use, progress, and extent of its manufacture.
Imprint: 1863, [S.l.], William W. Rose Job Printer
Pages: 24
Notes: Company address: Bridgeport, CT
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 4 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: Wheeler and Wilson's highest premium sewing machine.
Imprint: 1865, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson, listing advantages. Advertisements for other businesses on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company
Title: Ladies pocket almanac for the year 1866. / Calculated for New York, Boston, and Chicago.
Imprint: 1866, Worchester, MA, Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company
Pages: 32
Notes: Company address: Bridgeport, CT
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawings of Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines and cabinets and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 4 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: Wheeler and Wilson's highest premium lock stitch sewing machines.
Imprint: 1867, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: Wheeler and Wilson's highest premium (Paris, 1867).
Imprint: 1867, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Models represented: 1, 2, 3.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising models, listing attended fair, prices, images of and information about models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines.
Imprint: 1867, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: W.M. Summer and Co.
Descriptive Notes: Flier showing Wheeler and Wilson number of sales, testimonials. Advertisement for medicines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: Sewing machine; the Wheeler and Wilson prize medal lock stitch.
Imprint: 1867, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Wheeler and Wilson advertisement along with advertisements for other businesses.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: Wheeler and Wilson's lock-stitch sewing machines received the only gold medal, Paris exhibition, 1867.
Imprint: 1868, [S.l.], Loag
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson. Music scores on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: Wheeler and Wilson's sewing machines: awarded the only gold medal given for sewing machines over 82 competitors at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1867.
Imprint: 1868, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: West, Farrer and Comly; William Summer and Co.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines. Advertisements for other businesses on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 14
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: 1868, the golden calendar.
Imprint: 1868, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 48
Notes: Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, button and eyelet-hole machine.
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of V models, price list, testimonials, sewing instructions, calendar.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: The Golden Calendar 1869.
Imprint: 1869, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 50
Notes: Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, button and eyelet-hole machine.
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of Wheeler and Wilson models, price list, testimonials, sewing instructions, calendar.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Summer schedule of South Side Railroad of Long Island]
Imprint: 1870, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 6
Notes: Agent information: Craig and Co., Brooklyn, Long Island
Descriptive Notes: Summer schedule of South Side Railroad of Long Island, information about agency and Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company
Title: Directions for using Wheeler and Wilson sewing machine.
Imprint: 1870, [S.l.], Moore and Sons, Printer
Pages: 9
Notes: Company address: Bridgeport, CT
Agent information: Peterson and Carpenter, Philadelphia Sales Room
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for use of Wheeler and Wilson sewing machine and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 4 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Bill over $10 from H.C. Hayden, agent, to Mrs. Miners for sewing machine lease]
Imprint: 1871, Boston, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: H.C. Hayden, Boston
Descriptive Notes: Bill over $10 from H.C. Hayden, agent, to Mrs. Miners for sewing machine lease.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Bill over $2.50 to Mr. W.H. Miller]
Imprint: 1871, Baltimore, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Peterson and Carpenter
Descriptive Notes: Bill over $2.50 to Mr. W.H. Miller.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Bill over $82 from Wheeler and Wilson to Mrs. Riehl]
Imprint: 1872, Philadelphia, Craig Finley and Co. Lith.
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Peterson and Carpenter
Descriptive Notes: Bill over $82 from Wheeler and Wilson to Mr. Riehl.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Bill over $75 from Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co. to Mr. Higinbotham]
Imprint: 1872, Rochester, N.Y., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Bill over $75 from Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co. to Mr. Higinbotham.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Receipt over $10 to Mrs. Riehl]
Imprint: 1872, Philadelphia, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Peterson and Carpenter, Philadelphia
Descriptive Notes: Receipt over $10 to Mrs. Riehl.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Receipt over $10 to Mrs. Riehl]
Imprint: 1872, Philadelphia, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Perterson and Carpenter, Philadelphia
Descriptive Notes: Receipt over $10 to Mrs. Riehl.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Bill over $72 from Wheeler and Wilson to ?]
Imprint: 1872, Bridgeport, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Bill over $72 from Wheeler and Wilson to [?].
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler & Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring La Parisienne, the best sewing machine]
Imprint: 1873, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 4 Rue des Troismages, Marseilles, France.
Models represented: La Parisienne, Wheeler & Wilson.
Descriptive Notes: Large page describing La Parisienne sewing machine and they also show a Wheeler & Wilson machine; text is in French; prices and month of year and phases of moon.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Receipt over $207 from Wheeler and Wilson to ?]
Imprint: 1880, Bridgeport, Conn., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Bridgeport, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Receipt over $207 from Wheeler and Wilson to (?).
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: William Haehnel. Ornamentation of sewing machine 13.879.
Imprint: 1883, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 6
Descriptive Notes: Picture of Wheeler and Wilson sewing machine plus ornamentation design. United States Patent Office specification for sewing machine design.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Bill over $1.30 to Mr. Naile]
Imprint: 1883, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Bill over $1.30 to Mr. Naile.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Letter from Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co. to Mr. M.A. Kamp recruiting him as an agent]
Imprint: 1883, Chicago, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Letter from Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co. to Mr. M.A. Kamp recruiting him as an agent.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company
Title: Wholesale price list of parts, attachments, etc. / Wheeler and Wilson's sewing machine D. 10.
Imprint: 1886/10, [S.l.], Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company
Pages: 18
Notes: Model represented: D. 10.
Descriptive Notes: Images of parts, parts list.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 15 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring a smoking man with cigar arms and cigarette legs in a tobacco field]
Imprint: 1887, [S.l.], J.H. Buffords Sons
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: P.F. Henebry, Danbury, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring smoking man with cigar arms and cigarette legs in a tobacco field. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson model no.9 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 18
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring "First premium cabbage head", a man with cabbage shaped head in a field]
Imprint: 1887, [S.l.], J.H. Bufford Sons
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: D.W. Logan, Rockland
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring "First premium cabbage head", a man with a cabbage shaped head in a field. Wheeler and Wilson advertisement on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring "A corn-et dance', a corn shaped man playing a cornet]
Imprint: 1887, [S.l.], J.H. Buffords Sons
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: D.W. Logan, Rockland
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring "a corn-et man", a corn shaped man playing a cornet. Wheeler and Wilson advertisement on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson
Title: [Trade card featuring "Potato bug", a potato shaped man in a field]
Imprint: 1887, [S.l.], J.H.Buffords Sons
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: D.W. Logan, Riceland
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring "Potato bug", a potato shaped man in a field. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson model no. 8 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring "a s'weat girl" with scythe in field]
Imprint: 1887, [S.l.], J.H. Buffords Sons
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: M.O. Kelly, Rutland, Vt.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring "A s'weat girl" with scythe in field. Wheeler and Wilson advertisement on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 13
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman with a parrot and sewing machine and a reading girl]
Imprint: 1889, New York, H.A. Thomas and Wylie
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Bridgeport, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman with a parrot and sewing machine and a reading girl. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson model no. 9 on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Letter from Albert A. Cary to Riehl Bros. discussing business transactions]
Imprint: 1891, Bridgeport, Conn., [s.n.]
Pages: 3
Descriptive Notes: Letter from Albert A. Cary to Riehl Bros. discussing business transactions.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines
Title: [Trade card featuring an angel and a sewing machine]
Imprint: 1898, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 9.
Agent information: Lintner and Sporborg, Gloversville, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring an angel and a sewing machine. Advertisement for Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines and calendar on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company
Title: [Instruction manual in Chinese for Meteor model]
Imprint: 1908, [S.l.], Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company
Pages: 20
Notes: Company address: Bridgeport, CT
Model represented: Meteor.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions, images of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 14 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 1759

217 White Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a couple carving a heart in a tree trunk]
Imprint: [1876-], Cleveland, O., W.J. Morgan and Co. Lith.
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: S.G. Cushing, Fitchburg, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a couple carving a heart in a tree trunk.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring two men on horseback in the country]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], Bufford
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two men on horseback in the country.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a facsimile of embroidered flowers]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring facsimile of embroidered flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring two angels ringing a bell]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two angels ringing a bell. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 9
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a small girl hiding behind a screen in a drawing room]
Imprint: [1876-], Cleveland, O., W.J. Morgan and Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Howard Leopold, Pottstown, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a small girl hiding behind a screen in a drawing room.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring two small girls wearing winter coats in a winter landscape]
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: J.S. Fox, Derry Church, Dauphin Co., Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two small girls wearing winter coats in a winter landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Company
Title: New White.
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Pictures and descriptions of sewing machines.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: White : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Company
Title: How to obtain best results with White rotary electric sewing machines. / Book no. 13.
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 28
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using White rotary electric sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Company
Title: Instructions for operating the white long shuttle sewing machine.
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 24
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Diagram of White long shuttle sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Company
Title: 75th anniversary, 1876-1951, White Sewing Machine family album. / The story of White Sewing machines.
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 32
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: History of the White Sewing Machine Company; photographs of White Sewing Machine Company factories.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring a picture of two cats] / White is king of all sewing machines: one million now in use.
Imprint: [1876-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Picture of two cats; back includes a statement about the value of a White Sewing Machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Company
Title: Warranty registration. / For a White sewing machine model 1202.
Imprint: [195-], [S.l.], White Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Warranty registration card for White Sewing Machine 1202.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Company
Title: White Model 940. / Light weight spin-a-dial zig-zag sewing machine.
Imprint: [195-], Cleveland, OH, White Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Model represented: 940.
Descriptive Notes: Diagram of White Sewing machine 940; details of various features of White Sewing machine 940.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Company
Title: Instruction book. / Here's your new model 1202 / 1213.
Imprint: [195-], Japan, White Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 43
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Instructions with diagrams.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Company
Title: White model 793. / Custom zig-zag with inter-changeable cam stack.
Imprint: [197-], Cleveland, OH, White Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Model represented: 793.
Descriptive Notes: Diagram of a White Sewing machine model 793; details of various features of White Sewing machine 793.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 12 : Folder 7
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a bird on a branch]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Text says "the White runs light and sews right."
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 15
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White's Patent
Title: White's patent adjustable binder, hemmer, and french fold former.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1879], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: White's binder, hemmer and french fold former.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using White's binder, hemmer and french fold former.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman with a girl gathering wood in a rural landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman with a girl gathering wood in a rural landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a family at a viewpoint overlooking a lake and mountains]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a family at a viewpoint overlooking a lake and mountains.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a small girl in a winter landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: S.G. Cushing, Fitchburg, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a small girl in a winter landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a bird on a blooming branch]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bird on a blooming branch.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring swallows on telegraph lines]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, O.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring swallows on telegraph lines. Advertisement for White sewing machines and free catalog offer on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a sunset over a lake]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], Bufford
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: F.L. [?]
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a sunset over a lake.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a sailing boat featuring a boy and a girl sitting under an umbrella]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: O.O. Mitchell
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in the shape of a sailing boat featuring boy and girl sitting under an umbrella. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a hunter by a lake]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], Bufford
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a hunter by a lake.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a bridge across a ravine with a waterfall]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: H.W. Kimball, Rochester, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bridge across a ravine with waterfall.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl holding a holly branch in a winter landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: U.L. Foreman, San Francisco
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl holding a holly branch in a winter landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a cattle-drawn cart by a lake]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Hatfield, Tunkhannock, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a cattle-drawn cart by a lake.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: The noiseless, light-running White shuttle sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: Shuttle sewing machine.
Agent information: F.E. Coffin, Newburyport
Descriptive Notes: Trade card advertising the agency and the White shuttle machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a family at a viewpoint overlooking a lake and mountains]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Jenness and Huntoon, Fall River, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a family at a viewpoint overlooking a lake and mountains.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a family taking a walk by a lake]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Lex Mahan, Cortland, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a family taking a walk by a lake.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a family taking a walk by a lake]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a family taking a walk by a lake.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy and a girl playing at beach]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy and a girl playing at a beach.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy and a girl playing at beach]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy and a girl playing at a beach.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a painter's palette with a sailing boat]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in the shape of a painter's palette with a sailing boat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a painter's palette with a mountain landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in the shape of a painter's palette with a mountain landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a cattle-drawn cart by a lake]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a cattle-drawn cart by a lake.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring Bosnian mail delivery]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, O.
Agent information: S.C. Garber, Hanover, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring Bosnian mail delivery. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers and mushroom]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring flowers and mushrooms.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy and a girl with sleighs at the foot of a hill]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Cleveland, O., W.J. Morgan
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: J. Kevan and Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy and a girl with sleighs at the foot of a hill.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a windmill and a horse-drawn carriage]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a windmill and a horse-drawn carriage.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl picking flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl picking flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring roses in a vase against a winter landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring roses in a vase against a winter landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring three children against a winter landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three children against winter landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring two birds on a feather]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: D.W. Barkman, Boonsboro, Md.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two birds on a feather.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a bird and a rose against a winter landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: T.A. Liscord, Peterbor-?
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bird and a rose against a winter landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a small child with a sleigh]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: A.H. Taylor, Thomaston, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a small child with a sleigh.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a basket with eggs in flowerbed]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a basket with eggs in flowerbed.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with a hat]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Buffalo, N.Y., Niagara Lith. Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, O.
Agent information: G.A. Bates
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl with a hat. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a rose]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Thos. E. Barron, Howell, Mich.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a rose.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a rose]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a rose.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring three children at a fountain]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three children at a fountain.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl hiding behind a screen in a drawing room]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Cleveland, O., W.J. Morgan and Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: J. Kevan and Co., Pittsburg, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl hiding behind a screen in a drawing room.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring two doves]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two doves. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a small child by a basket of flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Agent information: Agent information: A.B. Whitney, West Farmington, Maine
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a small child by a basket of flowers. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Wm. Lenhart and Co., Akron, O.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring flowers. Advertisement for agency on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring birds on branches framing a river landscape with church]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring birds on branches framing a river landscape with a church. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a blooming branch around spring landscape with lake]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: M.C. Wells, Towanda
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring blooming branch ranking around a spring landscape with lake.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: You can't afford to be careless!
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising White sewing machines. Advertisements for other businesses on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter landscape with a river and church]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter landscape with river and church. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring six butterflies]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, O.
Agent information: Luckey, Platt and Co.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring six butterflies. Names of and information about butterflies on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a house under trees]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: N,I, Beaudry, Grand Haven, Mich.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring house under trees.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring houses in a winter landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], Bufford
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring houses in a winter landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy sitting on a crate with plants]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: J.A. Green, [?]owell, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy sitting on a crate with plants.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter landscape with a mill at night]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: W.N. Paulsen, Catskill
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring winter landscape with mill at night. Advertisement for agency on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a church in a winter landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: White Sewing Machine Office Elyria, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a church in a winter landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a man and a woman fishing in a river by a mill]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: White Sewing Machine Office, Tremont Street
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a man and a woman fishing in a river by a mill.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Flier advertising White sewing machines]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Models represented: 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 35.
Agent information: Graff, Ripon, Wis.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising White sewing machines. Information about and images of White models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a small girl holding a puppy]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring small girl holding a puppy.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The White sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising White sewing machines. By unfolding picture of people bothered by sewing machine noise changes into picture of people cheerfully gathering around a quiet-running White sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The White sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Cleveland, O., W.J. Morgan and Co. Lith
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising White sewing machines. By unfolding picture of people struggling with a sewing machine changes into picture of people cheerfully gathering around a White sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The White sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising White sewing machines. By unfolding picture of family aggravated by mechanical sewing machine changes into picture of peaceful family gathering around an easy-running White sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: The White sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Agent information: Clark and Freeman, Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising White sewing machines. By unfolding picture of family aggravated by mechanical sewing machine changes into picture of peaceful family gathering around an easy-running White sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: Tale of ye Hopper Familee.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], New York, Leve and Alden's Publ. Dept.
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Illustrated poem about a family of grasshoppers which advertises the White sewing machine; image of a White machine on back cover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Sayings wise and otherwise with some bottom facts in black and white.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], New York, Giles Litho. And Liberty Printing
Pages: 14
Descriptive Notes: Illustration of folk sayings and their interpretation in favor of White sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Simple English simplified for elementary students.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 15
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Humorous booklet with illustrations and puns on English homophones. Advertisements for White sewing machines on inside covers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Simple English simplified for elementary students.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 15
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Humorous booklet with illustrations and puns on English homophones. Advertisements for White sewing machines on inside covers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a landscape with a lake]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: J.B. Wilber and Son, Cambridgeboro, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring lake landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Business card featuring flowers and advertising agency Van Wormer and Co., Syracuse, N.Y.]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: O.M. Bailey and E.N. Stevens (salesmen)
Descriptive Notes: Business card featuring flowers and advertising agency Van Wormer and Co., Syracuse, N.Y. Image of White sewing machine on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a book, featuring a lake landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Hiram Botts, Albion, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in shape of a book featuring lake landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a facsimile of embroidered flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a facsimile of embroidered flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy and a pony eating from a basket of apples next to a barn]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Cleveland, O., W.J. Morgan and Co. Lith.
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy and a pony eating from a basket of apples next to a barn.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers on a wall]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring flowers on a wall.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring roses, birds and a sailing boat]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring roses, birds and a sailing boat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl playing badminton]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl playing badminton.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl playing golf]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, O.
Agent information: Shade and Breining, Williamsport, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl playing golf.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a bucket, featuring a dog building a sandcastle]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in the shape of a bucket featuring a dog building a sand castle.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a bird on a branch against a winter landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bird on a branch against a winter landscape. Advertisement for White sewing machines and free catalog offer on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring five dogs]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring five dogs.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a portrait of a small girl wearing a cap]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Albany agency
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a portrait of small girl wearing a cap.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a fan, advertising White sewing machines]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in shape of a fan advertising White sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a young woman]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, O.
Agent information: Jacob Graff [?]
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring young women. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a fan, advertising White sewing machines]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in shape of a fan advertising White sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring roses and a village]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Chas. Churchill, Susquohanna, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring roses and village.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a maple leaf advertising White sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in shape of a maple leaf advertising White sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a maple leaf advertising White sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in shape of a maple leaf advertising White sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a small child sitting on a suitcase]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: W.S. Willey, Haverhill, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a small child sitting on a suitcase.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a lake with sailing boats]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], Bufford
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a lake with sailing boats.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card advertising several agents]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Cleveland, O., W.J. Morgan and Co. Lith.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card advertising several agents.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring three girls with a rake in a field]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three girls with a rake in a field.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl picking flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl picking flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a cat playing with wool]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a cat playing with wool.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl picking flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Cleveland, Ohio, Morgan and Co.
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl picking flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a cat playing with a mirror]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a cat playing with mirror.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a fan, featuring a moonlit landscape with church]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: F. Blanchard
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in the shape of a fan featuring a moonlit landscape with church. Advertisement for White Sewing Machine Co. on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a fan, featuring a moonlit landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in the shape of a fan featuring a moonlit landscape. Advertisement for White Sewing Machine Co. on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a railway steam engine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a railway steam engine. Poem praising White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a small boy with snowballs]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: C.R. Pearse and C.H. Avery, Nashua, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a small boy with snowballs. Advertisement for agent on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a cat playing with a mirror]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a cat playing with a mirror.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a man loading a carriage, taken from front of a farmhouse]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a man loading a carriage in in front of a farmhouse.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a flying sparrow]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a flying sparrow.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring seven birds on a branch]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring seven birds on a branch.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a guitar and a landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a guitar and landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a battery with city background]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], H.T. Koerner
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: H.L. Butler, Mt. Vernon, Me.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a battery with city background.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a cat playing with flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Stopper, Fisk and Co., Williamsport, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a cat playing with flowers. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring four cats around a sewing machine, one of them sewing]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Cleveland, Ohio, W.J. Morgan and Co. Lith.
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: E.B. Chase and Co., New Bedford, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring four cats around a sewing machine, one of them is sewing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring children in a goat-drawn carriage]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Syracuse
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring children in a goat-drawn carriage. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a little boy and circle with lake landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring la ittle boy and circle with a lake landscape. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring three birds on a snowy branch with a church background]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: S.R. Rogers and Co., Salem, Mass., Lyan, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three birds on a snowy branch with church background. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a star with winter landscape and two girls]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: H.R. Goodwin, [?], Maine
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring star with winter landscape and two girls. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl playing with a model carriage]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl playing with a model carriage.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring two swans in water]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], Bufford
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two swans in water.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a rose and a dove]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a rose and a dove.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a rose and a winter landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a rose and a winter landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: The White King at the fair.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Agent information: Clark and Freeman, Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Three humorous sketches advertising the White sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a cat with an ashtray]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a cat with an ashtray.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a rose and a sailing boat]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a rose and a sailing boat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a rose and two boys with a turkey]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a rose and two boys with a turkey.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with a winter hat]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: G.W. Stahl, Auburn, Ind.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl with a winter hat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with a rake in a field]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Bates Bros. and Co.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl with a rake in a field.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring girl with fan and parasol and boy with daffodils]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Agent information: N.G. Vanderlinde, Muksegon, Mich.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring girl with fan and parasol and boy with daffodils.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl holding a dog, a parrot and a parasol]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Cincinnati, Henderson-Archert
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: L. and A. Babcock, Norwich, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl holding a dog, a parrot and a parasol.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring farmhouses in winter landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: S.E. Nott, Cheshire, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring farmhouses in a winter landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring deer]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Jenness and Huntoon, Fall River, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring deer.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with a hat and fan and a boy with a hat and stick in a street]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Cincinnati, The Henderson Archert Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: L. and A. Babcock
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl with a hat and fan and a boy with a hat and stick in a street.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a pair of lovers carving a heart in a tree trunk]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Cleveland, Ohio, W.J. Morgan and Co. Lith
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Dwelley and Co., Bangor, Me.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a pair of lovers carving a heart in a tree trunk.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card shaped like a bookmark, featuring a small boy with a sleigh]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in the form of a bookmark featuring small boy with a sleigh.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a woman in winter landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Agent information: B.M. Dean, Ballston, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a woman in a winter landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy with a violin, a dancing girl and a kitten]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Willey and Couilliard, Haverhill, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy with violin, a dancing girl and a kitten. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring the head of a dog]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring the head of a dog.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring ships by the sea]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring ships by the sea.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a bell and a landscape with a church]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Crosby Salman, Springfield, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bell and a landscape with a church; advertisement for agency on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The White sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Cleveland, O., Johns and Co. Lith.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring dwarfs assembling a White sewing machine and advertisement for White sewing machines. Advertisement for Lithia spring water on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl holding a prayer book]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl holding a prayer book.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring two women and girl around a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Cleveland, O., Johns and Co. Lith.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, O.
Agent information: Wood T. Ogden, Middletown, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two women and a girl around a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy in an armchair and a girl holding a book]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy in an armchair and a girl holding a book.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with snowballs]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Shade and Breining, Williamsport, Pa.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl with snowballs.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a small girl hiding behind a screen in a drawing room]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Cleveland, O., W.J. Morgan and Co.
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a small girl hiding behind a screen in a drawing room.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a rose in a vase]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a rose in a vase.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring children bathing in a tub in front of a fireplace]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, O.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring children bathing in a tub in front of a fireplace. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a lady's shoe with a rose]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a lady's shoe with a rose.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl in a winter coat in winter landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl in a winter coat in a winter landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with an umbrella and man with a top hat]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Cincinnati, The Henderson-Archert Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: S.E. Nott, Canandaigua, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl with an umbrella and a man with top hat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a bird, flowers, and landscape with brook]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a bird and flowers and landscape with a brook; advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring women sitting around a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Cleveland, Ohio, Johns and Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Agent information: John Sherburne, Amesburyt, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring women sitting around a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring an elephant carrying a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], New York, Giles Lith. and Co.
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring an elephant carrying a sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a small girl with a doll and cat]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Agent information: Frank Hilton, Batavia, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a small girl with a doll and cat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a house in autumn landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: W.H. Howell, Riverhead, L.I.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a house in an autumn landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with kittens in a pot]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Agent information: A.H. Phelps, New Berlin, New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl with kittens in a pot.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring two cats on a raft]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: [?] Staunton, Va.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two cats on a raft. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring three birds on a spring branch with landscape background]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three birds on a spring branch with landscape background. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a winter landscape]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: S.N. Center and Son, Worcester, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a winter landscape.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring two birds on a branch]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two birds on a branch.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring an embroidery sample on a shoe, advertisement for White sewing machines]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Cleveland, W.J. Morgan and Co. Lith.
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Q.L. Child
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring an embroidery sample on shoe, advertisement for White sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a pair of lovers carving a heart in a tree trunk]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Cleveland, Ohio, W.J. Morgan and Co. Lith.
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Van Wormer, Syracuse, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a pair of lovers carving a heart in a tree trunk.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring the German and Austrian king with a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Cleveland, Ohio, W.J. Morgan and Co. Lith
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: White Sewing Machine Office, Batavia, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring the German and the Austrian king a with sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring an embroidery sample on a shoe, advertisement for White sewing machines]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], Cleveland, W.J. Morgan and Co. Lith.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring an embroidery sample on shoe, advertisement for White sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring three birds on a snowy branch with a birdhouse]
Imprint: [Between 1876 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: C.A. Hildreth, Lewiston, Me.; F. Blanchard
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring three birds on a snowy branch with birdhouse. Advertisement for White Sewing Machine Co. on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Business card of H.W. Kimball, Rochester, N.Y. and Brookport, N.Y.]
Imprint: [ca. 1881], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: H.W. Kimball, Rochester, N.Y. and Brookport, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Business Card of H.W. Kimball, Rochester, NY and Brookport, NY featuring the image of a dog's head.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a sail featuring two cats amidst flowers]
Imprint: [ca. 1888], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in shape of a sail featuring two cats amidst flowers. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a horn and a winter landscape with church]
Imprint: [ca. 1889], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a horn and winter landscape with church. List of awards given to White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a puzzle with hidden animals in a landscape sketch]
Imprint: [ca. 1889], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a puzzle with hidden animals in a landscape sketch. List of awards given to White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring two small girls]
Imprint: [ca. 1889], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two small girls. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring swallows on telegraph lines]
Imprint: [ca. 1889], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring swallows on telegraph lines. List of awards given to White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy and a girl dancing]
Imprint: [ca. 1889], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy and a girl dancing. List of awards given to White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a horn and a winter landscape with farmhouse]
Imprint: [ca. 1889], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring horn and winter landscape with farmhouse. List of awards given to White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a rose and a lake landscape with mountains]
Imprint: [ca. 1890], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: N.D. Spaulding, Crown Point Centre, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a rose and a lake landscape with mountains. List of awards won by White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring two talking women with a White sewing machine]
Imprint: 1881, Cleveland, O., W.J. Morgan and Co. Lith.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two talking women with a White sewing machine. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring an embroidered fire screen]
Imprint: 1881, Cleveland, Ohio, W.J. Morgan
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring an embroidered fire screen.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring embroidered flowers]
Imprint: 1881, [S.l.], W.J. Morgan and Co. Lith.
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: F.E. Coffin, Newburyport
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring embroidered flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Certificate of warranty.
Imprint: 1881, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Warranty certificate granted to R.E. Stephens for plate no. 210499; testimonial of Columbia Closet Works on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Certificate of warranty.
Imprint: 1881, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Warranty certificate granted to R.E. Stephens for plate no. 200731; testimonial of Columbia Closet Works on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a book, featuring a river landscape with cattle]
Imprint: 1882, Philadelphia, E. Wolf
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in the shape of a book featuring river landscape with cattle.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a book, featuring winter landscape with church]
Imprint: 1883, Philadelphia, E. Wolf
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in the shape of a book featuring winter landscape with a church.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Curious adventures of the man with the sewing machine.
Imprint: 1883, [S.l.], Levehalden's
Pages: 16
Notes: Agent information: Dwelling and Co., Me
Descriptive Notes: Picture book with illustrations and rhyming text about "the sewing machine man".
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card in the shape of a book, featuring a house and people by a lake]
Imprint: 1883, Philadelphia, E. Wolf
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: White Sewing Machine Office, Tremont str.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in the shape of a book featuring a house and people by a lake.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Documents for the U.S. patent office submitted by William Haehnel concerning ornamentation of sewing machines]
Imprint: 1884, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 6
Descriptive Notes: Documents for the U.S. patent office submitted by William Haehnel concerning ornamentation of sewing machines. Ornamentation designs and photographs of sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a house in a field]
Imprint: 1886, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a house in a field.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 22
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Business letter to L.M. Parker confirming receipt of payment]
Imprint: 1887, Cleveland, Ohio, W.J. Morgan and Co. Lith
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Business letter to L.M. Parker confirming receipt of payment.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White
Title: [Trade card featuring a city, sea, and roses]
Imprint: 1888, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Morgan and Wilbur, Middletown
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a city, sea, and roses. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Bill over $40.30 to Mrs. H. Leopold]
Imprint: 1889, Cleveland, Ohio, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Bill over $40.30 to Mrs. H. Leopold.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Bill over $60.45 to Mrs. H. Leopold]
Imprint: 1889/11/30, Cleveland, Ohio, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Bill over $60.45 to Mrs. H. Leopold.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Bill over $6-? to Mrs. H. Leopold]
Imprint: 1889/12/14, Cleveland, Ohio, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Bill over $6-[?] to Mrs. H. Leopold.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Shipping papers of order over $3.15 to Howard Leopold for three crates of sewing machines]
Imprint: 1889/12/16, Cleveland, Ohio, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Shipping papers of order over $3.15 to Howard Leopold for three crates of sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Shipping papers of order over $3.15 to Howard Leopold for three crates of sewing machines]
Imprint: 1889/12/2, Cleveland, Ohio, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Shipping papers of order over $3.15 to Howard Leopold for three crates of sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 23
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Our country's songs.
Imprint: 1890, [S.l.], Geo. M. Vichers
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Booklet containing American songs and advertisements for White sewing machines on inside covers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Our country's songs.
Imprint: 1890, [S.l.], Geo. M. Vichers
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Booklet containing American songs and advertisements for White sewing machines on inside covers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The World's Columbian Exposition views.
Imprint: 1892, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 19
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Models represented: 8, 10, 3.
Descriptive Notes: Trade catalog featuring advertisements for White sewing machines and illustrations and descriptions of the exhibition pavilions.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a boy with a puppet and a dog]
Imprint: 1892, New York, The Knapp Co. Lith.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a boy with a puppet and dog. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with a balloon dropping a doll]
Imprint: 1892, New York, The Knapp Co. Lith.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Agent information: H.R. Godwin, Bethel, Maine
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl with a balloon dropping a doll. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 21
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring little children "singing the praises"]
Imprint: 1892, New York, The Knapp Co. Lith.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring little children "singing the praises". Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 19
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: White Sewing Machine Co.'s drawing slate for the little people.
Imprint: 1893, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Agent information: A.L. Van Dyke
Descriptive Notes: Representation of images as if on a slate. Advertisement for White sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the reception of Columbus at Barcelona]
Imprint: 1893, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring the reception of Columbus at Barcelona. Advertisement for White sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 20
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Business letter to P.G. Newbegin suggesting a purchaser for a piece of land]
Imprint: 1900/6/29, Bangor, Mn., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Business letter to P.G. Newbegin suggesting a purchaser for a piece of land.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 24
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: White Sewing Machine Company
Title: Since 1876. / A few facts about the White Sewing Machine Corporation.
Imprint: 1941, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 15
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: History of the White Sewing Machine Company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 4 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

218 Whitehill Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Whitehill Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the people's choice, the Whitehill sewing machine]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Man ice skating has fallen. People looking at him are yelling at him or making fun of him.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Whitehill Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Buy the light running Whitehill sewing machine.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl and a boy playing badminton; she wears a red dress and white apron, her hair is in a braid down her back; the boy wears a blue jacket, tan pants, red bow tie and tan hat; large building and trees are in the background.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

219 J.H. Whitney Company

Company Name on Item: J.H. Whitney Co.
Title: The life saving cushion treadle for sewing machines.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: 95 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.
Model represented: Whitney's life saving cushion-treadle.
Descriptive Notes: Pamphlet extolling the virtues of this cushion treadle, one of which it lessens fatigue with long periods of use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

220 D. Whittemore

Company Name on Item: D. Whittemore
Title: [Trade card featuring champion pegging machine, improved union wax thread sewing machine] / Leather dressings, inks varnishes, stains, bronzes etc.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 30 Pearl St., Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: This machine with the waxed thread may be used for shoe repairs; it does not seem to be equipment for fabric sewing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

221 Elihu Wilder

Company Name on Item: Elihu Wilder
Title: Wilder's patent adjustable hemmer and guide.
Imprint: 19th cent., Boston, Mass., J.A. Cummings & Co.
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Springfield, Mass.
Agent information: Elihu Wilder
Descriptive Notes: This invention would enable operator of sewing machine to make a wide hem without previously basting or folding the cloth and on the right side of the fabric; hemmer is easily adjusted; easily used.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

222 Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a quarreling family around a sewing machine]
Imprint: [1857-], New York, Major and Knapp
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring quarreling family around sewing machine. Advertisement for Willcox and Gibbs sewing machines on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a family evening; mother at sewing machine]
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring harmonious family evening; mother at sewing machine. Advertisement for Willcox and Gibbs new automatic sewing machine on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 25 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Lockstitch shell scalloping machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Lockstitch shell scalloping machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Lockstitch intermittent ruffling machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Lockstitch intermittent ruffling machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Lockstitch machine with automatic lubrication.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: 11-A.
Descriptive Notes: Lockstitch machine with automatic lubrication.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Improved high speed lock stitch machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: 10.
Descriptive Notes: Improved high speed lock stitch machine by Willcox and Gibbs.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Lockstitch machine with automatic lubrication.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: 10-A.
Descriptive Notes: Lockstitch machine with automatic lubrication.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Lockstitch high speed machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: 10-A.
Descriptive Notes: Lockstitch high speed Willcox and Gibbs sewing machine
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: High-speed lockstitch trimming and binding machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: 25.
Descriptive Notes: High-speed lockstitch trimming and binding machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Lockstitch ruffling machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Lockstitch ruffling machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Improved metropolitan twelve needle machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: 80 12 H155.
Descriptive Notes: Improved metropolitan twelve needle machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Center plait and button stay machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Center plait and button stay machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Hemmings and elastic inserting machines.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Hemmings and elastic inserting machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Three needle machine for attaching cuffs to knit underwear.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Three needle machine for attaching cuffs to knit underwear.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Two needle felling machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Two needle felling machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Metropolitan two needle intermittent gathering binding and sewing machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Metropolitan two needle intermittent gathering binding and sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Metropolitan lap seam felling machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Metropolitan lap seam felling machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Double needle hemming machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Double needle hemming machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Curtain ruffling machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Curtain ruffling machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Metropolitan flat elastic attaching machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Metropolitan flat elastic attaching machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Single needle top stitch seaming machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Single needle top stitch seaming machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Feldlock dual-feed machine with semi-automatic lubrication.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: 300B.
Descriptive Notes: Feldlock dual-feed machine with semi-automatic lubrication.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Flat bed seaming machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: 930-67.
Descriptive Notes: Flat bed seaming machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Flatlock machine with semi-automatic lubrication.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: 300B.
Descriptive Notes: Flatlock machine with semi-automatic lubrication.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Four needle drawer banding machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Four needle drawer banding machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Filled bag closing machines.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: 30BK4.
Descriptive Notes: Filled bag closing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Overall bid joining and banding machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Overall bid joining and banding machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Patented cutting-off attachments.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Cutting off attachments
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Sectional power tabling and individual motor tables.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: 300B.
Descriptive Notes: Sectional power tabling and individual motor tables
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Individual motor drive for Willcox and Gibbs sewing machines.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: 300B.
Descriptive Notes: Individual motor drive.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Feldlock machine with semi-automatic lubrication.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Feldlock machine with semi-automatic lubrication.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Superlock.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: 300B.
Descriptive Notes: Superlock model.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Feldlock automatic lubrication.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: 300B.
Descriptive Notes: Feldlock automatic lubrication.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Single thread chainstitch machines.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: 300B.
Descriptive Notes: Single thread chainstitch machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Metropolitan.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Metropolitan.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Cornely two thread cording machine, machine K.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Two thread cording machine, Machine K.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing and description of piece; list of branches that sell piece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Cornely hosiery and glove embroidery machine, machine E.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Hosiery and glove embroidery machine E.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing and description of piece; list of branches that sell piece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Cornely latest improved model three thread cording machine with changeable gear attachments and braiding attachments, machine LG.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Latest improved model three thread cording machine with changeable gear attachment and braiding attachment machine LG.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing and description of piece; list of branches that sell piece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Cornely latest improved model two needle, four thread cording machine with changeable gear attachment and braiding attachment, machine LTG.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Latest improved model two needle, four thread cording machine with changeable gear attachment and braiding attachment, LTG.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing and description of piece; list of branches that sell piece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Cornely lockstitch braiding machine working with invisible stitch, machine FB.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Lockstitch braiding machine working with invisible stitch, FB.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing and description of piece; list of branches that sell piece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Cornely millinery high post braiding machine, machine BDH.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Millinery high post braiding machine, BCH.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing and description of piece; list of branches that sell piece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Cornely chainstitch embroidery machine A mounted on Willcox and Gibbs individual electric motor table No. 4.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Chainstitch embroidery Machine A mounted on Willcox and Gibbs individual electric motor table No. 4.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing and description of piece; list of branches that sell piece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Price list of attachments for the Willcox and Gibbs. / Noiseless automatic sewing machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Prices typed into parts list form.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Price list of attachments for the Willcox and Gibbs. / Noiseless automatic sewing machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Price list of attachments; prices hand-written into form.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Cornely millinery high post three thread cording machine with changeable gear attachment and braiding attachment, machine LGCH.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Millinery high post three thread cording machine with changeable gear attachment and braiding attachment, LGCH.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing and description of piece; list of branches that sell piece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Cornely one and two needle alternating chain stitch and double cross stitch, machine RT.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: One and two needle alternating chain stitch and double cross stitch, Machine RT.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing and description of piece; list of branches that sell piece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Cornely handstitch embroidery machine producing imitation hand embroidery, machine F.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Hand stitch embroidery machine producing imitation hand embroidery, Machine F.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing and description of piece; list of branches that sell piece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Cornely two needle, four thread cording machine with braiding attachment, machine LT.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Two needle, four thread cording machine with braiding attachment, Machine LT.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing and description of piece; list of branches that sell piece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Cornely lockstitch embroidering, braiding, and beading machine, machine FD.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Lockstitch embroidering, braiding, and beading machine, FD.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing and description of piece; list of branches that sell piece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Accordion plaiting machine, style P.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Accordion plaiting machine, Style P.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of accordion plaiting machine, style P and description of its use; list of Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company branches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Improved pinking machine no. 1B.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Improved pinking machine 1B.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of improved pinking machine, no 1 B and description of its use list of Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company branches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Flyer on brosser overstitch glove machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Brosser overstitch glove machine.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of brosser overstitch glove machine and description of its use list of Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company branches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Flyer on calendar roller machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Calendar roller machine.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of calendar roller machine and description of its use list of Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company branches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Flyer on combination side and box plaiting machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Combination side and box plaiting machine.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of combination side and box plaiting machine and description of its use; list of Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company branches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Crown fluting machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Crown fluting machine.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of crown fluting machine and description of its use; list of Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company branches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Fluting and crimping rollers.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Fluting and crimping rollers.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of fluting and crimping rollers and description of its use; list of Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company branches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Fluting, crimping, or goffering machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Fluting, crimping, or goffering machine.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of fluting and crimping rollers and description of its use; list of Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company branches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: French system nickel plated brass high arm perforating machine, no. 1.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: French system nickel plated brass high arm perforating machine, No. 1.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of French system nickel plated brass high arm perforating machine, no. 1 and description of its use; list of Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company branches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Holroyd knife and side plating machine, no. O.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Holroyd knife and side plaiting machine, No. O.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of holroyd knife and side plaiting machine, no. O and description of its use; list of Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company branches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Getting the most out of rayon.
Imprint: [1857-], New York, NY, Hazard Advertising Company
Pages: 15
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Chain-stitch, shell-scalloping, flatlock, overlock seaming, lockstitch, lockstitch zig-zag.
Descriptive Notes: Examples of work done with Willcox and Gibbs machines; machines recommended for use with Rayon.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Cornely three thread cording machine with braiding attachment, machine L.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Three thread cording machine with braiding attachment, Machine L.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing and description of piece; list of branches that sell piece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Improved lockstitch roller puller.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Willcox and Gibbs improved lockstitch roller puller.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of Willcox and Gibbs lockstitch roller puller and description of its use; list of Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company branches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Cornely giant chain stitch embroidery machine, machine AH.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Giant chain stitch embroidery machine, machine AH.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing and description of piece; list of branches that sell piece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Willcox and Gibbs overlock machine. / A resume.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 7
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Detailed description of overlock machine, a knitting industry machine; line drawing of machine on cover.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Vuitry knife or side plaiting machine, no 1.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Vuitry knife or side plaiting machine, 1.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of vuitry knife or side plaiting machine, no. 1 and description of its use; list of Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company branches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Vuitry knife or side plaiting machine, no 1.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Vuitry knife or side plaiting machine, 1.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of vuitry knife or side plaiting machine, no. 1 and description of its use; list of Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company branches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Vuitry knife or side plaiting machine, no 2.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Vuitry knife or side plaiting machine, 2.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of vuitry knife or side plaiting machine, no. 2 and description of its use; list of Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company branches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Uniart embroidery machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Uniart embroidery machine.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of uniart embroidery machine and description of its use; list of Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company branches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Swatch cutting machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Swatch cutting machine.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of swatch cutting machine and description of its use; list of Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company branches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Swatch cutting machine.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Swatch cutting machine.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of swatch cutting machine and description of its use; list of Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company branches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Samples of side and box plaiting, made on combination side and box plaiting machine, style I.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Samples of side or box plaiting, made on combination side and box plaiting machine, style I.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of combination side and box plating machine, style I and description of its use; list of Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company branches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Knife or side plaiting machine, style R.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Knife or side plaiting machine, R.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of knife or side plaiting machine, style R and description of its use; list of Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company branches.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Cornely chainstitch embroidery machine, machine A.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Chainstitch embroidery machine, Machine A.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing and description of piece; list of branches that sell piece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Cornely chainstitch braiding machine, machine B.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Chainstitch braiding machine, machine B.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing and description of piece; list of branches that sell piece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Cornely chainstitch embroidery machine with automatic attachment machine AA.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Chainstitch embroidery machine with automatic attachments, Machine AA.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing and description of piece; list of branches that sell piece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Feldlock machine. / Machine that makes production.
Imprint: [1857-], New York, NY, Hazard Advertising Corporation
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Overlock, shell-scalloping, flatlock, chainstitch, zig zag, lockstitch.
Descriptive Notes: Photos of women working in factory; close-ups of one woman working in factory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Cornely cording and embroidery machine, machine X.
Imprint: [1857-], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Cording and embroidery machine, machine X.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing and description of piece; list of branches that sell piece.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a flower arrangement]
Imprint: [Between 1857 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a flower arrangement. Advertisement for Willcox and Gibbs on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Fliers advertising Willcox and Gibbs machines]
Imprint: [Between 1857 and 1899], New York, E.S. Dodge
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: New York
Models represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Agent information: Cook and Scott, Buffalo, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of models and attachment, list of agencies.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a family aggravated by the noise of a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1857 and 1899], New York, Major and Knapp Co.
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring family aggravated by the noise of a sewing machine. Advertisement for Willcox and Gibbs on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a family aggravated by sewing machine noise]
Imprint: [Between 1857 and 1899], New York, C.E. Wemple
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring family aggravated by sewing machine noise. Advertisement for Willcox and Gibbs automatic machine on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a family around sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1857 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York and Philadelphia
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring harmonious family around sewing machine. Advertisement for Willcox and Gibbs on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs
Title: Willcox and Gibbs automatic highest standard of excellence.
Imprint: [Between 1857 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of Willcox and Gibbs models.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring the New York and Brooklyn suspension bridge]
Imprint: [Between 1857 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring the New York and Brooklyn suspension bridge and technical details about bridge. Advertisement for Willcox and Gibbs automatic machine on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a family around sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1857 and 1899], New York, C.E. Wemple
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York and Philadelphia
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring harmonious family around sewing machine. Advertisement for Willcox and Gibbs automatic machine on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs
Title: [Envelope addressed to (unreadable)]
Imprint: [Between 1857 and 1899], Richmond, Va., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Office, Richmond, Va.
Descriptive Notes: Envelope addressed to (unreadable).
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs
Title: Trial before purchase of the new Willcox and Gibbs silent sewing machine with automatic tension.
Imprint: [Between 1857 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: J.T. Blaney, Quincy, Ill.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising the Willcox and Gibbs automatic machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs
Title: Willcox and Gibbs letter g family sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1857 and 1899], Sansom St. Hall, Loag
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Willcox and Gibbs letter G machine. Advertisements for other business on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Willcox and Gibbs improved ruffler (toof patent.) for the automatic machine.
Imprint: [Between 1857 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Willcox and Gibbs ruffler.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs
Title: [Illustrations of Willcox and Gibbs machines, tables and parts]
Imprint: [Between 1857 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Illustrations of Willcox and Gibbs machines, tables and parts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a flower arrangement]
Imprint: [Between 1857 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a flower arrangement. Advertisement for Willcox and Gibbs on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Willcox and Gibbs's automatic.
Imprint: [Between 1857 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York
Model represented: Automatic silent.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Willcox and Gibbs automatic machine, music on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card advertising Willcox and Gibbs automatic machine]
Imprint: [Between 1857 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card advertising Willcox and Gibbs automatic machine. List of advantages on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Description and directions for using the Willcox and Gibbs sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1857 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using the Willcox and Gibbs sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Instruments for the Willcox and Gibbs silent sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1857 and 1899], London, Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 40
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Hand machine, parts stand.
Descriptive Notes: Index; line drawings of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Perfection of mechanism. / Willcox and Gibbs sewing machine: noiseless.
Imprint: [Between 1857 and 1899], Baltimore, MD, J.B. Rose and Company
Pages: 28
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: 1, 2, 4.
Agent information: D.C. Carey; No. 8 N. Charles Street; Baltimore, MD
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Directions for using Willcox and Gibbs automatic noiseless sewing machine. / Instructions for the care and use of automatic chain-stitch machine and direct portable electric motor.
Imprint: [Between 1920 and 1939], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 48
Notes: Company address: New York
Model represented: Automatic noiseless.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using the Willcox and Gibbs automatic machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for lockstitch intermittent picot machine, type 21]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Lockstitch intermittent picot machine, type 21.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for lockstitch intermittent picot machine, type 21.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for lockstitch machine type 11]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Lockstitch machine type 11.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for lockstitch machine, type 11.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for lockstitch looping machine, type 22]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Lockstitch looping machine, type 22.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for lockstitch looping machine, type 22.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for lockstitch long arm tucking machine, type 14]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Lockstitch long arm tucking machine, type 14.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for lockstitch long arm tucking machine, type 14.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for visible stitch straw machine, type 201]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Visible stitch straw machine, type 201.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for visible stitch straw machine, type 201.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for lockstitch trimming machine, type 12]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Lockstitch trimming machine, type 12.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for lock stitch trimming machine, type 12.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for visible stitch straw machine, type 200]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Visible stitch straw machine, type 200.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for visible stitch straw machine, type 200.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for fringing or loop edging machine]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Fringing or loop edging machine.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for fringing or loop edging machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for flatlock machine type 300]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Flatlock machine Type 300.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for flatlock machine type 300.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for registering measure tension chainstitch machine, type 502 and 503]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Registering measure tension chainstitch machine, type 502 and 503.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for registering measure tension chain stitch machine, type 502 and 503.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for shell scalloping machine, type 508]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Shell scalloping machine, Type 508.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for shell scalloping machine, type 508.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for lockstitch zig-zag machine type 18]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Lockstitch zig zag machine type 18.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for lock stitch zig zag machine, type 18.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for lockstitch intermittent picot machine, type 20]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Lockstitch intermittent picot machine, type 20.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for lockstitch intermittent picot machine, type 20.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for lockstitch creasing tucker machine, type 15]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Lockstitch creasing tucker machine, type 15.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for lockstitch creasing tucker machine, type 15.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for lockstitch automatic measuring tension machine type 16]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Lockstitch automatic measuring tension machine, type 16,
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for lockstitch automatic measuring tension machine, type 16.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for intermittent picot edging or alternating loop fringing machine type 509]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Intermittent picot edging or alternating loop fringing machine type 509.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for intermittent picot edging or alternating loop fringing machine type 509.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for hosiery welting and trimming machine, type 504]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Hosiery welting and trimming machine type 504.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for hosiery welting and trimming machine, type 504.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for hosiery seaming and trimming machine, type 505]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Hosiery seaming and trimming machine, type 505.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for hosiery seaming and trimming machine, type 505.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for lockstitch zig-zag machine, type 17]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Lockstitch zig zag machine, type 17.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for lock stitch zig zag machine, type 17.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for basting machine type 251]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Basting machine type 251.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for basting machine type 251.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for bag machine no. 250]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Bag machine No. 250.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for bag machine no. 250.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card for feldlock machine type 700]
Imprint: [Between 1923 and 1925], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Feldlock machine Type 700.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card for feldlock machine type 700.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring line drawings of sewing machines]
Imprint: [Between 1924 and 1927], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Registering measuring tension sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring line drawings of sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring line drawings of sewing machines]
Imprint: [Between 1924 and 1927], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Improved transmitter.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring line drawings of sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring line drawings of lockstitch finishing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1924 and 1927], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: High speed lockstitch finishing machine for the knit goods trade.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring line drawings of lockstitch finishing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring line drawings of automatic tension sewing machines]
Imprint: [Between 1924 and 1927], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Automatic tension sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring line drawings of automatic tension sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Trade card featuring line drawings of straw hat sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1924 and 1927], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Straw hat sewing machine, visible stitch improved and hand stitch.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring line drawings of straw hat sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Willcox and Gibbs noiseless family sewing machines.
Imprint: 1864, New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 18
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Twisted loop-stitch.
Descriptive Notes: List of fairs and expositions where machine was exhibited.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs
Title: Willcox and Gibbs celebrated letter g silent family sewing machine.
Imprint: 1868, Sansom St. Hall, Loag (Prt.), Jules Berr (Publ.)
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Willcox and Gibbs letter G machine. Music on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs
Title: Willcox and Gibbs celebrated letter g silent family sewing machine.
Imprint: 1868, Sansom St. Hall, Loag (Prt.), Jules Berr (Publ.)
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Willcox and Gibbs letter G machine. Music on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs
Title: Willcox and Gibbs's noiseless family sewing machine.
Imprint: 1868, Sansom St. Hall, Loag (Prt.), Jules Berr (Publ.)
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for noiseless Willcox and Gibbs machine. Music on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Depot
Title: Willcox and Gibbs silent family sewing machine. / Illustrated description and price list of the Willcox and Gibbs silent sewing machine with a brief outline of its history and that of preceding inventions.
Imprint: 1868, New York, Sanford, Cushing and Co.
Pages: 80
Notes: Company address: Philadelphia, PA
Models represented: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8.
Descriptive Notes: Images of and information about models, prices, testimonials, descriptions of attachments, instructions for using the models, list of agencies.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Business letter to agent]
Imprint: 1869, Boston, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: A.B. Lincoln and [?], Boston
Descriptive Notes: Business letter to agent.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Business letter to agent about delay of shipment]
Imprint: 1869, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Agent information: A.B. Lincoln and [?]
Descriptive Notes: Business letter to agent about delay of shipment.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs
Title: [Bill over $52.50 for model no.4]
Imprint: 1869, Boston, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Lincoln and Bennett, Boston
Descriptive Notes: Bill over $52.50 for model no.4.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Business letter to agent discussing order options]
Imprint: 1869, Boston, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: A.B. Lincoln and [?], Boston
Descriptive Notes: Business letter to agent discussing order options.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Illustrated description and price list of the Willcox and Gibbs silent sewing machine. / With a brief outline of its history and that of preceding inventions.
Imprint: 1870, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 80
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8.
Descriptive Notes: Price list, instructions on sewing techniques and part list.
Physical Location: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Box: Willcox and Gibbs : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 39

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Willcox and Gibbs silent family sewing machine.
Imprint: 1871, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8.
Descriptive Notes: Testimonials; pictures of machines and cabinets.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Wilson Shuttle sewing machine.
Imprint: 1872, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: 5, 6, 7, 8.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 4 : Folder 5
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Receipt over $40 to Mr. Webber]
Imprint: 1874, Burlington, Vt., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Receipt over $40 to Mr. Webber.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Flier advertising Willcox and Gibbs machines]
Imprint: 1875, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: New York
Models represented: 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9.
Agent information: E. Ashley, Hartford, Ct.
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of models and attachments, testimonials, prices, list of agencies.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Directions for using the new Willcox and Gibbs silent sewing machine with automatic tension.
Imprint: 1875, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 32
Notes: Company address: New York
Model represented: Silent sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using the Willcox and Gibbs silent machine and attachments, list of branch offices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The new automatic 1776-1876 centennial edition.
Imprint: 1876, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Willcox and Gibbs automatic machines, images of models, prices, testimonials.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The new automatic 1776-1876 centennial edition.
Imprint: 1876, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Willcox and Gibbs automatic machines, images of models, prices, testimonials.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Bill over $50 for model no.5 to Mrs. Robertson]
Imprint: 1876, New York, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Bill over $50 for model no.5 to Mrs. Robertson.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs
Title: Best holiday gift.
Imprint: 1876, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Willcox and Gibbs sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: New automatic.
Imprint: 1876, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Flier given out at 1876 World's Fair describing how silent the new automatic is.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Price list for Willcox and Gibbs silent, rapid, and light running sewing machines.
Imprint: 1876, Philadelphia, PA, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Agent information: D.S. Ewing
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: [Invoice for automatic silent sewing machine]
Imprint: 1880, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Serial number 368987.
Descriptive Notes: Invoice for automatic, silent sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Decision of the honorable William Butler for complainants. / Sustaining S.W. Shorey's re-issued patent no. 10,067, March 28, 1882, for cutting and trimming attachments for sewing machines; the Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company and the National Sewing Machine Company vs. Gibbons Frame.
Imprint: 1884, Washington, DC, Howard and Sons, Patent Law and Patent Soliciting Offices
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: U.S. Circuit Court ruling found that Gibbons Frame had infringed on patent purchased and held by the Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company and the National Sewing Machine Company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Sewing machine contract.
Imprint: 1890, Baltimore, Md., [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Duplicate of a sewing machine leasing contract.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 26
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Duplicate receipt over $5 to Mrs. Ford]
Imprint: 1890, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Duplicate receipt over $5 to Mrs. Ford.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 25
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Willcox and Gibbs 'overlock' machine. / an instrument of precision
Imprint: 1902, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Photo engravings of samples of work done on an overlock machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Overlock machine catalogue. / Catalogue of parts of the "Overlock" machine..
Imprint: 1903, [S.l.], Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 39
Notes: Model represented: Overlock machine.
Descriptive Notes: Illustration of parts, parts lists with prices, instruction for using the models, table of contents (p.2).
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 19 : Folder 1
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Directions for using Willcox and Gibbs automatic silent sewing machine.
Imprint: 1904, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 36
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Drawings of machines and attachments. Includes index; instructions for use of machine and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Directions for using Willcox and Gibbs automatic noiseless sewing machine.
Imprint: 1907, New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 36
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: 6 - dropcase.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawings of techniques for using machine and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Hemmers.
Imprint: 1910, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Hemmer attachments.
Descriptive Notes: List of hemmers; line drawings of hemmers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Noiseless attachments.
Imprint: 1912, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: 2, 4, 5, 5 fancy, 6, 7, 9.
Descriptive Notes: List of branch locations.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: W & G improved transmitter.
Imprint: 1915, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Transmitter.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of transmitter; description of transmitter.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Story of the little red seal.
Imprint: 1917, New York, NY, Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Flatlock.
Descriptive Notes: Engraving of family, labeled the "Reverend William Lee and Family"; engraving of seam sewn with flatlock; engraving of women working in factory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: High speed lockstitch machine. / 3500 to 4000 perfect stitches per minute.
Imprint: 1919, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: High speed lockstitch machine.
Descriptive Notes: Description of high speed lockstitch machine; Testimonials.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Overlock machine.
Imprint: 1920, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 7
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Machine "intended for knitting industry"; also used in lace curtain industry.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Individual electric power table.
Imprint: 1922, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Electric power table.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawing of table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: 1924 price list of parts of the Willcox and Gibbs chain stitch manufacturing machine.
Imprint: 1923, New York, NY, Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Chain stitch manufacturing machine.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Price list of parts. / Willcox and Gibbs adjustable tension sewing machine.
Imprint: 1923, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Adjustable tension sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes: Prices included.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: August 1923 illustrated price list of parts of the Willcox and Gibbs handstitch straw hat sewing machine.
Imprint: 1923, New York, NY, Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 34
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Handstitch straw hat sewing machine.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Sectional power tabling and individual motor tables.
Imprint: 1924, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Sectional motor table, power transmitter 6.
Descriptive Notes: Specifications for power table; line drawings of power table.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Beautiful sewing easily done.
Imprint: 1924, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Line drawings of machine - intended for consumer.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Sectional power tabling and individual motor tables.
Imprint: 1924, New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Price list of parts of the feldlock machine.
Imprint: 1924, New York, NY, Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 18
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Feldlock.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Instructions for operating the "overlock" machines.
Imprint: 1924, New York, NY, Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Instruction booklet.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: July 1924 price list of parts; Willcox and Gibbs. / Visible stitch straw hat sewing machine including bag sewing machines.
Imprint: 1924, New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 34
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Visible straw stitch hat sewing machine, bag machine, braid spreading machine.
Descriptive Notes: Index.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Illustrations of parts. / Willcox and Gibbs chainstitch manufacturing machines.
Imprint: 1924, New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Chainstitch manufacturing machines.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Feldlock machine.
Imprint: 1924, New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Machines in use in factory setting.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Applied safety guard for Willcox and Gibbs sectional power tabling for Willcox and Gibbs sectional power tabling.
Imprint: 1925, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 6
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Table for all Willcox and Gibbs machines, handstitch and visible stitch machines, flatlock and feldlock machines.
Descriptive Notes: Line drawings of tables; list of branches where table available.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Price list of part of the overlock machine. / 3000 perfect stitches per minute where factory conditions permit.
Imprint: 1926, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 36
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Numeric and alphabetical list of parts with prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Instructions for installing and operating the flatlock machine.
Imprint: 1927, New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 16
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Diagrams for installation instructions; photos of machines in use.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: April 1927 price list of parts for Willcox and Gibbs sectional power tabling and individual motor tables. / Willcox and Gibbs sectional power tabling and individual motor tables.
Imprint: 1927, New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 22
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Safety guard for overlock, lockstitch, handstitch, visible stitch, flatlock, feldlock, transmitter, electric motor, power tabling.
Descriptive Notes: April 1927 price list of parts for Willcox and Gibbs sectional power tabling and individual motor tables.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: January 1928 illustrated price list of parts, attachments, etc. / For the Willcox and Gibbs high speed lockstitch machine.
Imprint: 1927, New York, NY, [s.n.]
Pages: 25
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Lockstitch, power transmitter, sectional power table, roller puller.
Descriptive Notes: January 1928 illustrated price list of parts, attachments, etc.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Instructions for operating the Willcox and Gibbs. / High speed lockstitch machine.
Imprint: 1928, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Lockstitch machine.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Price list of parts in the flatlock machine. / Domestic and foreign patents on both machine and product.
Imprint: 1928, New York, NY, Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 37
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Flatlock machine.
Descriptive Notes: Price list of parts in the flatlock machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Price list of part of the 'flatlock' machine. / Domestic and foreign patents on both machine and product.
Imprint: 1928, New York, NY, Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 37
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Flatlock machine.
Descriptive Notes: Price list of part of the 'flatlock' machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 2
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Price list of machines, sectional power tables, individual motor tables and transmitters.
Imprint: 1929, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 150
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Descriptive Notes: Parts list with prices typed into form.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 6 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Electric transmitter for individual machine drive.
Imprint: 1935, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Electric transmitter.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 8 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Superlock machine. / Instructions and parts list.
Imprint: 1938, Broadway, NY, Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 21
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: Seamer, closer.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Title: Instruction book and parts list for new and improved "metropolitan" machines.
Imprint: 1939, New York, NY, Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company
Pages: 52
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Model represented: Metropolitan machine.
Descriptive Notes:
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 7 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Direction for using the machine]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 30
Descriptive Notes: Directions for using the New Willcox and Gibbs sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

223 Williams and Orvis Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Williams and Orvis
Title: Williams and Orvis's unequaled double-thread family sewing-machines.
Imprint: [Between 1859 and 1869], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of Williams and Orvis models. Advantages of models, prices.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 28
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Williams and Orvis
Title: Williams and Orvis, manufacturers of Williams celebrated $25 family sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1859 and 1869], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for Williams and Orvis family sewing machine. Advertisement for other businesses on front page.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 28
Item Image Available:

224 Williams Manufacturing Company

Company Name on Item: William's
Title: [Flier about William's Singer machines]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1863], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Models represented: Hand machine, No. 2, William's medium.
Descriptive Notes: Information about models, prices, testimonials.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2698

Company Name on Item: C.W. Williams Manufacturing Co.
Title: Williams' Singer.
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1883], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Information about models and the company.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 18 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 2702

Company Name on Item: Helpmate
Title: [Trade card featuring two girls making a wreath of flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two girls making a wreath of flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 28
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Helpmate
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl pulling two smaller children in a cart]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl pulling two smaller children in a cart.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 28
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Helpmate
Title: [Trade card featuring two birds under an umbrella while snow is falling]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: M. Bachelder, Pittsfield, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring two birds under an umbrella while snowing.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 28
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Helpmate
Title: [Trade card featuring flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1899], [S.l.], Bufford
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring flowers.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 28
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Helpmate
Title: [Trade card featuring a beggar at a barbers' marveling at a well-tailored coat]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1899], [S.l.], Bufford
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: M.A. Kamp, Kampsville, Ills.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a beggar at a barber's marveling at a well-tailored coat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 28
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Helpmate
Title: [Trade card in the shape of an envelope featuring breeding birds]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Granville Whitney, Fitchburg, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card in the shape of an envelope featuring a breeding bird. List of advantages of the Helpmate sewing machine on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 28
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Helpmate
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with a hat]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1899], [S.l.], Bufford
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York
Agent information: O.B. Howard, Cornell Brook, Canastota, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl with hat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 28
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Helpmate
Title: [Trade card featuring a girl with a hat]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1899], [S.l.], Bufford
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a girl with hat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 28
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Helpmate
Title: [Trade card featuring a small girl in a village street]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a small girl in a village street.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Helpmate
Title: [Trade card featuring five swallows on telegraph lines]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring five swallows on telegraph lines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Helpmate
Title: [Trade card featuring roses]
Imprint: [Between 1865 and 1899], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Wm. Buck and Co., Lynn.
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring roses.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 28
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Williams Manufacturing Co.
Title: [Barlow insurance survey's fire insurance map of the Williams Manufacturing Company Works, Plattsburg, N.Y.]
Imprint: [Between 1882 and 1885], Boston, MA, Heliotype Printing Co.
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: 192 Broadway, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Scale map and description of the Williams Manufacturing Company's factory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Barlow's Insurance Surveys. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Helpmate Sewing Machine
Title: The Helpmate silent running sewing machine. / The Helpmate sewing machine.
Imprint: [Between 1888 and 1899], Akron, O., Werner
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Montreal and Plattsburg, N.Y.
Models represented: 3, 3 1/2, 4, 5.
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of models, list of advantages.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 28
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Helpmate
Title: [Trade card featuring a seashore with cliffs and a sailing boat]
Imprint: [ca. 1886], [S.l.], Bufford
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: A. Signor's, Owego
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a seashore with cliffs and a sailing boat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 28
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Helpmate
Title: [Trade card featuring a seashore with cliffs and rowing boats]
Imprint: [ca. 1886], [S.l.], Bufford
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring a seashore with cliffs and a sailing boat.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 28
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: New Williams
Title: [Trade card featuring the New Williams standing at the head]
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Model represented: New Williams.
Agent information: John Snyder Selkirk
Descriptive Notes: Trade card adorned with a beautiful rose, pussy willow and other greens; picture of the New Williams which stands at the head is found in lower right hand corner.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 10
Item Image Available:

225 Wilson Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Flier advertising the new Wilson sewing machine]
Imprint: [1867], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Agent information: Cheney, Son and Barlett, Detroit, Mich.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising the new Wilson sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Circular containing terms and conditions for agent employment]
Imprint: [1870], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, O.
Descriptive Notes: Circular containing terms and conditions for agent employment.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The Wilson shuttle sewing machine.
Imprint: [1871], Buffalo, N.Y., [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Company address: Chicago Ill.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising Wilson sewing machines, advertising text, picture of manufactory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The Wilson shuttle sewing machine.
Imprint: [1871], Buffalo, N.Y., Clay, Cosack and Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Model represented: 5.
Descriptive Notes: Image and price of model no. 5. Images of medals awarded to Wilson on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Directions and instructions for buying and using the Wilson shuttle sewing machine.
Imprint: [1873], Cleveland, O., Nevin's Print
Pages: 48
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, O.
Models represented: 5, 6, 7, 8.
Descriptive Notes: Information about and images of models, instructions for using models and attachments, prices, advertising text, testimonials, pictures of salesroom and manufactory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Envelope addressed to A. Levison, Bedford]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Envelope addressed to A. Levison, Bedford.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Sheet of ornamentation designs for Wilson]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Sheet of ornamentation designs for Wilson. Labeled photo of Wilson machine attached.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 30
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Hints to agents; how to sell for cash.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Pamphlet containing useful advice for agents.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Business card of special travelling agent Wm. C. Shaw]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1880], Boston, [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Business card of special travelling agent Wm. C. Shaw. Picture of a sewing machine on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Special instructions. / How to sell sewing machines.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1880], Cleveland, Nevins' Print
Pages: 17
Descriptive Notes: Booklet containing advice for selling sewing machines; price list, space for notes, instructions for sending money by mail.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a dead man mourned for by his family]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Chicago, Ill. and Philadelphia, PA
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring dead man mourned for by his family.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: New and wonderful; an invention that should have been discovered twenty-five years ago; the Wilson mending attachment.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising the Wilson mending attachment.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Hints to agents; how to sell for cash.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Pamphlet containing useful advice for agents.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring women sewing by hand and girl at a sewing machine]
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1880], Buffalo, N.Y., Clay, Cosack and Co.
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: New York
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring woman sewing by hand and girl at sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Illustrated parts of the Wilson (family) machines.
Imprint: [Between 1860 and 1880], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Images and prices of parts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Company
Title: Directions for using the new Buckeye under-feed sewing machine. / You cannot use the machine until you thoroughly understand the directions.
Imprint: [between 1867 and 1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Model represented: Under-feed sewing machine.
Agent information: W.A. Henderson and Company; Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Buckeye under-feed sewing machine; diagram of machine with map detailing parts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 801

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Company
Title: Directions for using the Buckeye sewing machine. / You cannot use the machine until you fully understand the directions.
Imprint: [between 1867 and 1876], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 12
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Agent information: W.A. Henderson and Company; Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Instructions; diagrams of Buckeye sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available: Display Scanned Item: 805

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Company
Title: Directions for using the new Buckeye under-feed sewing machine. / You cannot use the machine until you thoroughly understand the directions.
Imprint: [between 1867 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Model represented: Under-feed sewing machine.
Agent information: W.A. Henderson and Company; Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Buckeye under-feed sewing machine; diagram of machine with map detailing parts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Company
Title: Directions for using the new Buckeye under-feed sewing machine. / You cannot use the machine until you thoroughly understand the directions.
Imprint: [between 1867 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Model represented: Under-feed sewing machine.
Agent information: W.A. Henderson and Company; Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Buckeye under-feed sewing machine; diagram of machine with map detailing parts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Company
Title: Directions for using the new Buckeye under-feed sewing machine. / You cannot use the machine until you thoroughly understand the directions.
Imprint: [between 1867 and 1885], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 8
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, OH
Model represented: Under-feed sewing machine.
Agent information: W.A. Henderson and Company; Cleveland, OH
Descriptive Notes: Instructions for using Buckeye under-feed sewing machine; diagram of machine with map detailing parts.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 1 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Business card of agent D.B. Piper of Keene, N.H.]
Imprint: [between 1867 and 1886], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: D.B. Piper, Keene, N.H.
Descriptive Notes: Business card of agent D.B. Piper of Keene, NH.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 16
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a facsimile of embroidered flowers]
Imprint: [Between 1870 and 1899], Buffalo, N.Y., Clay and Richmond
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: Trade card featuring facsimile of embroidered flowers, advertisement for Wilson oscillating shuttle sewing machine. Sample of darning and advertisement for Wilson mending attachment.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Barlow insurance surveys fire insurance map of the Wilson Sewing Machine Co. Works, Wallingford, Conn.]
Imprint: [Between 1883 and 1891], Boston, MA, Heliotype Printing Co.
Pages: 5
Notes: Company address: 192 Broadway, N.Y.
Descriptive Notes: Scale map and description of the Wilson Sewing Machine Co. and the Metropolitan Rubber Co.'s factory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Barlow's Insurance Surveys. Box: 3 : Folder 6
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: The Wilson manufacturing machine.
Imprint: [ca. 1875], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Notes: Models represented: 10, 12.
Descriptive Notes: Images and prices of models, advertising text for Wilson sewing machines.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: W.G. Wilson and Co.
Title: The star shuttle sewing machine.
Imprint: 1867, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Flier advertising star shuttle machine. Extensive advertising text on back.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: W.G. Wilson and Co.
Title: A household necessity, the star shuttle sewing machine.
Imprint: 1868, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Cleveland, Ohio
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement for the star shuttle machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Common sense; how to save money, startling disclosures; read carefully, it will astonish, profit and gratify you.
Imprint: 1872, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Advertising text, newspaper article reprint, picture of Cleveland manufactory.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Business letter concerning agent recruitment]
Imprint: 1872, Cleveland, O., W.J. Morgan and Co. Lith.
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Business letter concerning agent recruitment.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: The Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Vienna international exhibition 1873; official report of George A. Fairfield, Esq. to the United States government descriptive of the world renowned Wilson shuttle sewing machine. / Official report. The Wilson shuttle sewing machine.
Imprint: 1873, Chicago, Knight and Leonard
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Official report concerning the Wilson machine at the exhibition.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Company
Title: Official report of George A. Fairfield, Esq. to the United States Government, descriptive of the world renowned Wilson Shuttle sewing machine.
Imprint: 1873, Chicago, Knight and Leonard
Pages: 4
Notes: Model represented: Wilson.
Descriptive Notes: Official report of George A. Fairfield, Esq. to the United States Government Descriptive of the world renowned Wilson Shuttle sewing machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 17
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Bill over $86 to Dennis P. Viper for two Wilson no.9 machines and attachments]
Imprint: 1874, Keene, N.H., [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Bill over $86 to Dennis P. Viper for two Wilson no.9 machines and attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: [Business letter to J. Fred'k Stevens, Esq. concerning agent recruitment]
Imprint: 1874/12/17, Buffalo, N.Y., Clay, Cosack and Co.
Pages: 1
Descriptive Notes: Business letter to J. Fred'k Stevens, Esq. Concerning agent recruitment.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wilson Sewing Machine Co.
Title: To Postmasters free; a valuable invention.
Imprint: 1877, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Chicago, IL
Descriptive Notes: Cover letter for survey offering free attachment set to postmasters who fill in names of Wilson agents in their area.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 4 : Folder 29
Item Image Available:

226 Winsted Sewing Machine Company

Company Name on Item: Winsted Sewing Machine Co.
Title: Winsted Sewing Machine Co. over Chamberlain's Clothing House.
Imprint: 19th cent., [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: Winsted, Conn.
Descriptive Notes: The name Waters & Son appears in lower corner of right hand; this is a newspaper advertisement; no other description given; just mentions sewing machine co. and where it is located.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

227 C.A. Wood Co.

Company Name on Item: C.A. Wood Co.
Title: [Advertisement for C.A. Wood Co.'s Faultless bicycles]
Imprint: [1890?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Descriptive Notes: C.A. Wood Co., manufacturers of High-Arm Philadelphia Singer sewing machines; advertisement for faultless model 22 and 31 bicycles.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: C.A. Wood Co.
Title: [Advertisement for High-Arm Philadelphia Singer sewing machine]
Imprint: [1890?], [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: 17 North Tenth St., Philadelphia, PA
Models represented: 3, 4, 4 1/2, 5.
Descriptive Notes: Advertisement sent to retailers with wholesale prices and information.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 3 : Folder 3
Item Image Available:

228 L. Wright Machine Works

Company Name on Item: L. Wright Machine Works
Title: L. Wright's patent variable speed attachment for sewing machines.
Imprint: [1872?], Newark, N.J., Ward & Tichenor
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: No. 9 & 11 Alling St., Newark, N.J.
Agent information: L. Wright
Descriptive Notes: This attachment changes the speed of machines instantly from the slowest to the fastest rate without any stopping of belts or face plates.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: Wright and Smith Machine Works
Title: L. Wright patent variable speed attachments. / For sewing machine.
Imprint: [ca. 1874], Newark, NJ, Ward and Tichenor, printer
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Testimonials and recommendations for L. Wright speed attachments.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 5 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

del Piccadilly

Company Name on Item: Piccadilly
Title: Piccadilly imported needle case.
Imprint: [n.d.], [S.l.], Rhineland
Pages: 4
Descriptive Notes: Needle case.
Physical Location: NMAH. Textiles Collection. Box: 26 : Folder 0
Item Image Available:

del J.R. Brown and Sharpe

Company Name on Item: J.R. Brown and Sharpe
Title: [Receipt for purchase, 1, 2, 3 in. rules]
Imprint: 1865/5/10, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: 115 South Main St., Providence, R.I.
Descriptive Notes: Receipt for purchase of 12, 3 in. steel rules.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 8
Item Image Available:


Company Name on Item: Proctor's Improved Treadle
Title: [Flier describing the merits of using this treadle on a person's sewing machine]
Imprint: 1871, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: John H. Choate, 14 Temple Place, Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: Flier designed to interest people in the merits of Proctor's improved treadle; brings machine under perfect control; ability to vary speeds; simplicity of construction; can be applied to any machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 4
Item Image Available:

del F.C. Henderson Company

Company Name on Item: F.C. Henderson Co.
Title: [Trade card featuring a thirty day approval offer]
Imprint: 1912, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 2
Notes: Company address: Boston, Mass.
Descriptive Notes: This is a 30-day approval offer; 9 machines are listed with a checkbox alongside to indicate which sewing is requested; borrower has 30 days to decide whether or not to keep the machine.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 11
Item Image Available:

Company Name on Item: F.C. Henderson Company
Title: [Flier featuring information on Howe Sewing Machine models #93, #163, and #172]
Imprint: 1916/07/19, [S.l.], [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Company address: New York, NY
Models represented: 93, 163, 172.
Descriptive Notes: Flier featuring information on Howe Sewing Machine models #93, #163, and #172.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 1 : Folder 27
Item Image Available:

del New Jersey Agricultural Society

Company Name on Item: New Jersey Agricultural Society
Title: [Trade card featuring Dept. D, needlework &c., Class 36, entry No. 344 quilt]
Imprint: 19th cent., New Jersey, [s.n.]
Pages: 1
Notes: Agent information: Mrs. H. Price, Elizabeth, N.J.
Descriptive Notes: Card attesting to fact that Mrs. Henrietta Price, entry no. 344 class 36; entry no. 82 class 35; entry 83 class 35; entry 77 class 35; entry 163 class 36 has entered plain needlework, a quilt, a dress in various exhibits; also class 52, entry 114; etc.
Physical Location: NMAH. Archives Center. Warshaw. Box: 5 : Folder 8
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